abstract data types, 262263

access-arm mechanism, 203

access methods, 207218. See also index

file organizations and, 207218

sequential, 207, 210, 213, 217

access path plan, 70

accessing data, problems in, 1213

active data dictionaries, 284286. See also passive dictionaries

attributes, 285286

definitions, 284

distinctions, 284

entities, 285286

relationships, 286

uses and users, 286

Advance Auto Parts, 69

aggregated data, 340

aggregation, 248, 255256

alternate key, 110, 34

Analytical Engine, 7

AND operator, 7576

anomalies data, 55

anti-virus software, 301

application characteristics, 218, 220

Application Program Interface (API), 373

application servers, 318

arbitration, 288

associative entity, in M-M binary relationship, 27

asymmetric data encryption, 300

attribute, 20, 45, 108

columns, 108

creating uniqueness with, 20, 28

data normalization and, 157158, 174

data normalization examples, 185189

domain of values, 112, 142, 144

E-R diagrams, 158160

inheritance of, 253254

keys and, 109

physical database design, 97, 199237

unique, 20

attribute names, 72, 85

ATTRIBUTES table, 283

audio clips, 373

availability, database, 374, 375376

AVG operator, 81


B+−tree index, 211214

information from, 212213

Babbage, Charles, 7

backup, 291, 303307

backup copies and journals, 303

importance, 303

backward recovery, 305306

balance sheet, 6

Baptist Memorial Health care, 378379

bartering, 5

base table, 70

basic SELECT format, 70

before and after image log, 303

BETWEEN operator, 7778

bill of materials, 29, 143144, 165

Binary File (BFILE), 374

binary large objects (BLOBs), 263, 374

Binary LOB (BLOB), 374

binary relationships, 2028

cardinality, 2324

converting entities in, 160164

data modeling in, 1938

E-R diagram, 22

many-to-many (M-M) binary relationship, 2328

modality, 2425

one-to-many (1-M) binary relationship, 2325

one-to-one (1-1) binary relationship, 23, 25

biometric systems, 297

Black & Decker, 107

block of logical records, 206

Boolean AND operator, 7576

Boolean OR operator, 7576

breaches, data security, 294

methods of, 294296

types, 294

browsers, 369

built-in functions, 8183


calculating devices, 9

candidate keys, 109110

cardinality, in binary relationships, 2324

Cartesian product, 98, 128

cascade delete rule, 152

case-based learning, 358

catalogs, 270, 287

census, 8

centralized database, 322

change log, 303

Character LOB (CLOB), 374

checkpoint, 306

class, 251

class diagram, 251

client side, 371372

client/server database, 315321

application servers, 318

database server, 318

file server approach, 318

three-tier approach, 318320

two-tiered client/server arrangement, 318319

client/server system, 368

clustering, 376

clustering files, 225

Codd, Edgar F. “Ted”, 105

cold sites, 307

collision, 216

column (field), 108

Common Gateway Interface (CGI), 373

compact disk (CD), 11

comparisons, 98

competitive advantage, 12

complex relationships, 251260

aggregation, 255256

class diagrams, 251, 256

General Hardware Co. Class Diagram, 256

generalization, 251253

Good Reading Bookstores Class Diagram, 256259

inheritance of attributes, 253254

inheritance of operations, 254255

Lucky Rent-A-Vehicle Class Diagram, 260261

operations, 254255

polymorphism, 254255

World Music Association class diagram, 259

Computer-Aided Restoration of Electric Service (CARES), 44

Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE), 287

computer security issue, 59

computer viruses, 296

concurrency control, 291, 308311

deadlock, 309310

in distributed databases, 325327

importance of, 308

locks, 309310

lost update problem, 308309

resource usage matrix, 310

versioning, 310311

concurrency problem, 59

Contact Management and lead Tracking System, 24950

controlled access (passwords and privileges), 297299

corporate resource, 1214, 49

data as, 115, 49

data mining, 357361

COUNT operator, 82

CREATE TABLE command, 191

CREATE VIEW command, 192

Customer Information System, 44

customer relationship management systems (CRMs), 292293

cylinders, 204205


data access, unauthorized, 294

data administration, 269290

advantages, 271274

