
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AC (Actual Cost), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Finding missing information
Acquire Project Team process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
acquisition of outside team members, Get the team together
active listening, Get the message?, Counting communication lines the easy way
activities for project
critical path for, Use the Critical Path Method to avoid big problems, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
defining, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
duration of, estimating, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Figuring out how long the project will take
float for, Finding the float for any activity, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
resource requirements for, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems, Figuring out how long the project will take
scheduling, Back to the wedding
sequencing, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
Activity Attributes
creating, Define activities outputs, Leads and lags add time between activities
updating, Create the network diagram, Create the duration estimate, Bringing it all together, Schedule Data, Updates and Requested Changes, What Control Schedule updates
Activity Cost Estimates, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
Activity Duration Estimates, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Create the duration estimate, Float tells you how much extra time you have
Activity List
creating, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Define activities outputs
updating, Create the network diagram, Bringing it all together, What Control Schedule updates
Activity Network Diagram (see Network Diagram)
Activity Resource Requirements
creating, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Figuring out how long the project will take
updating, Bringing it all together, Schedule Data, Updates and Requested Changes
actual % complete, How to calculate Earned Value
Actual Cost (AC), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Finding missing information
adjourning stage of team development, Stages of team development
Administer Procurements process, You can have several contracts for a single project, Keep an eye on the contract
advertising for sellers, Pick a partner
affinity diagrams, Help your team to get creative
Agile software development, Phases can also overlap, Rolling wave planning lets you plan as you go
for assigning resources, Estimating the resources
for ways to do work, Alternatives identification
analogous estimating
for Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
for Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
assumptions analysis, More Identify Risks techniques, Where to look for risks
audits, of seller, Stay on top of the seller, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
authority of project manager, There are different types of organizations, The “Develop Project Charter” process


BAC (Budget at Completion), Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate Planned Value, The Earned Value Management formulas, Finding missing information
backward pass, Take a backward pass to find late start and finish, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
ballpark estimate (see Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate)
baselines of Project Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems
Basis of Cost Estimates, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
benchmarking, How to plan for quality, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR), Let’s talk numbers
bidder conferences, Anatomy of a contract, Get in touch with potential sellers, Pick a partner
bottom-up estimating
for Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
for Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
for collecting requirements, Help your team to get creative
for identifying risks, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Examine each risk in the register
bribery, Keep the cash?
controlling costs of, Introducing the cost management processes, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
determining for project, Introducing the cost management processes, The Determine Budget process
estimating costs for, Introducing the cost management processes, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
predetermined, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Budget at Completion (BAC), Look at the schedule to figure out your budget, How to calculate Planned Value, The Earned Value Management formulas, Finding missing information
Business Case, Make the case for your project, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
buyer-conducted performance reviews, Stay on top of the seller, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems


cash reserves, Determine budget: how to build a budget
cause and effect diagrams, The seven basic tools of quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
change control board (CCB), Sometimes you need to change your plans, Make only the changes that are right for your project, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
change control meetings, Changes, defects, and corrections, Preventing or correcting problems
change control system, Executing the project includes repairing defects
(see also defects)
for contracts, Stay on top of the seller
for cost changes, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost
for project or product changes, Changes, defects, and corrections
for scope changes, The baseline is a snapshot of the plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process, Anatomy of a change, Is the project ready to go?
when not needed, Preventing or correcting problems, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Scope Verification processes
Change Requests, Control your changes; use change control, Anatomy of a change, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, Now you can get the word out
changes to, Stay on top of the seller, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
channels of communication, counting, Count the channels of communication, Counting communication lines the easy way
characteristics of good project managers, What you need to be a good project manager
analyzing, to identify risks, More Identify Risks techniques
for quality, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
claims administration, for contract, Stay on top of the seller
client (see customer)
Close Procurements process, You can have several contracts for a single project, Close the contract when the work is done
Close Project process, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, Finish the work, close the project
Closing (process group), How project managers run great projects, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
co-location for project team, Develop the team with your management skills
coin flip (decision-making technique), Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
collaborating, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict
colleagues (see resources, human)
Collect Requirements process, A day in the life of a project manager, The five Scope Management processes, Collect requirements for your project
collective bargaining agreement, Two months later..., Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
command (decision-making technique), Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
communication, Anatomy of communication, Get a handle on communication
channels of, counting, Count the channels of communication, Counting communication lines the easy way
distribution tools for, More Distribute Information tools
methods for, Tell everyone what’s going on, Get the message?, One of your most important outputs..., Counting communication lines the easy way
recipients of (stakeholders), determining, Find out who your stakeholders are
reporting performance, Let everyone know how the project’s going
with project team, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
Communication Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Communications management: Getting the word out
(see also specific processes)
Communication Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
community, responsibility to, A good price or a clean river?
