Part 5

Introduction to derivatives


We have seen in the previous parts that more and more use of derivatives by investment funds of all types is being made as investment managers seek to benefit from the hedging and strategy benefits these instruments can offer. It is therefore important that administrators and custodians understand the products and their characteristics so that relevant processes, procedures, and controls can be established where use is made of derivatives in the portfolio. Derivatives use will mean that administrators and custodians need to consider several important issues. For example, whether the use of the product has been authorized or is permitted under the regulatory compliance of the fund, that is, the UCITS Directive, the accounting entries associated with the use of derivatives and the valuation techniques to be applied which will be included in the Pricing Policy. Further considerations will be possible margins calls, collateral management and the exercise, assignment and delivery, if the derivative position reaches that stage. This part of the book will explain the structure of derivatives markets and the characteristics of the common products.


investment funds
investment managers
We have seen in the previous parts of the book that more and more use of derivatives by investment funds of all types is being made as investment managers seek to benefit from the hedging and strategy benefits these instruments can offer.
It is therefore important that administrators and custodians understand the products and their characteristics so that relevant processes, procedures, and controls can be established where use is made of derivatives in the portfolio.
Derivatives use will mean that administrators and custodians need to consider several important issues. For example, whether the use of the product has been authorized or is permitted under the regulatory compliance of the fund, for example the UCITS Directive, the accounting entries associated with the use of derivatives and the valuation techniques to be applied.
Further considerations will be possible margins calls, collateral and exercise, assignment and delivery, if the derivative position reaches that stage.
This part of the book will explain the structure of derivatives markets and the characteristics of the common products.
It will also explore the operational issues of derivatives use.


Today, the derivative markets are truly global with both exchange traded futures and options contracts and OTC derivative products based on a wide range of asset classes encompassing currencies, commodities, interest rates, bonds, equities, and credit default insurance.
This vast array of derivative products traded today would seem unbelievable to the farmers and merchants of the Midwest, United States of America in the mid-1800s, who first started trading futures contracts of a form similar to those today.
We have probably read about the problems that certain companies have had with derivatives trading in the past and indeed derivatives were in some people’s eyes implicated in the market crash of 2008. However, as you will see from the examples shown in this part of the book, if used properly derivatives are excellent tools for both portfolio and risk management. The problems that have occurred have generally been in situations where derivatives have been misused. In all such cases there has been a lack of appropriate controls and procedures, often coupled with a lack of understanding of the products characteristics, the way in which they can be used, their suitability, and/or the risks involved.
One of the highest profile events was the collapse of Barings Bank in the 1990s as a result of significant misuse. A trader was carrying out unauthorized deals and hiding the resulting exposure the bank was taking. The losses that he was making in his “hidden” account were substantial, yet he was reporting a profit in the bank’s accounts. However, the real fault lay with the lack of understanding and control at senior management level that allowed this uncontrolled and unauthorized trading to go on for so long. It was compounded by the fact that the trader was also in charge of the operations function that settled the trades with no additional oversight or segregation of the front/back office functions and controls.
Other examples would be the $ billion+ loss suffered by a hedge fund due to a very large speculative position created in natural gas futures contracts, and the trader at a French bank holding large futures positions that were not reflected in the firm’s records and were allegedly unknown to senior management. There are a number of other well documented past “loss events” that provide useful case studies of what can go wrong.
Although there have been well-publicized problems with derivatives, we should also note the fact that millions of contracts are traded quite safely by numerous organizations around the world every single day. These transactions are fulfilling the purpose they were intended for; that is, transferring risk from those that wish to reduce it (hedgers) to those that wish to assume it (speculators); through hedging and trading strategies that enable banks, fund managers, corporations, and private investors to increase or decrease their market exposures efficiently and cost effectively.

Exchange traded futures and options


A considerable amount of jargon is used in the language of the futures and options industry and, confusingly, often more than one word that has the same meaning. The generic term “derivatives” encompasses many different product types and covers more than simply forwards, futures and options, all types of derivative that have been around for hundreds of years.
Derivatives usually indicate something of their meaning in their title; for example:
“Forwards and futures”—something agreed today in respect of a later (future) event.
“Options”—something involving a choice of alternatives.
“Swaps”—the exchange of one thing for something else.
In practice there are many variances on these three basic derivative structures.
Let’s look at some definitions related to the products


A definition of a derivative is:
A financial or commodity instrument whose value is dependent on, or derived from, the value of an underlying asset.


A definition of a forward contract is:
A forward contract is a legally binding obligation to buy or sell an agreed amount of an agreed asset at a certain future time for a certain price agreed today.
A forward contract is where the buyer and seller enter into a legally binding transaction to buy/sell a fixed amount of an underlying asset (most commonly a physical commodity, energy product, or currency) on a specific future date at an agreed (forward) price.
A forward contract differs from a “spot” transaction to buy/sell an asset now at today’s (spot) price. The difference between the spot and forward price is called the “forward premium or discount.” Settlement of a forward contract (ie, delivery of the underlying asset from the seller against payment from the buyer) occurs only on the agreed future date of delivery.
Forward contracts are mostly bespoke and nonstandardized with the exact terms being negotiated “over the counter” (ie, outside any exchange) between the two parties. Forward contracts are used extensively by a wide variety of commercial firms in the normal course of their business activities. Currency forwards are quoted on systems as well as being agreed via telephone.
A forward rate agreement (FRA) is a type of forward contract used by borrowers and lenders in respect of interest rate risk management.

Futures Contracts

A definition of a futures contract is:
An agreement or legally binding obligation to buy or sell a standard amount of a standard asset at a certain specific time in the future for a certain price that is agreed today.
Futures contracts are standardized versions of forward contracts and are only traded on regulated exchanges. Futures contracts are standardized in respect of the underlying asset type and quality (ie, energy and commodity products, government bonds, stock indices, currencies, or interest rates), unit size, price quotation, settlement terms, and conditions, and offer a limited range of delivery (or maturity) dates. Futures contract specifications are fixed in advance and published by the exchange on which the futures contract is traded.
Exchange traded futures contracts are cleared and settled through a central counterparty clearing house structure and this important feature, together with the standardized nature of futures contracts, makes for a very deep and liquid market in the most commonly traded products.
Futures contracts (and options on futures) are “marked to market” every day. This requires the daily receipt of profit or payment of loss against the previous day’s settlement (or closing) price and is known as “variation margin.”
Futures contracts can be bought to create a “long” position or sold to create a “short” position.


A sale of 20 June. UK Long Gilt* futures contracts @ 107.39 can be traded as an opening position, that is, creating a short position.
The seller does not need to have an existing long or bought position. As a result of the above transaction the seller would now have a short position. To remove the obligation to deliver cash Gilt securities in June, the seller would need to buy an equal number of June futures contracts to close the position out. Alternatively, they could hold the contract through to the delivery date.

* Traded on the NYSE LIFFE exchange (now part of ICE)


A definition of a swap is:
An agreement or legally binding obligation under which two counterparties (“payer” and “receiver”) exchange risk exposures and cash flows calculated by reference to an agreed notional principal amount of an agreed asset.
Measured in terms of notional value, swaps are the most highly traded of all derivative products, in particular interest rate swaps, which represent a significant amount of the total notional value of all OTC derivatives. As well as interest rates, swaps are also traded with reference to underlying energy and commodity products, bonds, shares, equity indices, credit and even property indices.
Swaps are bespoke, nonstandardized transactions, the detailed terms of which are negotiated between the two parties. However, over the last 20 years, many aspects of the swaps market have become relatively standardized; a trend that has been driven by the work of well respected industry bodies such as the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA).
Since the market crash of 2008, many of these bilaterally negotiated over the counter products have been moved to trading on systems and or being centrally cleared.


A definition of an option is:
In the case of the option buyer (or holder); it is the right but not the obligation to take (“call”) or make (“put”) delivery of an underlying asset; and
In the case of the option seller (or writer); it is the obligation to make or take delivery of the underlying asset, if the buyer exercises the option.
Options have different characteristics from forwards, futures, and swaps.
A Call/Put option gives the buyer the right to purchase/sell an agreed amount of a specific underlying asset at a fixed exercise (strike) price, on or before a specified future expiration date. The buyer chooses whether or not to exercise the option.
The seller of the option is obliged to make (call options) or take (put options) delivery of an agreed amount of a specific asset at a fixed exercise (strike) price, on or before a specified future expiration date. In return for accepting this obligation, the seller receives a negotiated premium from the option buyer. The premium is also known as the market price for an option.
Options are traded both on exchanges (standardized “exchange traded options”) and outside exchanges (over-the-counter “OTC options”). There is often a liquid secondary market for exchange traded options.
As with swaps however regulation is changing the process and so OTC transactions may take place on systems and or be centrally cleared.
Some common terms that are associated with options include:
Expiry date: The last date that an option holder can “exercise” their right. After this date an option is deemed to have expired or have been “abandoned.”
Exercise price: The fixed price, per asset or unit, (also called “Strike Price”) at which an option conveys the right to the buyer to either call (purchase) or put (sell) the underlying asset or instrument.
Premium or option price: The sum of money paid by the option buyer for acquiring the right of the option. It is the sum of money received by the seller for incurring the obligation, having sold the rights, of the option. Premium is normally paid or received on trade day plus one (T + 1).


A call option where the exercise price is below the underlying asset price, or a put option where the exercise price is above the underlying asset price. These options are deemed to have “intrinsic value” of the in-the-money difference between the exercise price and the underlying asset price.
An option, whose exercise price is equal, or closest to, the current market price of the underlying asset. This option has no intrinsic value as there is no in-the-money difference between the exercise price and the underlying asset price.
A call option whose exercise price is above the current underlying asset price, or a put option whose exercise price is below the current underlying asset price. This option has no intrinsic value.

Long and Short Options

As with futures, long and short are terms that describe the position held in the options. When making an opening purchase the buyer of an option becomes known as a position “holder” and is said to be “long.” When making an opening sale the seller of an option becomes known as a position “writer” and is said to be “short.” Option positions can be either long or short. Long or short option positions are closed out by a transaction of the opposite position.


Sale of 100 NYSE.Liffe BT Group plc Dec 400 Calls @ 69
The seller or writer of this option has opened a short position giving the buyer or holder of the option the right to ask for delivery of British Telecom shares at 400 p anytime until expiry of the option in Dec.
For that right the buyer has paid the seller a price (also called a “premium”) of 69 p. Each contract is for 1000 shares so the seller has received a premium of £69,000 (100,000 × 69 p) but, if this option is exercised by the buyer, the seller must deliver the shares for 400 p irrespective of the price of BT in the market.
Clearly the buyer is expecting the shares to be above 469 p (400 p + 69 p) by Dec. and the seller is expecting the price to be below 469 p, or be willing to sell the shares at this level.

Options on Futures

Options on futures contracts have the same characteristics as the options described above. The difference is that the underlying product is either a long or short futures contract. Premium is not paid or received on T + 1 as these contracts are marked to market each day over the life of the option.


Long 70 NYSE Liffe Long Gilt Dec 107.00 Put options @ 1.06
The buyer has bought the right to a short position of 70 futures at 107 (the seller will therefore be obliged to assume a long position if assigned). For the calculation of variation margin the position is marked to market at 1.06.
If exercised before expiry, this option would provide the buyer with a short position, (because it is a put option), of 70 LIFFE Long Gilt Dec futures at a price of 107.00.

History of Exchange Development and Growth

The development of futures markets can be traced back to the Middle Ages and revolved around the supply and demand of farmers and merchants. The early contracts were for delivery of grains like oats, corn, and wheat.

First Traded Futures Exchange

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) was established in 1848, to standardize the size, quality, and delivery date of these commodity agreements into a contract (CBOT merged with CME in 2007). Once established the standardization enabled contracts to be readily traded. Thus, the forerunner of today’s markets was born and farmers or merchants who wanted to hedge against price fluctuations, caused by poor or bumper harvests, bought and sold contracts with traders or market makers who were willing to make a two way price for buying and selling. Speculators, who wanted to gamble on the price going up or down without actually buying or selling the physical grain themselves, were also attracted to the market.
Thus liquidity in the contracts was created. The market maker was able, if he wanted, to lay off the risk he had assumed from buying and selling with the hedgers, by doing the opposite buying and selling with the speculators. The market maker’s profit was the difference between buying and selling prices of his contracts. In essence, today’s markets do the same job but in hundreds of different products.
In the 1870s, following in CBOT’s footsteps, the Chicago Produce Exchange provided a market for perishable agricultural products like butter and eggs. After some upheaval in 1898, certain traders broke away and formed what is now known as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME). In 1919, the CME was authorized to allow futures trading on a variety of commodities including pork bellies, hogs, and cattle. Similarly in the late 19th century, the early versions of futures contracts on precious metals and crude oil were established in New York—the forerunners of the Commodity Exchange (COMEX) and New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX), two futures exchanges now both combined as a division of the CME, where futures and options contracts include crude oil, gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, gold, silver, copper, aluminum, and platinum. NYMEX was acquired by the CME Group in 2008.