decentralized environment, managing data in, 274

externally acquired databases, managing, 273

operational management of data, 273

responsibilities of, 274278

data analyst, 274

data before database management, 4348

attribute, 45

entity, 45

entity set, 45

field, 45

files, 4346

record, 45

records, 4346

storing and retrieving data, basic concepts in, 4648

data characteristics, 218220

data cleaning, 352, 353356

apparently incorrect data, 356

impossible data, 355356

impossible/out-of-range data, 356

missing data, 353

possible misspelling, 355

questionable data, 353, 356

data communications, intercepting, 295

data control issues, 5860

computer security, 59

concurrency problem, 59

data independence, 60

data coordination, 274275, 288

data definition language (DDL), 68

data dependence, 60

data dictionaries. See dictionaries, data

data encryption 299

data enrichment 353

data extraction 352353

into XML, 379381. See also under Extensible Markup Language (XML)

data independence 60

data integration 4956, 127129

among many files, 5051

within one file, 5256

data integrity 5052, 248, 260

data loading 352, 356357

data maintenance 150, 280

data management. See also Structured Query Language (SQL)

data definition, 68, 191, 193

data manipulation, 68, 192194

in decentralized environment, 274, 288

documenting data environment, 277

responsibility for, 252

data manipulation languages (DMLs) 68

data mart (DM) 341343

data mining 357360

case-based learning, 358

decision trees, 358

genetic algorithm, 358

neural networks, 358

data modeling 1940

aggregation, 255256, 260

attribute, 20

entity, 20

examples, 3137

generalization/specialization, 248, 251253, 260262

inheritance, 253254

object-oriented, 250251

polymorphism, 254255

relationships, 20. See also binary relationships; ternary relationships; unary relationships

unique identifier, 20

data normalization process 158, 174189

Boyce-Codd normal form, 177

fifth normal form, 177

first normal form, 177180

fourth normal form, 177

General hardware Co., 185186

Good Reading Bookstores, 186188

Lucky Rent-A-Car, 188189

second normal form, 177, 180182

steps in, 177

third normal form, 177, 182185

unnormalized data, 178

World Music Association, 188

data ownership 277

data planning 275

data redundancy 4956

among many files, 5052

data integration and, 4863

liminating, 126, 231

nonredundant data, 5460, 127

physical design techniques and, 21837

within one file, 5256

data repository 281, 287

data retrieval 124129. See also under relational database model

DBMS and, 56, 6063, 97, 124

disk storage considerations, 2026

data security 291, 293302

breaches, 294296. See also breaches, data security

importance of, 293294

measures, types of, 296302

as operational requirement, 220221

data standards 275276

data storage 7. See also data security

clustering files, 222, 225227

data relationships, 5658, 111124

data repositories, 287

DBMS and, 1415, 56, 6063, 6870, 106, 124, 127, 129, 150151, 201, 218, 221

derived, 221

hashed files and, 217

Internet security and privacy, 376378

problems with, 1213

storage media, 911, 302

data structure building with SQL 157, 191192

data theft 294, 299

data transformation 352, 356

data types 373

data volatility 220

data volume 223

data warehouse 335364

administering, 360361

building, 352357

challenges in, 361362

concept(s), 338341

data cleaning, 344, 352, 354356, 361

designing, 343351

General Hardware Co., 344348

Good Reading Bookstores, 348350

Lucky Rent-A-Car, 350351

types of, 341343

using, 357360

utilizing, 357360

World Music Association, question of, 351

database 2

database administration 269290

advantages, 271274

responsibilities of, 278281

database concept 4860. See also database management system (DBMS)

data integration, 48

data redundancy, 48

datacentric environment, 48

multiple relationships, 5658

principles of, 48

database connectivity issues 367373

basic client/server system, 368

stand-alone PC, 368

database control issues 291313, 374379. See also backup; concurrency control; data security; disaster recovery; recovery