company (see organization)
compromise, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
Conduct Procurements process, Anatomy of a contract, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
configuration management system, A closer look at the Change Control System, There’s no “right order” for the Control Scope and Scope Verification processes
conflict management, Managing your team means solving problems, Conflict management up close
conformance to requirements, Once you know what the product is supposed to do, it’s easy to tell which tests pass and which fail, Quality up close
confronting, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
consensus (decision-making technique), Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
constraints, A day in the life of a project manager, A day in the life of a project manager, Managing project constraints, Managing project constraints, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
consultation (decision-making technique), Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
content of, More about contracts
types of, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts, Get in touch with potential sellers
contingency reserve, How to control your risks, More risk monitoring and control techniques
contracts, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
control accounts, The outputs of the Create WBS process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
control charts, How to plan for quality, The seven basic tools of quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
Control Costs process, Introducing the cost management processes, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
Control Schedule process, Break it down, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Influence the factors that cause change
Control Scope process, Break it down, The five Scope Management processes, The Control Scope process
copyright violations, New software
corrective action, Preventing or correcting problems
as constraint, Managing project constraints
as source of conflict, Conflict management up close
budget for project, Introducing the cost management processes, The Determine Budget process
controlling, Introducing the cost management processes, The Control Costs process is a lot like schedule control
estimating, Introducing the cost management processes, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
of quality, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs, How to plan for quality, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality, More ideas behind quality assurance
cost aggregation, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Cost Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Cost management: Watching the bottom line
(see also specific processes)
Cost Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Preventing or correcting problems
Cost Performance Baseline, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Cost Performance Index (CPI), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project, Let’s say you’re given...
cost plus contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project
cost reimbursable contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts, Get in touch with potential sellers
Cost Variance (CV), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas
cost-benefit analysis, How to plan for quality
costs plus award fee (CPAF) contracts, Types of contracts
costs plus fixed fee (CPFF) contracts, Types of contracts
costs plus incentive fee (CPIF) contracts, Types of contracts
coworkers (see resources, human)
CPAF (costs plus award fee) contracts, Types of contracts
CPFF (costs plus fixed fee) contracts, Types of contracts
CPI (Cost Performance Index), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project, Let’s say you’re given...
CPIF (costs plus incentive fee) contracts, Types of contracts
crashing the schedule, Crash the schedule, Updates and Requested Changes
Create WBS process, The five Scope Management processes, Create the work breakdown structure
critical chain method, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques, Updates and Requested Changes
critical path
determining for project, Use the Critical Path Method to avoid big problems
importance of, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
risks related to, Where to look for risks, More risk monitoring and control techniques
cultural awareness, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
customer (client), Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
(see also sponsor; stakeholders)
needs of, initiating project, Start your project with the Initiating processes, Integration management and the process groups
satisfaction of, as quality criteria, Quality up close
CV (Cost Variance), Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas


databases, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
decision tree analysis, ... then analyze it, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
decision-making techniques, Talk to your stakeholders, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
decoding a message, Anatomy of communication, One of your most important outputs...
for Create Work Breakdown Structure, Decompose deliverables into work packages, The outputs of the Create WBS process, The outputs of the Create WBS process
for Define Activities process, Tools and techniques for Define Activities
finding (see Perform Quality Control process)
preventing (see Plan Quality process)
repairing, Executing the project includes repairing defects, Changes, defects, and corrections, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, More ideas behind quality assurance
Define Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
Define Scope process, The five Scope Management processes, Define the scope of the project
deliverables, The project team creates deliverables, Executing the project includes repairing defects
accepted, Finish the work, close the project, Make sure the team delivered the right product
defects in (see defects)
validated, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
WBS broken down by, Break it down by project or phase
Delphi technique, Help your team to get creative, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Examine each risk in the register
depreciation, Let’s talk numbers
design of experiements, How to plan for quality
Determine Budget process, Introducing the cost management processes, The Determine Budget process
Develop Human Resource Plan process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Figure out who you need on your team
Develop Project Charter process, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes, The “Develop Project Charter” process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
Develop Project Management Plan process, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, Plan your project!, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
Develop Project Team process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Develop your project team
Develop Schedule process, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Back to the wedding
diagramming techniques, More Identify Risks techniques
dictatorship (decision-making technique), Make decisions about requirements
Direct and Manage Project Execution process, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, The Direct and Manage Project Execution process, How the processes interact with each other
discretionary predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
Distribute Information process, Break it down, Get a handle on communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
documentation reviews, More Identify Risks techniques
duration estimates (see Activity Duration Estimates)


EAC (Estimate at Completion), Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, Let’s say you’re given...
