
Accenture 93

accountability 25561

achievements 501, 1534

action xxix, 48, 128

see also mindset skills; organisational skills; personal skills

active listening 21416

adjustment 211

Adobe 99

adversity, surviving 2415

agendas, having clear 1667, 2023

Aldi 11

Amazon 231

Ambani, Mukesh xxvii

ambitions 7

American Bureau of Labor Statistics 79

Android 12

Apple 35, 231, 234, 256

appraisals 97

artificial intelligence (AI) 189

aspirations, high 2315

assertions, supporting with facts 1778

AT&T 35

Attlee, Clement 4, 5

audience, engaging 161, 162

authority, referred 201, 202

autonomy 242, 243

Baidu 36

balance and mix, need for 513

Bambara (tribe in Mali) 159

banker’s question 184


annoying 225

leadership xxixxxxii

bidding war 123

big-picture people, team of 52

Blair, Tony 5, 203

blame 81, 96, 104, 129

Blue Ocean Strategy 34, 37, 38

bonuses 221

as motivation 612

boss, managing 1959

bravery 2379

British Airways 16

brittle confidence 130

Brown, G. 5

budgets 219

managing 13740

and targets, negotiating 1315

Buffett, Warren xxvii

burning platforms 29

business 74

writing 1758

buyer power 33

Callaghan, James 5

Cameron, David 7

capacity to change 116

career death spiral 104

catastrophising 2445

CEO, and company newsletters 1920

Challenger 17

challenger firms 378

Chamberlain, Neville 32

change, risks and costs of 11617

change equation 118

change management 11321

change cycle 119

critical mass of support 121

FUD factor 115

process 11719

setting up for success 11517

change network 1201

choice, restricting 210

Churchill, Winston xxiv, 4, 5, 19, 57, 177, 241


classical strategy 314, 38

closed questions 278, 834, 878, 21415


from failure to success 889

five Os 867

structured journey 90

team 8591

coalition 210

collaboration 24750

comfort zone 48, 199, 238, 268

communications 141, 14850

in crisis management 129

debriefing 216

difficult conversations 1058, 198

of ideas 1923, 2530

listening 257, 70, 734, 205, 21316

open and closed questions 278, 21516

paraphrasing 215

presentations 15963

reading skills 17981

three Es of 160

writing effectively 1758

company newsletters 1920, 22

Compaq 35

compensation 141, 1478

competition 434

competitive advantage 3940

Competitive Strategy (book) 33

complexity, managing 10

confidence 128, 25561

confirmation bias 101

conflict management 1235

constructive conflict 1234


courage and 2378

the right 2345


costs 13740

problems with close 95

taking 36, 89, 128

time 156

X and Y leader types 5861

see also influencing


difficult 1058, 148, 198

listening 257, 70, 734, 21316

preparation for 278

productive 148

selling ideas 2530

Core Competence 34, 35

cost control 13740

courage 2379

COVID-19 pandemic xixxx, 29

change management 116

collaboration 248

leadership revolution 188

video meetings 173

credibility 197, 198, 204, 2067

crises 220

management xxx, 12730, 244

criticism 66, 69, 76, 253

cultural norms 226

customer satisfaction 29, 30

customer service 76


analysing needs of 36

evaluating ideas 423

partnership mindset 250

solving problems of 36

daily skills 111

Darwin, Charles 154

Daz (British detergent brand) 21

deafness, selective 261

debriefing 96, 216

decision making 61

influencing 20911

decisiveness xxx

delegation xix, 70, 7984, 143, 1923, 243, 249

Dell 35

Deming, W. Edwards 97

depersonalising conflict 124

destiny, controlling your 257

detachment 124

detail people, team of 52

development plans 141, 147

deviation 169

difference, making a 4, 6, 1012

difficult conversations 1058, 198

direct competition 33

dishonesty 74

disloyalty 198

Disney 40

distractions 106, 157

diversity 513, 205

doubt 115

Douglas-Home, Alec 5

dreams 8

dress code 223, 225

drifting 9

Dyson 40

Dyson, James 36

EBI (even better if) tool 2656

Eden, Anthony 4

emails 148, 149, 225

emotional responses 114, 117

empathy 125, 129

employee choice 188

energy 160, 161

enjoyment 161

enlightenment 65

enthusiasm 43, 160, 161

esteem 66

even better if (EBI) tool 2656

Excite 36

excitement 160, 161


having high 2315

managing 1315

motivation 72

setting clear 70, 193, 196

expertise 161

external recruitment 51

extroverts 52

ExxonMobil 40

Facebook xxviii, 8, 35, 205


learning from setbacks 96, 2445

reactions to 96

fear 668, 69, 11516

FEAR to EAR model 1245

Federal Express 76


receiving 22011

selective deafness 261


controlling your 2589

emotional responses 114, 117

52/48 rule 137


cost control 13740

evaluating ideas 412

money and influence 2018

negotiating budgets 145

pay as motivation 72

reviewing spreadsheets 1835

financial information 1445

financial prize 2930

finders 264

firing people 101, 26970

Fisher, Irving 32

five forces analysis 33

five Os, of coaching event 867

formative assessment 146

