
Why a book on mobile open source sync and push e-mail? Because mobile applications and messaging are the next big thing. Over 750 million mobile devices are sold every year. The entire population of the planet will have a mobile device (in many cases, more than one) in a few years. The diffusion of mobile devices is going to surpass, by every measurement, that of personal computers. If the Internet enabled an explosion of web applications, then the new era of wireless will create incredible demand for mobile applications. One of the biggest demand is already clear nowadays. People want to keep their network of contacts always with them even when they are not at their desktop. The need for sharing contacts and messages on a wide range of devices (in particular mobile) and with a wide range of applications has become crucial. People want to keep communicating using any means of communication they have used already—voice, e-mail, Facebook, blogs, and so on.

How this can be achieved in a landscape of so divergent applications and devices? With open standard protocols and open source implementations!

This book helps you gradually learn how to provide a full featured PIM synchronization and push e-mail service. It explains in details how to set up a Funambol service that provides mobile and desktop users contacts, along with calendar synchronization and push e-mail. It starts from a simple scenario of a personal address book backup scenario to mobilize enterprise data in a realistic enterprise environment. The book is also a great starting point for those who aim to extend Funambol in a truly open source spirit.

Another reason why I decided to write this book is because I see this as a valuable contribution to the Funambol community. As I like to say when I hire Funambol developers, working for Funambol is not only about working for a company; it means being part of a community of users, developers, and projects that make a few lines of code something alive and vital, something that changes and grows every day with the contribute of everyone.

I hope you will enjoy reading the following pages and learning about Funambol, mobile sync, and push e-mail. I certainly enjoyed writing this book and I hope to see you as part of the Funambol community soon.

Structure of the book

The book is structured in two parts.

In the first part, which contains Chapter 1 to 8, we will help Maria, the IT manager of a medium size enterprise, to deploy Funambol in her organization. We will first show them what Funambol is about (Chapter 1) and of which systems it is built of (Chapter 2). The next chapters focus on the administration functionality and tasks Maria may need for an efficient operation of Funambol, such as: administering users and devices, managing Funambol push e-mail and PIM synchronization (Chapter 4, 5, and 6). The following chapter (Chapter 7) shows how many different devices and applications can be easily used with Funambol to cover many scenarios that can be found in the real life. Finally, the last chapter (Chapter 8), tells Maria how Funambol can be extended with existing connectors to integrate with existing back ends like a CRM system.

The second part of the book is instead intended for developers who want to extend Funambol with integrations to different back ends. First, an introduction to the SyncML synchronization protocol is given (Chapter 9), so to give a common background developers can refer to; finally, a detailed description and tutorial about how to write Funambol connectors is given in the last chapter (Chapter 10).

What this book covers

PART 1— Deploying Funambol

Chapter 1: The First Sync shows how to install the server on both Linux and Windows and how to start/stop Funambol services. The reader will be guided to complete the first sync so as to make sure everything works as expected.

Chapter 2: Synchronizing Funambol shows how Funambol allows a user to sync their data and get notified of new e-mails or other personal data changes. The chapter covers what the architecture looks like from a system perspective, which components are involved and their responsibilities, and how Funambol push works.

Chapter 3: Mastering Data Synchronization tells how to comfortably configure and manage the Data Synchronization service. It will also provide general configuration concepts, acquiring the background and information needed to go in further detail in the following chapters.

Chapter 4: Administering Users and Devices will explain how to manage users and devices through the administration tool.

Chapter 5: Funambol E-mail discusses how to comfortably configure and manage the Funambol E-mail Connector.

Chapter 6: Funambol PIM Data Push shows how to comfortably work with Funambol PIM push.

Chapter 7: Synchronizing Devices and Desktops helps configure Funambol and other SyncML clients and how to synchronize devices from end to end.

Chapter 8: Making the Most of Funambol: Community and its Projects helps the reader learn about the Funambol community, how this can help a Funambol administrators and users, and which tools are available to users and developers. The reader will also learn how she can help the Funambol product or other users. In addition, as an example of how the community contributes to add value to the product, the reader will be presented a community project to integrate one of the most known CRM called SugarCRM.

PART 2— Extending Funambol

Chapter 9: Introduction to SyncML, discusses in more detail, the SyncML protocol used by Funambol to synchronize personal data and e-mail.

Chapter 10: Extending the Funambol Data Synchronization Service helps the reader learn how to develop a custom connector to access an external datasource. It will go through a simple example in the form of a tutorial.

What you need for this book

To start this book you do not need any particular software or tool. The book takes the reader through all steps needed to download, install, and use the Funambol mobile open source software. Some system administration background is recommended as the book is about deploying a PIM synchronization and mobile e-mail solution. In the second part of this book, which covers how to extend Funambol, some Java programming background is assumed.

Who this book is for

If you are looking forward to installing and getting started with Funambol, this book is for you. You need to be technically minded and confident with a bit of code tweaking, but not a developer.

General server administration skills are assumed and familiarity with Java will be a benefit in places.


In this book, you will find a number of styles of text that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles, and an explanation of their meaning.

Code words in text are shown as follows: "Standard options of a JVM can be set in the JAVA_OPTS environment variable before starting Funambol."

A block of code will be set as follows:

DEBUG [main]: Message 1
WARN [main]: Message 2

When we wish to draw your attention to a particular part of a code block, the relevant lines or items will be shown in bold:

<void method="setProperty">

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

$ bin/admin-passwd
Changing password for admin

New terms andimportant words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, in menus or dialog boxes for example, appear in our text like this: "Maria can access the loggers available in the server by expanding the Server settings | Logging node ".


Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.


Tips and tricks appear like this.

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