early finish, Figure out the early start and early finish, Add early and late durations to your diagrams, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
early start, Figure out the early start and early finish, Add early and late durations to your diagrams, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
Earned Value (EV), Earned Value tells you how you’re doing, The Earned Value Management formulas
Earned Value Management (EVM), A few new tools and techniques, The Earned Value Management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
effective listening, Counting communication lines the easy way
effort estimates, Create the duration estimate
electronic communications, More Distribute Information tools
electronic tools for project management, More Distribute Information tools
EMV (expected monetary value) analysis, ... then analyze it, Calculate the Expected Monetary Value of your risks, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
encoding a message, Anatomy of communication, One of your most important outputs...
Enterprise Environmental Factors, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum, ... and what a project is NOT, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, How’s the team doing?
environment, responsibility to, A good price or a clean river?
Estimate Activity Durations process, Break it down, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Figuring out how long the project will take
Estimate Activity Resources process, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems
Estimate at Completion (EAC), Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done, Let’s say you’re given...
Estimate Costs process, Introducing the cost management processes, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
Estimate to Complete (ETC), Once you’ve got an estimate, you can calculate a variance!
ethics, Professional responsibility: Making good choices
EV (Earned Value), Earned Value tells you how you’re doing, The Earned Value Management formulas
EVM (Earned Value Management), A few new tools and techniques, The Earned Value Management formulas, Let’s say you’re given...
Executing (process group), How project managers run great projects, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
Expectancy Theory, Motivate your team, How’s the team doing?
expected monetary value (EMV) analysis, ... then analyze it, Calculate the Expected Monetary Value of your risks, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
expert judgment
for Close Project process, Finish the work, close the project
for Conduct Procurements process, Pick a partner
for Define Activities process, Tools and techniques for Define Activities, Rolling wave planning lets you plan as you go
for defining scope, Alternatives identification
for Determine Budget process, Determine budget: how to build a budget
for Develop Project Charter process, Use expert judgment to get an outside opinion
for Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques
for Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
for Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
for Identify Stakeholders process, Find out who your stakeholders are
for Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, First gather the data...
for Plan Procurements process, Start with a plan for the whole project
expert power, Lead the team with your management skills, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
external constraints, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
external predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
external resources, Estimating the resources
(see also Procurement Management)


facilitated workshops
defining requirements at, Talk to your stakeholders
defining scope at, How do you define the scope?
fast-tracking the project, Fast-tracking the project, Updates and Requested Changes
feedback communication, Get the message?, One of your most important outputs...
FF (Finish to Finish) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
FFP (firm fixed price) contracts, Types of contracts
Final Product, You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here
Finish to Finish (FF) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
Finish to Start (FS) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
firm fixed price (FFP) contracts, Types of contracts
Fishbone diagrams (see cause and effect diagrams)
fitness for use, Quality up close
fixed price (FP) contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts
fixed price plus incentive fee (FPIF) contracts, Types of contracts
flowcharting, How to plan for quality, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
focus groups, defining requirements in, Talk to your stakeholders
force field analysis, How to plan for quality
force majeure clause, in contract, More about contracts
forcing, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
forecasting, Preventing or correcting problems, A few new tools and techniques, Forecast what your project will look like when it’s done
formal acceptance, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
formal verbal communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
formal written communication, Tell everyone what’s going on, Tell everyone what’s going on
forming stage of team development, Stages of team development
forward pass, Add early and late durations to your diagrams, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
FP (fixed price) contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts
FPIF (fixed price plus incentive fee) contracts, Types of contracts
FS (Finish to Start) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
functional organization, Kate wants a new job, There are different types of organizations, ... and her project is a success!
functional requirements, Collect requirements outputs page
funding limit reconciliation, Determine budget: how to build a budget


halo effect, The staffing management plan, Get the team together
hard copy document distribution, More Distribute Information tools
Head First PMP community web site, Question Clinic: The “Which-is-BEST” Question
Herzberg’s Motivation-Hygiene Theory, Motivate your team, How’s the team doing?
histograms, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms
historical information (see lessons learned)
human resources (see resources, human)
Human Resources Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Human resource management: Getting the team together
(see also specific processes)
Human Resources Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans


Identify Risks process, Break it down, Anatomy of a risk, What could happen to your project?
