Photo Organization

When Google+ was first introduced, there was little in the way of features that allowed you to organize and sort your images once they were uploaded. In fact, your only ability to move an image or change the name of an album was through Picasa Web Albums (which served as the backbone for Google+). Fortunately, times have changed. Although it is not perfect just yet, you have a lot more control over your images than previously possible—and all from within Google+.

Organizing a photo album

A commonly requested Google+ feature in the early days was the ability to change the order in which images appeared in a photo album (Figure 8). As a photographer, you might want to showcase your best four images first in your Landscape Photography Google+ photo album. In the past you had no choice but to abide by the default chronological order Google+ gave you. Follow these steps to reorganize a photo album as you see fit.


Figure 8. It only takes a few simple steps to begin organizing your photo albums.

1. Click the Photos icon in the Google+ sidebar on the left side of your screen.

2. Select Albums from the gray navigation bar just below the Google+ search bar at the top of your screen.

3. Select the album you want to organize.

4. Click the More tab in the upper-right portion of your main screen.

5. Select Organize Album.

Now you have the ability to change the order in which the images are presented within your album. When you click on an image, a red highlight will appear around the frame of the photo. You can then click and drag the photo to the desired position (Figure 9). Just remember that the upper-left corner signifies the first photo being displayed.


Figure 9. Once an image is selected, the box around it turns red, and you can move it around as desired.

When you are finished rearranging your images, click the blue Done Organizing button at the top left of your screen.

Moving a photo to another album

Every so often you might realize that you’ve posted a photo to an album in which it doesn’t belong, such as posting a landscape image to your Travel Photography photo album. The solution to correct this problem is simple (Figure 10).


Figure 10. You can move a photo to another album using the same features just described in the preceding “Organizing a photo album” section.

1. Follow steps 1–5 in the “Organizing a photo album” section.

2. Click on the photo that you want to move to another album.

3. Click the Move button at the top of your screen (Figure 11).


Figure 11. Highlight the album you want to send your image to, and then click the Move button to transfer it over.

4. Select the album you want to move the selected photo to.

5. Click the blue Move button in the bottom-right corner of the window that pops up.

Colby’s Quick Tips

The ability to move a photo and organize an album applies to all of your images except those that live in the Photos from Post album. For those images, you must follow the steps on page 151 in the book, in the “Moving Photos from One Album to Another” section.

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