Condition Variable Management Routines

The FreeBSD kernel provides the following 11 functions for working with condition variables:

#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/condvar.h>

cv_init(struct cv *cvp, const char *d);

const char *
cv_wmesg(struct cv *cvp);

cv_wait(struct cv *cvp, lock);

cv_wait_unlock(struct cv *cvp, lock);

cv_wait_sig(struct cv *cvp, lock);

cv_timedwait(struct cv *cvp, lock, int timo);

cv_timedwait_sig(struct cv *cvp, lock, int timo);

cv_signal(struct cv *cvp);

cv_broadcast(struct cv *cvp);

cv_broadcastpri(struct cv *cvp, int pri);

cv_destroy(struct cv *cvp);

The cv_init function initializes the condition variable cvp. The d argument describes cvp.

The cv_wmesg function gets the description of cvp. This function is primarily used in error reporting.

Threads sleep on cvp by calling cv_wait. The lock argument demands a sleep mutex, sx lock, or rw lock. Threads must hold lock before calling cv_wait. Threads must not sleep on cvp with lock held recursively.

The cv_wait_unlock function is a variant of cv_wait. When threads wake up from sleeping on cvp, they forgo reacquiring lock.

The cv_wait_sig function is identical to cv_wait except that when the caller is asleep it can be woken up by signals. If this occurs, the error code EINTR or ERESTART is returned.


Normally, threads sleeping on condition variables cannot be woken up early.

The cv_timedwait function is identical to cv_wait except that the caller sleeps at most timo / hz seconds. If the sleep times out, the error code EWOULDBLOCK is returned.

The cv_timedwait_sig function is like cv_wait_sig and cv_timedwait. The caller can be woken up by signals and sleeps at most timo / hz seconds.

Threads wake up one thread sleeping on cvp by calling cv_signal, and they wake up every thread sleeping on cvp by calling cv_broadcast.

The cv_broadcastpri function is identical to cv_broadcast except that all threads woken up have their priority raised to pri. Threads with a priority higher than pri do not have their priority lowered.

The cv_destroy function destroys the condition variable cvp.


We’ll walk through an example that uses condition variables in Chapter 5.

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