
“I don’t know what to do about our online reviews!”

You live in a time when online reviews are prominent and powerful, and you may have even written a few reviews yourself, but if you’re like many business stakeholders, you’re confused or overwhelmed by online reviews. Some businesses prefer to hide their heads in the sand, and others take an uneducated stab at dealing with reviews and find themselves facing negative consequences.

One friend of ours, a restaurant owner, told us that he used to read his reviews every night, feeling thrilled at the positive ones and furious at the negative ones. He never shared negative feedback with his head chef—“That would only upset her!”—but he did post angry anonymous responses and eventually got banned from the review site.

Another friend, a boutique owner, told us that she doesn’t look at her online reviews. She’s been running her business for 30 years, and it’s difficult to shift gears now: “I can’t change them, so why bother looking?”

And we’ve lost count of the number of marketing managers who tell us they don’t want to add product reviews to their online stores because they are afraid they’ll all be negative.

Lots of businesses make up their own rules about review responses and management, or choose to ignore their reviews altogether. But there’s a better way.

Managing your reviews does not have to be a white-knuckle ride or a stumble in the dark. There are effective strategies and proven processes that you can apply to your work with online reviews, and there is a large and growing body of research that illuminates the way toward best practices and improved outcomes.

Smart businesses—some of which may be your competitors—are already doing this right. They’re maximizing their visibility and customer acquisition via reviews, using review feedback wisely, responding to reviews with candor and humility (and with future customers in mind), and avoiding unethical practices. This set of activities, which we call online reviews management, is a relatively young area of online marketing, and the businesses that are doing it well have mostly improvised their way to the best practices.

We’ve talked with a lot of businesses in the course of writing this book and as part of our daily consulting work, and we’ve encountered a lot of unproductive misconceptions about online reviews. Perhaps you’ve bought into some of them yourself:

Myth “Only angry customers write online reviews.”
Fact Most online reviews are positive. On Yelp, 79% of all reviews are 3-star or above. Other review sites show similar statistics.
Myth “Online reviews don’t affect my business.”
Fact Reviews are highly influential. Studies show that consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations, and adding online product reviews to an e-commerce site can lift sales.
Myth “One negative review could bury my business.”
Fact Studies show that most people take the time to read review text and process review content through the filter of their unique circumstances. Rather than blindly following the star count or accepting every negative comment, they apply their own judgment to determine whether a review is applicable to them. Negative comments are actually desirable in some ways. They add credibility to your body of reviews and offer helpful insights that can help you manage customer expectations and drive the right customers your way.
Myth “It’s pointless to respond to reviews.”
Fact Most review sites offer a way for businesses to respond to reviews, and several experts we’ve spoken with suggested that businesses should reply to some or all of their online reviews—both positive and negative. It’s not uncommon for a reviewer to change a negative review after a situation is resolved to their satisfaction.
Myth “All of our negative reviews are fake or from crazy people.”
Fact Any business that has multiple negative reviews, especially if the reviews share common complaints, should consider the possibility that these are legitimate complaints from customers. Denial is a powerful force and could be detrimental to your business.

Now that you’ve been relieved of bad ideas that could be holding you back, read on to find the information, tools, and techniques you need to put your online reviews to work for your business!

What’s Inside

This book combines how-to instructions, advice from experts, insider tips from review venue representatives, and insights into consumer behavior that you can use to improve your own online reputation, achieve greater customer satisfaction, and leverage your reviews for customer acquisition.

We’ll also tell you stories of real businesses so that you can learn from their good ideas and avoid the mistakes they made. Here are some of the true stories in this book:

  • A service professional who wasted time and money trying to fix a bad review that nobody saw
  • A hotel that has it all figured out on TripAdvisor
  • A small business owner who attributes $100,000 in yearly revenue to leads that have been generated through reviews
  • A restaurant manager who developed a simple, repeatable process for learning from her reviews

Here’s what you’ll find in the chapters ahead:

Chapter 1: You Are Here: Understanding Your Opportunity Whether your business is a brick-and-mortar, e-commerce retailer, brand, destination, or nonprofit, your approach to online reviews management will require tailoring to match your business type. Get a handle on where and how your online reviews are created and consumed.
Chapter 2: The Online Reviews Landscape The online reviews space is complex, with numerous review sites and platforms, often feeding into one another. Find your path through the thicket with this chapter’s demystifying explanation of the various types of review venues.
Chapter 3: Understanding Reviewers and Reviews Learn the customer experiences that are most likely to trigger a review and what factors make a review influential.
Chapter 4: Monitoring and Learning from Your Reviews Find your reviews and figure out which review venues are most important for your business. Then take action to develop a sustainable plan for monitoring reviews and incorporating review feedback into your business.
Chapter 5: How to Get More Reviews There are numerous ways for a business to encourage new online reviews. Peruse a bounty of effective techniques to find workable ideas for your business and avoid common pitfalls that could get you into hot water.
Chapter 6: Review Venues: Need-to-Know Tips for Your Action Plan Insider details and how-to tips for six high-priority review venues: Yelp, Google+ Local, TripAdvisor, Angie’s List, ResellerRatings, and Bazaarvoice.
Chapter 7: Navigating Negative Reviews Many businesses suffer from negative review anxiety. This chapter holds your hand as you prevent negative reviews when you can, and calmly and strategically cope with the ones you can’t prevent.
Chapter 8: Showing Off and Being Found Help your reviews help you: Maximize the visibility of your positive online reviews, and use basic search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to help your online reviews benefit you in Google.
Chapter 9: Maintaining Your Momentum Translate the knowledge you’ve gained about online reviews into a sustainable plan for your business.

Conventions Used in This Book


This icon indicates a task assignment. Get your gears turning with practical step-by-step exercises to help you make progress in your own reviews management efforts.


Ethical concerns abound in online reviews. You’ll see this icon to alert you to be cautious about techniques that have the potential to veer into unethical territory, or when we describe examples of businesses that have unfortunately already crossed over to the dark side.


Hang onto your wallet! This icon indicates that we’re talking about your precious greenbacks. Sometimes we’re steering you in a cheap or free direction; other times we’re letting you know when a technique tends to be pricey.


We know you can handle the truth, even when it hurts. This icon indicates a difficult or inconvenient fact that may be hard to hear but is well worth knowing.

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