

  • accountants
    • changes in and disagreements with, 62, 222–223, 234
    • profiting from fundamental analysis, 23
    • 10-Ks, 62, 222–223, 234
  • accounting scandals, 53, 61, 324–325, 363
  • accounts payable, 103, 107, 121
  • accounts payable turnover, 142–143
  • accounts receivable
    • cash flows from operating activities, 121
    • defined, 101
    • quick ratio, 144
    • swelling, 325
  • accounts receivable turnover, 141–142, 311, 356
  • accrual accounting, 34, 126, 326
  • activist shareholders, 160
  • Adelphia, 358
  • ADP (Automatic Data Processing), 259–260
  • agency dilemma, 159–160
  • AIG (American International Group), 226
  • Alcatel, 54
  • Alcoa, 58
  • Alphabet, 57, 103, 151, 233, 240
  • alternative energy stocks, 51
  • Altman’s Z-score, 353–354
  • Altria, 232
  • Amazon, 118, 131, 294–295
  • AMC Entertainment, 264
  • American Express, 47
  • American International Group (AIG), 226
  • amortization
    • cash flows from operating activities, 119–120
    • earnings before, 129–130
  • analyst conference calls, 238–242
    • accessing, 241–242
    • earnings guidance, 239–240
    • purpose of, 239
    • what to look for, 240–241
  • analysts’ reports, 250–256
    • benefits of, 250–251
    • broker research, 252–253
    • independent research, 253
    • obtaining, 256
    • skepticism of, 250
    • types of, 254
    • what to look for, 254–256
  • annual reports, 62–63, 215–235, 356. See also 10-Ks
    • beautiful reports, 63
    • defined, 47, 217
    • obtaining, 63, 216
    • release of, 63
    • 10-K vs., 217–218
  • annual reviews, 218
  • AOL, 113
  • Apple, 47
  • arm’s length, 157
  • Aron, Adam, 264
  • Arthur Andersen, 164, 234
  • as reported P-E, 149
  • ask price, 52
  • asset impairments, 121
  • asset turnover, 185–186
  • assets, 100–102
    • common-size analysis, 106
    • current assets, 100–101, 353–354
    • defined, 15, 33, 99
    • intangible assets, 99, 101, 119, 326
    • long-term assets, 101
    • not appearing on balance sheet, 226
    • relationship between liabilities, equity and, 33–34
    • tangible assets, 99, 326
    • total, 101–102, 353–354
  • AT&T, 54
  • audit committees, 160–162
  • auditors, 164–165
  • Automatic Data Processing (ADP), 259–260
  • average daily volume, 338–339


  • balance sheets, 15, 97–114
    • analyzing, 106–111
    • assets, 99–102
    • dilution, 111–114
    • liabilities, 99, 102–104
    • overview, 33–34
    • shareholders’ equity, 99–100, 104–105
  • Bank of America, 47
  • base year, 109, 303–304
  • Bear Stearns, 327
  • Berkshire Hathaway, 44–46, 63, 240, 248, 269, 361
  • beta (beta coefficient), 207–208, 338–339
  • bid price, 52
  • big-bath restatements, 326
  • Bing, 246
  • Blodget, Henry, 252
  • Bloomberg, 293
  • Blue Coat Systems, 17
  • boards of directors, 157, 160–164. See also management team
    • activist shareholders, 160
    • biographies, 161
    • committees, 160–162
    • compensation, 157, 163–164
    • composition of, 157
    • conflicts of interest, 157, 163
    • corporate governance, 159–160
    • independence of board members, 161
    • meeting attendance rate, 162
    • proxy statements, 160
    • as shareholders, 157, 165
  • Boeing, 315
  • Bogle, John, 40
  • boilerplate, 220
  • bond yields, 206–207
  • bonds
    • defined, 67
    • putting price tag on, 31
  • bonuses, 64, 114, 166–167
  • book of business, 239
  • book value
  • boutique research firms, 253
  • brokerage accounts, 363
  • bubbles and manias, 318–323
    • inflated price-to-earnings ratios, 319
    • lack of earnings, 323
    • sagging dividend yields, 319–320
    • skyrocketing price-to-book ratios, 320–321
    • technical analysis, 334
    • from unlikely places, 322
  • Buffett, Warren, 11–12, 38, 44–47, 63, 177, 198, 200, 248, 265, 269, 310, 343, 361, 365
  • building permits, 276
  • business cycle
    • defined, 178
    • industries, 282–286
    • phases of, 273–274
  • business model, 282, 357
  • buybacks (stock buybacks)
    • cash flows from financing activities, 125
    • information on, 221
    • reducing danger of dilution, 113–114
    • tracking, 307–308