Identify Stakeholders process, Start your project with the Initiating processes, Get a handle on communication, Find out who your stakeholders are
IFB (invitation for bid), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
IFQ (invitation for quote), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
implemented defect repair, Executing the project includes repairing defects
improvement, Kaizen philosophy for, More ideas behind quality assurance
independent estimates, for sellers, Pick a partner
influencing project team, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
informal verbal communication, Tell everyone what’s going on, Tell everyone what’s going on
informal written communication, Tell everyone what’s going on
information distribution tools, More Distribute Information tools
(see also Distribute Information process)
information gathering techniques, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks
Initiating (process group), How project managers run great projects, Projects are like recipes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes
inputs for processes, Anatomy of a process, Anatomy of a process, Combine processes to complete your project
inspection of deliverables, Run charts and scatter diagrams, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
inspections, of seller, Stay on top of the seller
Integrated Change Control, Anatomy of a change
Integration Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Project integration management: Getting the job done, The day-to-day work of a project manager, So why INTEGRATION management?, What else is there?
(see also specific processes)
internal rate of return, Let’s talk numbers
internet search, for sellers, Pick a partner
interpersonal skills, Develop the team with your management skills, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Managing your team means solving problems
for collecting requirements, Talk to your stakeholders
for identifying risks, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks
for quantifying risks, First gather the data...
invitation for bid (IFB), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
invitation for quote (IFQ), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
Ishikawa diagrams (see cause and effect diagrams)
issue logs, Managing your team means solving problems
iterative relationship for phases, Phases can also overlap


job (see organization; projects; resources, human)
Just In Time, More ideas behind quality assurance


maintenance (see lifecycle costing; operational work)
majority (decision-making technique), Make decisions about requirements
make or buy analysis, Start with a plan for the whole project, Start with a plan for the whole project
Manage Project Team process, Get your team together and keep them moving, Managing your team means solving problems
Manage Stakeholder Expectations process, Get a handle on communication, People aren’t talking!
management reserve, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
management skills, Develop the team with your management skills, How’s the team doing?
mandatory predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
market, company’s performance in, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, Motivate your team, How’s the team doing?
matrix diagrams, How to plan for quality
matrix organization, There are different types of organizations
McClelland’s Achievement Theory, Motivate your team
McGregor’s Theory X and Theory Y, Motivate your team, How’s the team doing?
Microsoft Project, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!, Control Schedule tools and techniques
Milestone List, Define activities outputs, Outputs of Develop Schedule
mind maps, Help your team to get creative
modeling and distribution, ... then analyze it
monetary value analysis, ... then analyze it, Calculate the Expected Monetary Value of your risks, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
Monitor and Control Project Work process, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, Sometimes you need to change your plans, How the processes interact with each other
Monitor and Control Risks process, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
Monitoring & Controlling (process group), How project managers run great projects, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
Monte Carlo analysis, What-if analysis, Updates and Requested Changes, Decision tree analysis uses EMV to help you make choices
motivation of project team, Develop your project team, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Motivate your team


paralingual communication, Get the message?, Counting communication lines the easy way
parametric estimating
for Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques, Create the duration estimate
for Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget
Pareto charts, Pareto charts, flowcharts, and histograms, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
payment system for seller, Stay on top of the seller
PDM (Precedence Diagramming Method), Diagram the relationship between activities, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
Perform Integrated Change Control process, The six Integration Management processes, Sometimes you need to change your plans
Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis process, Anatomy of a risk, Rank your risks
Perform Quality Assurance process, “An ounce of prevention...”, Trouble at the Black Box 3000TM factory
Perform Quality Control process, “An ounce of prevention...”, Inspect your deliverables, More ideas behind quality assurance
Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis process, Anatomy of a risk, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis
comparing against cost, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project, Let’s say you’re given...
