

!= operator, Logical Tests
" (quote mark), Characters
# (hashtag character), The R User Interface, Code Comments
## (double hashtag character), The R User Interface
$ (dollar sign), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets, Working with Environments
%*% operator, Objects
%in% operator, Logical Tests
%o% operator, Objects
& operator, Boolean Operators, else Statements
&& operator, else Statements
) (parentheses), library
+ operator, Methods
+ prompt, The R User Interface
- operator, Methods
.Call, How to Write Fast for Loops in R
.Internal, How to Write Fast for Loops in R
.Primitive, How to Write Fast for Loops in R
: (colon operator), The R User Interface, The R User Interface
< operator, Logical Tests, Methods
<- assignment operator, Changing Values in Place, Logical Tests, Working with Environments, How to Write Vectorized Code
<= operator, Logical Tests
= (equals sign), Logical Tests
== operator, Logical Tests
> operator, Logical Tests
> prompt, The R User Interface
>= operator, Logical Tests
? (question mark), Getting Help with Help Pages
[ (hard bracket, single), library, Selecting Values, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
[1], The R User Interface
[[ (hard brackets, double), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
{} (braces), The Function Constructor
| operator, Boolean Operators, else Statements
|| operator, else Statements


accessor functions, Working with Environments
active environments, The Active Environment, Assignment
algebra, Positive Integers
all function, Boolean Operators, if Statements
any function, Boolean Operators, if Statements
args (), Functions
applying multiple, Functions
default values for, Arguments
definition of, Functions
looking up, Functions
naming, Functions, Arguments
arithmetic, basic, The R User Interface
array function, Arrays
as.character functions, Factors
as.environment function, Working with Environments
assign function, Working with Environments
assignment, Assignment
assignment operator (<-), Changing Values in Place, Logical Tests, Working with Environments, How to Write Vectorized Code
atomic vectors
characters, Characters
class, Class
coercion in, Coercion
complex, Complex and Raw
creating with c, Atomic Vectors
discovering type of, Doubles
doubles, Doubles, Class
integers, Integers
logicals, Logicals
raw, Complex and Raw
testing for, Atomic Vectors
types of, Atomic Vectors
attach(), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
attr function, Attributes
adding, Attributes
as metadata, Attributes, Attributes
class, Class
dim, Dim
displaying, Attributes, Attributes
looking up, Attributes
names, Names
average value, Expected Values


base R, R Packages, Data Sets in Base R
binaries, installing R from, Mac
binwidth argument, library
blank space indexing, Blank Spaces
boolean data, Logicals
boolean operators, Boolean Operators
bounding arguments, Reading Spreadsheets
braces ({}), The Function Constructor
break points, Break Points
browser (debugging tool), browser
browser mode, browser
bytes, Complex and Raw
bzfile function, Compressing Files
bzip2 compression, Compressing Files


c (concatenate) function, library, Atomic Vectors, Methods
calculator, The R User Interface
calling environment, Evaluation
capitalization, Objects
case sensitivity, Objects
categorical information, Factors
character atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Characters
character strings
assembling, Characters
preventing factoring of, stringsAsFactors
vs. factors, Factors
vs. R objects, Characters
class attribute, Class
classes, creating new, Classes
(see also S3 class system)
closures, Closures
code comments, Code Comments
compilation of, The R User Interface, How to Write Vectorized Code
creating drafts of with R scripts, Scripts
creating speed in (see vectorized code)
readability of, The Function Constructor
strategy for coding, Strategy, Summary
coercion, Coercion
colon operator (:), The R User Interface, The R User Interface
columns, removing from data frames, Changing Values in Place
comma-separated-values file (.csv), Loading Data, Plain-text Files, Export from Excel
command line
definition of, The R User Interface
downloading R packages from, install.packages
error messages at, The R User Interface
keyword help page search, Parts of a Help Page
canceling, The R User Interface
definition of, The R User Interface
repeating with replicate, library
commenting symbol, The R User Interface
comparisons, Logicals, Logical Tests
complex atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Complex and Raw
concatenate (c) function, library, Atomic Vectors, Methods
copy/paste, from Excel spreadsheets, Copy and Paste
CRAN webpage, install.packages, How to Download and Install R, Installing Packages
createSheet, Writing Spreadsheets
ctrl + c, The R User Interface