availability, 374, 375376

performance, 374375

scalability, 374, 376

security and privacy, 376379

database environment 2, 1415

database management system (DBMS) 2, 1415, 4166

DBMS approaches, 6063

definition of, 43

externally-acquired databases, 273

need for, 55, 74, 148

relational catalogs, 98, 287, 298

server approach, 370381

database performance 200

factors affecting, 200

database persistence 375

database server 318

databases and internet 365383

database connectivity issues, 367373. See also individual entry

database control issues, 374379

expanded set of data types, 373374

Good Reading Bookstores relational database, 371

data-centric environments 48

deadlock 309310

decentralized environment, managing data in 274

decision support systems (DSS) 336

decision trees 358

declarative SQL SELECT statement 70

defining associations 175177, 179181, 189190

DELETE command 192193

delete rules 151153

Cascade, 152

Restrict, 152

Set-to-Null, 152153

deletion anomaly 55

denormalization 221, 231232

dependent entities 33, 36, 169, 172

functional, 148, 149, 151155, 157161

derived data 221

storing, 229230

designing databases. See database design

determinant 176, 185

development of data 10

dictionaries, data 281287. See also active data dictionaries; passive dictionaries

active, 284286

ATTRIBUTES table, 283

metadata, 281284

passive, 284286

relational DBMS catalogs, 287

TABLES table, 283

dimension tables 338, 344346, 322325, 349, 359

dimensions 343

direct access 4748

disk storage and, 11, 202206

examples of, 233237

hashed files, 215218

indexes, 97, 202, 215

directories 296

disaster recovery 306307

hot sites, 307

cold sites, 307

disk/disk devices 200, 207

disk drives, 11

disk-pack philosophy, 11

disk storage, 202206. See also under physical database design

structure of, 203

dispersing tables on the LAN 331

DISTINCT operator 79

distributed database/distributed DBMS 321334. See also distributed joins

advantages, 331332

centralized database, 322

concept, 321325

concurrency control in, 325327

disadvantages, 331332

distributed directory management, 330331

location transparency, 321

two-phase commit, 327

with maximum data replication, 324

with no data replication, 323

with one complete copy in one city, 325

with targeted data replication, 326

distributed directory management 330331

distributed joins 327329

division-remainder method 216

documentation 277

domain of values 112

double-entry bookkeeping 6

Drill-Down 357

Driver's License System (Tennessee Department of Safety) 336

DROP TABLE command 191

DROP VIEW command 192

Ducks Unlimited (DU) 201

duplicate databases 306

duplicating tables 233

dynamic backout 306


early data problems spawn calculating devices, 78

Ecolab, 159

electric-eye devices, 298

electromechanical equipment, 9

electronic commerce, 366

electronic computers, 9

electronic data interchange (EDI), 380

embedded mode, 70

encapsulation, 260262

enriched data, 359

enterprise data warehouse (EDW), 341343

enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, 49

entity, 20, 45

entity identifier, 118

entity occurrences, 140

entity-relationship diagram. See E-R diagram

entity set 45

equijoin 128

E-R diagram 20, 22, 2437

conversions, 158. See also under binary relationships; data normalization process; logical database design