of company in its market, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
of contracted work, Stay on top of the seller, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
of project work, The project team creates deliverables, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, Measuring and reporting performance, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Let everyone know how the project’s going, More risk monitoring and control techniques
of team members, assessing, How’s the team doing?, Managing your team means solving problems
reporting, Let everyone know how the project’s going
required of project managers, What you need to be a good project manager
Performance Measurement Baseline, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems
Performance Measurements (see Work Performance Measurements)
Performance Reports, Measuring and reporting performance, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Now you can get the word out, Counting communication lines the easy way
performance reviews
for Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
for Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
for Develop Schedule process, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
performing stage of team development, Stages of team development
personal skills, required of project managers, What you need to be a good project manager
personalities, as source of conflict, Conflict management up close, How to resolve a conflict
PERT (Project Evaluation Review Technique), Estimation tools and techniques
phases of project, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases, Breaking down the work
Plan Communications process, Get a handle on communication, Find out who your stakeholders are
Plan Procurements process, Anatomy of a contract, Start with a plan for the whole project
Plan Quality process, Break it down, “An ounce of prevention...”, Plan Quality is how you prevent defects
Plan Risk Management process, Plan Risk Management
Plan Risk Responses process, Anatomy of a risk, How do you respond to a risk?
Plan-Do-Check-Act, More ideas behind quality assurance
planned % complete, How to calculate Planned Value
Planned Value (PV), How to calculate Planned Value, The Earned Value Management formulas
Planning (process group), How project managers run great projects, Projects are like recipes, Knowledge areas organize the processes
plurality (decision-making technique), Make decisions about requirements
PMBOK Guide, Projects don’t have to be this way, What you need to be a good project manager
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, Professional responsibility: Making good choices
PMP certification
benefits of, A PMP certification is more than just passing a test
claiming falsely, Doing the right thing
reasons for, Introduction: Why get certified?, What you need to be a good project manager
PMP exam
calculation questions, Question Clinic: The Calculation Question
cheating on, Doing the right thing
contents of, What you need to be a good project manager, What you’ll see on the PMP Exam
organization type used in, There are different types of organizations
practice exam, What you’ll see on the PMP Exam
reviewing for, A little last-minute review: Check your knowledge
“have-a-meeting” questions, Question Clinic: The “Have-A-Meeting” Question
“just-the-facts” questions, Question Clinic: The “Just-The-Facts-Ma’am” Question
“red herring” questions, Question Clinic: The Red Herring
“which-comes-next” questions, Question Clinic: The “Which-comes-next” Question
“which-is-best” questions, Question Clinic: The “Which-is-BEST” Question
“which-is-not” questions, Question Clinic: The “Which-is-NOT” Question
“which-one” questions, Question Clinic: The “Which-One” Question
point of total assumption, in contract, More about contracts
political awareness, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
portfolio, Understand your company’s big picture, ... and what a project is NOT
position descriptions, Figure out who you need on your team
positive risks, handling, It isn’t always so bad
power, types of, Lead the team with your management skills, How’s the team doing?
power/interest grid for stakeholders, Find out who your stakeholders are
pre-assignment of team members, Get the team together
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM), Diagram the relationship between activities, Let’s take some time out to walk through this!
predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
preventive action, Preventing or correcting problems
priorities, as source of conflict, Conflict management up close, How to resolve a conflict
prioritization matrices, How to plan for quality
Probability and Impact Matrix, Examine each risk in the register
probability distribution, First gather the data...
problems, Stay on top of the seller
(see also change control system; conflict management; defects; risks)
common, Do these problems seem familiar?