boolean, Logicals
coercion of data types, Coercion
examining imported, Loading Data
importing from the internet, Loading Data
data sets in base R, Data Sets in Base R
Excel spreadsheets, Excel SpreadsheetsWriting Spreadsheets
in databases, Connecting to Databases
in R objects, Loading Data, Saving Data
loading files from other programs, Loading Files from Other Programs
plain text files, Plain-text FilesCompressing Files
R files, R Files
working directory, Working Directory
multiple types stored in R objects, Factors
object types available for, Summary
storing as logical vectors, Logicals
storing as one-dimensional sets, Lists
storing as two-dimensional lists, Data Frames
storing bytes of, Complex and Raw
storing categorical information, Factors
storing multiple types of, Coercion
types stored in R objects, Atomic Vectors
data frames
attributes and, Attributes
benefits of, Data Frames
examining imported data with, Loading Data
removing columns from, Changing Values in Place
selecting columns from, Positive Integers, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
data science
benefits of programming skills for, Project 1: Weighted Dice
core skill sets needed for, Project 3 Wrap-up
foundation of, Project 1 Wrap-up
problem types faced in, Project 3 Wrap-up
data sets
attaching, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
examining, Loading Data
in base R, Data Sets in Base R
loading with RStudio import wizard, Loading Data
manual entry of, Data Frames
multiple data types in, Factors
using, Data Sets in Base R
databases, connecting to, Connecting to Databases
dates/times, Dates and Times
DBI package, Connecting to Databases
debug function, debug
debugging tools
break points, Break Points
browser, browser
debug, debug
for S3 class system, S3 and Debugging
recover, recover
trace, trace
traceback, traceback
debugonce, debug
devtools R package
installing R from alternate sources, Loading Packages
parenvs function, Environments
dimensions (dim) attribute, Dim
dispatch, of methods, Method Dispatch
dollar sign ($), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets, Working with Environments
double atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Doubles, Class
double equals sign (==), Logical Tests
double hashtag character (##), The R User Interface
drop = FALSE argument, Positive Integers
dynamic programing languages, The R User Interface


element-wise execution, Objects, Logical Tests, Boolean Operators, Vectorized Code
else statements, else Statementselse Statements
endCol argument, Reading Spreadsheets
endRow argument, Reading Spreadsheets
environment function, The Active Environment
Environment pane, Objects, Objects
accessing objects in specific, Working with Environments
active, The Active Environment, Assignment
assignment and, Assignment
calling environment, Evaluation
closures, Closures
displaying with parenvs function, Environments
empty, Working with Environments
evaluation, EvaluationEvaluation
global, Working with Environments
helper functions for, Working with Environments
hierarchical arrangement of, Environments
looking up parent environment, Working with Environments
origin, Evaluation
runtime environments, Evaluation
saving objects into particular, Working with Environments
scoping rules, Scoping Rules
viewing objects saved in, Working with Environments
visualizing structure of, Environments
equality operator (==), Logical Tests
equals sign (=), Logical Tests
errors/error messages
argument values, Arguments
at command line interface, The R User Interface
floating point errors, Integers
in object calls, Scoping Rules
positive/negative integer indexing, Negative Integers
strategy for dealing with, Summary
when creating character strings, Characters
when naming arguments, Functions
with if statements, if Statements
ERSI ArcGIS format, Loading Files from Other Programs
evaluation, EvaluationEvaluation
Excel spreadsheets
copying/pasting data from, Copy and Paste
data frames, Data Frames
exporting data, Export from Excel
reading, Reading Spreadsheets
writing to, Writing Spreadsheets
XLConnect package, XLConnect, Writing Spreadsheets
expand.grid function and, expand.gridexpand.grid
expected values, Expected Values
expressions, if Statements
extract function, Scripts, Code Comments


