
All code samples seen here as well as some extra material can be found online in the repository available at If you have any questions about the code samples—in trying to understand code snippets or problems running them, feel free to open an issue.

In this chapter, we've introduced Node.js, its benefits and differences as compared to other server side technologies, and looked at what a simple Node.js server looks like. We looked at the reason for using a framework on top of this, mentioned some different frameworks, and introduced hapi.js as a choice. We talked at length as to why hapi.js is a good choice, who created it and why, and how its design principles differ from other Node.js frameworks.

Hopefully, at this stage, we've convinced you that hapi.js is a great choice for building web applications, and is something you want to learn about. Finally, we saw what a simple server looks like in hapi.js, using its style guide, and gave a quick overview of its excellent ecosystem and community. Next, let's look at adding functionality to our examples, and at creating a trivial applications and websites using the hapi.js framework and ecosystem.

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