planning ahead for, The project management plan lets you plan ahead for problems, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
prediction of (forecast), Preventing or correcting problems
solutions for, Your problems... already solved
process analysis, Introducing Quality Assurance, A closer look at some tools and techniques
process framework, The process framework: It all fits together
process groups, How project managers run great projects, How project managers run great projects, Projects are like recipes, Anatomy of a process
Process Improvement Plan, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
processes, Break it down, Break it down, Anatomy of a process, Anatomy of a process
(see also specific processes)
comparing to knowledge areas, Knowledge areas organize the processes
improving (see Perform Quality Assurance process)
ongoing (see maintenance; operational work)
procurement audits, Close the contract when the work is done
Procurement Documents, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
Procurement Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Procurement management: Getting some help
(see also specific processes)
Procurement Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
procurement negotiation, Pick a partner
Procurement Statement of Work, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
administering, Keep an eye on the contract
contracts for, changes to, Stay on top of the seller, Tools and techniques to find and fix problems
contracts for, content of, More about contracts
contracts for, types of, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts, Get in touch with potential sellers
necessity of, determining, Procurement management: Getting some help, Ask the legal expert, Start with a plan for the whole project
seller for, Calling in the cavalry, Start with a plan for the whole project
seller for, choosing, Pick a partner
seller for, potential, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
seller for, selection criteria for, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
product analysis, How do you define the scope?, Alternatives identification
product scope, It looks like we have a scope problem, It looks like we have a scope problem
professional responsibility, Professional responsibility: Making good choices
program, Understand your company’s big picture, ... and what a project is NOT
progress reporting, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Control Schedule tools and techniques
Project Charter, Break it down, The six Integration Management processes, Start your project with the Initiating processes, The “Develop Project Charter” process, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
project coordinator, There are different types of organizations
Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT), Estimation tools and techniques
project expediter, Kate wants a new job
Project Funding Requirements, Determine budget: how to build a budget
project management estimating software, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
Project Management Information System, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the Change Control System
Project Management Plan
comparing to Scope Management Plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process
creating, Plan your project!, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
updating, Preventing or correcting problems, Preventing or correcting problems, The outputs of the Create WBS process, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the Change Control System, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, What Control Schedule updates, Now Alice knows how much the Lounge will cost, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality, Quality control means finding and correcting defects, Get the team together
project management software
for Control Costs process, A few new tools and techniques
for Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques, Control Schedule tools and techniques
for Estimate Activity Resources process, Estimating the resources
project managers
authority of, There are different types of organizations, The “Develop Project Charter” process
characteristics needed for, What you need to be a good project manager
duties (roles) of, A day in the life of a project manager, The day-to-day work of a project manager
Project Network Diagram (see Network Diagram)
Project Organization Charts, Figure out who you need on your team, Figure out who you need on your team
Project Schedule
as source of conflict, Conflict management up close, How to resolve a conflict
controlling, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Influence the factors that cause change
creating, Outputs of Develop Schedule
estimating activity durations for, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Figuring out how long the project will take
estimating resources for, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems
listing activities for, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Use the Define Activities process to break down the work
sequencing activities for, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
writing, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Back to the wedding
project scope (see Scope Management)
Project Scope Statement
creating, The scope statement tells you what you have to do, The scope statement tells you what you have to do
updating, Anatomy of a change
project team (see resources, human)
projectized organization, Kate wants a new job, There are different types of organizations, There are different types of organizations, ... and her project is a success!
projects, Understand your company’s big picture, What a project IS..., ... and what a project is NOT, Kate’s being asked to do operational work, The day-to-day work of a project manager
communications regarding (see Communication Management)
constraints on (see constraints)
converting operational work to, Back to Kate’s maintenance nightmare
costs of (see Cost Management)
managing (see Integration Management)
parts you can’t control (see Enterprise Environmental Factors)
phases of, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
procuring resources for (see Procurement Management)
quality of deliverables (see Quality Management)
risks in, managing (see Risk Management)
schedule for (see Time Management)
scope of (see Scope Management)
team for (see Human Resources Management)
properietary techniques, How to plan for quality
proposal evaluation techniques, Pick a partner
prototypes, A prototype shows users what your product will be like
punishment power, The five kinds of power, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
purchase order, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
PV (Planned Value), How to calculate Planned Value, The Earned Value Management formulas


RACI matrix, Figure out who you need on your team, The staffing management plan
RBS (Risk Breakdown Structure), The Risk Management Plan is the only output, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
recognition for project team, Develop the team with your management skills
records management system, for contract, Stay on top of the seller, Close the contract when the work is done
referent power, The five kinds of power, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
Report Performance process, Get a handle on communication, Let everyone know how the project’s going
requests for information (RFI), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
requests for proposal (RFP), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
Requirements Document, Talk to your stakeholders, Collect requirements outputs page, The scope statement tells you what you have to do, The quality management plan gives you what you need to manage quality
Requirements Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
requirements, collecting (see Collect Requirements process)
reserve analysis
for Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques, Create the duration estimate
for Estimate Costs process, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs
for Monitor and Control Risks process, How to control your risks
cash reserves, Determine budget: how to build a budget
contingency reserve, How to control your risks, More risk monitoring and control techniques
management reserve, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
residual risks, It isn’t always so bad
Resource Calendars
creating, What you need to estimate resources, Get the team together
updating, Schedule Data
Resource Histogram, The staffing management plan, The staffing management plan
resource leveling
for Control Schedule process, Control Schedule tools and techniques
for Develop Schedule process, Other Develop Schedule tools and techniques
as constraint, Managing project constraints
as source of conflict, Conflict management up close, How to resolve a conflict
estimating, for activities, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, Rob and Rebecca have resource problems
external (see Procurement Management)
risks related to, Where to look for risks
resources, human
acquiring, Get your team together and keep them moving, Get the team together
as part of Enterprise Environmental Factors, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
assessing performance of, How’s the team doing?, Managing your team means solving problems
conflict management for, Managing your team means solving problems, Conflict management up close
managing, Develop your project team
motivation of project team, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team, Motivate your team
organization chart for, Figure out who you need on your team, Figure out who you need on your team
requirements for, Get your team together and keep them moving
roles and responsibilities for, Figure out who you need on your team, The staffing management plan
scheduling, Mike needs a new team, The staffing management plan, Get the team together
stages of team development, Stages of team development, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
Responsible, Accountable, Consult, and Inform (see RACI matrix)
reward power, Lead the team with your management skills, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
rewards for project team, Develop the team with your management skills
RFI (requests for information), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
RFP (requests for proposal), Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS), The Risk Management Plan is the only output, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks
Risk Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Project risk management: Planning for the unknown, Anatomy of a risk
(see also specific processes)
Risk Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, The Risk Management Plan is the only output
Risk Register
creating, What could happen to your project?, Now put it in the risk register, Examine each risk in the register, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results, Add risk responses to the register, Add risk responses to the register
updating, Create the network diagram, Schedule Data
risk tolerance of company, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
risks, What’s a risk?
