Hierarchical Portfolio Search in Prismata

David Churchill and Michael Buro

30.1  Introduction

Many unique challenges are faced when trying to write an AI system for a modern online strategy game. Players can control groups of tens or even hundreds of units, each with their own unique properties and strategies, making for a gigantic number of possible actions to consider at any given state of the game. Even state-of-the-art search algorithms such as Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) are unable to cope with such large action spaces, as they typically require the exploration of all possible actions from a given state in a search tree. In addition to the difficulty of dealing with large state and action spaces, other design features must be considered such as varying difficulty settings, robustness to game changes, and single player replay value.

In this chapter we will discuss the AI system designed for Prismata, the online strategy game developed by Lunarch Studios. For the Prismata AI, a new algorithm called Hierarchical Portfolio Search (HPS) was created which reduces the action space for complex strategy games, which helps deal with all of the challenges listed above. This results in a powerful search-based system capable of producing intelligent actions while using a modular design which is robust to changes in game properties.

30.2  AI Design Goals

In addition to creating an intelligent AI system for strategy games, other design decisions should also be considered in order to ensure an enjoyable user experience. When designing Prismata, the following design goals were laid out for the AI system:

•  New player tutorial: Strategy games often have complex rules, many different unit types, and a variety of scenarios that the player must adjust to. All of this leads to a steep learning curve. Our primary goal with the Prismata AI was to aid new players as they learned to play the game, so that they would eventually become ready to face other players on the online ladder. This required the creation of several different difficulty settings so that players could continue to be challenged from beginner all the way up to expert play.

•  Single player replay value: Single player missions in video games are sometimes designed as rule-based sequences of events that players must navigate to achieve some goal. In Prismata, that goal is to destroy all of the enemy units, which can become quite boring if the AI does the same thing every time it encounters similar situations. Our goal was to build a dynamic AI system capable of using a variety of strategies so that it does not employ the exact same tactics each time.

•  Robust to change: Unlike games in the past which were finalized, shipped, and forgotten about, modern online strategy games are subject to constant design and balance changes. Due to their competitive nature, designers often tweak unit properties and game rules as players find strategies that are too powerful, too weak, or simply not fun to play against. We required an AI system that is able to cope with these changes and not rely on handcrafted solutions that rely on specific unit properties which would be costly to update and maintain as units continue to change.

•  Intuitive/modular design: Often times when creating a game, the behavior of the AI system, although intelligent, may not fit with the designer’s views of how the AI should act. By designing the AI in such a way that its structure is modular and intuitive, designers are better able to understand the capabilities of the AI system and thus can more easily make suggestions on how behaviors should be modified. This leads to a much smoother overall design process than if the AI system was simply viewed as a magic black box by designers.

30.3  Prismata Gameplay Overview

Before diving into the details of the AI system, we need to understand the characteristics of the game it is playing. Here we will briefly describe the high-level game rules for Prismata.

Prismata is a two-player online strategy game, best described as a hybrid between a real-time strategy (RTS) game and a collectible card game. Players take turns building resources, using unit abilities, purchasing new units, and attempting to destroy the units of their opponents. Unlike many strategy/card games, there is no hidden information in Prismata–no hands of cards or decks to draw from. Units that players control are globally visible and players can purchase additional units from a shared pool of available units which changes randomly at the start of each game (similar to the board game Dominion [Vaccarino 2009]). The rules of Prismata are also deterministic, meaning that there is no possible way for the AI to cheat by magically drawing the right card from the top of the deck, or by getting some good “luck” when most needed. In game theoretic terms, this makes Prismata a two-player, perfect information, zero-sum, alternating move game. This means that the AI does not need any move history in order to pick its next move–it can act strictly on the visible game state at any time.

Due to these properties, the Prismata AI was designed as a module that is separate from the rest of the game engine, accepts a current game state as input, and as output produces an ordered sequence of actions for the current player to perform. This architecture also gives the developer an option of where to run the AI calculations–a game state could be sent over a network to be calculated (if the game is being run on a platform with limited computational power), or run locally on a user’s hardware (as they are in Prismata).

