
I’d like to thank my parents, without whom I would not exist.

Thanks also go to my wonderful girlfriend, who put up with many a night and weekend listening to me mutter about code samples, inconsistent tenses, and run-on sentences.

This book would have suffered greatly without a great group of technical reviewers. My thanks to Rod Hilton, Michajlo “Mishu” Matijkiw, Venkat Subramaniam, Justin James, Dave Cleaver, Ted Neward, Neal Ford, Richard Minerich, Dustin Campbell, Dave Copeland, Josh Carter, Fred Daoud, and Chris Smith.

Finally, I’d like to thank Dave Thomas and Andy Hunt. Their book, The Pragmatic Programmer, is one of the first books I read when I started my career. It made a tremendous impact, and I’ve still got my original dog-eared, fingerprint-covered, bruised and battered copy. In the Pragmatic Bookshelf, they’ve created a publisher that’s truly dedicated to producing high-quality technical books and supporting the authors who write them.

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