as constraint, Managing project constraints
audits for, More risk monitoring and control techniques, More risk monitoring and control techniques
categorizing, Use a risk breakdown structure to categorize risks, Examine each risk in the register, Examine each risk in the register
critical path affecting, Where to look for risks, More risk monitoring and control techniques
handling, methods of, How you deal with risk, It isn’t always so bad
identifying, What could happen to your project?
impact of, Rank your risks
monitoring and controlling, You can’t plan for every risk at the start of the project
owners of, Add risk responses to the register
planning for, Plan Risk Management
positive, handling, It isn’t always so bad
probability of, Rank your risks
quantifying, Qualitative vs. quantitative analysis
reassessment of, How to control your risks
residual, It isn’t always so bad
responses to, planning, How do you respond to a risk?
secondary, It isn’t always so bad
triggers of, Examine each risk in the register
Roles and Responsibilities, Figure out who you need on your team, Figure out who you need on your team
rolling wave planning, Tools and techniques for Define Activities
ROM (Rough Order of Magnitude) estimate, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
root cause identification, Information-gathering techniques for Identify Risks, Now put it in the risk register
Rough Order of Magnitude (ROM) estimate, Other tools and techniques used in Estimate Costs, Determine budget: how to build a budget, Determine budget: how to build a budget
rule of seven, for control charts, Quality control means finding and correcting defects
run charts, Run charts and scatter diagrams


schedule (see Project Schedule)
Schedule Baseline
creating, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, Schedule Data
updating, What Control Schedule updates
schedule compression tools, Crash the schedule, Control Schedule tools and techniques
Schedule Data
creating, Outputs of Develop Schedule, Control Schedule tools and techniques
updating, What Control Schedule updates
Schedule Management Plan, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
schedule network analysis, What-if analysis
Schedule Performance Index (SPI), Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
Schedule Variance (SV), Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The Earned Value Management formulas
scheduling tool, What-if analysis
scope (constraint), Managing project constraints
Scope Baseline
creating, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, The baseline is a snapshot of the plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process
updating, The baseline is a snapshot of the plan, Anatomy of a change, Anatomy of a change
scope creep, It looks like we have a scope problem, Why scope changes
Scope Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Scope management: Doing the right stuff, It looks like we have a scope problem
(see also specific processes)
Scope Management Plan
comparing to Project Management Plan, The outputs of the Create WBS process
creating, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans, You’ve got to know what (and how) you will build before you build it
updating, The scope statement tells you what you have to do
secondary risks, It isn’t always so bad
seller, Calling in the cavalry, Start with a plan for the whole project
choosing, Pick a partner
potential sellers, finding, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
selection criteria for, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
sensitivity analysis, ... then analyze it
Sequence Activities process, Time management helps with aggressive time lines, The Sequence Activities process puts everything in order
sequential relationship for phases, If your project’s really big, you can manage it in phases
shortcuts, taking, Shortcuts
smoothing, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
Source Selection Criteria, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers, Figure out how you’ll sort out potential sellers
SPI (Schedule Performance Index), Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Interpret CPI and SPI numbers to gauge your project
sponsor, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
(see also stakeholders)
communication method for, Tell everyone what’s going on
customer as, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
Project Charter written by, The six Integration Management processes
SS (Start to Start) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
Staffing Assignments, Get the team together
Staffing Management Plan, Figure out who you need on your team, The staffing management plan
Stakeholder Management Strategy, Find out who your stakeholders are, Find out who your stakeholders are
Stakeholder Register, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Find out who your stakeholders are
stakeholders, A day in the life of a project manager
(see also customer; sponsor)
analysis of, Find out who your stakeholders are, Find out who your stakeholders are
collecting requirements from, Talk to your stakeholders
deciding when project is done, The stakeholders decide when the project is done
expectations of, managing, Get a handle on communication, People aren’t talking!