F (FALSE), Logicals, Logical Values, Logical Subsetting, if Statements
factorial function, Functions
factoring, preventing, Data Frames, Loading Data, stringsAsFactors
factors, Factors
FALSE (F), Logicals, Logical Values, Logical Subsetting, if Statements
fixed-width files (.fwf), read.fwf
HTML links in, HTML Links
listing in working directory, Working Directory
loading/saving from other programs, Loading Files from Other Programs
missing information in, na.strings
plain text files, Plain-text Files
(see also plain text files)
R files
opening/saving, R Files
vs. plain text files, Saving R Files
RData files
opening, R Files
saving, Saving R Files
vs. RDS files, Saving R Files
RDS files
opening, R Files
saving, Saving R Files
vs. RData files, Saving R Files
RStudio file import wizard, Loading Data
fixed-width files (.fwf), read.fwf
floating point arithmetic, Integers
floating point errors, Integers
for loops, for Loopsfor Loops, How to Write Fast for Loops in R
foreign package, Loading Files from Other Programs
function constructor, The Function Constructor
accessor functions, Working with Environments
all, Boolean Operators, if Statements
any, Boolean Operators, if Statements
arguments for, Functions
array, Arrays
as verbs, Project 1 Wrap-up
as.character, Factors
as.environment, Working with Environments
assign, Working with Environments
attr, Attributes
base R collection of, R Packages
basics of, Writing Your Own Functions
body of, The Function Constructor
environment, The Active Environment
expand.grid function, expand.gridexpand.grid
extract function, Scripts, Code Comments
factorial, Functions
generic, Generic Functions
head, Loading Data
help pages for, Getting Help with Help Pages
helper functions, Names, Working with Environments, Attributes
install.packages, Installing Packages,
levels, Attributes
ls, Objects, Working with Environments
ls.str, Working with Environments
matrix function, Matrices
mean, na.rm
multiple arguments for, Functions, Arguments
order of execution, Functions
parenvs, Environments
parts of, The Function Constructor
print, Programs, The S3 System, Generic Functions
replicate, library
round, Functions
row.names, Attributes
R_EmptyEnv, Working with Environments
R_GlobalEnv, Working with Environments
sample function, Functions, library
sample with replacement, Sample with Replacement
show_env, Evaluation
storage of, Scoping Rules
sum function, Sample with Replacement
Sys.time, Vectorized Code
system.time, Vectorized Code
tail, Loading Data
temporary storage of, Assignment
unique, else Statements
UseMethod, Methods, Method Dispatch
using, Functions
writing your own, The Function Constructor


generic functions, Generic Functions
getwd(), Saving Data, Working Directory
ggplot2 package, Packages
global environment, Working with Environments
gnu zip (gzip) compression, Compressing Files
histograms, library
qplot function for, Packages
scatterplots, library
gzfile function, Compressing Files


hard bracket, single ([), library, Selecting Values, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
hard brackets, double ([[), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
hashtag character (#), The R User Interface
head function, Loading Data
head(deck), Loading Data
header argument, header
headers, Loading Data
help pages, Getting Help with Help Pages
user communities, Getting More Help
helper functions
array, Arrays
as.environment, Working with Environments
for environments, Working with Environments
levels, Attributes
matrix, Matrices
purpose of, Names
row.names, Attributes
histograms, library
HTML links, in plain text files, HTML Links
human readable code, The R User Interface


i, Complex and Raw
if statements, if Statements
ij notation, Positive Integers
independent random samples, Sample with Replacement
0 vs. 1 as starting point, Positive Integers
blank spaces, Blank Spaces
logical values, Logical Values
name, Names
negative integers, Negative Integers
positive integers, Positive Integers
writing, Selecting Values
zero, Zero
infinite recursion errors, traceback
install.packages function, install.packages, Installing Packages
integer atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Integers
negative, Negative Integers
positive, Positive Integers function,
is.vector(), Atomic Vectors


L, Integers
levels function, Attributes
library() command, library, Loading Packages
linear algebra, Positive Integers
list.files(), Working Directory
lists, Lists, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
load function, R Files
loadWorkbook, Reading Spreadsheets
logical atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Logicals
logical operators, Logical Tests
logical subsetting, Logical Subsetting
logical tests, Logical Tests, if Statements, Vectorized Code
logical value indexing, Logical Values
lookup tables, Lookup TablesLookup Tables
benefits/drawbacks of, Summary
expand.grid function and, expand.gridexpand.grid
expected values and, Expected Values
for loops, for Loopsfor Loops
repeat, repeat Loops
saving output of, Summary
vs. vectorized code, Loops Versus Vectorized Code
while loops, while Loops
ls function, Objects, Working with Environments
ls.str function, Working with Environments