Emergence of Financial Futures Markets

From the end of World War II until the early 1970s, there was a very stable economic environment in the United States helped by the Bretton Woods Agreement, which kept interest rates in a narrow range. However, when the US dollar was devalued, partly as a consequence of the funding of the Vietnam War and a heavy domestic spending program, uncertainty and fluctuation in interest and currency rates replaced economic stability. Europe and Japan had also recovered in economic terms from the rebuilding effects of World War II and with their economies growing the US dollar came under severe pressure.
The need to be able to hedge (or to protect) against the risk associated with volatile currencies and interest rates became critical for many businesses and industries. Therefore, we saw the birth of the first financial contracts which became the cornerstone of the futures and options industry as we know it today.
In 1972, the CME established a division known as the International Monetary Market (IMM). Its purpose was to enable trading in futures contracts based on foreign currencies. In 1975 the CBOT launched the first futures contract on a financial instrument, the Ginnie Mae Mortgage Bond future, followed by the CME, which listed the Eurodollar (3 month interest rate) contract. Shortly after this, the CBOT listed the Treasury Bond future, which was to become for many years the world’s most heavily traded futures contract. In 1983, the CME started trading futures contracts on the S&P500 Stock Index, one of the first futures contract designed for the equity market.
In the United States, prior to 1975, nearly all contracts traded were agricultural. Volume in these contracts was less than 10 million per year. However, by 1994, after the introduction of energy, metal, financial currency, interest rate, and equity index futures, trading volumes had risen to almost 700 million contracts per year.
Since then, the growth in volume of futures and options contracts in the United States and the rest of the world has been phenomenal, as more and more exchanges have opened and a plethora of financial and commodity products have been listed to meet the demands in many different markets for risk hedging mechanisms. Futures and options exchanges are now well established in Brazil, Russia, India, and China and have been increasingly successful in attracting both local and international trading participants.

Futures Exchanges in Europe

The development and growth of futures markets in Europe has mirrored the American experience. The origins of the London Metal Exchange (LME) (LME was acquired by Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd in 2012) and the London Commodity Exchange (LCE) can be traced back to the 1600s, with copper and tin trading well established by the 1870s, although more standardized commodity futures contracts (based on coffee, cocoa, and sugar) were not traded until the 1890s. LCE was merged into LIFFE in the 1990s (now owned by ICE). The LME added further metals from the 1920s onward (lead, zinc, and later aluminum). In 1979, the International Petroleum Exchange (IPE)—acquired in 2001 by Intercontinental Exchange Inc (ICE)—was created to trade European Gasoil and Brent Crude. This was followed by the opening of The London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE) (LIFFE was acquired by Euronext in 2002, which merged with NYSE in 2007 and was then acquired by ICE in 2013) in 1982 (listing the first non-US financial futures contract), the Paris based MATIF (MATIF was merged into Euronext in 2000) in 1986, and Germany’s DTB in 1990 (DTB was the forerunner of EUREX). Futures trading volumes, especially in respect of interest rate, government bond, and stock index products, grew very rapidly throughout the 1990s.
The expansion of the European market, the introduction of the Euro currency and the shift of trading activity from physical “open outcry” to much cheaper and more efficient electronic trading systems has led directly to a significant consolidation of European futures trading activity and exchange mergers over the last 13 years. The two most liquid futures and options markets in Europe are now EUREX (founded in 1998 from the merger of DTB and Soffex) and Euronext (formed in 2000 from the merger of the Amsterdam, Brussels, and Paris exchanges and later LIFFE in 2002). In 2007 Euronext was acquired by the NYSE, which was itself acquired in 2013 by ICE. The newest European futures exchange is the European Energy Exchange (EEX) in Germany, which started listing derivatives in 2006 and now offers European natural gas, power/electricity, emission, and coal futures contracts.

Futures Exchanges in Asia

Although futures markets in Asia developed a bit later than in the United States and Europe, growth over the last 20 years has been dramatic. The first Asian commodity futures were traded in the 1950s on the Tokyo Rubber Exchange (TRE) (The Tokyo Rubber, Gold, and Textile exchanges were merged in 1984 to create the Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TCE)) and in 1960s on the Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) (SFE was merged with the Australian Stock Exchange in 2006 to create ASX), and by 1976 the Hong Kong Futures Exchange (HKFE) had also been established. HKFE was merged into Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd (HKEx) in 2000. The first financial futures contracts were trade on the SFE in 1979. The birth of stock index futures in the early 1980s marked the start of a surge in futures trading across Asia and the launch of some of the today’s well-known regional benchmark derivative products. The Singapore International Mercantile Exchange (SIMEX) commenced in 1984 and Hang Seng Index futures started trading on the HKFE in 1985. SIMEX became part of the Singapore Exchange (SGX) in 1999. The Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) launched Japanese Government Bond futures in 1985 and this was followed by the Osaka Stock Exchange (OSE) Nikkei 225 futures contract in 1988 and the Tokyo Financial Exchange (TFE) Euroyen futures contract in 1989. Originally named Tokyo International Financial Futures Exchange (TIFFE).
Across Asia the geographic spread and growth of new futures exchanges continued into the 1990s. The first Chinese commodity futures exchanges were established from 1993 onward, and the Dalian Commodity Exchange, the Shanghai Futures Exchange, and Zhengzhou Commodity Exchange were all listed in the Futures Industry Top 15 global derivatives exchanges (by contract volume) for 2012. The Korea Exchange (KRX) Kospi 200 Index futures contract (launched in 1996) and the National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) CNX Nifty 50 Index futures (launched in 2000) are now two of the world’s most highly traded futures contracts.

First Options Exchanges

As with the futures markets, exchange traded options are now listed on a wide range of financial (currency, interest rate, equity), energy, metals, and commodity products to meet global demand for these risk management instruments. Like futures, the use of options can be traced back to the 18th century, and in certain forms as far back as the Middle Ages. In the 18th century, options were traded in both Europe and the United States of America, but unfortunately due to widespread corrupt practices the markets had a bad name. Indeed, in the 17th century the Dutch economy nearly crashed after the collapse of a market in options on tulip bulbs.
These early forms of option contracts were traded between the buyer and seller and had only two possible outcomes. The option was exercised (ie, the underlying product changed hands at the agreed price) or it expired without the buyer taking up his “option” to exercise the contract for delivery. In other words, there was no “trading” of the option positions, and worse, in the early days there was no guarantee that the seller would honor his obligation to deliver the underlying asset if the buyer exercised his option.
In 1973, the CBOT proposed a new exchange, the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), to trade stock options in a standardized form and on a recognized market where performance of the option contract on exercise was guaranteed. This was the true birth of “traded options.” Several factors also contributed to the growth of traded option markets. First, the ability to calculate a “fair” price for options was made possible with the introduction of a mathematical formula, which was widely accepted by the market. Second, the market maker system was upgraded to insure there was always a two-way (bid and offer) price quoted thus insuring liquidity. Third was the growth of computer processing, which enabled large numbers of trades to be efficiently matched, cleared, and settled. The United States led the way.
Some of the earliest equity option exchanges included the Australian Option Market (now owned by the Australian Stock Exchange), which opened in 1976, the European Options Exchange in Amsterdam (EOE) in 1978 and the London Traded Option Market (LTOM) in 1978, which was originally part of the London Stock Exchange, but merged with LIFFE in 1993. EOE became part of Euronext in 2000, which is now owned by ICE. Equity option and stock index option trading grew rapidly in Asia during the 1990s as more futures and options exchanges opened to offer trading and hedging opportunities on a plethora of newly launched indices.

Futures and Options Exchanges Today

Today, as we have already noted, the derivatives industry is truly global. To illustrate just how big the industry is, we only need to look at the volume of contracts traded on worldwide derivatives exchanges during 2014, which based on activity at 75 worldwide exchanges totaled over 21 billion contracts (Source: The Futures Industry Association).
Although futures and options contract innovation continues to evolve, nearly all the key benchmark financial futures and options contracts (eg, US T Bond, Eurodollar, S&P500 index, Bund, Bob l, Euribor, DAX, Gilt, FTSE index, JGB, Nikkei 225, Euroyen) were first listed in the 1980s. Although some important new futures and options exchanges have been established since then, particularly in Asia, it is mainly the wider and increased usage by market participants, globalization and the much greater capacity and efficiency of electronic markets that has driven growth in the last 10 years. Increased volatility and economic uncertainty in the markets has also led to additional growth in trading activity as hedgers use derivatives to manage risk. Today there is significant consolidation taking place with exchanges merging and readers of this book should access the FIA website at

Futures and Option Contract Specifications and Diversity

Exchange traded futures and options contracts have standardized terms and conditions. These contracts are standardized with regard to the unit of trading (contract size), delivery months (contract expiry/ maturity), price quotation, minimum price fluctuation (“tick” size and value), trading hours, last trading day, and delivery procedures. For each contract type, these headline specifications are supported by a comprehensive legal agreement that sets out all the detailed contract terms and delivery procedures (if applicable), as designed and determined by the relevant exchange authority. Contract specification details can be found on the exchange’s website.

Tick Size

The tick size of a contract is worked out in different ways, with some examples as follows:
CME S&P500 Index Future
The contract size or trading unit is S&P500 Index × $250.
The price is quoted in index points and the minimum price fluctuation is 0.10 index points. This gives a tick size of $25 ($250 divided by 10).
NYSE Liffe Short Sterling 3 Month Interest Rate Future
The tick size is the value of a one-point movement in the contract price. This price is arrived at by multiplying the notional contract size by the length of time of the notional time deposit underlying the contract in years multiplied by the minimum tick size movement of 0.01%.
Tick size = £500,000 × 3/12 × 0.01% = £12.50

Product Range

Liquid exchange traded futures and options markets now exist for all the following asset classes:
Product categories:
Government bonds (2–30 years)
3 month interest rates
Futures on swaps
Stock indices
Individual equities
Currencies (vs USD)
Precious metals
Base metals
Oil (full product range)
Natural gas, coal
Soft commodities
Agricultural commodities
*Property (residential and commercial)

*  Residential property futures were listed by CME in 2006; although the property derivatives market is mainly traded OTC.

Now we will consider two types of futures contract in more detail: equity index futures and commodity futures.

Equity Index Futures

Since the first index based contract was introduced in 1982 on the Kansas City Board of Trade, stock index futures have been among the fastest growing futures contracts. So popular have they become, that in most cases the volume of futures market trading significantly exceeds trading volumes in the associated underlying cash market. The first important equity index contract to be launched, the S&P 500 contract traded on the CME (launched in Jan. 1983), is still the most heavily traded equity index futures contract (by notional value).
An equity index contract allows both investors and speculators to buy or sell the index at a fixed level. The seller, or short, has an obligation to sell (deliver) a fixed amount of the underlying equity market (number of contracts × contract value) at maturity at the price traded. However in practice futures contracts are rarely held to maturity. They are usually closed out prior to settlement by an equal and opposite transaction in the market.
With equity index futures it is very difficult to design a procedure that enables the seller to actually deliver a basket of multiple different shares in the exact proportions (weighting) required to replicate the relevant underlying index. Thus unlike many other futures contracts (eg, Bonds, metals, commodities) equity index contracts are always “cash settled.” When the contract matures, if the index is above the price at which the futures contract was bought, the seller, instead of having to deliver a basket of shares, simply pays the buyer the cash difference between the index price at maturity and the original traded contract price. If it is lower, then the buyer pays the cash difference. So in practice an equity index futures contract is an agreement to buy or sell the cash value of the index at a future date.

Commodity Futures

Commodity futures contracts differ from financial futures due to the very different nature of the underlying assets. Indeed, historically financial institutions have shied away from commodity futures due to the implications of physical delivery. However when returns on equities and yields on interest rates fall, investors often look for alternative assets to invest in and the commodity markets (including energy and metals) may sometimes offer a potential source of better returns. In practice, the major commodity and energy derivative market participants are the large corporate producers, manufacturers, and consumers of the actual commodity being traded, alongside a number of commodity finance banks and some specialist fund managers.
Physical agricultural and soft commodities have the additional feature of being perishable over time and thus have only a limited lifespan in which they can be consumed. To deal with the complicated issues of physical commodity delivery, the futures exchanges have designed detailed delivery procedures and regulations (eg, regarding warehousing, transportation, and product quality requirements) that must be carefully adhered to by both buyers and sellers involved in any delivery process.
Agricultural and soft commodities are finite in terms of availability and subject to variations in quality due to the forces of nature, such as weather. In order to ensure the product delivered is of the correct quality, as defined in the contract terms, there is a quality checking procedure. Where there is a problem with delivery, arbitration is sought via a trade association or an independent source appointed by the exchange. The delivery months of agricultural and soft commodities are not as standardized as for some other futures contracts. This is because they have to take into account factors such as growing season, harvesting and transportation.
During the delivery period the “clearing house” organization that operates the clearing and settlement system and manages the risk on behalf of the exchange, may demand higher margin deposits from holders of open positions in order to encourage traders who do not wish to go to delivery to close out their positions prior to the maturity/delivery date. Less than 0.1% of futures contracts traded actually result in a delivery of the underlying asset.


Purchase of 50 NYSE Liffe July Cocoa futures @ 1750
The buyer has entered into an obligation to take delivery of cocoa from the holder of a short position in Jul. The price is set at £1,750/ton irrespective of the price cocoa might be trading at in Jul.

