Adjust text

Now you will parent your text to the shape you have it positioned inside of. Your text should move with the shapes it positioned in. Go to a point in your time line where all your animation has happened and the lower third is completely in place and framed correctly.
Follow it up by selecting each line of text and parent it to the corresponding object. You parent your text with these steps:

  1. Select the text layer and use the pick whip
  2. Drag the coil to the appropriate shape

Animation is basically making things move across time. After Effects gives you the ability to control how things move in between frames. Understanding how to control how things move will make your animation look natural. One way to do this is to ease your keyframes. This is an advanced topic we will go into a lot more in future chapters. 

The first step to learning keyframes is the understanding of selection tool. In order to master it, go to the time line click and drag a square around all your keyframes. The image below demonstrates how to select your keyframes:

Selecting keyframes
  1. While all the keyframes are selected right click on the keyframes
  2. Choose key frame assistant
  3. Easy ease

The image below shows how to access the keyframe assistant panel:

Easy ease

This is very exciting! You've officially eased your keyframes. Your animation will look 100% better immediately! Remember to do this with all your animation. This will set your animation apart from mere beginners. Take a look at the image below it will show how eased keyframes should look:

Easy ease 2
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