They say it takes a village to raise a child and the birth of this ‘baby’ feels the same. So many voices have spoken into this book and made this happen, many more than I can name here, but, as imperfection isn’t a good enough reason not to start, here is an imperfect and incomplete list of those I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart.

Graham Allcott at Think Productive and Steve Temblett at Pearson for the conversations that started this particular journey.

Amanda Alexander for the relentless cheerleading, mind-monkey wrestling and expert coaching through the crazy wilderness of writing, working and everything else. I hope I haven’t put you off writing your book!

June Dennis, Jenny Flintoft, Katy Bateson, Susie Kong, Fokke Kooistra, Richard Tubb, Jim Hetherton, Caroline Ferguson, Sian-Elin Flint-Freel for your care, thoughtfulness and insight, taking the time in between your own juggling to road-test the rough draft and help me to shape the final book.

Clients, readers, friends and colleagues – your questions brought me here and continue to fuel me more than you know. Keep them coming…

Ruth, Rebekah, Eve, Wendy, Jenny M. and Jenny J. for taking the time to share your thoughts and stories with me, particularly for this book.

Rob Archer, Penny Pullen, Eveliina Lindell, Jennie H. K., Marianne Cantwell, Josie George, Jacob Mahal and my fellow Productivity Ninjas – thanks for the geek-out conversations. May there be more to come!

Some days a writer’s life is exactly how you imagine: eating cake, drinking tea, inhaling caffeine and typing away to Nina Simone – thanks to the wonderful staff at The Bean Encounter – my writing cave – for making that happen.

Grante, Oliver and Catherine, my best reason ever. Thank you for loving the best out of me and living with the rest.

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