Basic Trading and Hedging Strategies

Although the fund custodian and administrator are supporting investment funds and their management, it is important to understand the way in which the markets work and the players involved so we will look at trading as well as strategies used in investment management, for example, strategies utilized by hedge funds involve gearing etc.


The basic rule of trading is the same the world over, regardless of the type of item being traded: “buy low, sell high.” Futures contracts are particularly well suited to high risk speculative trading, first because they require only a small percentage of contract value to be put up as a deposit (margin) and second because, unlike most other assets and financial instruments, the trader can readily go short, that is, sell a futures contract and then buy it back later (with a view to making a profit as prices fall). Obviously the skill of any trading activity is to determine how to consistently make profits over a long period of time. Indeed a huge research industry has built up to support traders in their quest for the “perfect” trading system, comprising both fundamental market research and a myriad of various technical analysis and related software; covering such things as pattern, trend, chart and gap analysis, moving averages, momentum indicators, and complex option and derivative pricing models.
Equity index futures are one of the most flexible trading instruments. Traders and speculators can use them to obtain maximum gearing for their strategies on stock market direction, while “arbitrageurs” can use them to take advantage of pricing anomalies.

Trading Strategy 1: Market Direction (Using Futures)

An investor, who believes that the market as a whole will rise, can purchase exposure to the relevant stock index in a single transaction by buying the requisite number of futures contracts (rather than a basket of the individual equities). For example, an investor deposits £100,000 with his broker and buys 25 FTSE100 contracts at a price of 5990 (equivalent to a £1,497,500 investment in the index, ie, 25 contracts × £10 × 5990). Against this position, he has to put up a margin deposit of (say) £2,500 per contract (= £62,500). Some weeks later, after several rises and falls in the market the index has risen to 6040. The investor decides to close out his position by selling 25 contracts (now equivalent to an investment of £1,510,000). His margin deposit is returned and he makes a £12,500 profit (25 contracts × 50 points (6040−5990) × £10 per point value).

Trading Strategy 2: Speculating (Using Options)

Options are attractive to speculators because of their limited downside risk. For the buyer of call or put options their maximum potential loss is the amount of option premium paid; while, if the market moves in their favor the potential upside profit is unlimited.
A speculator believes that BP plc shares, which are currently 490 p, will rise in the next few weeks. He has approx. £50,000 to invest. He could purchase 10,200 shares at 490 p or, in the traded option market, he could buy 200 of the 500 p Jun. call option contracts (1000 shares per contract) for 25 p/share or £50,000. These call options give him an exposure to 250,000 shares, so if the BP share price rises high enough before end of Jun., his potential profit far exceeds the amount he would make buying 10,200 shares.
If the underlying share price goes to 550 p, the 500 p call options would be worth at least 50 p so he could sell them for £100,000 for a profit of £50,000. Had he bought the 10,200 shares he could sell them for £56,100 for a profit of £6,100. However, as with most other forms of trading and speculation, higher potential rewards always involve higher risk of loss.
If the BP share price falls to 475 p by the expiry of the options in Jun., the 500 p options will be worth nothing and the option speculator will lose his entire investment (£50,000). While had he used the more conservative strategy and bought the 10,200 BP shares in the cash market, his loss would only be £1,530, and he would still have a holding of shares worth £48,450, the price of which may rise again in the future.

Trading Strategy 3: Gearing

An investor with an existing stock market portfolio and bullish view on market direction can “gear up” by going long (buying) futures contracts. Depending on the particular contract, it is possible to take on additional stock market exposure (and thus additional profits/losses) by putting up margin deposits of just 5–10% of the contract value of the futures position added.

Trading Strategy 4: Arbitrage Trading

When the market price of an equity index futures contract differs significantly from its “fair value” (see later section), arbitrage can be used to profit from the perceived mispricing. If the futures contract is trading at a premium to fair value the arbitrage involves buying the shares (which make up the index) and selling an equivalent amount of futures contracts. The cost of holding the shares, net of dividends received, is included in the fair value of the future and consequently an investor holding shares and short an expensive future will be left with a profit after holding costs if he holds the position through to expiry. Conversely, where the future is trading at a discount to fair value (as it does typically), the arbitrageur can sell the shares (which make up the index), to create a short position, and buy the cheap future to lock in the under-valuation. In practice, these arbitrage opportunities are limited by the costs of dealing in multiple shares (which comprise the specific equity index) and futures prices have to differ from fair value by a certain threshold amount before arbitrage trading becomes economically worthwhile.


While traders are essential to the healthy liquidity of futures and options markets, the real economic value and importance of these contracts is their potential usage as hedging instruments. As hedging tools, futures and options enable market participants both traders and investment managers to protect themselves from market price risk and better manage their market exposures. This can be best explained with a few examples:

Hedging Example 1: Potato Farmers

Imagine a potato producer. In Mar., at the beginning of the season he must purchase the seeds to plant his potato crop and will tender his crop during the coming months until harvest time. He has no idea at that time how the season will turn out but his livelihood depends on the profits that he can make from growing his potatoes. The farmer has two fields with an estimated yield of 375 tons in each field. He has fixed overheads of £5,000 to produce the potatoes and expects to sell them at around £10 to £12 per ton. He looks to the futures market to “hedge” or protect the value of his expected potato crop.
In order to protect his crop against a fall in prices and to ensure that his overheads are covered, the farmer enters into a futures contract. He sells 25 contracts (20 tons per contract = 500 tons) at £10 per ton for delivery in Oct.
This would cover the £5,000 fixed costs that he has, as he is guaranteed to sell 500 tons at £10 per ton in Oct. He also has his additional 250 tons to sell at the prevailing market price, on which he hopes to make a profit. However, the farmer still has one other problem; what would happen if he were unable to produce the 500 tons that he needs to fulfil his contract?
In this case the farmer enters into a hedging transaction to protect himself. He buys a call option, which gives him the right to buy 500 tons at £10.50 per ton in Oct. To acquire this right costs him £250 in option premium.
This is his insurance in case his harvest fails and in total it costs him £500, because he has paid £250 in option premium and it will cost him an extra £0.50 per ton if he has to exercise his option (500 tons × £0.50 per ton = £250). He would have chosen the £10.50 call option because it was not far from the £10.00 price he wanted and was cheaper to purchase.
At harvest time in Oct. the farmer’s crop is poor and potatoes are in short supply. He has only managed to produce 520 tons from his crop. However, the market price of potatoes, given the shortage, is £16 per ton. The farmer must fulfil his futures contract obligation by selling 500 tons at £10 per ton but he sells his additional 20 tons at £16 per ton.
Sell 500 tons @ £10 per ton = £5,000 cr
Sell 20 tons @ £16 per ton = £ 320 cr
Net profit before hedge = £5,320 cr
He also has the option, which he should now exercise because it is “in-the-money” and allows him to buy 500 tons at £10.50 per ton, which he can resell in the market at £16 per ton to make a profit.
Buy 500 tons @ £10.50 per ton = £5,250 dr.
Sell at market price of £16 per ton = £8,000 cr
Gross profit = £2,750 cr
Less option premium paid = £ 250 dr
Net profit on hedge = £2,500 cr
Overall profit on the above transactions = £7,820
Let us look at what would happen if the crop had been successful and the farmer was able to produce 900 tons of potatoes.
Because of the good crop and plentiful supply, the market price of potatoes has fallen to £7 per ton. He fulfils his obligations in the futures market.
The option contracts that he bought as insurance for his crop are “out-of-the-money” and therefore are left to expire worthless.
Sell 500 tons at £10 per ton = £5,000 cr
Sell remaining 400 tons at £7 per ton = £2,800 cr
Gross profit = £7,800 cr
Less option premium paid = £ 250 dr
Net profit = £7,550
If the farmer had not entered into any futures or options transactions he would have been able to sell his total crop of 900 tons at the market price of £7 per ton, thus realizing a profit of £6,300. Using the futures and options not only protected his crop but also gave him a better profit than without the protection.

Hedging Example 2: Fixed Rate Mortgages

Other examples of users of futures markets are the banks and building societies that offer customers fixed rate mortgages. Consider the problem that the building society has if it offers you a fixed rate mortgage over five years. It has to pay its savings customers a floating market rate, while it is receiving a fixed rate from you, irrespective of what happens to interest rates over the five year period.
If interest rates were to rise in the first year, the building society would have to raise the rates that they pay to savers but they would not be able to increase the rates that they charge you as the mortgage borrower. In order to balance this mismatch in interest payments, the building society can enter into an interest rate swap transaction with another counterparty, most likely a bank.
The interest swap transaction is an over-the-counter (OTC) derivative (see “Part 2—OTC Derivatives”), which is specifically designed between two counterparties to match their hedging requirements. It involves an agreement to pay the counterparty bank the fixed interest payments that it receives from you as the borrower, and in return the building society receives the floating rate, which is similar to the rate that it pays to its savers. The building society is then back to its matched interest rate status for borrowers and savers.
However, now the counterparty bank has a problem because they are not protected against interest rate changes. Therefore it may choose to hedge this risk using NYSE.Liffe’s 3 Month Short Sterling Interest Rate futures contract. This contract allows the bank to fix the interest rate now that will be paid or received in 3 months time. From time to time the bank will roll the contract over, if market conditions are right, so that the interest rate protection is continued. This involves selling the position that is held in say Jun. futures and buying Dec. futures, thus continuing the protection for another six months. The end result is that everyone has the interest rate protection that they need.
Note: Why would the building society use an interest rate swap transaction? The terms are more flexible and allow them to hedge their requirements in one straightforward transaction. The bank receives a bid/offer spread from the building society, which they would price so that they make a profit on the deal allowing for the hedging costs of their interest rate futures contracts.
Investment Managers
Investment managers can use futures and options in many ways and we will explore these later in this part of the book.
Now let us consider the market infrastructure

Market Structure

Role of an Exchange

The exchange is the place where members, who can be companies or individuals, trade futures and options against each other. The members carry out their business under the rules and regulations of the exchange. Each exchange in turn is subject to regulation by local government agencies. For example; in the UK, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) supervises a number of Recognised Investment Exchanges (RIE) and Recognised Overseas Investment Exchanges (ROIE) under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000; RIEs include ICE, LIFFE and LME; ROIEs include CME, CBOT, NYMEX, and EUREX.
While historically exchanges provided a large physical location for the trading activity to take place, these days most futures and option trading is done electronically through computer “screen based trading” systems managed centrally by the exchange organization. The traditional style physical exchanges use “open outcry” where the members gather together on an exchange market floor in “pits” and shout out their bids and offers. Traders use an exchange authorized method of hand signals to communicate with their colleagues and other market members. The largest futures exchange in the world still using physical open outcry is New York’s NYMEX (energy and precious metals) but this activity is undertaken in parallel with screen based trading. However, it is only a question of time before this colorful and visually extraordinary style of trading is finally consigned to history.
Until the late 1990s, the responsibility of the management of most exchanges was vested in a board of directors elected by the membership of the exchange. However, over the years most European and US exchanges have separated exchange membership (ie, trading access) from exchange ownership, allowing exchanges to become stock exchange listed profit-focused commercial organizations (as opposed to “not-for-profit” member owned club style bodies). This change in ownership style also accelerated the consolidation of futures exchanges through a series of corporate acquisitions and mergers. Reporting to the exchange board are the executive staff (employees of the exchange) and various practitioner-based committees who consider specific issues relevant to the day-to-day operation of the exchange. These issues concern price dissemination, trading access and regulations, IT systems, product design, specification and development, marketing and exchange fees from which exchanges derive most of their revenue (and profit).
Exchange members may be divided into a number of different categories, with different trading rights and obligations, in particular with regard to their authority to transact business on behalf of third party customers. The most important sub-division is that between “nonclearing” and “clearing” members. Clearing members are those who have a direct counterparty relationship with the central Clearing House (see later), while nonclearing members need the support of a clearing member in order to trade on the exchange.

