Appendix C. Extra code examples

C.1 The builder pattern

Chapter 7 contained a simplified implementation of the builder pattern. In reality engineers often make use of a number of techniques and language features when implementing the builder pattern. Listing C.11, demonstrates a more complete implementation of the builder pattern in Java. Some things to note in this implementation are as follows:

  • The TextOptions class constructor is private to force other engineers to use the builder pattern.

  • The TextOptions class constructor takes an instance of Builder as a parameter. This makes the code a little easier to read and maintain because it avoids very long lists of parameters and arguments.

  • The TextOptions class provides a toBuilder() method that can be used to create a prepopulated instance of the Builder class from an instance of the TextOptions class.

  • The Builder class is an inner class of the TextOptions class. This serves two purposes:

    • It makes the name spacing a little nicer, because the Builder can now be referred to using TextOptions.Builder.

    • In Java, this allows the TextOptions and Builder classes to have access to private member variables and methods on one another.

Listing C.1 Builder pattern implementation

public final class TextOptions {
  private final Font font;
  private final OptionalDouble fontSize;
  private final Optional<Color> color;
  private TextOptions(Builder builder) {      
    font = builder.font;
    fontSize = builder.fontSize;
    color = builder.color;
  public Font getFont() {
    return font;
  public OptionalDouble getFontSize() {
    return fontSize;
  public Optional<Color> getColor() {
    return color;
  public Builder toBuilder() {                
    return new Builder(this);
  public static final class Builder {         
    private Font font;
    private OptionalDouble fontSize = OptionalDouble.empty();
    private Optional<Color> color = Optional.empty();
    public Builder(Font font) {
      this.font = font;
    private Builder(TextOptions options) {    
      font = options.font;
      fontSize = options.fontSize;
      color = options.color;
    public Builder setFont(Font font) {
      this.font = font;
      return this;
    public Builder setFontSize(double fontSize) {
      this.fontSize = OptionalDouble.of(fontSize);
      return this;
    public Builder clearFontSize() {
      fontSize = OptionalDouble.empty();
      return this;
    public Builder setColor(Color color) {
      this.color = Optional.of(color);
      return this;
    public Builder clearColor() {
      color = Optional.empty();
      return this;
    public TextOptions build() {
      return new TextOptions(this);

Constructor private and accepts a Builder as a parameter

toBuilder() function allows creation of a pre-populated builder.

The Builder class is an inner class of TextOptions.

Private Builder constructor for copying from some TextOptions

Some examples of how this code might be used are as follows:

TextOptions options1 = new TextOptions.Builder(Font.ARIAL)
TextOptions options2 = options1.toBuilder()
TextOptions options3 = options2.toBuilder()

1. Inspired by the forms of builder pattern seen in Effective Java, third edition, by Joshua Bloch (Addison-Wesley, 2017), as well as various codebases such as the Google Guava libraries.

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