16 Cross-site request forgery

This chapter covers

  • Managing session ID usage
  • Following state management conventions
  • Validating the Referer header
  • Sending, receiving, and verifying CSRF tokens

This chapter examines another large family of attacks, cross-site request forgery (CSRF). A CSRF attack aims to trick the victim into sending a forged request to a vulnerable website. CSRF resistance boils down to whether or not a system can distinguish a forged request from a user’s intentional requests. Secure systems do this via request headers, response headers, cookies, and state management conventions; defense in depth is not optional.

16.1 What is request forgery?

Suppose Alice deploys admin.alice.com, the administrative counterpart of her online bank. Like other administrative systems, admin.alice.com lets administrators such as Alice manage the group memberships of other users. For example, Alice can add someone to a group by submitting their username and the group name to /group-membership/.

One day, Alice receives a text message from Mallory, a malicious bank employee. The text message contains a link to one of Mallory’s predatory websites, win-iphone.mallory.com. Alice takes the bait. She navigates to Mallory’s site, where the following HTML page is rendered by her browser. Unbeknownst to Alice, this page contains a form with two hidden input fields. Mallory has prefilled these fields with her username and the name of a privileged group.

The remaining portion of this attack requires no further action from Alice. An event handler for the body tag, shown in bold font, automatically submits the form immediately after the page loads. Alice, currently logged in to admin.alice.com, unintentionally adds Mallory to the administrators group. As an administrator, Mallory is now free to abuse her new privileges:

  <body onload="document.forms[0].submit()">                      
    <form method="POST"
      <input type="hidden" name="username" value="mallory"/>      
      <input type="hidden" name="group" value="administrator"/>   

This event handler fires after the page loads.

URL of the forged request

Prefilled hidden input fields

In this example, Mallory literally executes CSRF; she tricks Alice into sending a forged request from another site. Figure 16.1 illustrates this attack.


Figure 16.1 Mallory uses a CSRF attack to escalate her privileges.

This time, Alice is tricked into escalating Mallory’s privileges. In the real world, the victim can be tricked into performing any action a vulnerable site allows them to do. This includes transferring money, buying something, or modifying their own account settings. Usually, the victim isn’t even aware of what they’ve done.

CSRF attacks are not limited to shady websites. A forged request can be sent from an email or messaging client as well.

Regardless of the attacker’s motive or technique, a CSRF attack succeeds because a vulnerable system isn’t capable of differentiating between a forged request and an intentional request. The remaining sections examine different ways to make this distinction.

16.2 Session ID management

A successful forged request must bear a valid session ID cookie of an authenticated user. If the session ID were not a requirement, the attacker would just send the request themselves instead of trying to bait the victim.

The session ID identifies the user but can’t identify their intentions. It is therefore important to forbid the browser from sending the session ID cookie when it isn’t necessary. Sites do this by adding a directive, named SameSite, to the Set-Cookie header (you learned about this header in chapter 7).

A SameSite directive informs the browser to restrict the cookie to requests from the “same site.” For example, a form submission from https://admin.alice.com/profile/ to https://admin.alice.com/group-membership/ is a same-site request. Table 16.1 lists several more examples of same-site requests. In each case, the source and destination of the request have the same registrable domain, bob.com.

Table 16.1 Same-site request examples






Different protocols do not matter.



Different subdomains do not matter.



Different paths do not matter.



Different ports do not matter.

A cross-site request is any request other than a same-site request. For example, submitting a form or navigating from win-iphone.mallory.com to admin.alice.com is a cross-site request.

Note A cross-site request is not to be confused with a cross-origin request. (In the previous chapter, you learned that an origin is defined by three parts of the URL: protocol, host, and port.) For example, a request from https:/./social.bob.com to https:/./www.bob.com is cross-origin but not cross-site.

The SameSite directive assumes one of three values: None, Strict, or Lax. An example of each is shown here in bold font:

Set-Cookie: sessionid=<session-id-value>; SameSite=None; ...
Set-Cookie: sessionid=<session-id-value>; SameSite=Strict; ...
Set-Cookie: sessionid=<session-id-value>; SameSite=Lax; ...

