This plant is grown for its unusual flowers, which are present almost all year. The white blooms are enclosed in pink and yellow bracts—when in flower, it’s clear why it’s called the shrimp plant. It’s ideal for a sunny sitting room with low humidity, where you can sit back and admire its charms.

HEIGHT 36in (90cm)

SPREAD 36in (90cm)

FLOWERS Small, white

FOLIAGE Dark green

LIGHT Filtered sun

TEMPERATURE 59–77°F (15–25°C)




The shrimp plant isn’t fussy, but it does require warm days and cooler nights for success. If you turn your heating down at night, this could be an ideal plant for you. It has the form of an upright shrub and, over time, will make an impressive specimen.

Plant in an enriched potting mix. This should remain moist throughout the spring and summer months. In winter, reduce watering and give the potting mix a chance to dry before you water again. To help with vigor and encourage a good supply of flowers, feed every two weeks in spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer.

To prevent the colors of the bracts from fading, protect the shrimp plant from direct sunlight. Give it a hard prune during the spring, cutting back to a third of its size to encourage healthy new shoots and create a compact, neat plant. Use some of this plant material to take cuttings—a homegrown young shrimp plant makes a great gift.


The shrimp plant will thrive in a sunny room with low humidity.


Small white flowers can be seen at the end of the salmon-pink bracts.

PROBLEM SOLVING Red spider mites are often a problem with the shrimp plant. You’ll notice the mottling on the leaves before the tiny pests. Remove any affected leaves or, if the case isn’t severe, try misting the plant with water. However, if the spider mites have really taken hold, you may need to turn to a pesticide.


The shrimp plant enjoys colder nights, so it’s often grown in a frost-free conservatory with other plants that can cope with a drop in temperature after dark, such as jasmine and scented-leaved pelargoniums. Both these companions will add magnificent fragrance to a group display.

Houseplants A–Z | SHRIMP PLANT


Long-lasting flowers are very appealing, especially if you don’t have the room for a large collection of plants. If the thought of a persistent floral display appeals, then this is also a good option:

  • Lantana (Lantana camara), height 3ft 3in (1m). This plant blooms from spring to fall in a range of colors, including red, pink, yellow, orange, and cream.

Put yellow sage in a sunny spot: it loves a Mediterranean climate.

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