How to do it...

These steps cover writing and running your application:

  1. From your Terminal or console application, create a new directory called ~/projects/go-programming-cookbook/chapter2/envvar.
  2. Navigate to this directory.
  3. Run the following command:
$ go mod init

You should see a file called go.mod that contains the following:

  1. Copy tests from ~/projects/go-programming-cookbook-original/chapter2/envvar, or use this as an opportunity to write some of your own code!
  2. Create a file called config.go with the following contents:
        package envvar

import (


// LoadConfig will load files optionally from the json file
// stored at path, then will override those values based on the
// envconfig struct tags. The envPrefix is how we prefix our
// environment variables.
func LoadConfig(path, envPrefix string, config interface{})
error {
if path != "" {
err := LoadFile(path, config)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "error loading config from
err := envconfig.Process(envPrefix, config)
return errors.Wrap(err, "error loading config from env")

// LoadFile unmarshals a JSON file into a config struct
func LoadFile(path string, config interface{}) error {
configFile, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to read config file")
defer configFile.Close()

decoder := json.NewDecoder(configFile)
if err = decoder.Decode(config); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to decode config file")
return nil
  1. Create a new directory named example and navigate to it.
  2. Create a main.go file with the following contents:
        package main

import (


// Config will hold the config we
// capture from a json file and env vars
type Config struct {
Version string `json:"version" required:"true"`
IsSafe bool `json:"is_safe" default:"true"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`

func main() {
var err error

// create a temporary file to hold
// an example json file
tf, err := ioutil.TempFile("", "tmp")
if err != nil {
defer tf.Close()
defer os.Remove(tf.Name())

// create a json file to hold
// our secrets
secrets := `{
"secret": "so so secret"

if _, err =
err != nil {

// We can easily set environment variables
// as needed
if err = os.Setenv("EXAMPLE_VERSION", "1.0.0"); err != nil
if err = os.Setenv("EXAMPLE_ISSAFE", "false"); err != nil {

c := Config{}
if err = envvar.LoadConfig(tf.Name(), "EXAMPLE", &c);
err != nil {

fmt.Println("secrets file contains =", secrets)

// We can also read them
fmt.Println("EXAMPLE_VERSION =",
fmt.Println("EXAMPLE_ISSAFE =",

// The final config is a mix of json and environment
// variables
fmt.Printf("Final Config: %#v ", c)
  1. Run go run main.go.
  2. You may also run the following commands:
go build
  1. You should see the following output:
$ go run main.go
secrets file contains = {
"secret": "so so secret"
Final Config: main.Config{Version:"1.0.0", IsSafe:false,
Secret:"so so secret"}
  1. The go.mod file may be updated, and the go.sum file should now be present in the top-level recipe directory.
  2. If you copied or wrote your own tests, go up one directory and run go test, and ensure that all the tests pass.
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