  • CAGR (compound annual growth rate), 299–300
  • call options
    • defined, 341
    • price levels, 341–342
    • put-to-call ratio, 342
  • Campbell Soup, 86–89
  • candlestick charts, 331–332
  • Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), 207–209, 338
  • capital expenditures (cap ex), 123–124, 130, 132, 200–201, 204
  • capital structure, 107–108, 110, 327
  • capital-intensive businesses, 135, 271
  • capitalist system, 121, 273, 282
  • cash
    • analyzing, 352–353
    • balance sheets, 100
    • quick ratio, 144
  • cash equivalents, 100–101, 109, 144, 181
  • cash flow, 15, 116–125. See also discounted cash flow analysis; statements of cash flows
    • from financing activities, 118, 124–125
    • free cash flow, 129–132, 200–201, 203–204
    • from investing activities, 118, 123–124
    • from operating activities, 118–123, 182, 352
    • stable, 181
  • cash-burn analysis, 130–132
  • cash-flow statements. See statements of cash flows
  • Caterpillar, 90
  • CDSs (credit default swaps), 226
  • CFRA, 253, 255–256
  • channel checks, 255, 263
  • channel stuffing, 117–118
  • Charles Schwab, 256
  • Chicago Board Options Exchange
    • put-to-call ratios, 342
    • Volatility Index (Vix), 343
  • chronic restaters, 326
  • Ciena, 17
  • Cisco Systems, 137–145, 182, 187
  • Citigroup, 240
  • Coca-Cola, 47, 108–110, 218–220, 230–231, 240, 248
  • COGS. See cost of goods sold
  • common stock
    • defined, 355
    • shareholders’ equity, 104–105
  • common-size analysis
    • balance sheets, 106–108
    • income statements, 87–88
  • company growth
  • comparables, 220
  • compensation
    • executive compensation, 64, 114, 157, 163–170
    • stock-based compensation expense, 120
  • compensation committees, 160
  • competition, 22, 292, 358
  • compound annual growth rate (CAGR), 299–300
  • CompUSA, 307
  • Conference Board Leading Economic Index, 276–277
  • conflicts of interest
    • analysts’ reports, 252–253
    • boards of directors, 157, 163
  • ConocoPhillips, 361
  • constant dividend model, 193–194
  • consumer discretionary sector, 284
  • consumer expectations, 276
  • contraction phase, 273–274
  • conviction. See volume
  • corporate culture, 281
  • corporate governance
    • boards of directors, 159–160
    • investing in individual companies, 316
    • poor, 187
    • proxy statements, 156, 159–160, 223
    • 10-Ks, 223
  • cost of capital. See discount rate
  • cost of goods sold (COGS)
    • accounts payable vs., 121
    • common-size analysis, 87
    • defined, 79
    • gross profit margin, 90
    • inventory turnover, 142–143, 291
    • operating profit margin, 91
    • raw materials costs, 293
  • coverage universe, 252
  • COVID-19 pandemic, 45, 114, 190, 195, 228, 267–268, 274, 277, 303, 334, 346, 361
  • credit default swaps (CDSs), 226
  • credit-rating agencies
    • credit ratings, 258–259
    • reports, 257–262
  •, 358
  • Culp, Lawrence, 167, 169–171
  • current assets (short-term assets), 100–101
    • accounts receivable, 101
    • Altman’s Z-score, 353–354
    • cash, 100
    • cash equivalents, 100–101
    • defined, 100
    • inventories, 101
    • marketable securities, 101
    • prepaid expenses, 101
  • current liabilities, 102–103
    • accounts payable, 103
    • Altman’s Z-score, 353–354
    • current portion of long-term debt, 103
    • defined, 102
    • short-term debt, 103
  • current P-E, 149
  • current portion of long-term debt, 103
  • current ratio, 111, 136, 178
  • cyclical companies, 85, 271, 285


  • Damodaran Online spreadsheet templates, 213
  • dates of record, 192
  • day traders, 38, 322
  • days to cover, 339
  • DCF analysis. See discounted cash flow analysis
  • debt
    • cash flows from financing activities, 125
    • companies with excessive, 48, 52
    • credit-rating agencies’ reports, 260–261
    • current portion of long-term debt, 103
    • debt-to-equity ratio, 143–144, 179
    • defined, 25
    • increasing, 327
    • long-term debt, 52, 103, 125, 179–180
    • low debt loads, 178–179
    • overall economy’s effect on ability to service, 270
    • repayment timeline, 228–229
    • short-term debt, 103, 125
  • debt-to-equity ratio, 143–144, 179
  • default
    • credit ratings, 258
    • defined, 67
    • liquidity, 178
    • long-term debt, 103
    • rising risk of, 188
  • deferred income taxes, 103, 120
  • Deloitte, 165
  • Delta Air Lines, 346–347
  • depreciation
    • cash flows from operating activities, 119–120
    • defined, 80
    • earnings before depreciation, 129–130
    • property, plant and equipment, 101
  • diluted earnings per share, 93–94, 113, 149, 186, 193
  • dilution, 111–114
    • buybacks, 113–114
    • defined, 93, 112
    • employee stock options, 112–113
    • motivations for, 112
  • direct costs, 79, 86–91, 164
  • discontinued operations, losses on sales of, 121
  • discount rate (cost of capital), 206–209
    • bond yields, 206–207
    • Capital Asset Pricing Model, 207–209
    • defined, 203, 255
  • discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis, 177, 187, 197–214, 272, 338, 366
    • analysts’ reports, 251
    • benefits of, 198
    • components of, 200–209
    • discounting cash flows, 210–212
    • forecasting cash flows, 209–210
    • intermediate-term growth, 203, 205
    • limitations of, 214
    • long-term growth, 203, 206
    • market value vs. intrinsic value, 199–200, 212
    • present value, 201–202, 210–211
    • websites for, 213–214
  • disruptions, 54, 282, 299
  • diversification, 315, 364
    • breakdown of revenue into units, 82
    • concentrated positions vs., 29–30
    • index investing, 27
  • divestitures
    • cash flows from investing activities, 123
    • gains on, 120
  • dividend payout ratio, 147, 193
  • dividend yield, 146–147
    • calculating, 190–191
    • sagging, 319–320
  • dividends
    • affordability of, 192–193
    • analyzing, 356
    • annualizing, 191
    • calculating dividend yield, 190–191
    • cash flows from financing activities, 125
    • cuts and suspensions of, 190, 192–193
    • dates, 192
    • defined, 72, 190
    • dividend histories, 72
    • dividend policies, 193–194
    • not guaranteed, 194–195
    • signals to buy, 177
  • Dodd, David, 47–48
  • dot-com and tech-stock booms, 16, 40, 50–51, 54, 113, 131–132, 177, 299, 302, 322, 325
  • Dow Jones Industrial Average, 27, 58
  • downgrading, 259, 261
  • dual-class stock structure, 103
  • due diligence, 38
  • durable consumer goods, 271