Role of the Clearing House

The role of the clearing house is to act as central counterparty to both sides of every trade, thereby replacing any direct counterparty relationship between the two trading counterparties. The clearing house is fundamental to the integrity and credibility of the exchange traded futures or options market for which it operates, as its purpose is to guarantee the performance of each and every transaction; in effect enabling multilateral netting of trading exposures between all clearing members. By assuming the legal responsibility for the trade, the clearing house removes the credit risk that the two original counterparties would otherwise have on each other. It is important to note that the clearing house guarantee only extends to clearing members. All other market participants (end customers and nonclearing exchange members) have a continuing counterparty credit risk with the clearing member through which they have chosen to access the market. Likewise clearing members are exposed to the credit risk of their clients, including any nonclearing members for whom they provide a clearing service.
The process of establishing a futures contract in the name of the clearing house as counterparty, to each clearing member, is called “novation.” In this process the clearing house becomes buyer to every seller and seller to every buyer, for each transaction. Following novation, the clearing member has no counterparty risk in the market for all their futures trading, other than with the clearing house on one side and their own clients (if any) on the other. The completion of the novation process is called “registration.” Upon registration the clearing member’s open positions in the market are held with the clearing house and it becomes irrelevant regarding which trade counterparties the clearing member actually dealt with originally. Similarly, when closing a position in the market there is no need to seek out the original counterparty of the initial trade. For all registered trades, the clearing house undertakes daily mark-to-market processes and effects automated settlement of the two (buy and sell) transactions the following morning.
There are two categories of clearing house; those that are owned by the same corporate entity as the exchange itself and those that are separately owned and independent of the exchange, with their own financial backing. Today, following extensive exchange consolidation in the United States and Europe, most of the world’s clearing houses are combined with their associated exchanges. There are many examples of this integrated exchange/clearing house model, including the CME (including CBOT & NYMEX contracts), ICE (including LIFFE), EUREX (including ECC), KSE, HKSE, and TSE.
Until 2001, LCH.Clearnet (LCH) was the independent clearing house for all London’s futures exchanges; LIFFE, IPE, LME, and LCE. However, following the acquisition of these exchanges by various overseas exchanges, this centralized clearing has gradually been superseded. Today LCH provides clearing arrangements for the cash equities for the LSE and interest rate swaps in Swapclear (see later section) plus repurchase agreements (RepoCLear) and other products.
Clearing houses need be financially robust in order to sustain a potential clearing member default in the market(s) in which they operate. The most common structure of financial support for clearing houses is a default fund, into which all clearing members are required to pay significant cash deposits, partly in proportion to the volume of their business. In addition, as a condition of clearing membership, clearing member firms may have to accept some contingent liability (or additional assessment) to “top up” the clearing house default fund in the unlikely event that such cash reserves are insufficient to cover a clearing member failure. Over the last 20 years there have been a number of high profile defaults of clearing member firms, including Barings, Refco, Lehman, and MF Global, but in all cases the default handling procedures of the clearing houses have worked well in practice, without any losses being sustained in their default funds. The financial backing of the clearing house is an important consideration for banks and brokers when they are contemplating becoming clearing members of an exchange. It is also an important issue for companies researching the potential of trading on any particular exchange, as they need to know that their trades will be efficiently settled and that their positions will be secure in the event of another unrelated party defaulting on market. As for exchanges, the clearing houses are themselves subject to regulatory oversight by their local government agencies (eg, FCA in the UK, CFTC/SEC in the United States).

Basics of Futures Fair Pricing Theory

In order that the administrator can value products as well as carry out oversight tasks related to price at which derivatives are traded we need to understand the concept of the fair value or pricing of products.

Equity Index Futures Fair Pricing

The value of a futures contract depends on the level of the index and the basic trading unit of the contract; for the S&P500 futures traded on the CME the unit is $250 for every index point; for the Nikkei225 contract traded in Tokyo the unit is ¥500 for each index point; while for the FTSE100 contract on NYSE.Liffe it is £10 for every index point.
If the FTSE100 index stands at 5,000, the value of one futures contract at that price would equate to £50,000 (£10 × 5,000). In practice the fair market price of the FTSE futures contract will not be the same as the cash market index, as there are important differences between the characteristics of an index futures contract and that of the underlying basket of stocks; as follows:
1. The holder of the basket of shares will receive dividend income. The holder of the future does not and should therefore be compensated for the loss of dividend income by a corresponding discount in the futures price. Higher expected dividend levels will lower the fair value of the futures contract since the holder of the futures does not receive the dividends.
2. Buying the basket of shares involves payment of the full cost of the securities immediately, whereas the purchaser of the futures contract only has to put up a small percentage of the cost of the securities (as his deposit or “margin”) initially, and so can earn interest on the remainder. Thus the purchaser of the futures should be willing to pay a premium for the futures, which will be offset by the interest received (on the surplus cash) during the lifetime of the contract. The higher the prevailing interest rate, the higher the fair value of the futures. The longer the maturity of the futures contract, the greater this benefit will be and so the greater the premium. Similarly the higher the index level, the greater the cost of buying the underlying shares, and so the greater the carrying costs reflected in a greater fair value premium.
A simple formula for the calculation of fair value is shown:

Fair value=spotindexlevel+costofcarry

Where cost of carry = spot index level × (i/100−y/100) × d/365, i = interbank rate, d = the number of days from settlement day for the day of trade to the settlement day for the expiry date of the contract, y = percentage annual yield of FTSE100 Index.
(Source NYSE.LIFFE FTSE Indices booklet)
Assuming an index level of 6000 on 3rd Jan., the first business day of the year, a forecast yield on the index of 4.1% and a three month interbank rate of 5.25%, the above formula can be used to calculate a fair value for the Mar. FTSE future:

Fair value=6000+6000×5.25/1004.1/100×66/365=6000+6000×0.05250.041×0.18=6000+12.42,or 6012 to nearest tick

If interest rates are generally higher than dividend yields, the futures generally trade at a premium to the underlying index. This premium is determined by comparing the interest that would be earned by buying futures with the dividends that would be paid on the underlying securities during the remaining life of the contract.
Fair value is a benchmark, not an absolute number, since different investors in the market will use different expectations of unknown future dividends and also different funding assumptions. The above formula is simplistic in the sense that the dividends that are to be paid in the future are not discounted to their present value. Supply and demand factors will also affect the price, making the traded price differ from fair value. The futures contract is described as “expensive” when it is at a premium to fair value and “cheap” when it is at a discount to fair value. The difference between the actual level at which the futures trade and the theoretical fair value is sometimes known as the “value basis.

Settlement and Margining

When a fund has participated in a derivative transaction it will need settling. The custodian may do this or the positions may be held by a derivatives clearing broker and so the fund will settle with the broker.
Futures contracts have a characteristic that is important in terms of their flexibility and usefulness for both hedgers and traders alike. This characteristic is that, unlike cash securities or physical commodity transactions, the full market value of the derivative contract is never actually paid or received, unless delivery of the underlying asset takes place at maturity. In order to trade futures only a small percentage of contract value needs to be paid upfront, albeit that subsequent profits and losses must be settled on a daily basis. This “gearing” feature makes futures contracts efficient and cheap tools for hedgers and traders, but also represents a possible danger if the full underlying market exposure is not properly managed. It was mentioned earlier that the clearing house performs an important credit risk reduction role between clearing members. One way in which the clearing manages its own credit risk exposure to each clearing member is to establish margin (or collateral) requirements on all open positions (both long and short) until the contract obligations have been met.

Initial Margin

The deposit which the clearing house calls from clearing members (and indirectly their clients) to cover their margin requirements is called “initial margin” and is returnable to the clearing member once an open position is closed. The amount of initial margin required varies markedly for different futures contracts, being determined by reference to the volatility of each particular underlying market (bond, interest rate, commodity, etc.). The initial margin required (per contract) is set by the clearing house at a sufficient level to cover approx. 95% of likely one day movements in the contract price, but it can be changed at short notice to reflect changing market conditions. This margin deposit is retained by the clearing house throughout the period that the open position is maintained.
The margining of option contracts is more complex than for futures contracts due to the much wider range of contract parameters: puts and calls, strike/exercise prices, and expiry dates. In addition options are normally traded in combination with other options and/or futures such that opposing market risk exposures partly net-off with each other. To calculate the appropriate level of initial margin requirement that is appropriate to the market risk of a given option portfolio, all of the world’s main clearing houses now use the SPAN (Standard Portfoilo Analysis of Risk) system, or similar “risk-based” margining software, which is described in more detail later. Option margining requirements also vary depending on whether option premium is payable upfront (eg, equity and index options) or not (eg, options on futures contracts). The OCC use their own process—System for Theoretical Analysis and Numerical Simulations (“STANS”) see appendices.
Equity and index option buyers (holders of long option positions) are not charged initial margin because once the option premium has been paid out (to the seller) on T + 1, the buyer has no further downside market risk. The worst that can happen for the buyer is that the option subsequently expires worthless. Equity and index option sellers/writers (holders of short option positions) are required to deposit initial margin as there remains a risk of the writer being unable financially to fulfil their delivery obligations, should the option be exercised on or before expiry.
In contrast, the traded premium on options on futures contracts only flows from buyer to seller gradually over the life of the option. Thus both buyers and sellers have a remaining risk exposure and both are required to deposit initial margin in a similar way as for futures contracts. Their initial margin requirement changes daily in line with the changing market risk exposure in their option portfolio.


The regulations pertaining to securities held by a third parties mean that to encourage clearing members to pay cash to cover their initial margin requirements, most clearing houses pay interest on the cash deposited. The rate of interest paid by each clearing house varies. The rate is set and published by the clearing house itself, with reference to (and usually slightly below) the local central bank or interbank deposit rate for the relevant currency. For the same reason clearing member firms will use the interest rates set by the clearing house, perhaps minus 0.25% (or plus 1.0%), as the basis of the rates paid to (or charged to) their own clients.

Intraday Margin

In times of high market volatility, with very large daily movements up or down in the price of a specific futures contract, the clearing house may increase the initial margin requirement (per open contract). An additional margin amount may occasionally be called intraday by the clearing house from those clearing members on the wrong side of the price movement, to support their open futures and option positions. If the clearing house believes that the situation is only temporary and that market volatility will quickly decrease to a more stable environment, then they will leave the initial margin requirement at its original level for the next day, only calling the intraday margin as a one-off advance payment. More likely however, the initial margin level will be increased as a result of the volatile conditions.
Intraday margins can be called from the clearing members by the clearing house at any time as determined in their rules. It is important to understand that the clearing members must pay the required amount to the clearing house, regardless of whether they are able to obtain any additional funds from their clients. In this respect, it is necessary that clearing members have the systems capability to recalculate margin requirements during the day so that they can accurately determine how they and their clients are affected. Intraday margin calls also highlight the need for clearing members to be adequately capitalized in that they must draw on their own financial resources to meet the call.

Spot Month Margin

This is an additional initial margin amount which may be charged by the clearing house on futures contracts that are still open after the close of trading on the last trading day, pending delivery of the underlying security or asset on the actual delivery date. (The “spot” month is the earliest delivery month available for futures trading.) This extra margin is designed to cover the potential risk of a party default during the delivery process. It is relevant for deliverable contracts such as government bond futures and equity options and even more important for certain commodity, metal and oil futures contracts, where relatively complicated delivery processes make take several days to for the parties to complete.

SPAN Margin System

The method for calculating initial margin varies from clearing house to clearing house and may be different for futures and traded options. In 1988 the CME devised a methodology known as “SPAN”. This risk-based margining system is now used by most exchanges for the calculation of the initial margin on futures and options. On a daily basis SPAN automatically generates a range of 16 possible scenarios rechanging market conditions (the “risk array”) within the boundaries of the risk parameters (eg, scanning risk, volatility change, spread offsets) set by the clearing house. The potential resulting profit or loss under each of the 16 scenarios is calculated for the combined futures and options position portfolio of each clearing member. By comparing all the different individual arrays, SPAN determines the worst possible loss scenario for each specific clearing member portfolio and sets that as the initial margin amount required.
SPAN is a relatively sophisticated risk-based margining system. For example, SPAN calculates the “delta” (see later) value of options to convert them to futures contract “equivalents” when calculating any futures/options and intermonth spread margin amounts.
(Note: The delta of an option measures the rate of change in option premium relative, or in proportion, to a given change in the underlying asset price. Roughly speaking, a deep in-the-money option has a maximum delta of 1, a far out-of-the-money option has a minimum delta of 0, while an at-the-money option has a delta of exactly 0.5. As time value decreases toward option expiry, the option delta will also be affected.)
Note: Exchanges may use SPAN or other systems or inhouse developed systems to calculate margin calls.

Margin Offsets

Where market participants employ particular spread trading strategies across related contract types, the clearing house may allow certain reductions in the margin requirements to reflect the reduced overall risk of the combined positions. Spread trading involves the use of two or more options and/or futures to create a position combination, or portfolio, which has limited risk. Movements in the market will have a negative impact on one leg of the spread, but a positive impact on the other leg. The most common strategy of this type is the “calendar spread” (eg, Long Jun., Short Sep.). These spread positions attract a significantly lower initial margin requirement than an outright position, where there is no other balancing leg to offset market risk.

Variation Margin (Settlements)

For futures contracts the clearing house operates a daily overnight mark-to-market and settlement process, whereby it pays out profits and collects in losses generated each day, on all futures trading activity. Mark-to-market is done with reference to the official daily settlement price set and published by the exchange at the close of trading session each day. This process generates daily cash flows (payments and receipts) for all clearing members with either open positions or new trading activity. These profit/loss settlement amounts are known as variation margin (VM). In parallel with this daily clearing house process, clearing members themselves will be processing VM settlements in the accounts of all their clients.
An example calculation of VM is as follows:
A client buys 1 Sep NYSE Liffe Long Gilt Future at 110.13 on Jun, 1st.
The client sells the position at 110.42 on Jun. 8th.
The contract size is £100,000 nominal value with a minimum price fluctuation of £0.01 per £100 nominal. This gives a tick size of £10.
Date Trade price Net open Closing price Daily price movement Settlement date Daily settlement
1/06 110.13 +1 110.09 − 4 ticks 2/06 £40 Loss
2/06 +1 110.28 + 19 ticks 3/06 £190.Profit
3/06 +1 110.28 No change 4/06 No Movement
4/06 +1 110.35 + 7 ticks 5/06 £70 Profit
5/06 +1 110.40 + 5 ticks 8/06 £50 Profit
8/06 110.42 0 + 2 ticks 9/06 £20 Profit
TOTAL + 29 ticks £290 Profit

The overall profit on the trade was 29 ticks, which is the difference between the buying and selling price; (29 × £10 per tick = £290). The daily variation margin amount is always settled by the clearing members with the clearing house in cash in the currency of the contract on T + 1.
As in the above example, an initial margin of £500 (assuming £500 is the applicable initial margin requirement for LIFFE Long Gilt contract) would also be called by the clearing house on Jun. 2nd and held until Jun. 9th when it would be returned.