with data normalization, testing tables converted from, 189191

ESPN 270271

expanded set of data types 373374

audio clips, 373

binary file (BFILE), 374

binary LOB (BLOB), 374

character LOB (CLOB), 374

graphic images, 373

National Character LOB (NCLOB), 374

video clips, 373

Extensible Markup Language (XML), data extraction into 379381

as an independent layer of data definition, 381

Document Type Definition (DTD), 380

for Good Reading Bookstores book, 380

external features, adding 221222

externally acquired databases, managing 273


facts, 45

field, 45

file organizations, 207218. See also hashed files

file server approach, 318

files, 4346

clustered, 225, 233

data redundancy and integration, 4856

hashed, 215218

indexed-sequential, 210, 213

loss or corruption of, 59

terminology of, 106, 108, 250251

well-integrated, 5456

filtering, 79

firewalls, 301

first normal form, 177180

fixed disk drives, 11, 203

flash drive, 9

foreign keys, 111

substituting, 228

forward recovery, 304305

fragmentation, 329330

functional dependencies, 175, 177, 190


Garment Sortation System, 6162

Garment Utilization System (GUS), 21

gateway computer, 316

generalization, 248, 251253

genetic algorithm, 358

geographic information systems (GIS), 373

GRANT command, 298

graphic images, 373

GROUP BY clause, 8389, 223

Guest Profile Manager (GPM), 292


hacking, 295

hard disk drives, 203

hardware, 1315, 29, 31, 307, 367

Hasbro, 317

hashed files, 215218

hashing method, 207

HAVING clause, 84

head switching, 206

hierarchical DBMS approach, 60

Hilton Hotels, 292293

history of data, 211

1900s, 810

Analytical Engine, 7

bartering, 5

Census, 8

‘Code of Commerce’, 6

commercial data processing, 9

compact disk (CD), 11

data storage means, 7

data through the ages, 56

disk drives, 11

double-entry bookkeeping, 6

early data problems spawn calculating devices, 78

effect of Crusades, 6

electronic computers, 9

fourteenth century, 6

late 1800s, 8

late thirteenth centuries, 6

magnetic tape concept, 10

modern data storage media, 911

punched cards, 7

punched paper tape, 9

record keeping, 56

seventeenth century, 7

Hnedak Bobo Group (HBG), 249

Hollerith, Herman, 89

home page, 370

horizontal partitioning, 226

hot sites, 307

HyperText Markup Language (HTML), 379

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 372


IMAGE data type, 303

importance of data, 117

as a competitive weapon, 12

as new corporate resource, 1314

IN operator, 7778

index, 207215

B+−tree index, 211214

creating an index with SQL, 215

indexed-sequential file, 210

salesperson file, 209210

simple linear index, 208211

Information Management System (IMS), 62

information processing, 8

information systems environment, today's data in, 1215

accessing data, problems in, 1213

data for competitive advantage, 12

challenging factors, 13

storing data, problems in, 1213

information theft, 13, 42, 59, 220

Informix Universal Server, 374


of attributes, 253254

of operations, 254255

INSERT command 192193

insert rules 151

insertion anomaly 55

Integrated Data Management Store (IDMS) 62

integrated queries 225

integrated software 273

integrated, data as 339

integrating data 127129

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) 8

internet 365383. See also databases and internet

Internet Service Provider (ISP) 370

intersection data 116117

in binary relationships, 2531

data normalization and, 158

in M-M binary relationship, 2526

nonkey attributes and, 175, 179, 180

in ternary relationships, 3137

in unary relationships, 2831


Jacquard, Joseph Marie, 78

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), 373

job specialization, 272273

Join operator, 127

join work, in SQL, 8590

JPEG data type, 374


key fields, 45

keys. See candidate keys; foreign keys; primary keys


Landau Uniforms, 6162

large object (LOB) data types, 374

LIKE operator, 7779

load balancing, 376

local-area network (LAN), 316

local autonomy, 322

location transparency, 321

locks, 309310

logical database design, 157198

converting E-R diagrams into relational tables, 158174

data normalization process, 174189

E-R diagram conversion logical design technique, 172

General Hardware Co. Database, designing, 166170

Good Reading Bookstores database, designing, 170171

Lucky Rent-A-Car Database, designing, 173174

manipulating the data with SQL, 192193

testing tables converted

World Music Association database, designing, 171173

logical design technique, for E-R diagram conversion, 172

logical records, 206

logical sequential access, 47

logical view, 223

logs, database, 303

change log, 303

transaction log, 303

lost update problem, 308309


magnetic disk, 11

magnetic drum, 117

magnetic tape concept, 1011

malicious mischief, 294

manageable resource, data as, 4849

corporate resource, 49

software utility, 49

manipulating data, 4647

manugistics, 107

many-to-many (M-M) binary relationship, 2328, 113, 163166

associative entity, 27

associative entity SALES, 27

associative entity with intersection data, 27

E-R diagram conversion, 158174

intersection data, 2526

primary keys and, 109110

record deletion and, 150

relations and, 9697

ternary, 31, 14650

unary, 2931, 143145, 165166

unique identifiers in, 28, 116

market basket analysis, 358

MAX operator, 82

memory, primary and secondary, 202203, 206210

memphis, TN, 138139

merge-scan join algorithm, 98

message, 262

metadata, 281

data catalogs, 98, 281, 287

data dictionaries, 281287

data planning issues, 275

data repositories, 287

documentation of, 277

example of, 282284

Microsoft Active Server Pages (ASP), 373

middleware, 373

MIN operator, 82

mirrored databases, 306

Mobile Dispatching System (MDS), 44

modality, in binary relationships, 2425

modern data storage media, 911

multidimensional databases, 343

multiple relationships, 5658

multiple tables, 222, 226


National Character LOB (NCLOB), 374

natural join, 128

navigational DBMSs, 62

Neolithic means of record keeping, 5

nested-loop join, 98

Network Cable System (NCS), 270

network DBMS approach, 60, 158

neural networks, 358

non-redundant data, 127

non-volatile, data as, 339

normal forms, 177, 180181, 183


object class, 251

Object Management Group (OMG), 251

object, 250

object/relational database, 263264

object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS), 60, 247267. See also complex relationships; encapsulation