frontload performance 137

FUD factor 115


focus on 232

information about 145

future perfect idea 19

Gagarin, Yuri 17

Gantt chart 114

GAP 93

Gates, Bill xxvii

GE firm 93

Genghis Khan xxxiii, 46

gig economy 59

globalisation 1889


clear 256

for coaching 87, 901

focus 233, 2689

knowing 105

setting 155

team 142

Golden Rule 225

Google xxviii, 7, 8, 11, 36, 40, 205

gossip and banter 225

governance, supportive 143

Graham, Billy 161

greed 68, 69

grinders 264

Hamel, Gary 34

Heath, Edward 5

help, finding 110, 154

Herzberg’s two-factor theory of motivation 61

hesitation 1689

hierarchy mindset 249

hierarchy of needs 657

hiring 4955

HMS Beagle 154

honesty xxx, 70, 745

Hoover 36

HP 35

Hubble 17

Human Side of Enterprise, The (book) 59

hybrid working xixxx

collaboration 248

communications 148, 149

delegation 83

meetings 1703

motivation 71

performance management 93, 956

see also working from home

hygiene factors 61

ideas xxviii

and classical strategy 314, 38

communicating 1923, 2530

copying 35

crafting 1317

de-risk 2045

evaluating 29, 414

future perfect 1317

IPA agenda of leadership 48

knowing your 2830

and modern strategy 348

new 220

power of 2, 17

RUSSIA test 17

selling 2530

simple/big 78

solving customer problems 36

and unfair competitive advantage 40

idleness 68, 69, 210

imposter syndrome 259

improbability xxiiixxiv

incremental agreement, building 210

incumbents 378

influencing 2018

building trust 2038

clear agendas 167, 2023

decision making 20911

by listening 21316

managing your boss 73, 204

and money 2012

popularity 208

presentations 15963

referred authority 201, 202

selling ideas 2530

informal contract 94

information management 141, 1446

Infoseek 36

inspirational leaders 58

integrity xxv, xxx

intimacy, and trust 1978, 204, 2056

introverts 52

intuition/instincts 312

IPA (idea, people, action) agenda xxviixxix, 37, 48, 75, 232, 233, 271

iPad 35

Jo’s Burger Palace 334

Jobs, Steve xxxiii, 234, 256

judgement 34, 54, 101

‘Just a Minute’ game 168, 169

Kahneman, Daniel 209

Kennedy, John 17

key performance indicators (KPIs) 11, 131

Kim, Chan 34, 37

King, Martin Luther 19

Kissinger, Henry xxvi, 232

knowledge 26

le Carré, John 21

leadership xxv, 113

acting the part 2237

key behaviours of xxixxxxii

machine 14150

managing boss 1959

nature of xxxiixxxiii

pillars of xxixxxxii

ruthless 26770

search for xxvixxvii

taking control 36, 89

tradecraft of 152

lean matrix 189

learning 2636

to lead xxxiiixxxvi

legacy firms 378

Lidl 11

listening 257, 70, 734, 205, 21316

LNB agenda 149

long-term goals 90

love 65

low-cost airline 1516

loyalty 73, 198

Lumière, Louis-Jean 32

Lycos 36

Macmillan, Harold 4

Magellan 36

Major, John 6

management, types of 5960

management by objectives (MBO) 131

management by walking around (MBWA) 68

management by walking away 68

management information systems (MIS) 145

manager’s question 1845

Mandela, Nelson 46

market growth 42

market information 145

market segments 42, 43

market share 42

marketing 30

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs 657

mastery 242, 243

McDonald’s 40

McGregor, Douglas 59, 61

meetings 16573, 216, 225

attending 1667

leading 1678

memorisation 160

mental dysfunctions 57

Metcalfe, Robert 32

MetLife 53, 110

micro-management 9, 193, 243

Microsoft 11, 12, 334, 40

minders 264

mindset skills 111, 230

adversity, surviving 2415

courage 2379

high aspirations 2315

learning 2636

optimism 244, 2514, 258, 260

partnership 24750

persistence 36

ruthlessness 26770

self-belief 25561

modern strategy 348

moments of truth 21721

promotion and 21821

momentum 128

money 65

and influence 2012

pay as motivation 612, 72

see also finances

motivation xxx, 5770

expectations 72

gap 71

Herzberg’s two-factor theory 61

and honesty 70, 745

intrinsic rewards 62

pay and bonuses 612, 72

practical theories of 5870

in practice 717

public sector 61, 62

recognition 66, 69, 767

showing interest in staff 734

staff problems 214

and trust 70, 745

worthwhile jobs 76

X and Y theory 5861

multi-tasking 1578

Musk, Elon xxvii

naive managers 1312

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) 15, 17

need 11516

negotiations, budgets and targets 1315

networks, support 212

never avoid conflict 124

new entrants 33

newsletters, company 1920, 22

niches 42, 43

Nietzsche, Friedrich 128, 245

Nike 40

non-financial prize 2930

normative assessment 146

norms, cultural 226

numeracy 183, 185

O’Leary, Michael 1516

open questions 278, 834, 878, 21516

operational information 145

optimism 53, 2514, 258, 260

see also positivity

organisational skills 111

conflict management 1235

cost control 13740

crisis management 12730

influencing decisions 20911