Initial, but not variation, margin obligations to a clearing house may be covered in various ways, depending on the specific clearing house regulations. As mentioned earlier, cash in the currency of the contract traded is most commonly used form of collateral. However, government treasury bills are also commonly deposited with clearing houses (particularly in the United States). More rarely certificates of deposits, certain equities and approved bank guarantees may also be acceptable by some clearing houses.
The form of collateral that a clearing member will accept from their client is negotiable between the parties. However, there may be restrictions about usage of such collateral and additional transaction costs to be borne by the client. If applicable, the client may have to check with their trustees about whether they have any additional restrictions. By physically transferring the collateral into the name of the clearing member or clearing house, the client loses legal title but not the “beneficial ownership” of the collateral. If this transfer of the asset as collateral is made under hypothecation, the taker of that collateral can only use it if the giver of the collateral fails to meet an obligation (defaults). However, if the agreement between the giver and taker of the collateral allows rehypothecation, the taker can use this collateral. This gives rise to a credit risk with the clearing member, as the collateral provided could be used to cover (say) a loan between the clearing member and a counterparty and may be seized in the event of a default by that organization, even though the client is not involved in the default situation. All noncash collateral lodged with any clearing house will be subject to a “haircut” or discount when being valued. A typical haircut for equity collateral may be 30–50%; (eg, a stock priced at 100 would have a collateral value of between only 50 and 70).

Margining Customers

It is relatively easy to understand the concept and calculation of variation margin. Nearly all corporate customers and other market end users will calculate the daily profit and loss amounts generated by their trading activities, using their own inhouse trading and accounting systems. These figures can be readily reconciled with those of their clearing broker, as reflected on the daily (online) statements they receive.
However the initial margin calculations of the clearing house and clearing member firms are much harder for customers to replicate, unless their positions are very simple without options and intermonth or intercontract spreads to include in their portfolio margin calculations. Therefore, although risk based margining systems (such as SPAN) are very efficient and result in the client depositing a lower overall initial margin, clients generally have to accept that the clearing broker’s calculated amount is correct. In order for the client to accurately verify the initial margin required, they would need to receive the daily risk arrays from all the relevant clearing houses and have their inhouse system capability to compute the figures; which for many clients is not cost effective. For much larger volume clients, a solution is for them to buy an established commercial futures back-office software package for their own processing and accounting. This software is expensive but has all the margining capability required.

Single Currency Margining and Settlement

For fund clients trading in various different markets around the world and working with a high number of settlement currencies, the settlement process can be quite cumbersome. Therefore, many clearing brokers offer a service known as “single currency margining.”
This facility involves the deposit of only one currency by the client, which is equal to or more than the total equivalent amount of all the currency settlements due to the broker. In order to calculate this, each currency is notionally converted to the base currency chosen by the client as the preferred settlement currency. Interest would normally be received on the currency deposited and would be charged on the other currencies which are in debit/overdraft. Both the clearing broker and the client take on an intraday FX risk, as the amount due in the settlement currency is only calculated once overnight, using the end of day FX rates. Where this service is offered to many clients, it needs careful control by the clearing broker’s operations team to ensure that the FX exposures are properly managed. Cash held in any other currency than the selected base currency may be subject to a valuation haircut.
Although no specific fee may be levied for this service, clearing brokers will recoup their expenses through the interest rates that are paid and received. While such rates need to be relatively competitive, in order to make the service viable, they are designed to cover at least any financing costs that the broker incurs on behalf of the client. From the client’s point of view it may make the settlement process more efficient; in particular reducing bank charges and administration for foreign currency transactions.

Treasury Management

As discussed above, initial margin requirements, and the collateral used to cover them, are vital to controlling risk. The margin and treasury management implications regarding funding costs, cash utilization, foreign exchange risk, etc. will become more important as the use of derivatives by an investment fund grows. From a regulatory point of view, the efficient management of margin calls enforces discipline on the operations teams of the clearing brokers, who must cover the nonreceipt of margin from a (defaulting) client using its own funds.
With a variety of acceptable collateral available, market participants need to carefully assess the most efficient alternatives of meeting the margin calls from their clearing broker. It is important to note that most clearing houses margin their clearing members on a net basis, that is, the initial margin requirement for a clearing broker will be based on the broker’s overall net position after offsetting any equal and opposite, long and short positions held for all the broker’s clients. The broker holds positions on a gross basis and collects margin from every client, thus creating a pool of client cash (and collateral) held by the clearing broker, which is not passed on to the central clearing house. With efficient treasury management this excess client cash, the interest rate spread earned provides important additional revenue. An effective treasury management function within the fund is about the administrator and custodian producing accurate and timely information about all aspects of the margining process, in addition to all the other cash flow and FX issues affecting the cash flow of the fund on a day-to-day basis.

Interest Rate Calculations

For all futures and options market participants including investment funds, the disciplines associated with treasury management include the regular monitoring of interest rates applicable to both the accounts they maintain with their clearing broker(s) and/or central clearing house and, if applicable, the accounts they maintain for their fund customers—in each case potentially across multiple currencies. In most cases interest rates are not symmetrical between credit and debit balances; with market participants charged for maintaining overdraft account balances in any currency. Errors regarding interest rate setting and interest rate changes are not uncommon; these mistakes can lead to unexpected funding costs and financial loss as well as disputes between brokers and clients, if regular monitoring and checking procedures are not put in place.
We can now look more specifically at the use of derivatives by investment funds.

Usage of Futures and Options in Investment Management

There are many ways in which derivative products may be used in investment management. For each fund entity, the specific investment strategy and objectives, mandate guidelines, and restrictions, as well as actual market conditions, will determine trading activity and product selection. In this section, we look at some basic examples of different ways that fund managers can use futures and options.
Stock index futures are particularly flexible tools for equity investment management. Fund managers can use them to protect the value of a portfolio in a falling stock market; to provide a leveraged investment at a time of bullish sentiment; to enhance yields; to allocate assets easily, cheaply, and quickly; and to track the performance of indices. A fund manager who has an underlying portfolio of shares whose performance is correlated with the index and whose value he wishes to protect against falls in the market, can sell futures contracts. In this way the fund manager removes the market risk from all or part of his total position, such that the fund will profit or lose to the extent that the portfolio out-performs or under-performs the underlying market.

Pension Funds

Pension funds own significant holdings in many of the UK’s largest quoted companies. In order to manage the risks of these holdings against the value of share prices falling, the pension fund manager can look to using the NYSE. Liffe FTSE100 index futures contract. If a pension fund manager’s analysis of the UK stock market concluded that it was likely to fall in the next six months, they can take one of two actions;
1. Select some of the shares and sell them in the market before the value goes down, with a view to buying them back at a later date at a cheaper price; or
2. Sell FTSE100 futures with a six month delivery date immediately with a view to buying them back at a later date at a cheaper price.
On the surface there does not appear to be a lot of difference in these two strategies. However, there are some important differences, which make the selling of the futures contracts a much more viable choice.
The FTSE100 futures contract represents the value of the whole FTSE100 companies whereas if the pension fund manager wanted to sell shares he would have to choose which specific stocks to sell and how many of each.
Selling the shares may take time and will involve some dealing costs. Share dealing costs may be up to 1% against possibly 0.1% for futures.
FTSE100 index futures can be bought or sold very quickly in one transaction.
FTSE100 futures do not disturb the underlying shareholdings—an attractive feature for pension funds where investments are held for the longer term.
Futures also help the manager to smooth out fluctuations in the value of the fund. Investors find this reassuring.
If the pension fund manager is correct and the value of the UK stock market falls over the six months then he can buy back the futures contracts at the lower value. The profit from this transaction would be used to offset the fall in value of the underlying shares, thus protecting the value of the portfolio.
If the pension fund manager gets it wrong and the value of the stock market rises, he can buy back the futures contracts. The loss made on this transaction would be offset against the rise in value of the underlying portfolio. Of course he will not make as much profit in this case as he would have done without the futures contracts hedge in place, but he has the advantage of the temporary protection (or insurance) against the possible fall in value, without disturbing the portfolio. Indeed, the pension fund manager can close out his futures position at any time during the six months if he feels that it is right to do so, thus limiting his losses. He is not locked in for the full six months.

Basic Illustration of Derivatives Use in Asset Allocation

Investment opportunities often arise quickly and unpredictably. Fund managers wishing to take advantage of such events would traditionally have had to liquidate part of their existing holdings in order to reinvest the proceeds elsewhere; this is costly and time consuming exercise. Index futures contracts offer a cheap, quick, and efficient method of shifting exposure from one market to another.
Example: A fund manager has a portfolio made up of US, UK, and Japanese equity shares, plus UK Gilt stocks and cash. The fund’s portfolio is currently made up of 40% US equities, 20% UK equities, 20% UK Gilt stock, 10% Japanese equities and 10% cash.
The fund manager believes that the US equity market is due a fall and that Japan will rise. He expects this to occur in the next six to eight weeks. The fund manager can adjust the balance of the portfolio by selling US shares and purchasing stocks in Japanese companies. He will need to research both markets to determine which shares to buy and sell and then execute the transactions needed, which all takes time to implement. Dealing costs will be incurred on each transaction.
Alternatively the fund manager can use derivatives, in this case index futures, to gain and reduce exposure to the respective markets. He needs to sell S&P Index futures contracts and purchase Nikkei Index futures. If he is correct in his assumptions, the sale of the S&P futures will offset the fall in value of the US equities he holds while the Nikkei futures will rise enabling the fund to participate in the increase.
There are several advantages for the fund manager.
The futures transactions are very quick to effect with low dealing costs.
Exposure adjustment is immediate, thus reducing the risk of loss should the market move before the relevant shares can be sold and bought.
The futures transactions can be quickly reversed if the assumptions are wrong.
The fund manager can still affect the actual sale/purchase of the underlying shares when he is ready (unwinding the futures trades at the same time).
Before a manager uses this strategy he should first ensure that his portfolio closely matches the index. Each index consists of a number of individual stocks, which are “weighted” according to their capitalization. If the manager’s portfolio differs from the index portfolio he may be exposed to “basis” risk when the two portfolios react differently to changes in market; (see also “Part 2—OTC Derivatives”).

Income Enhancement

A fund manager buys or holds significant amounts of equity shares. He is happy to sell some of these holdings at certain levels and would like to increase income over and above the dividend if possible. He looks to the traded options market.
Example: He has purchased 500,000 BP shares at 600 p and will be happy to sell half of the holding if the stock rises more than 10%. He notes that the 650 call options expiring in two months can be sold for 25 p. He sells 250 contracts (1000 shares per contract) at 25 p. The fund manager has given the right to the option buyer to call/buy the 250,000 shares at 650 p anytime in the next two months in return for £62,500 (250 × 1000 × 25 p) of premium paid to him immediately.
If the stock rises above 650 p he may have to deliver the stock at 650 p. If it does not rise above 650 p he will not have to deliver the stock.
In the first scenario, he has effectively sold the stock for 675 p (650 + 25) which meets his criteria of selling on a 10%+ share rise. But note that his profit is restricted to the difference between 600 p and 675 p, no matter to what price the stock rises. In the second scenario, he still has the stock but has received income of £62,500 or looked at another way he has reduced the purchase price to 575 p. This means he is protected against a fall to this level on half of his holding.


The fund manager is reviewing his portfolio and is concerned that the UK stock market may fall in the short term. However he does not wish to change the weighting in the portfolio nor any form of asset allocation or to sell his shares. He looks at two possibilities. First he can sell FTSE futures contracts, which will provide him with a profit as the market falls thereby offsetting the fall in value of the stocks (as seen earlier). Second he could buy a three-month FTSE Put option.
With the futures contracts, the fund manager risks incurring a loss if the market should rise until he decides to close the position. With the put option he can determine how much the “insurance” against a fall in the market will cost and has the comfort that if the market should rise he will never pay more than the original cost of the option.
Index stands at 5960 on January 3rd
The March Futures contract is trading at 5975
The FTSE Feb 5950 Put is quoted at 50 p
Scenario One: Fund manager sells 2 FTSE futures contracts @ 5975.
Market rises to 6010 by mid Feb. and fund manager decides the market will not fall and buys 2 contracts at 6050 to close the position.
Outcome—The hedge has cost the fund manager 2 × 75 points or 150 ticks (6050−5975) × £10 = £1500
Scenario Two: Fund manager buys 2 Feb 5950 Puts @ 50 p
Market rises to 6010 by mid Feb.
The 5950 Puts are priced at 10 p
Outcome—The hedge has cost the fund manager £1000 in option premium paid to open the position. If he closes the position by selling the put option he receives £200, a net cost of £800 excluding dealing fees.
Both strategies gave protection against a Fall in the market. The put option restricted the cost of the hedge against a Rise in the market. However bear in mind that while there is a loss occurring on the futures position as the index rises, the value of the stock has increased to compensate. With the option, the rise in the stock prices accrues to the portfolio once the £1000 outlay has been compensated for.
These are very simplistic examples and the decision on whether to use futures or options to hedge a portfolio or stock will be made taking into account many factors. In both cases the position could be quickly closed out if desired. In the above examples, we have seen how the fund manager can disperse or minimize the impact of risk on his portfolio.

