Using Figure Artist

Figure Artist contains virtual figure models that are as anatomically correct as possible for the type of models that they are. When they move, they closely approximate the movement of an actual person’s anatomy. Although they are not perfect and there are situations in which the model does not follow the figure completely, the models do serve as useful tools for studying human anatomy. Figure Artist should not replace the study of bones and tissue from live models, but it can be a great tool for learning and understanding the different bones and muscles of the body.

If you are interested in deeper study of the human form, I suggest that in conjunction with Figure Artist, you pick up some good books on artistic anatomy and use the knowledge you gain from these sources in some live drawing sessions where you can see the real figure.

Because the human body is very complex, anatomy is not a simple subject, and it takes some time to learn all of the different aspects of the human form. Don’t feel that you need to learn it all at once. It is better learned through practice. Study an aspect of anatomy for a while, and then practice drawing it. Drawing is the best way for an artist to learn the human form.

In this chapter you covered many important aspects of human anatomy. This book is not intended to be an anatomy book, so the information here should just get you started on your way to understanding this fascinating aspect of figure drawing. In the next chapter, we will cover some of the more difficult aspects of drawing the figure, such as drawing hands, feet, and facial features.

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