When the SameSite directive is None, the browser will unconditionally echo the session ID cookie back to the server it came from, even for cross-site requests. This option provides no security; it enables all forms of CSRF.

When the SameSite directive is Strict, the browser will send the session ID cookie only for same-site requests. For example, suppose admin.alice.com had used Strict when setting Alice’s session ID cookie. This wouldn’t have stopped Alice from visiting win-iphone.mallory.com, but it would have excluded Alice’s session ID from the forged request. Without a session ID, the request wouldn’t have been associated with a user, causing the site to reject it.

Why doesn’t every website set the session ID cookie with Strict? The Strict option provides security at the expense of functionality. Without a session ID cookie, the server has no way of identifying who an intentional cross-site request is coming from. The user must therefore authenticate every time they return to the site from an external source. This is unsuitable for a social media site and ideal for an online banking system.

Note None and Strict represent opposite ends of the risk spectrum. The None option provides no security; the Strict option provides the most security.

There is a reasonable sweet spot between None and Strict. When the SameSite directive is Lax, the browser sends the session ID cookie for all same-site requests, as well as cross-site top-level navigational requests using a safe HTTP method such as GET. In other words, your users won’t have to log back in every time they return to the site by clicking a link in an email. The session ID cookie will be omitted from all other cross-site requests as though the SameSite directive is Strict. This option is inappropriate for an online banking system but suitable for a social media site.

The SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE setting configures the SameSite directive for the session ID Set-Cookie header. Django 3.1 accepts the following four values for this setting:

  • "None"

  • "Strict"

  • "Lax"

  • False

The first three options are straightforward. The "None", "Strict", and "Lax" options configure Django to send the session ID with a SameSite directive of None, Strict or Lax, respectively. "Lax" is the default value.

WARNING I highly discourage setting SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE to False, especially if you support older browsers. This option makes your site less secure and less interoperable.

Assigning False to SESSION_COOKIE_SAMESITE will omit the SameSite directive entirely. When the SameSite directive is absent, the browser will fall back to its default behavior. This will cause a website to behave inconsistently for the following two reasons:

  • The default SameSite behavior varies from browser to browser.

  • At the time of this writing, browsers are migrating from a default of None to Lax.

Browsers originally used None as the default SameSite value. Starting with Chrome, most of them have switched to Lax for the sake of security.

Browsers, Django, and many other web frameworks default to Lax because this option represents a practical trade-off between security and functionality. For instance, Lax excludes the session ID from a form-driven POST request while including it for a navigational GET request. This works only if your GET request handlers follow state-management conventions.

16.3 State-management conventions

It is a common misconception that GET requests are immune to CSRF. In reality, CSRF immunity is actually a consequence of the request method and the implementation of the request handler. Specifically, safe HTTP methods should not change server state. The HTTP specification (https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231) identifies four safe methods:

Of the request methods defined by this specification, the GET, HEAD, OPTIONS, and TRACE methods are defined to be safe.

All state changes are conventionally reserved for unsafe HTTP methods such as POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. Conversely, safe methods are intended to be read-only:

Request methods are considered “safe” if their defined semantics are essentially read-only; i.e., the client does not request, and does not expect, any state change on the origin server as a result of applying a safe method to a target resource.

Unfortunately, safe methods are often confused with idempotent methods. An idempotent method is safely repeatable, not necessarily safe. From the HTTP specification

A request method is considered “idempotent” if the intended effect on the server of multiple identical requests with that method is the same as the effect for a single such request. Of the request methods defined by this specification, PUT, DELETE, and safe request methods are idempotent.

All safe methods are idempotent, but PUT and DELETE are both idempotent and unsafe. It is therefore a mistake to assume idempotent methods are immune to CSRF, even when implemented correctly. Figure 16.2 illustrates the difference between safe methods and idempotent methods.