identifying, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Start your project with the Initiating processes, Get a handle on communication, Find out who your stakeholders are
negative stakeholders, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Managing project constraints
power/interest grid for, Find out who your stakeholders are
project changes affecting, Stakeholders are impacted by your project, Managing project constraints
reporting to (see Report Performance process)
standards company must follow, You can’t manage your project in a vacuum
Start to Start (SS) predecessors, Predecessors help you sequence your activities
statement of work, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
statistical sampling, How to plan for quality, Run charts and scatter diagrams
status meetings, More risk monitoring and control techniques, More risk monitoring and control techniques
subsidiary plans, The project management plan lets you plan ahead for problems, A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
successors, Leads and lags add time between activities
summary milestone schedule, Two things you’ll see over and over and over...
SV (Schedule Variance), Is your project behind or ahead of schedule?, The Earned Value Management formulas
SWOT analysis, More Identify Risks techniques


T&M (time and materials) contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts
TCPI (To-Complete Performance Index), A few new tools and techniques, Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Keep your project on track with TCPI
team (see resources, human)
team development, stages of, Stages of team development, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict
Team Performance Assessment, How’s the team doing?
team-building activities, Develop the team with your management skills, Your interpersonal skills can make a big difference for your team
technical opinions, as source of conflict, Conflict management up close
technical performance measurement, More risk monitoring and control techniques
templates, for activities, Tools and techniques for Define Activities
theories of motivation and management, Motivate your team, How’s the team doing?
three-point estimates
for Estimate Activity Durations process, Estimation tools and techniques, Estimation tools and techniques
for Estimate Costs process, What Alice needs before she can Estimate Costs
time (constraint), Managing project constraints
time and materials (T&M) contracts, Start with a plan for the whole project, Types of contracts
Time Management (knowledge area), How project managers run great projects, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Knowledge areas organize the processes, Time management: Getting it done on time
(see also Project Schedule; specific processes)
timetable, The staffing management plan
To-Complete Performance Index (TCPI), A few new tools and techniques, Are you over budget?, The Earned Value Management formulas, Keep your project on track with TCPI
tools and techniques for processes, Anatomy of a process
top-down estimating (see analogous estimating)
training for project team, Develop the team with your management skills
travel policy, not following, Fly business class?
trend analysis, How to control your risks, More risk monitoring and control techniques
triggers of risks, Examine each risk in the register
Tuckman, Bruce (team development stages), Stages of team development, How’s the team doing?, How to resolve a conflict


watchlists, Examine each risk in the register, Update the risk register based on your quantitative analysis results
WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
creating, The five Scope Management processes, Create the work breakdown structure, The outputs of the Create WBS process, The outputs of the Create WBS process
updating, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the Change Control System
WBS Dictionary
creating, Inside the work package, The outputs of the Create WBS process
updating, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the Change Control System
web sites
Head First PMP community, Question Clinic: The “Which-is-BEST” Question
PMI Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, We’re not all angels
what-if analysis, What-if analysis, Control Schedule tools and techniques
withdrawal, resolving conflict using, How to resolve a conflict, How to resolve a conflict
work authorization system, Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., Two things you’ll see over and over and over..., A quick look at all those subsidiary plans
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
creating, The five Scope Management processes, Create the work breakdown structure, The outputs of the Create WBS process, The outputs of the Create WBS process
updating, Anatomy of a change, A closer look at the Change Control System
work packages, Break it down by project or phase, Inside the work package, The outputs of the Create WBS process
Work Performance Information, The project team creates deliverables, Let everyone know how the project’s going
Work Performance Measurements, Control Schedule inputs and outputs, Measuring and reporting performance, Control Schedule tools and techniques
defining requirements at, Talk to your stakeholders
defining scope at, How do you define the scope?
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