abstract data types, 262263

encapsulation, 262

object/relational database, 263264

object-oriented data modeling, 250

relational databases vs., 263264

terminology, 250251

objects, 46, 249251, 287

occurrence vs. type, 45

one-to-many (1-M) binary relationships, 111, 162163

binary relationship, 2325

E-R diagram conversion, 158164

primary keys and, 109111

record deletion and, 150

unary, 29, 139143, 165

one-to-one (1-1) binary relationship, 23, 120124, 160162, 164165

combining tables in, 222, 230231

E-R diagram conversion, 23, 158164

unary relationship, 2829, 164165

on-line analytic processing (OLAP), 357

drill-down, 357

pivot or rotation, 357

slice, 357

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), 373

operational management of data, 273

operations, 254255

optical disk, 11, 15

OR operator, 7576

ORDER BY operator, 8081

order pipeline system (, 3

origins of data, 25

ancient Middle East, 4

clay tokens or counters, 4

Neolithic means of record keeping, 5

Susa culture, 5

overflow records, 216


Pacioli, Luca, 6

partitioning/fragmentation, 329330

Parts Delivered Quickly (PDQ) system, 69

Pascal, Blaise, 7

passive dictionaries, 284286. See also active data dictionaries

attributes, 285286

definitions, 284

distinctions, 284

entities, 285286

relationships, 286

uses and users, 286

passwords, 298

PeopleSoft, 273

performance monitoring, 278

performance, database, 374375

personal computer (PC), 106

physical database design, 199245. See also file organizations

disk storage, 202206


finding and transferring data, steps in, 206

inputs to, 218221

techniques that DO change the logical design, 227233

techniques that DO NOT change the logical design, 222227

techniques, 221233

physical sequential access, 47

pivot or rotation, 357

Plant Planning System, 107

‘platter’, 203

polymorphism, 254255

Powers Tabulating Machine Company, 8

Powers, James, 8

primary keys, 109110

creating, 228229

data normalization and, 218, 222

primary memory, 202

priorities, application, 218, 220

private-key technique, 300

privileges, 299

procedures, 250

program modification, unauthorized, 294

project operator, 125127

proxy server, 301

publicity, 277

public-key technique, 300

punched cards, 7

punched paper tape, 9

pure tables, 219



filtering results of, 79

integrated, 54, 6263, 225. 339

multiple limiting conditions in, 5657, 90

nonunique search argument, 73, 12526

optimizers and indexes, 98, 20615

subqueries, 8690

using COUNT, 8283, 96

query cache 375

query mode 70


Random Access Memory Accounting Machine (RAMAC), 11

RAW, for multimedia data, 374

read/write heads, 203205

reciprocal agreement, 307

record deletion, 150

record keeping, 5

records, 4346

recovery, 291, 303307

backward recovery, 305306

forward recovery, 304305

importance, 303

redundant data. See data redundancy reengineering 49

referential integrity 150153

concept, 150151

relational algebra 125

relational catalogs 223, 265266, 276

relational data retrieval 67103. See also Structured Query Language (SQL)