Figure 16.2 The difference between safe methods and idempotent methods

Improper state management isn’t just ugly; it will actually leave your site vulnerable to attack. Why? In addition to programmers and security standards, these conventions are also recognized by browser vendors. For instance, suppose admin.alice.com sets SameSite to Lax for Alice’s session ID. This defuses Mallory’s hidden form so she replaces it with the following link. Alice clicks the link, sending a GET request with her session ID cookie to admin.alice.com. If the /group-membership/ handler accepts GET requests, Mallory still wins:

<a href="https://admin.alice.com/group-membership/?   
  Win an iPhone!

URL of the forged request

Request parameters

These conventions are even reinforced by web frameworks such as Django as well. For example, by default every Django project is equipped with a handful of CSRF checks. These checks, which I discuss in later sections, are intentionally suspended for safe methods. Once again, proper state management isn’t just a cosmetic design feature; it is a matter of security. The next section examines a few ways to encourage proper state management.

16.3.1 HTTP method validation

Safe method request handlers shouldn’t change state. This is easier said than done if you’re working with function-based views. By default, a function-based view will handle any request method. This means a function intended for POST requests may still be invoked by GET requests.

The next block of code illustrates a function-based view. The author defensively validates the request method, but notice how many lines of code this takes. Consider how error prone this is:

from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed
def group_membership_function(request):
    allowed_methods = {'POST'}                           
    if request.method not in allowed_methods:            
        return HttpResponseNotAllowed(allowed_methods)   
    return HttpResponse('state change successful')

Programmatically validates the request method

Conversely, class-based views map HTTP methods to class methods. There is no need to programmatically inspect the request method. Django does this for you. Mistakes are less likely to happen and more likely to be caught:

from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.views import View
class GroupMembershipView(View):
    def post(self, request, *args, **kwargs):    
        return HttpResponse('state change successful')

Explicitly declares the request method

Why would anyone validate the request method in a function when they can declare it in a class? If you’re working on a large legacy codebase, it may be unrealistic to refactor every function-based view to a class-based view. Django supports this scenario with a few method validation utilities. The require_http_methods decorator, shown here in bold font, restricts which methods a view function supports:

def group_membership_function(request):
    return HttpResponse('state change successful')

Table 16.2 lists three other built-in decorators that wrap require_http_methods.

Table 16.2 Request method validation decorators




@require_http_methods(['GET', 'HEAD'])





CSRF resistance is an application of defense in depth. In the next section, I’ll extend this concept to a couple of HTTP headers. Along the way, I’ll introduce you to Django’s built-in CSRF checks.

16.4 Referer header validation

For any given request, it is typically useful to the server if it can determine where the client obtained the URL. This information is often used to improve security, analyze web traffic, and optimize caching. The browser communicates this information to the server with a Referer request header.

The name of this header was accidentally misspelled in the HTTP specification; the entire industry intentionally maintains the misspelling for the sake of backward compatibility. The value of this header is the URL of the referring resource. For example, Charlie’s browser sets the Referer header to https:/./search.alice.com when navigating from search.alice.com to social.bob.com.

Secure sites resist CSRF by validating the Referer header. For example, suppose a site receives a forged POST request with a Referer header set to https:/./win-iphone.mallory.com. The server detects the attack by simply comparing its domain to the domain of the Referer header. Finally, it shields itself by rejecting the forged request.

Django performs this check automatically, but on rare occasions you may want to relax it for a specific referrer. This is useful if your organization needs to send unsafe same-site requests between subdomains. The CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS setting accommodates this use case by relaxing Referer header validation for one or more referrers.

Suppose Alice configures admin.alice.com to accept POST requests from bank.alice.com with the following code. Notice that the referrer in this list does not include the protocol; HTTPS is assumed. This is because Referer header validation, as well as Django’s other built-in CSRF checks, applies to only unsafe HTTPS requests:


This functionality carries risk. For example, if Mallory compromises bank.alice.com, she can use it to launch a CSRF attack against admin.alice.com. A forged request in this scenario would contain a valid Referer header. In other words, this feature builds a one-way bridge between the attack surfaces of these two systems.