Index Tracking

Index Tracker funds perform to their benchmark equity market indices and a such a fund can match the performance of a given index by simply buying and rolling over the relevant equity index futures positions to provide the exposure required in combination with the interest earned on the fund’s cash, without the cost and difficulty of buying the underlying basket of shares.
If the fund has set a target investment objective of index performance plus x%, then sophisticated fund investment strategies have been designed in which futures and options are used in combination with other instruments to both enhance yields and reduce risk.

OTC derivatives


The over-the-counter derivatives market is extremely large; the notional value of outstanding OTC derivative contracts is enormous with nearly $20 bn at 31st Dec. 2015 in credit default swaps alone. (see Appendices for statistics related to various products).
There is no useful means of comparing the size of the OTC derivative market with that of the exchange traded derivative market, but suffice to say both are vast and also closely related to one another. In terms of notional value, by far the largest segment of the OTC derivative market comprises interest rate swaps, followed by currency swaps and options, currency forwards and interest rate options. Although credit derivatives attracted all the negative headlines during the financial market meltdown in 2008, they represent as noted above a fair chunk of outstanding OTC derivative notional value. OTC equity swaps and options and OTC commodity swaps and options are the other main product categories, albeit much smaller than the other categories mentioned earlier.
The OTC derivative markets are constantly evolving with new product innovations being introduced on a frequent basis. Indeed over the last 10–15 years credit derivatives (see later) have grown to become a very important derivative market, having previously been almost unknown.
ISDA is at the heart of the OTC derivatives market. ISDA was founded in 1985 by a group of 25 banks, which were already active in the fledgling interest rate swap market. Since then ISDA has worked very successfully to make the global OTC derivative markets more efficient and safer and the association provides continuous guidance and commentary regarding the latest OTC derivative market developments (see ISDA now has over 800 member institutions from 62 countries including a broad range of derivative market participants.
To quote from the ISDA website:

“ISDA’s pioneering work in developing the ISDA Master Agreement and a wide range of related documentation materials, and in ensuring the enforceability of their netting and collateral provisions, has helped to significantly reduce credit and legal risk.”

However, the 2008 market crash highlighted some serious transparency issues and systemic risks within the OTC derivatives markets and led to a major review and overhaul of the OTC space by government regulators, particularly in the United States and Europe; initiatives which have received strong support from ISDA members as well. In the United States, the Federal Reserve toughened up its regulatory supervision of the US banking sector with a range of initiatives specifically targeted at reducing credit and operational risks in the OTC derivative markets. A range of new directives have emerged since 2008, including the Dodd-Frank Act in the United States and the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) and Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) in Europe. In Europe the new European Market Infrastructure Directive (EMIR) is having an even more far reaching impact as the regulators seek to make OTC transactions more standardized and transacted on centralized trading systems wherever possible. An additional new requirement is that OTC transactions should be recorded with some form of central trade repository and reported to the local regulator.
On both sides of the Atlantic the regulators are pushing for OTC transactions, at least those between banks (to start with), to be voluntarily cleared (and margined) by a central counterparty (CCP), or clearing house, in a similar way to how exchange traded futures and options have always been cleared in the past. In the three years (2011–13) significant progress was made toward this goal with major growth in the clearing of interest rate swaps through Swapclear (run by LCH.Clearnet) and EurexOTC Clear and also of credit default swaps (CDS) through CME and, to a lesser extent, ICE Clear.
The main different types of OTC derivative product are described in more detail later.
1. Differences from exchange-traded products
We have seen earlier how exchange traded products are standardized in the form of futures and options contracts and how they are actively traded on screen based trading systems in the secondary market (ie, you buy can a futures contract from one party and then sell it in the market to someone else, to close out your position).
However the standardization of exchange traded futures and options contracts (in terms of contract size, maturity, and underlying asset specification) is often a disadvantage to their use as hedging instruments, as the standardized terms may not accurately match the existing market exposure that needs to be hedged by the end user. In addition, depending on the market conditions and liquidity, a better buy/sell price may be achievable in the OTC market than on-exchange (or vice versa).
Example: A fund manager has a portfolio of UK equity shares in combination of FTSE100 stocks and smaller companies and wants to hedge his portfolio for 12 months. The value of the portfolio is £2,425,000 and the FTSE100 index future is currently trading at 5823.5.
If the fund manager decides to use the FTSE100 index future there are some problems.
1. The most liquid futures contract will be the nearest maturity, a maximum of only 3 months away. Therefore the futures position will need to be “rolled” over through different several quarterly maturities in the course of the twelve month hedge period.
2. The FTSE100 index future will not reflect any change in value of those smaller companies in his portfolio that are not in the index. Thus the price correlation between the index futures contract and the fund portfolio may not be good enough for a hedging transaction.
3. The number of contracts required to hedge the portfolio would be:
Portfolio£10×indexpoint=2,425,000£10×5823.52,425,00058235=41.64 contracts
You cannot trade part contracts, so the fund manager must trade either 41 or 42 contracts. In either case the portfolio is not precisely hedged.
It is because of these types of issue (and others) that hedgers often look to arrange an OTC deal with another counterparty, usually a dealer bank that is tailored to meet their precise hedging requirements. On the other hand the fund manager recognizes that an OTC transaction may involve additional credit risk (on the OTC dealer counterparty) and liquidity risk, in that the position cannot easily be closed out if the fund manager later changes his mind.
In general, unlike exchange traded futures and options, once transacted between two counterparties, most OTC derivative contracts will be held to maturity (in the case of forwards or swaps) or expiry (in the case of OTC options). However it may be possible to negotiate the terms and price for an “early termination” of the swap or option with the original counterparty. Alternatively an early termination may be achieved through the negotiation of a novation of the existing swap or option to a third party. In practice many participants will simply reduce their net market exposure by entering into another equivalent but opposite bargain with the same or different counterparty, albeit that this may increase both the associated operations work required and the number of counterparties (and credit risks) involved.
Both OTC and exchange traded derivatives (ETD) are often used by the same organizations and the choice of product will depend on the trade price, trade size, strategy, risk appetite, liquidity, dealing costs, and market conditions at the time.
Characteristics Derivative product
Contract terms Tailored, negotiated, very flexible and confidential. Standardized quantity, grade and maturity. Some product types not available on exchange.
Contract documentation Trade confirmation supported by ISDA Master Agreement, definitions and schedules. Standard contract specification published by futures/options exchange.
Maturity/Delivery Negotiable dates. Most trades held to maturity. Defined delivery dates. Most contracts are closed out before maturity.
Price transparency Can be limited, often depend on quote comparisons from different OTC dealers. Full, last trade price and bid/offer spread displayed on screen.
Cost transparency None. Dealer spread/costs built into price quoted. Full. Negotiated commissions agreed in advance, plus published exchange fees.
Liquidity Variable. May be better than exchanges for very large trades and long term maturities. But can take time to negotiate and be limited by available counterparties. Variable. Price and time priority regardless of order size. Instant execution for all major contracts with near term maturities. But many listed products with less liquidity.
Credit risk Risk is with selected counterparty to OTC transaction. But collateral can be used to mitigate the risk. Since 2008 crash more OTC products are being centrally cleared. Clearing broker (or central clearing house) becomes counterparty to all trades and manages risk through daily revaluations and margin calls. Original trade counterparty irrelevant.

With the terms of OTC derivatives being customized and negotiated between counterparties, the operations function is much less automated and routine than that required to process and settle exchange traded products. Instead of standardized daily margin and settlement processes and procedures, there is periodic settlement (usually monthly or quarterly) and more event driven procedures. We will illustrate these differences as we look at some of the derivative products traded OTC in more detail later.



As defined in Part I above, forwards are very similar to futures contracts. Although a few forward contract types are traded on exchange (eg, London Metal Exchange), the bulk of all forwards trading occurs OTC, in particular with respect to foreign exchange and bulk commodities. OTC forwards are settled only on the delivery date (payment against delivery of the underlying currency or physical commodity), or on a predetermined date during the life of the forward contract. The largest forward market in the world by far is that for global foreign exchange, which is traded by phone (and online) on a bilateral OTC basis, through myriad banks and brokers.
While open forward positions can be revalued on a daily basis, for accounting, valuation, and risk management purposes, any profits or losses accrued are not paid out until the settlement date of the forward contract. This applies even if the position is effectively “closed out” by a new equal and opposite trade (at a different price) prior to the settlement day.
Note: The LME is in effect an exchange regulated and cleared forward market, where most of the trading is done on an OT style phone basis, but all the resulting contracts and open positions are then registered with a clearing house, by which initial margin requirements are calculated and profits and losses are settled.

Forward Rate Agreements

A forward rate agreement (FRA) is an agreement to pay or receive, on an agreed future date, the difference between a fixed interest rate at the outset and a reference interest rate prevailing at a given date for an agreed period. FRA’s are transacted between buyers who agree to the fixed rate and sellers who agree to the floating rate or benchmark.
Example: Suppose a manufacturer needs to borrow £5m in one month’s time and needs the loan for a period of three months. Concerned about interest rates rising, the manufacturer decides to buy a FRA that will fix the effective borrowing rate today, even though they have no wish to borrow the money now when it is not needed.
The terms of the FRA are that the fixed rate is 5.25% and the benchmark is LIBOR. It will start in one months time and finish three months later and would be known as a “one versus four” FRA. In one month’s time the calculation of the settlement of the FRA can take place. The prevailing 11.00 am LIBOR is 5.5%.
The formula used to calculate settlement is:
Notional Principal Amount × (Fixed Rate − LIBOR) × days in FRA period/days in year divided by (1 + (LIBOR ×days in FRA period/days in year))

£5,000,000×0.05250.055×91/365 over1+0.055×91/365=£3,074.28

The LIBOR rate was higher than the fixed rate so the buyer (the manufacturer) receives this amount from the seller. There is no exchange of the £5 m, the manufacturer will borrow the money from a lending source and the money received from the FRA will offset the higher borrowing costs of around 5.5%. Had LIBOR been lower than the fixed rate, the manufacturer would have paid the difference to the seller but of course would borrow the money at a lower rate. The manufacturer “locked” in a rate of 5.25% for their planned future borrowing.
As far as settlement is concerned, the amount due is known on the settlement date, the date at which the FRA period starts (ie, 1 month time) and the calculation period is known (3 months). Unlike most transactions that settle on maturity a FRA can be settled at the beginning of the calculation period. The amount may be discounted to reflect the interest that would accrue if the amount paid was deposited to the end of the FRA period.


As mentioned previously, swaps are the most widely used OTC derivative product. As defined in Part I, swaps involve the exchanging of one future cash flow for a different future cash flow, where both flows are calculated by reference to an agreed notional amount of an agreed asset, entity, or benchmark. The most common examples of swaps are: interest rate swaps, currency swaps, commodity swaps, and equity swaps.

Interest Rate Swaps (“IRS”)

An IRS is an agreement to swap, over an agreed period, two payment streams each calculated using a different interest rates (typically fixed versus floating) but based on the same notional principal amount. By using an IRS, a company can change their future interest rate exposure (eg, from floating to fixed) in advance for a specific period, typically 1–10 years.
During the life (“term”) of the above swap there will be periodic settlements of the netted payment flows on “payment date,” calculated at what is known as “reset dates” (eg, quarterly semiannually, or annually) and valued against the benchmark rate(s). The payments cannot be netted at each reset date if the payment dates are different, for example, where the fixed rate is paid annually but the floating rate is paid semiannually.
An IRS is transacted to start immediately, or at a forward date, and will run for the agreed period. The start date is known as the “effective date” and the end date is known as the “termination date.” The floating rate is reset at the effective date for the next period, and then at reset dates for the following period throughout the term of the swap.
Suppose a company XYZ currently pays a floating rate of interest, say LIBOR + 0.4% for a loan of $10m over 5 years. Concerned that rates will rise, the treasurer wants to change the payment flow to a fixed rate but is unable to alter the terms of the loan. Company XYZ approaches Bank ABC and agrees a five year IRS, the terms of which are that:
Company XYZ will pay 6.3% fixed, paid annually on an ACT/360 basis and receive LIBOR, semiannually on an ACT/360 basis. If at the beginning of the swap LIBOR is 6%, than at the end of the first six months the floating-rate payment is:
$10,000,000 × 6.00% × 181/360 = $301,667, which is paid by Bank ABC to Company XYZ [Note: there is no netted payment against the fixed rate cash flow for the period, as the terms state that the fixed rate leg only settles annually.]
At the beginning of the next six months LIBOR is 6.25% and after that second six month period the swap payments are:
Floating: $10,000,000 × 6.25% × 184/360 = $319,444 (due by Bank ABC to Company XYZ).
Fixed: $10,000,000 × 6.30% × 365/360 = $638,750 (due from company XYZ to Bank ABC).
This time the settlement can be netted so that Company XYZ pays $319,306 to Bank ABC.
In this IRS Company XYZ has a risk as their view on interest rates over the next five years may be wrong and rates might actually fall, not rise. By agreeing to pay a fixed rate, in this case 6.3%, their cost of borrowing may end up higher than it would have been, if they had not entered into the swap. Note: In a CCP cleared swap the settlement flows pass through the CCP.