Mac R GUI, RStudio
machine readable code, The R User Interface
Matlab format, Loading Files from Other Programs
matrix function, Matrices
matrix multiplication, Objects
mean function, na.rm
messages, displaying, Programs, Generic Functions
(see also errors/error messages)
metadata, Attributes
methods, MethodsMethod Dispatch
minitab format, Connecting to Databases
missing information
in plain text files, na.strings
managing, Missing Information
multiple data types, storing, Coercion
inner/outer operators for, Objects
matrix vs. element-wise execution, Objects


NA character, Missing Information
na.rm argument, na.rm
na.strings argument, na.strings
attributes, Attributes
data frames, Data Frames
displaying previously used, Objects
name indexing, Names
names attribute, Names
of arguments, Functions
of methods, Method Dispatch
rules for R objects, Objects
nrow argument, skip and nrow
NULL, Attributes, Changing Values in Place
creating a sequence of, The R User Interface, The R User Interface
manipulating sets of, Objects
returning a vector of, The R User Interface
returning vectors with c, library
saving as R objects, Objects
storing as double vectors, Doubles
storing as integer vectors, Integers
storing complex, Complex and Raw
storing in n-dimensional arrays, Arrays
storing in two-dimensional arrays, Matrices
vs. strings, Characters
numerics (see double atomic vectors)


Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Summary
definition of, Objects
(see also R objects)
functions as, Scoping Rules
temporary, Assignment
online data, Loading Data
origin environment, Evaluation


packages, R Packages
(see also R packages)
DBI, Connecting to Databases
foreign, Loading Files from Other Programs
ggplot2, Packages
RODBC, Connecting to Databases
XLConnect, XLConnect, Writing Spreadsheets
parallel cases subtask, Parallel Cases
paren.env, Working with Environments
parent environment, Environments
parentheses ), library
parenvs function, Environments
plain text files
benefits of, Plain-text Files, Export from Excel
compressing, Compressing Files
header argument, header
HTML links in, HTML Links
loading, Loading Data, read.table, The read Family
na.strings argument, na.strings
nrow argument, skip and nrow
read.fwf, read.fwf
saving, Saving Plain-Text Files
sep argument, sep
skip argument, skip and nrow
stringAsFactors argument, stringsAsFactors
table structure in, Plain-text Files
vs. R files, Saving R Files
playing cards project
building entire deck, Data Frames
changing card point values, Changing Values in Place
creating a copy of, Modifying Values
creating card deck, Atomic Vectors
dealing cards, Deal a Card, Evaluation
downloading deck data frame, Loading Data
finished deck appearance, R Objects
locating individual cards, Boolean Operators
overview of, Project 2: Playing Cards
saving card names, Complex and Raw
saving data, Saving Data
shuffling cards, Shuffle the Deck, Evaluation
storing cards in runtime environment, Closures
storing cards with lists, Lists
positive integers, Positive Integers
POSIXct class, Dates and Times
POSIXt class, Dates and Times
print function, Programs, The S3 System, Generic Functions
print.factor method, Methods
print.POSIXct method, Methods
probability, expand.grid
code comments, Code Comments
displaying messages in, Programs, Generic Functions
else statements, else Statementselse Statements
if statements, if Statements
improving performance of (see vectorized code)
lookup tables, Lookup TablesLookup Tables
parallel cases subtask, Parallel Cases
saving, Programs
sequential steps subtask, Sequential Steps
strategy for coding, Strategy, else Statements, Summary
wrapping into functions, Code Comments


qplot function
downloading/installing, Packages
histogram creation with, library
scatterplot creation with, library
question mark (?), Getting Help with Help Pages
quick plots, library
quote mark (“), Characters