In this section, you learned how servers build a defense layer out of the Referer header. From the user’s perspective, this solution is unfortunately less than perfect because it raises privacy concerns for public sites. For example, Bob may not want Alice to know which site he was at before visiting bank.alice.com. The next section discusses a response header designed to alleviate this problem.

16.4.1 Referrer-Policy response header

The Referrer-Policy response header gives the browser a hint for how and when to send the Referer request header. Unlike the Referer header, the Referrer-Policy header is spelled correctly.

This header accommodates eight policies. Table 16.3 describes what each of them communicates to a browser. Do not bother committing each policy to memory; some are fairly complicated. The important takeaway is that some policies, such as no-referrer and same-origin, omit the referrer address for cross-site HTTPS requests. Django’s CSRF checks identify these requests as attacks.

Table 16.3 Policy definitions for the Referrer-Policy header




Unconditionally omit the Referer header.


Send only the referrer origin. This includes the protocol, domain, and port. The path and query string are not included.


Send the referrer address for same-site requests and nothing for cross-site requests.


Send the referrer address for same-site requests but send only the referrer origin for cross-site requests.


Send nothing if the protocol is downgraded from HTTPS to HTTP; otherwise, send the referrer origin.


Send nothing if the protocol is downgraded; otherwise, send the referrer address.


Send the referrer address for same-origin requests. For cross-origin requests, send nothing if the protocol is downgraded and send the referrer origin if the protocol is preserved.


Unconditionally send the referrer address for every request.

The SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY setting configures the Referrer-Policy header. It defaults to same-origin.

Which policy should you choose? Look at it this way. The extreme ends of the risk spectrum are represented by no-referrer and unsafe-url. The no-referrer option maximizes user privacy, but every inbound cross-site request will resemble an assault. On the other hand, the unsafe-url option is unsafe because it leaks the entire URL, including the domain, path, and query string, all of which may carry private information. This happens even if the request is over HTTP but the referring resource was retrieved over HTTPS. Generally, you should avoid the extremes; the best policy for your site is almost always somewhere in the middle.

In the next section, I’ll continue with CSRF tokens, another one of Django’s built-in CSRF checks. Like Referer header validation, Django applies this layer of defense only to unsafe HTTPS requests. This is one more reason to follow proper state-management conventions and use TLS.

16.5 CSRF tokens

CSRF tokens are Django’s last layer of defense. Secure sites use CSRF tokens to identify intentional unsafe same-site requests from ordinary users like Alice and Bob. This strategy revolves around a two-step process:

  1. The server generates a token and sends it to the browser.

  2. The browser echoes back the token in ways the attacker cannot forge.

The server initiates the first portion of this strategy by generating a token and sending it to the browser as a cookie:

Set-Cookie: csrftoken=<token-value>; <directive>; <directive>;

Like the session ID cookie, the CSRF token cookie is configured by a handful of settings. The CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE setting corresponds to the Secure directive. In chapter 7, you learned that the Secure directive prohibits the browser from sending the cookie back to the server over HTTP:

Set-Cookie: csrftoken=<token-value>; Secure

WARNING CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE defaults to False, omitting the Secure directive. This means the CSRF token can be sent over HTTP, where it may be intercepted by a network eavesdropper. You should change this to True.

The details of Django’s CSRF token strategy depend on whether or not the browser sends a POST request. I describe both scenarios in the next two sections.

16.5.1 POST requests

When the server receives a POST request, it expects to find the CSRF token in two places: a cookie and a request parameter. The browser obviously takes care of the cookie. The request parameter, on the other hand, is your responsibility.

Django makes this easy when it comes to old-school HTML forms. You have already seen several examples of this in earlier chapters. For instance, in chapter 10, Alice used a form, shown here again, to send Bob a message. Notice that the form contains Django’s built-in csrf_token tag, shown in bold font:

    <form method='POST'>
        {% csrf_token %}      
            {{ form.as_table }}
        <input type='submit' value='Submit'>

This tag renders the CSRF token as a hidden input field.

The template engine converts the csrf_token tag into the following HTML input field:

<input type="hidden" name="csrfmiddlewaretoken"

After the request arrives, Django extracts the token from the cookie and the parameter. The request is accepted only if the cookie and the parameter match.