  • earnings
    • defined, 23
    • lack of, 323
    • low quality, 326–327
    • managing, 126
  • earnings acceleration, 346
  • earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), 79
    • Altman’s Z-score, 354
    • interest coverage ratio, 145
    • return on assets, 184
    • return on invested capital, 139
  • earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA), 129–130
  • earnings before taxes (EBT), 229
  • earnings estimates, 94–96
  • earnings expectations. See investor expectations
  • earnings guidance, 59, 239–240
  • earnings per share (EPS), 92–93
  • earnings press releases, 58–59
    • analyst conference calls, 238
    • components of, 59
    • defined, 58
    • statements of cash flows vs., 118
  • earnings season, 57–58, 126
  • earnings yield, 147–148, 177, 186
  • Eastman Kodak, 283
  • EBIT. See earnings before interest and taxes
  • EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization), 129–130
  • EBT (earnings before taxes), 229
  • economic analysis, 45
  • EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval) database, 69–70, 157–158, 216, 218, 266, 309
  • effective tax rate, 229
  • efficiency ratios, 136, 141–143
    • accounts payable turnover, 142–143
    • accounts receivable turnover, 141–142, 311, 356
    • inventory turnover, 142, 291
  • efficient market theory, 32


  • Facebook, 180, 316
  • Fama, Eugene, 41–42
  • Fannie Mae, 224
  • Fastow, Andrew, 163
  • Federal Reserve, 270–272, 275
  • Felton, James, 264
  • FIFO (first in, first out), 228
  • financial condition ratios, 136, 143–145
  • financial controls and procedures, 61, 223, 234
  • financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. See housing bubble and credit crunch
  • financial health. See balance sheets; staying power
  • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), 206–207, 261–262
  • financial performance, 12, 22
  • financial ratios, 15–16, 34–35, 45, 133–153. See also names of specific ratios
    • benefits of, 134
    • deteriorating, 187
    • efficiency ratios, 136, 141–143
    • financial condition ratios, 111, 136, 143–145
    • liquidity ratios, 35
    • management effectiveness ratios, 35, 136–140
    • operating performance ratios, 35
    • overview, 34
    • profitability ratios (profit margins), 89–93, 136
    • revenue-to-employee ratio, 134–135
    • valuation ratios, 35, 136, 145–148
  • financial resources, 13
  • financial statements, 8, 21, 32–35, 45. See also names of specific financial statements
    • balance sheets, 33–34, 97–114
    • in earnings press releases, 59
    • income statements, 33, 77–96
    • proxy statements, 155–172
    • restatements, 224–225, 232–233, 305, 326
    • statements of cash flows, 34, 115–132
    • 10-Ks, 222–223
    • 10-Qs, 60
  • financing activities
    • cash flows from, 118, 124–125
    • overview, 66–67
    • through borrowing, 67
    • through investors, 66
  • FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority), 206–207, 261–262
  • Finviz, 311
  • first in, first out (FIFO), 228
  • fiscal years, 58
  • footnotes, 225–229, 293
    • assets and liabilities that aren’t on balance sheet, 226
    • in financial statements, 103
    • pension liabilities, 226–228
    • 10-Qs, 60
  • Ford, 10–11, 190–194, 240, 283–284, 291
  • Form 4, 309
  • forward P-E, 149
  • forward-looking information, 230, 239
  • Freddie Mac, 163–164
  • free cash flow, 129–132, 200–201, 203–204
    • calculating, 130
    • cash-burn analysis, 130–132
    • defined, 129
    • EBITDA, 129–130
  • French, Kenneth, 41–42
  • fundamental analysis, 77–1, 22, 37–54, 67–68. See also financial statements; fundamentals
    • benefits of, 9–10
    • blindly following other investors, 47
    • Buffet’s techniques, 45–47
    • difficulty level of, 29
    • economic analysis, 45
    • effect of overall economy on, 270–271
    • financial ratios, 34–35, 45
    • goals of, 8, 22–23, 29, 39–44
    • horse-race betting analogy, 21
    • ideas and concepts behind, 11–14, 21–22
    • index investing vs., 26–27
    • industry analysis, 45, 254, 281–295
    • investment dangers and disasters, 313–327
    • limitations of, 359–368
    • profitability of, 31–32
    • risks of, 29–30
    • signals to buy, 16, 176–186
    • signals to sell, 16, 187–195
    • speculation vs., 48
    • technical analysis, 27–28, 41–42, 329–347
    • third-party analysis, 249–266
    • “three factors,” 42
    • timing of buying/selling, 48–54, 360
    • top-down analysis, 267–277
    • trend analysis, 176, 183, 297–312
    • what to look for, 351–358
    • who can perform, 23–24
  • fundamentals
    • accounting and math, 65–68
    • Buffet’s techniques, 45–47
    • data, 12
    • financial resources, 13
    • following the money, 24–25
    • macro trends, 13
    • management team, 13
    • obtaining data, 68–74
    • perils of ignoring, 16–17
    • reports, 55–68, 215–235
    • valuation, 13


  • GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles), 80
  • gains on divestitures, 120
  • GameStop, 17, 50–51, 262, 320–322, 340
  • GDP (gross domestic product), 275
  • General Accounting Office, 81
  • General Electric (GE), 69, 72–74, 82, 162, 165, 167–172, 218, 224, 233, 259, 365
  • General Motors (GM), 10–11, 82, 290–291
  • Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), 80
  • Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS), 283–285
  • going concerns, 35, 235
    • auditor’s opinion, 62
    • risk of default, 188
  • golden parachutes, 172
  • goodwill, 101
  • Google, 57, 105, 151, 233, 240, 246
  • Google Finance, 311
  • government statistics, 274–275
  • Graham, Benjamin, 44, 47–48
  • gross domestic product (GDP), 275
  • gross profit (gross margin), 90, 219
  • gross profit percent, 90
  • growth stocks and investors
    • index investing, 41
    • performance of, 355
    • price-to-book ratio, 146
    • slowing growth, 54
    • value stocks vs., 39, 189


  • Halpin, James, 307
  • head and shoulders pattern, 333
  • Hershey Food, 102, 104–108
  • Hewlett-Packard HP 12C financial calculator, 202–203, 211, 300, 368
  • high-low-close charts, 331
  • high-quality earnings, 127
  • historical trend analysis. See trend analysis
  • housing bubble and credit crunch (financial crisis of 2008 and 2009), 8, 16, 20, 50, 54, 160, 172, 177, 220, 270, 327, 364–365


  • IBM (International Business Machines), 81–85
  • Icahn, Carl, 160, 265
  • idea reports, 254
  • IFA Index Calculator, 368
  • Illumina, 23
  • income investing, 21, 147, 194
  • income statements, 14, 77–96
    • components of, 79–80
    • investor expectations, 94–96
    • overview, 33
    • profit margins, 89–93
    • revenue, 79–89
    • variation in, 78
  • independent research, 253
  • index funds and investing, 26–27, 38, 41–42, 177, 315
  • index of supplier deliveries, 277
  • index-number analysis, 108–110, 303–304
  • indirect costs and expenses, 25, 79, 86, 91, 357
  • industries
    • classification of, 283–285
    • defined, 283
  • industry analysis, 45, 254, 281–295
    • adding to fundamental approach, 290–295
    • effect of industry on company value, 282–286
    • sectors, 286–289
  • industry groups, 283–285
  • industry shifts, 54
  • industry-specific financial measures, 292
  • inflation
    • defined, 43
    • discounted cash flow analysis, 201
    • government statistics, 275
    • inventories, 228
  • InfoSpace, 17
  • initial public offerings (IPOs), 57, 66, 224, 316–317
  • insider trading, 266, 306–310
    • buybacks, 307–308
    • legal vs. illegal, 306
    • management as investors, 306–307
    • selling, 309
    • tracking, 309
  • intangibles, 99, 101, 119, 326
  • intended federal funds rate, 275
  • interest coverage ratio, 145, 179, 188
  • interest expense
  • interest rates, 271–273, 275
  • interest-rate spread, 276
  • intermediate-term growth, 203, 205
  • International Business Machines (IBM), 81–85
  • intrinsic value
    • benefits of, 199–200
    • defined, 46, 199
    • market value vs., 199, 212
    • overvaluation, 333
    • value investing, 48
  • inventories
    • accounts payable turnover, 143
    • cash flows from operating activities, 121–122
    • changes to accounting method, 228
    • defined, 101
  • inventory turnover, 142, 291
  • investing activities
    • capacity, 66
    • cash flows from, 118, 123–124
    • overview, 65–66
    • return on investment, 66
  • investment banking arms, 252
  • investment return, 40
  • investor expectations (earnings expectations), 94–96
    • chronically missing, 188
    • comparing actual financial results with, 94–95
    • earnings estimates, 94–96
    • expected market return, 207–208
    • importance of, 94
    • managing earnings to meet, 126
  • investor relations, 72
  • IPOs (initial public offerings), 57, 66, 224, 316–317
  • iShares, 146