Currency Swap

A currency swap is simply a specific type of IRS. A currency swap involves the exchange of a series of cash flows in one currency for a series of cash flows in another currency, at agreed intervals over an agreed period, with both cash flows calculated by reference to specific interest rates.
It is possible to have a combination of fixed and floating rates in two currencies in a currency swap; for example,
Fixed interest in one currency against floating rate in another currency.
Fixed interest in one currency against fixed interest in another.
Floating rate in one currency against floating interest in another.
Unlike an IRS where there is no exchange of the principal amount, with a currency swap there may (or may not) be a negotiated exchange of the principal amounts at both the beginning and end of the swap term, at an FX rate agreed at the beginning.
Example: A UK company plans to expand its business in the United States and needs to borrow USD to do so. The company believes it can borrow money (albeit GBP) much cheaper in the UK (where it is well known to its bankers). To facilitate its currency requirements the company can negotiate a currency swap.
The UK company borrows British Pounds (GBP) on a floating rate basis from its own bank and then swaps this GBP principal amount for USD with the swap bank counterparty. It might agree to pay a fixed rate of interest on the USD and receive a floating rate of interest on the GBP, which it uses to pay the floating rate interest on the original GBP loan from its bank.
It agrees to exchange the principal amounts at the beginning of the term at an agreed FX rate and decide to fund the future repayment of the GBP loan, (which is a totally separate transaction from the swap) from its own resources.
The USD amount is invested in its US business and the subsequent income stream is used to pay the swap counterparty the fixed rate interest on the USD leg of the swap. During the swap term, which will correspond to the loan duration, the payment streams will be settled on reset dates. They are not netted because they are in different currencies.
This currency swap has provided the company with protection against foreign exchange movements during the period of the swap and protection against interest rate movements in the UK market rate during the period of its borrowing.

OTC Options

As specific terms can be freely customized and negotiated between counterparties, OTC options vary significantly in their terms and complexity. At one end of the spectrum there are simple “vanilla” OTC options that look very similar to the standardized exchange traded options described in Part I. At the other end of the spectrum are complex “exotic” options, or option combinations, that build in additional characteristics and variables that can change the relatively simple call and put profit and loss outcomes. Although some common OTC option types and related jargon are briefly described ahead, there is no substitute for reviewing the specific option terms on a case-by-case basis.

Common OTC Option Types

Calls and Puts with specific customized amounts and durations negotiated between the two parties, for example, a £1.1 m, two year call option on the FTSE100 index at a strike of 5905.2.
Interest Rate Guarantee (IRG) is an option on a FRA.
Swaption is an option to enter into a swap. Like all options it gives the buyer the right, but not the obligation, to enter into the swap at or before the expiry date of the swaption.
European, American, and Bermudan style options, which have a variety of different exercise characteristics; (ie, exercise at expiry only, at any time prior to expiry, or only at specific times prior to expiry).
Asian, average rate, or average price options, which use different benchmarks rather than the price of the underlying asset on expiry to determine if they are in- or out-of-the-money (eg, the average price of the underlying asset over the last month).
Barrier options refer to a family of different options, which are either cancelled or activated if the underlying price reaches a predetermined level. They are also known as knock-out, knock-in or trigger options.
Caps and floors refer to a related series of call or put options with sequential expiry dates over a predetermined period. Commonly used to manage interest rate exposures; for example, “capping” the interest rate payable, or fixing a “floor” to the interest rate receivable. May be linked to a series of “rollover” rates agreed, whereby the difference in rates is paid, if applicable at the time of the rollover.
Collars refer to a combination of buying a cap and selling a floor (or vice versa) in order to maintain a price or interest rate between two limit levels while minimizing the net premium cost payable/receivable.
We also have Puttable and Callable swaps, which allow the fixed rate receiver and fixed rate payer respectively to terminate the swap early. They are traded with European, American, and Bermudan styles of exercise right.
Another popular product used by some investment managers is a total return swap.

Total Return Swap

As the name implies, a total return swap is a swap of the total return out of a credit asset against an agreed fixed return. The total return out of a credit asset can be affected by various factors, some of which may be quite unconnected to the asset in question, such as interest rate movements, exchange rate fluctuations etc. Nevertheless, the protection seller guarantees a fixed return to the originator, who in turn, agrees to pass on the entire collections (both income and capital gain/loss) from the credit asset to the protection seller. That is to say, the protection buyer swaps the total return from a credit asset for a negotiated predetermined fixed return.
Also popular in hedging issuer risk is a credit default swap.

Credit Default Swap

A credit default swap (CDS) is not a swap at all, but much more akin to a refined form of a traditional financial guarantee or insurance. As with insurance the protection buyer is required to pay premium (either upfront or on regular preset quarterly dates) to the protection seller. If within the agreed period of protection, a predefined “credit event” occurs the protection seller is obliged to pay the protection buyer a compensation amount as defined in the terms of the CDS. The terms of a CDS need not be limited to compensation only upon an actual default (of a reference security or entity), but may also cover other types of credit event such as the downgrading of the issuer of specific security. Credit default swaps cover only the credit risk inherent in the specified security or asset (as defined in the CDS terms), while price risks due to other factors such as market sentiment or interest rate movements remain with the originator.

Contracts for Differences (Equities)

Contracts for differences (CFD’s) have become popular over the last 10 years, especially among professional traders and sophisticated retail investors. There are a number of specialist CFD broker-dealers (normally equity market-makers) with whom CFD “customers” can trade. A CFD is a contract to receive (or pay) the difference in value on an agreed quantity of shares, in a specific listed company, between the agreed share price on the day when the CFD deal is opened and the subsequent share price on the day when the CFD deal is closed out. The market risk on the CFD transaction exactly matches that of the underlying company shares to which it is referenced, including equivalent dividend payments (by CFD seller) and receipts (by CFD buyer).
CFD transactions have no fixed maturity date (ie, no time limit) and are not closed until the customer wishes to do so (or in the rare event of a customer default). At no point does the customer ever take or make delivery of the underlying shares.
The CFD broker-dealer requires a margin deposit, typically 10% of the underlying, to protect themselves from the risk of the customer defaulting on the CFD. The position is marked-to-market daily and the broker may call for additional margin. Charges include a commission and a cost-of-carry charge based in the underlying amount.
The main advantages and disadvantages in using CFD’s are:
No stamp duty
The ability to go short
Leverage through trading on margin
The opportunity to trade shares which are not listed on a futures or option exchange
Daily mark-to-market and settlement of losses
Commission and financing costs payable to the CFD dealer
No voting rights

Settlement of OTC Products

The settlement procedures for OTC derivatives are determined by the terms of the transaction negotiated agreed between the two counterparties, as set out in the trade confirmation and any associated supporting documentation and or the CCP. In practice, thanks in large part to the work of ISDA, most OTC derivative dealers now use very standardized terms, language, and definitions in their trade documentation, which has simplified the settlement process and reduced the number of exceptions. Indeed complete standardization of derivative trade and settlement terms is achieved for those IRS and CDS transactions where the two trade counterparties agree to register and clear it through a CCP (eg, Swapclear, ICE Clear, etc.). As a result the market now has evolved to a point where there are relatively standard settlement characteristics for the main OTC products types.
Operational or settlement events are triggered by such things as the:
Effective date, reset date, and payment date for IRS.
Settlement dates and calculation periods for FRAs, equity and commodity swaps.
Premium payment dates for options and CDS.
Exercise notifications and trigger events for options.
Maturity/expiry of all products.
In general most products settle at the end of a period or on maturity, with the exception of FRAs and IRGs where the settlement takes place using a discounted present value of the future cash flows.
Key to the settlement of OTC products is the terms of the transaction. Unlike exchange traded futures and options where the terms are stipulated, each OTC trade is effectively a new set of terms, even though the product may be the same each time. All OTC derivative trades should be supported by documentation that ensures that the terms of the derivative transaction are fully disclosed and understood.
In the past, documentation was a major obstacle to the use of OTC derivatives, as each trade had a separate agreement. These agreements had to be vetted by the legal department by both parties and consequent delays and disputes caused considerable problems. ISDA have greatly helped to resolve the problems by developing standard documents for use by counterparties for many types of OTC derivative product. The British Bankers Association has also developed standard documentation for FRAs.
The standard ISDA document negotiated between the two parties (before their first trade) is known as a “Master Agreement.” This key agreement can later be supplemented with schedules, annexes, and appendices to cover any additional issues and trades that are agreed between the parties.
The ISDA master documents cover all the legal terms and conditions that are relevant for both parties, in particular with respect to their rights and obligations in respect to the netting of any OTC transactions executed between them. These provisions include:
Legal entities and multibranch facilities
Payment netting provisions
Default procedures and rights of set-off
Termination events
Warranties, covenants, and representations
Tax indemnities
Legal jurisdiction
Waiver of immunities


For every OTC transaction executed outside of a trading system, a confirmation document (either electronic or paper) is generated by one or both of the counterparties as evidence of all the specific commercial terms of the trade. The confirmation excludes all the general terms under which business is being transacted between the two counterparties, as these matters will already have been preagreed in the ISDA Master Agreement.
The confirmation sets out the key trade details to be reconciled (see example). Confirmations should be issued by one counterparty (the bank dealer issuing the OTC product), as quickly as possible so that the trade details can be checked and “affirmed” by the other party. Affirmation can be evidenced either by the return of a signed copy of the initial confirmation, or the receipt of a separate confirmation from the other party. Where no affirmation is quickly forthcoming, the counterparty should be chased up, as the confirmation is not legally enforceable until both parties have acknowledged that the details of the trade have been agreed. [Note: Typically two banks participating in a trade will send each other confirmations while a bank and a client trade will result in a confirmation from the bank to the client which the client will then sign and return.] Over the last 10 years the use of online confirmation and affirmation systems has greatly improved efficiency and reduced delays and costs. Ensuring the efficient settlement of OTC products requires a high degree of skill in managing the flow of trade information both at, and immediately after, the time of trade execution. Accurate trade confirmation details are essential to the subsequent position maintenance and periodic settlement of the resultant OTC derivative position, through to the date of maturity or expiry.
Example: FRA confirmation (which will typically be sent via SWIFT) and would contain information such as:
Confirmation from Mega Bank To: InterBank Inc
Buyer: Mega Bank
Transaction Date 19/06/2012
Effective Date 21/06/2012
Terms ISDA
Currency/Amount GBP 3,000,000
Fixing 19/09/2012
Settlement 21/09/2012
Maturity Date 21/12/2012
Contract Period 91 days
Contract Rate 2.79% pa on a actual/360 basis
Example: IRS confirmation for a fixed/floating swap transaction would contain information such as:
Confirmation from Mega Bank To: Interbank Inc
Interest Rate swaps
Transaction Date 19/06/2012
Effective Date 21/06/2012
Maturity Date 21/12/2012
Terms ISDA
Currency/Amount UDS 5,000,000
We pay 2.76%
Frequency Annual
Calculation Basis Actual/365
We receive 6-Month LIBOR
Frequency Semiannual
Calculation Basis Actual/360
There are other pieces of information that may be added to this, such as frequency being modified following convention.
The global OTC derivative market is rapidly automating to improve the way the industry operates. There is significant pressure on OTC dealers to increase efficiency and decrease operational and compliance costs, in part driven by new regulatory requirements. One of the main communication platforms is MarkitSERV. MarkitSERV was originally created from systems collaboration between Markit and DTC. This system provides posttrade confirmation, allocation, clearing, and regulatory reporting solutions to over 2,000 market participants and 12 OTC clearing houses. MarkitSERV supports all the main OTC derivative product types including CDS, IRS, FRA, FX (forwards and options), equity options, and equity swaps. Increased usage of this type of online system service for trade confirmation/affirmation has significantly reduced the manual processing involved.