32- vs. 64-bit versions, Linux
base R, R Packages
browser mode, browser
building eloquent statements in, Project 1 Wrap-up
building from source files, Mac
downloading/installing, How to Download and Install R
dynamic programming capabilities, The R User Interface
help pages, Getting Help with Help Pages
installing from binaries, Mac
opening, Opening R
updating, Updating R and Its Packages
user communities, Getting More Help
user interface (see RStudio)
using with RStudio, RStudio
using with Unix, Using R
vs. R language, The R User Interface
R expressions, if Statements
R files
opening/saving, R Files
vs. plain text files, Saving R Files
R library, displaying current packages in, Loading Packages
R notation system
blank space indexing, Blank Spaces
changing values in place, Changing Values in Place
dollar sign ($), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets, Working with Environments
extracting values from R objects, Selecting Values
hard brackets ([]), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
hard brackets, double ([[]]), Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
logical values indexing, Logical Values
name indexing, Names
negative integer indexing, Negative Integers
positive integer indexing, Positive Integers
zero indexing, Zero
R objects
accessing, Objects
accessing in specific environments, Working with Environments
arrays, Arrays
as nouns, Project 1 Wrap-up
atomic vectors
characters, Characters
complex, Complex and Raw
creating with c, Atomic Vectors
discovering type of, Doubles
doubles, Doubles
integers, Integers
logicals, Logicals
raw, Complex and Raw
testing for, Atomic Vectors
types of, Atomic Vectors
as metadata, Attributes
dim, Dim
displaying, Attributes, Attributes
names, Names, Attributes
class, Class
coercion, Coercion
creating, Objects
creating empty, Zero
creating NULL objects, Attributes
data frames, Data Frames, Loading Data, Positive Integers, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
dates/times, Dates and Times
element-wise execution in, Objects
extracting values from (see R notation)
factors, Factors
lists, Lists, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
loading data, Loading Data
manipulation of (see environments)
matrices, Matrices
modifying values in place, Changing Values in Place
naming, Objects
saving into particular environment, Working with Environments
scoping rules and, Scoping Rules
types available, Summary
updating, Working with Environments
vector recycling in, Objects
viewing saved in environments, Working with Environments
vs. character strings, Characters
R packages
benefits of, R Packages, Loading Packages
displaying currently installed, Loading Packages
installing, Installing Packages
installing from alternate sources, Loading Packages
installing from command line, install.packages
installing from mirrors, Installing Packages
installing multiple, Installing Packages
list of available, Loading Packages
loading, Loading Packages
selecting, Loading Packages
updating, R Packages
using, library
R scripts, Scripts, Programs
R.matlab library, Loading Files from Other Programs
random samples, Sample with Replacement
raw atomic vectors, Atomic Vectors, Complex and Raw
RData files
opening, R Files
saving, Saving R Files
vs. RDS files, Saving R Files
RDS files
opening, R Files
saving, Saving R Files
vs. RData files, Saving R Files
read.csv, The read Family
read.csv2, The read Family
read.delim, The read Family
read.delim2, The read Family
read.dta function, Connecting to Databases
read.fwf, read.fwf
read.mtp function, Connecting to Databases
read.shapefile function, Loading Files from Other Programs
read.spss function, Connecting to Databases
read.ssd function, Connecting to Databases
read.systat function, Connecting to Databases
read.table, read.table, The read Family, Copy and Paste
read.xport function, Connecting to Databases
readMat function, Loading Files from Other Programs
readRDS function, R Files
readWorksheet, Reading Spreadsheets
recover function, recover
recursion errors, traceback
repeat loops, repeat Loops
replicate function, library
RODBC package, Connecting to Databases
round function, Functions
row.names = FALSE, Saving Data
row.names function, Attributes
changing working directory in, Working Directory
command line interface, The R User Interface
data viewer, Loading Data
downloading, RStudio
Environment pane, Objects, Objects, Working with Environments
Extract Function option, Code Comments
file import wizard, Loading Data
GUIs for Windows and Mac, RStudio
Help tab, Getting Help with Help Pages
IDE for R, RStudio
opening R scripts in, Programs
recognizing infinite recursion errors, traceback
Show Traceback option, traceback
Traceback pane, browser
updating, Updating R and Its Packages
rule of probability, expand.grid
runtime environments, Evaluation
R_EmptyEnv, Working with Environments
R_GlobalEnv, Working with Environments