relational database model 105156

candidate keys, 109110

concept, 106124

data integration, 127129

data retrieval from, 124129

delete rules, 152153


foreign keys, 111

many-to-many binary relationship, 113124

one-to-many binary relationship, 111

primary keys, 109110

referential integrity, 150153

relational terminology, 106108

relational DBMS approach 60, 62, 287

relational DBMS performance 97

relational OLAP (ROLAP) 357

relational Project Operator 125127

relational query optimizer 9799

comparisons, 98

concepts, 9799

merge-scan join algorithm, 98

nested-loop join, 98

relational DBMS performance, 97

relational query processing, streamlining 129

relational Select operator 125127

relational tables, E-R diagrams conversion into 158174

relational terminology 106108

relations 108

relationships 20

adding, 46, 84, 127, 221224

combining, 230232

extracting data from, 42, 124125

primary keys, 133, 177, 146

splitting tables, 222, 226227

tables or files as, 108

reorganization 37

repeating groups 231

replicated data 4, 326

resource usage matrix 310

response time 219

restrict delete rule 152

retrieving data 4647

direct access, 4748

sequential access, 47

rollback 305

roll-forward recovery 304

root index record 213214

rotation or pivot 357

rotational delay 206

row (record) 108


SAP, 22, 107, 273, 338

SAS software, 293

scalability, database, 374, 376

screen scrapping technology, 160

search argument, 73

search attributes, 222

second normal form, 177, 180182

secondary memory, 202203, 206

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, 300

security and privacy, database, 376379

security monitoring, 288

seek time, 206

SELECT operator, 8586, 125127. See also Structured Query Language (SQL)

access privileges, 299

basic format, 71

BETWEEN, IN, and LIKE, 7779

built-in functions, 813

command writing strategy, 8990

comparisons, 7475, 98

examples, 9096

filtering results, 7980

grouping rows, 8385

joins with, 8586

AND / OR functions, 7577

relational algebra, 125

subqueries, 8689

sequential access, 47

logical sequential access, 47

physical sequential access, 47

server, 316

server approach, 318

server side, 371

Set-to-Null delete rule, 152153

shared corporate resource, data as, 271272

signatures, 301

simple entity, 158160

simple linear index, 208211

slice, 357

Smith & Nephew, 337338

‘snowflake’ design, 349

software components, Web-to-database connection, 372

software utility, 49

splitting off large text attributes, 227

stand-alone PC, 368

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), 379

star schema, 344

storage media, 911

Store Inventory Management System, 380

stored data, reorganizing, 224226

storing data, problems in, 1213

Structured Query Language (SQL), 67103

basic functions, 7081

built-in functions, 8183

data structure building with, 191192


grouping rows, 8385

index creation with, 215

join work, 8586

operators, 7576

SQL query, filtering the results of, 79

SQL select command, data retrieval with, 6890

SQL SELECT commands, writing strategies, 8990

subqueries, 8689

subject oriented, data as, 338339

subqueries, in SQL, 8689

as alternatives to joins, 87

requirement, 88

subset tables, 221, 233

SUM operator, 81

supply-chains, 380

symmetric data encryption, 300

synonym pointer, 217

‘synonyms’, 216

System Reliability Monitoring database, 44


table splitting into multiple tables, 226227

TABLES table, 283

Tennessee Department of Safety, 366367

terminology, relational vs. file, 108

ternary relationships, 31

converting entities in, 166

relational structures for, 146150

testing tables converted from E-R diagrams with data normalization, 189191

text attributes, 227

third normal form, 177, 182185

three-tier approach, 318

throughput, 218219, 236

TIFF data type, 374

time variant data, 338340

tokens, 45

tracks, 204

training personnel, 60

transaction log, 303

transaction processing systems (TPS), 336

transfer time, 206

transitive dependencies, 182, 190191

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), 372

troubleshooting, 278279

tuple, 108

two-phase commit, 327

two-tiered client/server arrangement, 318

type vs. occurrence, 45


unary relationships, 2831

converting entities in, 164166

E-R diagram conversion examples, 158, 194

many-to-many, 2931

one-to-many, 29

one-to-one, 2829

relational structures for, 139150

unauthorized computer access, 295

unauthorized data access, 294

unauthorized data or program modification, 294

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 251

unique attribute, 113

unique identifier, 20

Unisys Corporation, 9

unnormalized data, 178

update anomalies, 55

UPDATE command, 192193

update rules, 151

usage monitoring, 279


Vehicle Service Center (Memphis, TN), 138139

versioning, 310311

vertical partitioning, 227

video clips, 373

view, 223

viruses (computer), 59, 296. 301, 376

volume, 1314, 200, 223


Walt Disney Company, 2122

well integrated file, 54

wiretapping, 295

World Wide Web, 369

as a client/server system, 369


XML. See under Extensible Markup Language (XML)

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