Post Trade Environment

There are many processes in the post trade environment that are common to all transactions. These include:
Trade capture and verification
Confirmation and affirmation
Position maintenance
Daily mark-to-market and profit/loss calculation
Periodic settlement
Presettlement advice and postsettlement check
Notification of relevant trigger events
Closing of transaction at maturity/expiry
Risk and collateral management
Trade capture and verification requires all the trade details to be input (whether automated or manual) to the back-office systems. From a risk and control point of view, the system must be capable of handling certain key information about a trade such as:
Title of instrument traded
Buy or sell (FRAs, options), pay or receive (swaps)
Size of contract (option), notional amounts (FRAs, swaps)
FX rate, price, rate of premium (two rates in the case of a fixed/fixed rate currency swap)
Floating rate references
FX rate agreed for conversions of principal (currency swap)
Strike price or rate (options)
Trigger level (barrier option)
Trade date and time
Underlying asset (notional amount, security, equity, bond, and commodity)
Effective date
Settlement date(s)
Term and maturity date
Expiry date (option)
Exercise styles and dates
Credit event notification (CDS)
Day/year calculation basis (swaps)
Physical/cash settled (options)
Special conditions, for example, for Asians options
Deal method, for example, screen, telephone
This list is not exhaustive and certain types of products will need additional information. In cases where the full details cannot be recorded in the main system, additional manual records, processes, and checks must be employed. Details of the settlement instructions, including netting if agreed, will also be input to the system together with information such as the reference sources for fixings and possibly the documentation type (ISDA, BBA) and governing law.
It is important that all this data is captured in the back-office systems so that key reports and information can be supplied to operations, dealers (positions and profits/losses), risk managers, general ledgers, reconciliation systems, etc. There will always be queries related to transactions, settlement, and events and it is important that the respective operations staff at the two parties to the trade work closely together to resolve any problems quickly. This has been highlighted in recent years by the strong guidance issued by the Federal Reserve Board of the United States, and the UK FCA, concerning the length of time taken to match bargains in the OTC credit derivatives market. They were concerned with the number of bargains remaining unmatched for a number of weeks thus exposing both parties to operational and counterparty risk. OTC equity derivatives have come under a similar regulatory spotlight.

Event Calendar

This trade and settlement information also helps to provide a calendar of future OTC events in order for the relevant operations, treasury, and dealing staff to track the settlement events that will be occurring, for example, resets, expiry, settlement dates.
Some events are mandatory obligations of the trades done (and/or automatic), such as those involved with swaps, barrier options, caps, collars and floors, FRAs. Other event types may require an instruction and/or decision by the dealer or client, for example, option exercise, credit default events, early terminations of OTC contracts.

Other Settlement Issues

It is important to regularly (ideally daily) revalue OTC positions for profit/loss reporting purposes and to reconcile all open positions against both the dealers’ records and the counterparty’s records for overall exposure, limit, and risk control management. A fund with a daily NAV will have to value OTC positions on a daily basis.
The use of collateral in conjunction with OTC trades is also a key risk control, especially where one party has a much lower credit rating than the other. Where collateral has been lodged as part of the risk management process it is important to ensure that the collateral value remains sufficient to cover the exposure risk. Aside from market risk, counterparty default is the second most important concern of OTC derivative market participants. Where a trader has the fixed side of a swap “matched” between two counterparties (eg, he is receiving a fixed rate from one counterparty and paying a lower fixed rate to the other) and the first counterparty defaults, the second counterparty must still be paid. The trader is likely to incur financial loss in replacing the defaulted swap with another at current market prices.

Derivatives Valuation and Accounting

The use of both exchange traded and OTC derivatives for both hedging and speculation is now very widespread. Participants include all banks, large corporates (including energy and commodity producers and consumers), insurance companies, investment managers (pension funds, hedge funds, retail funds), professional traders, and a variety of government agencies. In practice nearly all investment fund participants access the derivative markets through a bank or Prime Broker; either as their clearing broker (exchange traded futures and options) or their OTC derivative dealer.
Some of the control issues in using derivatives revolve around the ability to price and value open derivative positions for the purpose of profit/loss calculations for regular accounting and fund net asset value requirements. Being able to value the derivative, recognize potential market exposure and to understand the way in which different derivatives are treated for accounting purposes (in line with the relevant accounting standards) are all essential requirements for any organization using these products.
Exchange traded futures and options are relatively easily valued using the independently sourced prices published at the end of each day by the relevant exchange. These same prices drive the resultant variation margin settlements on the following day.
OTC derivative valuation can be much more complex. For simple commonly traded products where there is high market liquidity (eg, many FX, IRS, FRA, and CDS transactions), then there is normally a ready supply of third party generated bid/offer prices (sourced from brokers or quote vendor screens) from which to determine a “fair” market price. It is still better for those OTC derivatives that are cleared through a CCP, the CCP generates and publishes daily mark-to-market prices for its own margin and collateral purposes. However for less liquid, longer dated or more exotic OTC derivatives, there may be no easily available source of current market value. In these instances it is important for the investment funds and the administrator to predetermine their own internal pricing policy along the guidelines of “best industry practice.”

OTC Derivatives Clearing

It has long been recognized that the establishment of a CCP (or clearing house) facility for OTC derivative trading could bring many of the same benefits that have always been taken for granted in the exchange traded (and cleared) derivative markets; namely multilateral netting of trade exposures between all the CCP members and significant reduction of bilateral credit risks between these firms. However for many years this type of initiative was blocked by some of world’s largest banks; they doubted that a major bank default was a realistic scenario and were reluctant to see a “leveling of the OTC playing field.” Times have changed, helped in part by much more onerous regulatory capital adequacy requirements on banks in respect of their credit risk exposures.
The pioneer for OTC derivatives clearing was LCH.Clearnet. LCH launched SwapClear in Sep. 1999 to provide a group of the largest interest rate swap dealing banks in London (who could meet the high financial criteria required for SwapClear membership), the ability to clear some of their interest rate swap portfolio (ie, all swap trades between one another within certain contract type, currency and date parameters agreed by SwapClear) under similar procedures as used for exchange traded derivatives (ie, multilateral netting with daily mark-to-market, variation and initial margin requirements). The 2008 default of Lehman (then an active clearing member of SwapClear) clearly highlighted the value and robustness of the OTC CCP structure and finally ushered OTC derivative clearing into the mainstream of strategic thinking for regulators (particularly the SEC and CFTC in the United States) and market participants alike.
Since 2008, several other organizations have set up their own OTC derivative clearing facilities and there has been a sharp increase in the cleared volumes year on year ever since. The leading clearing houses for IRS are currently SwapClear and the CME, but EUREX has also geared itself up to compete for a share of the IRS market. Both CME and ICE Clear provide competing clearing services for CDS transactions. Activity also increasing at LCH’s ForexClear, which provides clearing for OTC nondeliverable FX forwards in more than 10 currencies. Meanwhile in Asia, SGX and HKEC have launched their own CCP OTC derivative clearing services and similar initiatives have commenced in India and elsewhere.


The use of derivatives by investment funds is extensive although some funds may not use them at all either out of choice or because of the regulation applicable to the fund.
For the administrator and custodian derivatives should not present a major problem although some of the more bespoke negotiated products may be more difficult to value.
Key issues are the concept of margin calls and collateral management, potential delivery, and ensuring that unwanted and or unauthorized exposures are not created.
All funds should have a policy for the use of derivatives and reference must be disclosed in the offering documents.
While not inherently dangerous, a failure to identify, record, reconcile, and value positions and to account for them correctly can cause a fund potentially serious and unwanted problems.

Appendix A—useful reference websites

Derivative markets are already a very important component of the world’s financial markets and continue to grow in variety, complexity, and usage, with new products constantly being researched and designed. The infrastructure in the industry evolves and changes constantly to meet these challenges. The following websites may be particularly useful:
Futures and option exchanges:
Clearing houses/CCPs/Repositories:
Industry general and Regulators: (Exchange Traded and OTC Derivatives Administration Qualification) (Advanced Certificate and Diploma in Fund Administration)
Derivative definitions and jargon:

Appendix B—OCC STANS



This page offers an overview of OCC’s margin methodology. Section 2 describes the general features of the methodology. Section 3 adds an explanation of the basis upon which CMs can make intraday withdrawals of excess margin or substitute one collateral asset for another.

General Features

OCC applies margin requirements on a daily basis to each account maintained at OCC by its CMs. Intraday calls for additional margin may be made on accounts incurring significant losses.
Under the STANS methodology, which went into effect in Aug. 2006, the daily margin calculation for each account is based on full portfolio Monte Carlo simulations and—as set out in more detail below—is constructed conservatively to ensure a very high level of assurance that the overall value of cleared products in the account, plus collateral posted to meet margin requirements, will not be appreciably negative at a two-day horizon. Long option positions held in customer accounts of CMs, and not part of various designated spread positions, are excluded altogether from OCC margin calculations for investor protection reasons. The effect of the exclusion is that the value of such options does not get used to collateralize other customers’ short positions.
Until Feb. 2010, securities posted as collateral were not included in the Monte Carlo simulations, but were subjected to traditional “haircuts.” Since then, the “collateral in margins” scheme has taken effect, whereby some collateral securities—specifically equity securities and, more recently, US Treasury securities (excluding TIPS)—have instead been included in the Monte Carlo simulations. Thus, the margin calculations now reflect the scope for price movements in these forms of collateral to exacerbate or mitigate losses on the cleared products on the account.
The Monte Carlo simulations are based on econometric models of the joint behavior of the risk factors affecting values of CM accounts at OCC. There are currently in the region of 7,000 such risk factors, of which the majority pertain to individual equity securities. The modeling of each risk factor allows for volatility clustering and fat-tailed innovations. The joint behavior is addressed by combining the marginal behaviors of individual risk factors by means of a copula function that takes account of correlations and allows for tail-dependence.
The Monte Carlo simulations use, for the volatility of each risk factor, the greater of the short-term level predicted by the model and an estimate of its longer-run level. In between the monthly reestimations of all the models, volatilities are automatically rescaled upward if a model of the behavior of the S&P 500® Index, reestimated daily, indicates heightened turbulence in the financial markets.
The base component of the margin requirement for each account is obtained from the risk measure known as 99% Expected Shortfall (ES). That is to say, the account has a base margin excess (deficit) if its positions in cleared products, plus all existing collateral—whether of types included in the Monte Carlo simulation or of types subjected to traditional “haircuts”—would have a positive (negative) net worth after incurring a loss equal to the average of all losses beyond the 99% VaR point.
The base component is adjusted by the addition of a stress test component. The stress test component is obtained from consideration of the increase in ES that would arise from market movements that are especially large and/or in which various kinds of risk factor exhibit perfect or zero correlations in place of their correlations estimated from historical data, or from extreme adverse idiosyncratic movements in individual risk factors to which the account is particularly exposed.
Brief technical details concerning the base and stress components are provided in the Appendix. Several other components of the overall margin requirement exist, but are typically considerably smaller than the base and stress test components, and many of them affect only a minority of accounts. CMs on elevated Watch Levels as specified in OCC rules may be subject to additional margin requirements.

3. Intraday Withdrawal and Deposits of Collateral

A CM may make intraday withdrawals of excess collateral on an account, and/or deposit fresh collateral assets in place of others.
For collateral types that are subject to a traditional “haircut,” the impact of a withdrawal or deposit upon the margin excess incorporates the “haircut.”
For collateral types that are subject to “collateral in margins” treatment, the impact of a withdrawal or deposit is based upon a “portfolio specific haircut” (PSH) that is communicated to the applicable CM concerned on a daily basis. The PSH represents the sensitivity of the risk profile of that particular account to its position in the relevant security. In other words, the PSH applicable to any given movement of collateral is designed to provide an estimate of the resulting change in margin requirements if the entire margin calculation was recalculated following the movement.

Appendix C—Dependence and Concentration

The base component corresponds to the ES of the portfolio computed at a 99% confidence level using historical estimates of correlations between risk factors:


The stress test component is whichever is the greater of two subcomponents called Dependence and Concentration.
The Dependence subcomponent can be thought of as a proportion of the extra risk that would arise if we go further out into the tail of the PandL distribution and consider the effects of replacing historical estimates of dependence between single-stock returns with either perfect correlation or zero correlation. ES is computed at a 99.5% confidence levels for each of the historic, perfect, and independent correlation assumptions. The Dependence subcomponent equals a proportion of the difference between the maximum of the three computations and the base risk requirement:


where the H, P, and Z superscripts refer to the correlation structure used.
The Concentration subcomponent can be thought of as a proportion of the extra risk that would arise from extreme adverse idiosyncratic moves in two risk-factors to which the portfolio is especially exposed, coupled with marginally less severe experience in the remainder of the portfolio. The single-factor sub-portfolios consist of all positions (options, stock loans, futures etc.) corresponding to one single risk factor. Not all risk factors are considered when selecting these risk factors: for instance positions pertaining to indices are excluded. This reflects the capture only of idiosyncratic risks in this test. If a portfolio contains exposure to less than two sources of idiosyncratic risk, then the formula is adapted in the obvious way. Source: ES is computed at a 99.5% confidence level for each of the two single-factor sub-portfolios having the greatest exposure at that level, and those two results are added to the ES of the residual portfolio computed at a 99% confidence level. The Concentration component is a proportion of the amount by which this sum exceeds the base component:


where: c2CES0.995Himage is the sum of the ES of the two single-factor sub-portfolios reporting the greatest exposure at a 99.5% confidence level; and 2RES0.99Himage is the ES of the residual portfolio at a 99% confidence interval.
In order to maintain a conservative approach, all calculations of ES are computed using techniques from Extreme Value Theory, and the results are increased to take account of an estimate of the sampling error that arises in the Monte Carlo sample.

Appendix D—Suggested Further Reading

In addition the following reading and information sources are suggested:
Clearing and Settlement of Derivatives
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