30.4  Hierarchical Portfolio Search

The algorithm that was used to form the basis of the Prismata AI is hierarchical portfolio search (Churchill and Buro 2015). HPS was designed to make decisions in games with extremely large state and action spaces, such as strategy games. It is an extension of the portfolio greedy search algorithm, which is a hill climbing algorithm that has been used to guide combat in RTS games (Churchill and Buro 2013). The main idea behind these “portfolio-based” search systems is to reduce the branching factor of the game tree by using a portfolio of algorithms to generate a much smaller, yet hopefully intelligent set of actions. These algorithms can range from simple hand-coded heuristics to complex search algorithms. This method is useful in games where a player’s decision space can be decomposed into many individual actions. For example, in an RTS game in which a player controls an army of units, or in a card game where a player can play a sequence of cards. These decompositions are typically done tactically, so that each grouping in the portfolio contains similar actions, such as attacking, defending, and so on.

HPS is a bottom-up, two-level hierarchical search system which was originally inspired by historical military command structures. The bottom layer consists of the portfolio of algorithms described above, which generate multiple suggestions for each tactical area of the game. At the top layer, all possible combinations of those actions sequences generated by the portfolio are then iterated over by a high-level game tree search technique (such as alpha–beta or MCTS) which makes the final decision on which action sequence to perform. While this method will not produce the truly optimal move on a given turn it does quite well (as we will show in Section 30.5). Furthermore, the original problem may have contained so many action possibilities that deciding among them was intractable.

30.4.1  Components of HPS

HPS consists of several individual components that are used to form the search system. We define these components as follows:

•  State s containing all relevant game information

•  Move m = <a1, a2, …, ak>, a sequence of Actions ai

•  Player function p [m = p(s)]

•  Takes as input a State s

•  Performs the Move decision logic

•  Returns Move m generated by p at state s

•  Game function g [s’ = g(s, p1, p2)]

•  Takes as input state s and Player functions p1, p2

•  Performs game rules/logic

•  Implements Moves generated by p1, p2 until game is over

•  Returns resulting game State s’

These components are the same as those needed for most AI systems which work on abstract games.

In order to fully implement HPS, we will need to define two more key components. The first is a Partial Player function. This function is similar to a Player function, but instead of computing a complete turn Move for a player in the game, it computes a partial move associated with a tactical decomposition. For example, in a RTS game if a player controls multiple types of units, a Partial Player may compute moves for only a specific type of unit, or for units on a specific part of the map.

•  Partial Player function pp [m = pp(s)]

•  Takes as input State s

•  Performs decision logic for a subset of the turn

•  Returns partial Move m to perform at state S

The final component of HPS is the portfolio itself, which is simply a collection of Partial Player functions:

•  Portfolio P = <pp1, pp2, …, ppn>

The internal structure of the portfolio will depend on the type of game being played, however it is most useful if the Partial Players are grouped by tactical category or game phase. Iterating over all moves produced by combinations of Partial Players in the portfolio is done by the GenerateChildren procedure in Listing 30.1. Once we have created a portfolio, we can then apply any high-level game tree search algorithm to search over all legal move combinations produced by the portfolio.

30.4.2  Portfolio Creation

An important factor in the success of HPS is the creation of the Portfolio itself, since only actions generated by partial players within the portfolio will be considered by the top-level search. Two factors are important when designing the portfolio: The tactical decomposition used to partition the portfolio and the variety of Partial Players contained within each partition.

In Table 30.1, we can see an example tactical decomposition for the portfolio of partial players in Prismata, which is broken down by game phase. The Defense is the “blocking” phase of the game, and contains partial players that decide in which order to assign blocking units. The ability phase involves players using the abilities of units to do things such as gather resources or attack the opponent. The buy phase involves purchasing additional units to grow the player’s army. Finally, the breach phase involves assigning damage to enemy units in order to kill them. Each of these partial players only compute actions which are legal in that phase of the game–so in order to generate a sequence of actions which comprises the entire turn we must concatenate actions produced by one of the Partial Players from each phase.

