
About the author


Jarred Capellman is a Director of Engineering at SparkCognition, a cutting-edge artificial intelligence company located in Austin, Texas. At SparkCognition, he leads the engineering and data science team on the industry-leading machine learning endpoint protection product, DeepArmor, combining his passion for software engineering, cybersecurity, and data science. In his free time, he enjoys contributing to GitHub daily on his various projects and is working on his DSc in cybersecurity, focusing on applying machine learning to solving network threats. He currently lives just outside of Austin, Texas, with his wife, Amy.

To my wife, Amy, who supported me through the nights and weekends – I devote this book to her.

About the reviewer

Andrew Greenwald holds an MSc in computer science from Drexel University and a BSc in electrical engineering with a minor in mathematics from Villanova University. He started his career designing solid-state circuits to test electronic components. For the past 25 years, he has been developing software for IT infrastructure, financial markets, and defense applications. He is currently applying machine learning to cybersecurity, developing models to detect zero-day malware. Andrew lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and three sons.







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