How can this stop a forged request from win-iphone.mallory.com? Mallory can easily embed her own token in a form hosted from her site, but the forged request will not contain a matching cookie. This is because the SameSite directive for the CSRF token cookie is Lax. As you learned in a previous section, the browser will therefore omit the cookie for unsafe cross-site requests. Furthermore, Mallory’s site simply has no way to modify the directive because the cookie doesn’t belong to her domain.

If you’re sending POST requests via JavaScript, you must programmatically emulate the csrf_token tag behavior. To do this, you must first obtain the CSRF token. The following JavaScript accomplishes this by extracting the CSRF token from the csrftoken cookie:

function extractToken(){
    const split = document.cookie.split('; ');
    const cookies = new Map(split.map(v => v.split('=')));
    return cookies.get('csrftoken');

Next, the token must then be sent back to the server as a POST parameter, shown here in bold font:

const headers = {
   'Content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'
fetch('/resource/', {                                    
        method: 'POST',                                  
        headers: headers,                                
        body: 'csrfmiddlewaretoken=' + extractToken()    
    .then(response => response.json())                   
    .then(data => console.log(data))                     
    .catch(error => console.error('error', error));      

Sends the CSRF token as a POST parameter

Handles the response

POST is only one of many unsafe request methods; Django has a different set of expectations for the others.

16.5.2 Other unsafe request methods

If Django receives a PUT, PATCH, or DELETE request, it expects to find the CSRF token in two places: a cookie and a custom request header named X-CSRFToken. As with POST requests, a little extra work is required.

The following JavaScript demonstrates this approach from the browser’s perspective. This code extracts the CSRF token from the cookie and programmatically copies it to a custom request header, shown in bold font:

fetch('/resource/', {
        method: 'DELETE',                    
        headers: {                           
            'X-CSRFToken': extractToken()    
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(data => console.log(data))
    .catch(error => console.error('error', error));

Uses an unsafe request method

Adds CSRF token with a custom header

Django extracts the token from the cookie and the header after it receives a non-POST unsafe request. If the cookie and the header do not match, the request is rejected.

This approach doesn't play nicely with certain configuration options. For example, the CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY setting configures the HttpOnly directive for the CSRF token cookie. In a previous chapter, you learned that the HttpOnly directive hides a cookie from client-side JavaScript. Assigning this setting to True will consequently break the previous code example.

Note Why does CSRF_COOKIE_HTTPONLY default to False while SESSION _COOKIE_HTTPONLY defaults to True? Or, why does Django omit HttpOnly for CSRF tokens while using it for session IDs? By the time an attacker is in a position to access a cookie, you no longer have to worry about CSRF. The site is already experiencing a much bigger problem: an active XSS attack.

The previous code example will also break if Django is configured to store the CSRF token in the user’s session instead of a cookie. This alternative is configured by setting CSRF_USE_SESSIONS to True. If you choose this option, or if you choose to use HttpOnly, you will have to extract the token from the document in some way if your templates need to send unsafe non-POST requests.

WARNING Regardless of the request method, it is important to avoid sending the CSRF token to another website. If you are embedding the token in an HTML form, or if you are adding it to an AJAX request header, always make certain the cookie is being sent back to where it came from. Failing to do this will expose the CSRF token to another system, where it could be used against you.

CSRF demands layers of defense in the same way XSS does. Secure systems compose these layers out of request headers, response headers, cookies, tokens, and proper state management. In the next chapter, I continue with cross-origin resource sharing, a topic that is often conflated with CSRF.


  • A secure site can differentiate an intentional request from a forged request.

  • None and Strict occupy opposite ends of the SameSite risk spectrum.

  • Lax is a reasonable trade-off, between the risk of None and Strict.

  • Other programmers, standards bodies, browser vendors, and web frameworks all agree: follow proper state management conventions.

  • Don’t validate a request method in a function when you can declare it in a class.

  • Simple Referer header validation and complex token validation are both effective forms of CSRF resistance.

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