Four Ways to Energize Your Life

There are only four ways that you can change your life or your work to enable you to stay on track and align with your balance point. They are simple and powerful.

1. You can do more of some things. What should you be doing more of if you want to be happier and more effective? The answer is usually that you should be doing more of those things from which you are getting the best results, those things that make you the happiest and that give you the greatest feeling of well-being in your life and work.

2. You can do less of other things. What should you be doing less of? Obviously, you should be doing less of the things that are not working for you—that are not giving you good results and are causing you unhappiness and frustration.

3. You can start doing something that you are not doing today. This is usually the hardest change to make. For you to start doing something completely new and different requires tremendous discipline and willpower. Everyone slips into a comfort zone, and becomes accustomed to doing certain activities, even if they are no longer working for the person.

What do you need to start doing today to create a wonderful life for yourself at some time in the future? What new activities do you need to engage in? What new subjects do you need to learn? What new goals do you need to set for yourself and work on every day?

4. You can stop doing certain things altogether. This brings us back to zero-based thinking. What are those things in your life that you should discontinue altogether so that you have more time to do the activities that are really important to you?

In time management and personal management, and whenever you feel frustrated or unhappy for any reason, ask yourself this great question: “What should I do more of, do less of, start, or stop?” You will always find the answers somewhere within yourself.

When you begin to follow these ideas each day, you will find your balance point, your center, and begin to achieve all the wonderful things that are possible you.

Good luck!

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