  • JDS Uniphase, 17
  • Jif, 113
  • J.M. Smucker, 113
  • Johnson & Johnson, 259


  • Kim, Jongchai, 264
  • KJE Computer Solutions Business Valuation tool, 213
  • Kmart, 113
  • Kozlowski, Dennis, 158


  • large barriers to entry, 298
  • last in, first out (LIFO), 228
  • leading economic indicators, 275–277
    • Conference Board Leading Economic Index, 276–277
    • stock market, 277
  • Lehman Bros., 111, 220, 327
  • leverage
  • liabilities, 102–104
    • common-size analysis, 106
    • current liabilities, 102–103, 353–354
    • defined, 15, 33, 99
    • long-term liabilities, 103
    • not appearing on balance sheet, 226
    • pension liabilities, 226–228
    • relationship between assets, equity and, 33–34
    • total, 353–354
  • liability claims, 53
  • LIFO (last in, first out), 228
  • LikeFolio, 265
  • Lilienfeld-Toal, Ulf von, 307
  • line charts, 331
  • liquidation, 10–11, 67, 326
  • liquidity
    • short-term liquidity, 110–111
    • staying power, 178
  • liquidity ratios, 35
  • litigation and legal proceedings, 53, 221, 231–232
  • long-term assets, 101
  • long-term debt, 103, 179–180
    • current portion of, 103
    • defined, 52
    • statements of cash flows, 125
  • long-term growth, 203, 206, 255
  • long-term liabilities, 103
  • Lucent, 54


  • M&As. See mergers and acquisitions
  • Mackey, John, 264
  • macro trends, 13, 62
  • maintenance reports, 254
  • management effectiveness ratios, 136–140
  • management team. See also boards of directors; executive compensation
    • analyst conference calls, 240–241
    • analyzing, 46, 355
    • boards of directors, 157, 160–164
    • comments in earnings press releases, 59
    • evidence of skill, 176, 183–186
    • experience of, 156
    • insider trading, 306–307, 309
    • overview, 13
    • questionable management, 187
    • shareholders’ meetings, 247–248
    • skepticism of executives’ claims in media, 245–246
    • 10-Ks, 60, 221–223
  • management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A), 60–61, 222, 229–231
  • managing earnings, 126
  • manias. See bubbles and manias
  • manufacturers’ new orders, 276
  • manufacturing hours, average weekly, 277
  • margin of safety, 46, 48, 200
  • market for registrant’s common equity, 221
  • market risk
    • price movements, 42
    • quantitative and qualitative disclosures about, 222
  • market share, 282, 294–295
  • market value (market capitalization), 150, 312
    • calculating, 41
    • components of, 49
    • defined, 41, 199
    • intrinsic value vs., 199, 212
    • shares of smaller companies measured by, 42
    • stock splits, 73
  • marketable securities, 101, 109
  • MarketSmith, 311
  • MasterCard, 49–50, 136, 150–151
  • material and non-public information, 23
  • MD&A (management’s discussion and analysis), 60–61, 222, 229–231
  • media reports, 243–246
    • credit-rating agencies’ reports, 260
    • information provided by, 244–245
    • skepticism of executives’ claims, 245–246
    • what to look for, 245
  • meme stocks and investors, 8, 17, 50–51, 177, 262, 320–321
  • mergers and acquisitions (M&As)
    • cash flows from investing activities, 123
    • dilution, 112–113
    • logical, 113
  • Merrill Lynch, 252
  • Meta Platforms, 180
  • Microsoft, 90–92, 259
  • Microsoft Excel
    • analyzing XBRL data, 71
    • present value, 202
    • spreadsheet help and tutorials, 29
  • Milton Hershey School Trust, 103
  • momentum investors, 38, 183, 345–347
  • Mondelez International, 119, 122, 124–125, 127–128
  • Moneychimp Cash Flow Calculator, 213
  • Moody’s, 47, 258–260
  • Morningstar, 266, 312, 345
  • moving average analysis, 28, 304–306, 336–337
  • MSCI, 283
  • MSN Money, 70, 256, 312, 338, 343
  • multiples. See valuation ratios
  • Musk, Elon, 51, 167, 170


  • Nasdaq, 56, 310, 339
  • National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 274, 277
  • NBCUniversal, 172
  • net income (net profit; net margin), 88–89, 116
    • calculating, 88
    • defined, 80
    • overview, 92
    • quality of earnings, 352
    • return on assets, 184
    • return on equity, 138
    • revenue vs., 88
  • net loss, 92
  • net worth, 98–99
  • New Constructs, 213, 256
  • new products, 245, 347
  • New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), 56
  • New York University, 150
  • Nike, 58
  • nominating committees, 160
  • noncyclical companies, 285
  • number of shares outstanding, 41, 49–50, 71, 112
    • cash per share, 181
    • discounted cash flow analysis, 203–205
    • earnings per share, 92–93
    • market value, 199, 212
    • price-to-book ratio, 146
  • NYSE (New York Stock Exchange), 56