Table 30.1 A Sample Portfolio Used in Prismata





Min cost loss

Attack all

Buy attack

Breach cost

Save attackers

Leave block

Buy defense

Breach attack

Do not attack

Buy econ

Note:  Organized by tactical game phase.

This “game phase” decomposition works well for games that can be broken down temporally, however not all games have such abstract notions. Depending on the game you are writing AI for, your decomposition may be different. For example, in a RTS game setting categories may involve different types of units, or a geometric decomposition of units placed in different locations of the map. In strategy card games these categories could be separated by different mechanics such as card drawing, card vs. card combat, or spell casting. It is vital that you include a wide variety of tactical Partial Players so that the high-level search algorithm is able to search a wide strategy space, hopefully finding an overall strong move for the turn.

30.4.3  State Evaluation

Even with the aid of an action space reducing method such as HPS, games that go on for many turns produce very large game trees which we cannot hope to search to completion. We therefore must employ a heuristic evaluation on the game states at leaf nodes in the search. Evaluation functions vary dramatically from game to game, and usually depend on some domain-specific knowledge. For example, early heuristic evaluations for Chess involved assigning points to pieces, such as 1 point for a Pawn and 9 points for a Queen, with a simple player sum difference used as the state evaluation.

These formula-based evaluations have had some success, but they are outperformed by a method known as a symmetric game playout (Churchill and Buro 2015). The concept behind a symmetric game playout is to assign a simple deterministic rule-based policy to both players in the game, and then play the game out to the end using that policy. Even if the policy is not optimal, the idea is that if both players are following the same policy then the winner of the game is likely to have had an advantage at the original evaluated state. The Game function is used to perform this playout for evaluation in HPS. We can see a full example of the HPS system using Negamax as the top-level search in Listing 30.1.

30.4.4  HPS Algorithm

Now that we have discussed all of the components of HPS, we can see a sample implementation of HPS in Listing 30.1, which uses the Negamax algorithm as the high-level search algorithm. Negamax is used here for brevity, but could be replaced by any high-level search algorithm or learning technique (such as MCTS, alpha–beta, or evolutionary algorithms). The core idea of HPS is not in the specific high-level search algorithm that you use choose, but rather in limiting the large action space that is passed in to the search by first generating a reasonable-sized set of candidate moves to consider.

Listing 30.1. HPS using Negamax.

procedure HPS(State s, Portfolio p)

        return NegaMax(s, p, maxDepth)

procedure GenerateChildren(State s, Portfolio p)

        m[] = empty set

        for all move phases f in s

        m[f] = empty set

        for PartialPlayers pp in p[f]


        moves[] = crossProduct(m[f]: move phase f)

        return ApplyMovesToState(moves, s)

procedure NegaMax(State s, Portfolio p, Depth d)

        if (d == 0) or s.isTerminal()

        Player e = playout player for evaluation

        return Game(s, e, e).eval()

        children[] = GenerateChildren(s, p)

        bestVal = -infty

        for all c in children

        val = -NegaMax(c, p, d-1)

        bestVal = max(bestVal, val)

        return bestVal

30.4.5  Creating Multiple Difficulty Settings

In most games, it is desirable to have multiple difficulty settings for the AI that players can choose from so that they can learn the game rules and face an opponent of appropriate skill. One of the strengths of HPS is the ease with which different difficulty settings can be created simply by modifying the Partial Players contained in the portfolio, or by modifying the parameters of the high-level search. There are many difficulty settings in Prismata, which were all created in this way, they are as follows:

•  Master Bot: Uses a Portfolio of 12 Partial Players and does a 3000 ms MCTS search within HPS, chosen as a balance between search strength and player wait time

•  Expert Bot: Uses the same Portfolio as Master Bot, with a 2-ply Alpha–Beta search, typical execution times are under 100 ms.