S3 class system
alternatives to, S4 and R5
attributes, AttributesAttributes
classes, Classes
debugging, S3 and Debugging
example of, The S3 System
generic functions, Generic Functions
methods, MethodsMethod Dispatch
origins of, Methods
overview of, Summary
sample function, Functions, Sample with Replacement, library, Programs
SAS (permanent data set) format, Connecting to Databases
SAS (XPORT format), Connecting to Databases
save function, Saving R Files
saveRDS function, Saving R Files
saveWorkbook, Writing Spreadsheets
scatterplots, library
scoping rules, Scoping Rules
scripts, Scripts, Programs
sep argument, sep
sequential steps subtask, Sequential Steps
setwd(), Working Directory
shapefiles library, Loading Files from Other Programs
sheet argument, Reading Spreadsheets
show_env function, Evaluation
skip argument, skip and nrow
slot machine project
calculating payout rate, Loops
calculating prize value, expand.grid
calculating prizes, Programs, Parallel Cases
creating play function, Programs, Sequential Steps
displaying prizes, S3
generating/selecting symbols, Programs
Manitoba Video Lottery payout scheme, Programs
saving your program, Programs
subtask skeleton, else Statements
symbol test subtask, else Statements
source files, building R from, Mac
special characters, in names, Objects
speed (see vectorized code)
spreadsheets (see Excel spreadsheets)
SPSS format, Connecting to Databases
Stack Overflow website, Getting More Help
startCol argument, Reading Spreadsheets
startRow argument, Reading Spreadsheets
Stata format, Connecting to Databases
str function, Data Frames
stringAsFactors argument, Data Frames, stringsAsFactors
assembling, Characters
vs. numbers, Characters
vs. R objects, Characters
(see also character strings)
parallel cases, Parallel Cases
sequential steps, Sequential Steps
skeleton representation of, else Statements
strategy for coding, else Statements, Summary
sum function, Sample with Replacement
symbols, in names, Objects
sys.time(), Dates and Times, Vectorized Code
Systat format, Connecting to Databases
system.time function, Vectorized Code


T (TRUE), Logicals, Logical Values, Logical Subsetting, if Statements
tail function, Loading Data
tasks, repeating (see loops)
text, storing as character vectors, Characters
trace function, trace
traceback tool, traceback
converting lookup tables to, Lookup Tables
else if statements, else Statements
else trees, else Statements
inefficiency of, Lookup Tables
vs. lookup tables, Lookup Tables
TRUE (T), Logicals, Logical Values, Logical Subsetting, if Statements
typeof(), Doubles


unclass, Factors
unique function, else Statements
Universal Coordinated Time Zone (UTC), Dates and Times
using R with, Using R
working directory, Working Directory
update.packages command, R Packages
UseMethod function, Methods, Method Dispatch


average value, Expected Values
boolean operators for subsetting, Boolean Operators
capturing all possible combinations of, expand.grid
changing in place, Changing Values in Place
creating new, Changing Values in Place
expected values, Expected Values
logical tests for subsetting, Logical Subsetting
managing missing, Missing Information
replacing, Changing Values in Place
selecting from data frames/lists, Dollar Signs and Double Brackets
selecting from R objects, Selecting Values
selecting multiple, Positive Integers
vectorized code
benefits of, Summary
example of, Vectorized Code
for loops and, How to Write Fast for Loops in R
using, Vectorized Code in Practice
vs. loops, Loops Versus Vectorized Code
writing, How to Write Vectorized CodeHow to Write Vectorized Code
boolean operators and, Boolean Operators
coercion in, Coercion
element-wise execution and, Objects
in histograms, library
in scatterplot creation, library
multiple data types in, Factors
returning with : operator, The R User Interface
vector recycling, Objects


weighted dice project
access virtual dice, Objects
adding the dice, Sample with Replacement
biasing the rolls, library
checking dice accuracy, library
creating R object, Objects
creating virtual dice, The R User Interface
frequency of fair dice combinations, library
re-rolling the dice, Writing Your Own Functions
rolling the dice, Functions
simulating dice pairs, Sample with Replacement
simulating repeated rolls, library
while loops, while Loops
Windows R GUI, RStudio
working directory
listing files in, Working Directory
locating/changing, Saving Data, Working Directory
moving, Working Directory
write.csv, Saving Data, Saving Plain-Text Files
write.csv2, Saving Plain-Text Files
write.table, Saving Plain-Text Files
writeWorksheet, Writing Spreadsheets
writeWorksheetToFile, Writing Spreadsheets


XLConnect package, XLConnect, Writing Spreadsheets
xor operator, Boolean Operators
xz compression, Compressing Files
xzfile function, Compressing Files


zero indexing, Zero
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