  • one-time charges, 326
  • online resources
    • analysts’ reports, 256
    • Berkshire Hathaway annual reports, 47
    • big investors’ Twitter accounts, 265
    • charting service, 345
    • Cheat Sheet (companion to book), 3
    • commodity prices, 293
    • Conference Board Leading Economic Index, 277
    • credit-rating agencies’ reports, 260
    • current ratios, 111
    • discounted cash flow analysis, 213–214
    • executive compensation, 166, 169
    • General Electric, 72
    • government statistics, 275
    • Hewlett-Packard HP 12C financial calculator manual, 203
    • IFA Index Calculator, 368
    • industry data and financial ratios, 291
    • Microsoft Excel spreadsheet help and tutorials, 29
    • MSN Money, 70
    • National Bureau of Economic Research, 274
    • price-to-earnings ratio calculation, 150
    • put-to-call ratios, 342
    • S&P Dividend Aristocrat list, 195
    • SEC EDGAR database, 69
    • sector performance data, 287–288
    • social investing, 264–265
    • sports facility naming rights, 358
    • stock message boards, 264
    • stock screening tools, 311–312
    • tracking insider trading, 310
    • Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine, 206, 261
    • Vix, 343
    • Yahoo! Finance, 70, 73, 95, 208, 242, 288
  • open interest, 342
  • open market purchases, 170
  • operating activities
  • operating expenses, 79
    • administrative expenses, 79
    • marketing expenses, 79
    • research and development, 79
  • operating income, 149, 299–302, 304–305
  • operating P-E, 149
  • operating performance ratios, 35
  • operating profit (operating margin)
    • overview, 91–92
    • saturation, 357
  • operating profit percent, 90
  • option chain, 341
  • options, 340–343
    • defined, 341
    • diluted earnings per share, 93–94
    • dilution, 112–113
    • excesses, 158
    • executive compensation, 169
    • price levels, 341–342
    • put-to-call ratio, 342
    • types of, 341
    • Vix, 343
  • Oracle, 299–306
  • OTC Bulletin Board, 57
  • OTC Pink (Pink Sheets), 57, 246
  • overboarding, 160, 172
  • overvaluation, 29, 48, 51, 148–149, 151–152, 176, 187–188, 194, 257, 308, 326, 333, 340, 366
  • ownership
    • buying business vs. trading stocks, 11–12
    • investing as owner, not trader, 46
    • proxy statements, 157
  • Oxford City Football Club, 246


  • P&G (Procter & Gamble), 113, 204–205, 207–210, 212
  • Palm Computing, 40
  • passive investing, 12–13, 16, 53
  • payable dates, 192
  • P-E ratio. See price-to-earnings ratio
  • peak phase, 273
  • PEG ratio, 151, 183, 188, 319
  • penny stocks, 57
  • pension liabilities, 226–228
  • Per Se, 23
  • percentage changes
    • calculating, 67–68
    • company growth, 83–84
    • defined, 67
  • perks, 168–169
  • per-share price, 49–50, 73, 136, 150
  • Pfizer, 259
  • Philip Morris USA, 231–232
  • Pink Sheets (OTC Pink), 57, 246
  • PP&E. See property, plant and equipment
  • preferred stock
    • defined, 93
    • shareholders’ equity, 104
  • prepaid expenses, 101
  • present value, 201–202, 206, 210–211, 300
  • price-to-book ratio, 145–146, 181, 311
    • growth stocks, 355
    • inflated, 188
    • skyrocketing, 320–321
  • price-to-earnings (P-E) ratio, 35, 145, 148–153, 177, 197, 311
    • benefits of, 149–150
    • calculating, 148–150
    • comparing company financials to industry, 290
    • earnings yield, 186
    • of entire market, 152–153
    • inflated, 189, 319
    • overvaluation, 188
    • PEG ratio, 151, 183, 188, 319
    • reciprocal, 186
    • S&P Dow Jones Indices, 287–288
    • technical analysis, 345
    • variations of, 148–149
  • PricewaterhouseCoopers, 235
  • pro forma earnings, 95–96
  • Procter & Gamble (P&G), 113, 204–205, 207–210, 212
  • profit margins (profitability ratios), 89–93, 136
    • defined, 89–90
    • earnings per share, 92–93
    • gross profit, 90
    • net income, 92
    • operating profit, 91–92
    • return on assets, 185
  • profitability, 14. See also income statements
  • property, plant and equipment (PP&E), 101
    • investments in, 123
    • 10-Ks, 220
    • updating and upgrading, 123
  • prospectuses, 317
  • proxy statements (14As), 64, 155–172
    • auditors, 164–165, 171
    • boards of directors, 157, 160–164
    • corporate governance, 156, 159–160, 223
    • defined, 64, 156
    • executive compensation, 64, 157, 163–170
    • information gained from, 64, 156–157
    • obtaining, 157–158
    • other shareholders, 157, 165, 170–172
  • PSINet, 358
  • public comments and statements, 237–248
    • analyst conference calls, 238–242
    • media reports, 243–246
    • shareholders’ meetings, 247–248
  • publicly-traded companies
    • defined, 7–8
    • transparency, 56–57
  • PurchasePro, 325
  • put options
    • defined, 341
    • price levels, 341–342
    • put-to-call ratio, 342
  • put-to-call ratio, 342


  • qualified auditor’s opinions, 62
  • quality of earnings, 314, 352
  • quantitative research firms, 253
  • quick ratio, 144