•  Medium Bot: Picks a random move from Master Bot’s Portfolio

•  Easy Bot: Same as Medium, but with weaker defensive purchasing

•  Pacifist Bot: Same as Medium, but never attacks

•  Random Bot: All actions taken are randomly

An experiment was performed, which played 10,000 games between each difficulty setting pairing, the results of which can be seen in Table 30.2. The final column shows the average scores of each difficulty setting (100 meaning unbeatable, 0 meaning never wins), from which we can see that the difficulty settings perform in line with their intuitive descriptions. The modular design of HPS allowed us to make slight changes to the portfolio and search settings to create multiple difficulty settings, which satisfied our design goals of creating both a new player tutorial for beginners, and strong opponents for expert players.

Table 30.2 Results of 10,000 Rounds of Round Robin between Each Difficulty Setting


Note:  Score = win% + (draw%/2) for row difficulty versus column difficulty. UCT100 and AB100 refer to UCT (MCTS with UCB-1 action selection) and Alpha–Beta each with 100 ms think times. Pacifist Bot was omitted, since it is designed not to attack and therefore cannot win.

30.5  Evaluation of HPS Playing Strength

To test the strength of the AI system in Prismata in an unbiased fashion, an experiment was run in which the AI secretly played against human players on the ranked Prismata ladder. Prismata’s main competitive form of play is the “Ranked” play mode, where players queue for games and are auto-matched with players of similar ranking. Player skill is determined via a ranking system that starts at Tier 1 and progresses by winning games up until Tier 10. Once players reach Tier 10, they then ranked using a numerical system similar to those used in chess.

To test against humans, a custom build of the client was created in which the AI queued for a ranked play match, played the game against whichever human it matched against, and then requeued once the match was finished. The AI system was given randomized clicking timers in order to minimize the chances that the human players would suspect that they were playing against an AI. The AI used was the hardest difficulty setting, “Master Bot,” which used MCTS as its top-level search with a think time of 3 seconds. After 48 hours and just over 200 games played, the AI had achieved a rank of Tier 6 with 48% progression toward Tier 7, and stayed at that rank for several hours. This placed the AI’s skill level within the top 25% of human players on the Prismata rank ladder, the distribution of which can be seen in Figure 30.1.

Since this experiment was performed, many improvements have been made to the AI, such as improved tactical decision-making in the blocking and breaching phase, an improved playout player, and fixing some obvious blunders that the bot made in its attack phase. Master Bot is estimated to now be at Tier 8 skill level, which is stronger than all but the top 10%–15% of human players.


Figure 30.1
Distribution of player rankings in “Ranked” play mode in Prismata. After 48 hours of testing, Master Bot had achieved a rank of Tier 6 with 48% progress toward Rank 7, which placed its skill level in the top 25% of human players.

30.6  Conclusion

In this chapter, we have introduced HPS, a new algorithm which was designed to make strong decisions in games with large state and action spaces. HPS has been in use for over two years as the basis of the Prismata AI system, with nearly a million games played versus human opponents. Because of its modular design, search-based decision-making, and intuitive architecture, it has been robust to over 20 game balance patches, producing intelligent actions even with major changes to many of units in Prismata.

The search-based nature of the AI has yielded a system which has high replay value, in which the bot will have different styles of play depending on the given state of the game. Creating different difficulty settings using HPS was merely a matter of changing the algorithms in the underlying portfolio, which resulted in a total of seven different difficulties–from pacifist punching bag to the clever Master Bot. These difficulty settings have proved to be a valuable tool for teaching players the rules of the game as they progress to new skill levels. The hardest difficulty of the Prismata AI, Master Bot, was played in secret on the human ranked ladder and achieved a skill within the top 25% of human players, showing that HPS is capable of producing strong moves in a real-world competitive video game.


Churchill, D., Buro, M. 2013. Portfolio greedy search and simulation for large-scale combat in starcraft. CIG, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, 2013.

Churchill, D., Buro, M. 2015. Hierarchical portfolio search: Prismata’s robust AI architecture for games with large search spaces. AIIDE, Santa Cruz, CA, 2015.

Vaccarino, D. X. 2009. Dominion. Rio Grande Games.

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