  • RadioShack, 235
  • raw materials costs, 293
  • Ready Ratios, 111, 291
  • real money supply, 276
  • real-estate investment trusts (REITs), 193
  • recessions, 268–269, 271, 273–274, 277, 360
  • recovery phase, 274
  • Reddit, 38, 50, 265, 340
  • regional economic activity, 275
  • Regulation Fair Disclosure (Regulation FD), 241, 243
  • REITs (real-estate investment trusts), 193
  • related-person transactions (related-party transactions), 163
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI), 343
  • resistance levels, 332
  • restatements, 224–225, 232–233, 305, 326
  • restricted stock, 93, 167, 169
  • retained earnings
    • Altman’s Z-score, 353–354
    • shareholders’ equity, 99, 105
  • retirement accounts, 363
  • return on assets, 136, 183–185, 311
  • return on equity (ROE), 136, 138–139, 183, 311, 327
  • return on invested capital (ROIC), 35, 136, 139–140, 183
  • return on portfolio, measuring, 366–367
  • revenue, 79–89
    • accounts receivable turnover, 141
    • Altman’s Z-score, 354
    • breakdown into units, 81–82
    • company growth, 82–85
    • defined, 79
    • direct costs, 79, 86–89
    • improper revenue recognition, 81
    • information gained from, 80
    • international vs. domestic, 86
    • net income, 88–89
  • revenue growth, 83–85, 89, 129, 356
    • decelerating, 187
    • fast-growing companies, 311
    • swelling accounts receivable, 325
  • revenue recognition, 81, 325
  • revenue-to-employee ratio, 134–135
  • reverse stock splits, 73–74
  • risk
    • changing appetite for, 188
    • credit-rating agencies’ reports, 259
    • discounted cash flow analysis, 201
    • market risk, 42, 222
    • measuring portfolio’s risk, 367–368
    • rising risk of default, 188
    • specific risk, 314–315
    • systematic risk, 314–315
    • 10-Ks, 62, 220, 222, 230–231
  • risk-free rate, 207–208
  • Ritter, Jay, 317
  • Robinhood, 317
  • ROE (return on equity), 136, 138–139, 183, 311, 327
  • ROIC (return on invested capital), 35, 136, 139–140, 183
  • RSI (Relative Strength Index), 343
  • Ruenzi, Stefan, 307
  • Russell 3000, 45


  • S&P. See Standard & Poor’s
  • Sarbanes–Oxley Act of 2002, 61, 223
  • saturation, 357
  • say on pay votes, 172
  • Sears, 113
  • SEC. See Securities and Exchange Commission
  • secondary market, 66
  • Sector SPDRs, 288
  • sectors, 283–285
    • business cycle and performance of, 286
    • exchange-traded funds, 289
    • fundamentals of, 286–288
    • stock performance of, 288, 335
  • Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  • securities class-action lawsuits, 323–324
  • Security Analysis, 28
  • selective disclosure, 56
  • shareholder proposals, 64, 157, 165, 171–172
  • shareholders’ equity, 104–105
    • additional paid in capital, 105
    • Altman’s Z-score, 354
    • calculating, 99–100
    • common stock, 104–105
    • common-size analysis, 106
    • defined, 25, 33, 99
    • low debt loads, 179
    • preferred stock, 104
    • price-to-book ratio, 146
    • relationship between assets, liabilities and, 33–34
    • retained earnings, 105
    • return on equity, 138
    • total, 105
    • treasury stock, 105
  • shareholders’ meetings, 247–248
    • fun, 248
    • general script for, 247–248
  • short interest, 339–340
  • short selling, 321, 339–340
  • short squeezes, 340
  • short-term assets. See current assets
  • short-term capital gains, 53
  • short-term debt, 103, 125
  • short-term liquidity, 110–111
  • Silicon Investor, 264
  • sin stock, 232
  • size of companies
    • measuring, 41–42
    • revenue and, 80
    • shares of smaller companies measured by market value, 42
  • Snap, 103
  • SolarCity, 51–52
  • special-purpose acquisition companies (SPACs), 224–225
  • specific risk, 314–315
  • speculation and speculators, 38, 48
  • speculative returns, 40, 44
  • spread, 52
  • Standard & Poor’s 500, 27, 44–45, 111, 114, 127–128, 148, 152–153, 177
    • buybacks, 307–308
    • COVID-19 recession, 268–270
    • Dividend Aristocrats list, 195
    • dividend yield, 320
    • dividends, 192, 195
    • executive compensation, 163–164, 167
    • financial crisis of 2008 and 2009, 269
    • leading economic indicators, 277
    • long-term debt, 179–180
  • Standard & Poor’s (S&P)
    • credit ratings, 258–260
    • Dow Jones Indices, 287–288
    • GICS, 283
  • standard deviation, 315, 367–368
  • statements of cash flows, 115–132
    • benefits of, 117
    • cash flows from financing activities, 118, 124–125
    • cash flows from investing activities, 118, 123–124
    • cash flows from operating activities, 118–123
    • components of, 118
    • earnings vs. cash flow, 126
    • free cash flow, 129–132
    • importance of cash flow, 116
    • low-quality earnings, 326–327
    • monitoring cash flow, 126–128
    • overview, 34
  • staying power (financial health), 21, 35. See also balance sheets
    • cash per share, 181
    • current ratio, 136, 178
    • liquidity, 178
    • low debt loads, 178–179
    • stable cash flows, 181
    • Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital, 293
  • stock buybacks. See buybacks
  • stock message boards, 262–264
  • stock price charts, 27, 330–332
    • types of, 331–332
    • what to look for, 332
  • stock prices, 277
  • stock screening, 310–312, 364
    • benefits of, 310
    • building screens, 311–312
    • categories of, 311
  • stock splits, 72–74
    • defined, 72
    • obtaining data, 73–74
    • reverse, 73–74
  • stock-based compensation expense, 120
  • Stocktwits, 265
  • story stocks, 51–52
  • strike price, 341–342
  • subindustries, 283–285
  • Sun Microsystems, 17
  • suppliers, 22, 102–103, 118, 126, 142, 220, 255
  • support levels, 332
  • systematic risk, 314–315


  • T. Rowe Price, 180
  • Take-Two Interactive, 316–317
  • tangible assets, 99, 326
  • Target, 294–295
  • taxes
    • auditing firms, 165
    • deferred income taxes, 103, 120
    • earnings before interest and, 79
    • effective tax rate, 229
    • income statements, 79
    • investing in individual companies, 362
    • short-term capital gains, 53
    • taxable accounts, 363
  • TD Ameritrade, 256
  • technical analysis, 38, 41–42, 329–347
    • fundamental analysis vs., 27–28, 333
    • historical prices, 335–336
    • opposition to, 330
    • options, 340–343
    • stock price charts, 330–332
    • stock prices as early-warning system, 335
    • terminology, 333
    • tools for, 336–340
    • using with fundamental analysis, 334–336, 344–347
    • what to look for, 332
  • technicals, defined, 330
  • tech-stock boom. See dot-com and tech-stock booms
  • 10-Ks, 61–62, 215–223, 232–233
    • annual reports vs., 217–218
    • competitors, 292
    • defined, 61, 217
    • key elements of, 61–62, 219–223, 225–235
    • obtaining, 218–219
    • revisions and restatements, 224–225, 232–233, 305, 326
    • 10-K wraps, 63, 218
    • 10-Qs vs., 61
  • 10-Qs, 59–61
    • components of, 60
    • deadlines, 59–60
    • defined, 59
    • lack of auditing, 61
    • 10-Ks vs., 61
  • Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital, 293
  • time value of money, 31, 201–202
  • Time Warner, 113
  • top-down analysis, 267–277
    • key measures, 273–275
    • leading economic indicators, 275–277
    • overall economy, 268–273
  • TRACE (Trade Reporting and Compliance Engine), 206–207, 261–262
  • trade credit, 103
  • trade cycle, 25, 38
  • trading commissions, 361–362
  • trading costs, 52
  • trading patterns, 28
  • trailing P-E, 148–149
  • transparency, 56–57
  • treasury stock, 105
  • Trefis, 214
  • trend analysis, 176, 183, 205, 297–312, 366
    • forecasting future, 301–303
    • importance of, 298–300
    • index-number trend analysis, 303–304
    • industry changes, 357
    • insider trading, 306–310
    • moving average analysis, 304–306
    • stock screening, 310–312
  • trough phase, 274
  • Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, 96
  • Twitter, 265
  • Tyco International, 158


  • unavailability of capital, 270
  • undervalued stocks, 23, 26, 38, 48, 177, 181, 194, 198, 212, 340, 360
  • unemployment, average weekly initial claims for, 276
  • U.S. Department of Commerce Bureau of Economic Analysis, 275
  • U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, 275


  • valuation, 22, 366
    • analysts’ reports, 255
    • overview, 13
    • signals to buy, 176–177
  • valuation ratios (multiples), 35, 136, 145–148
  • Value America, 131–132
  • value stocks and investing, 47–48
    • defined, 38
    • fundamentals, 48
    • Graham and Dodd, 47–48
    • growth stocks vs., 39, 189
    • index investing, 41
    • origins of, 48
    • price-to-book ratio, 146
    • trend analysis, 183
  • Visa, 49–50, 136, 150–151
  • Volatility Index (Vix), 343
  • volume (conviction)
    • average daily volume, 338–339
    • stock price charts, 27
    • technical analysis, 337–338


  • Wall Street analysts
    • analyst conference calls, 238–239
    • analysts’ reports, 250–256
    • earnings estimates, 96
  • Wall Street Journal, The, 166
  • Walmart, 294–295
  • Walsh, Frank, 158
  • Walt Disney Company, 271
  • Warner Bros. Discovery, 167
  • Warren Buffett Way, The, 45
  • Washington Mutual, 111
  • Welch, Jack, 169
  • WhaleWisdom, 310
  • Whole Foods Market, 264
  • Wild Oats Market, 264
  • wisdom of crowds, 262
  • working capital
    • analyzing, 110–111
    • calculating, 110
    • defined, 100
  • WorldCom, 111


  • XBRL (eXtensive Business Reporting Language) format, 70–71



  • Zacks Investment Research, 312
  • Zaslav, David, 167
  • Zynga, 316
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