negotiating budgets and targets 1315

time management 1538

see also change management; project management

Origin of Species 154

over-achievement 192

over-communication 70

over-estimation 43

over-performance 61

P&G xxviii, 40, 177

paraphrasing 169, 215

partnership mindset 24750


as motivation 612, 72

negotiating 545

PayPal 231

people xxviiixxix

building trust 1978, 2038

delegation 70

difficult conversations 1058, 198

firing 101, 26970

hiring 4955

leading professionals 1913

managing your boss 1959

support networks 212

see also influencing; motivation; teams

people-focused people, team of 52


dealing with poor 1014

frontloading 137

ruthlessness 26970

performance development 979

performance management 939, 141, 1467, 192

performance review 214

performance tracking systems 934, 979

Pericles 19

persistence 36, 128, 21011

personal optimism 2534

personal skills

acting the part 2237

listening 257, 70, 734, 205, 21316

meetings 16573, 216

presentations 15963

reading 17981

reviewing spreadsheets 1835

time management 1538

writing effectively 1758

perspective, gaining 25960


presentations 15963

selling ideas 267

see also influencing

PERT chart 114

pessimism 251, 253

Petrobras 40

phone calls 225

physiological needs 65

plan B, having 1989

planning process, strategic 1434

political responses 114, 117, 143

politicians 208

poor delegation 80

poor performance, dealing with 1014

popularity 208

Porter, Michael 33, 34, 35


in crisis management 127, 129

as mindset skill 244, 2514, 258, 260

and setbacks 96, 244

writing effectively 177

Prahalad, C.K. 345

praise 66, 69, 76, 253

Preece, William 32

prejudice, reading with 17980

presentations 15963, 219, 239

pressure, and stress 9

prime ministers, British 45

priorities 910, 110

private sector xx

Privy Council 169

prize, qualitative/quantitative 2930

problem solving

conflict management 1235

crisis management 12730

customer problems 36

and difficult conversations 107

staff problems 214

procrastination 157

product/operations 44

productivity 79, 110, 155

professional guard, developing 2246

professional optimism 2523

professionalisation, of workforce 188

professionals, leading 1913

project management 141, 1423

project managers 117

promotion xxxi, 207, 217

learning 2634

and moments of truth 21821

seeking 221

proposals 2045

psychological contracts 73, 94

public sector xx

motivation 61, 62

purpose 242, 2434

qualifications xxvixxvii


and challenge 157

open and closed 278, 834, 878, 21516

RAMP principle 242

rational responses 114

RBS 198

reader, writing for 176

reading skills 17981

Reagan, Ronald 478

recognition 66, 69, 767, 128, 192

recruitment 4955

Red Arrows 1516, 266

referred authority 201, 202

relationships, supportive 2423

remote working see working from home

rent seeking 39

repetition 16970

resilience 12930

respect 107, 225

responsibility 217

rest, need for 156


goals 155

position 138

reward plans 141, 1478

rework 156


of change 115

and costs of change 11617

emotional 117

political 117

and trust 197, 198, 2045


finding 478, 1545

requirements of 2237

starting new 220

Rolling Stones 34

Rolls-Royce automobiles 11

Royal Marine Commandoes 239

rules, for meeting 166

RUSSIA test 17

ruthlessness 26770

Ryanair 8, 1516, 35

safety 65

safety-in-numbers mentality 1678

salary see pay

sales 30

sales call 21314

Samsung 35

selective deafness 261

self-actualisation 66

self-belief 25561

self-confidence 77

senior managers 167, 24950

service idea, communicating 223

setbacks 220

goal focus 233

learning from 96, 2445

reactions to failure 102, 104

surviving adversity 2415

Shazam xxviii, 35, 36

Shell 40

short-interval scheduling 156


daily 111

mastering 11011

mindset 111

team 501

see also mindset skills; organisational skills; personal skills

Slack 149

slides 160

social networking 35

Southwest Airlines 35

speaking, effective 15963

specialisation 1889

speed reading 181

Spotify 35

spreadsheets 412, 1835


morale, improving 29

see also teams

standards, professional 224

Starbucks 40

STIR Education 242

story, telling 176

Strategic Intent 34

strategic planning 141, 1434


classical 314, 38

dealing with 318

modern 348

unfair competitive advantage 3940

strengths, focus on 260

stress 9


adapting to boss’s 1967

and substance 102

teams 50, 513

substance and style 102

substitutes 33

success 78

defining 131

and failure 128

learning new rules of survival and 114

mindsets of xxxii

moments of truth 217

reactions to 967

recognising 767

setting change up for 11517


partnership mindset 250

power 33

support 129

networks 212

supportive relationships 2423

surprises 198

avoiding 192

SWIFT payments 40

targets 1315

task-focused people, team of 52

tasks 156

Teach First 35, 634, 130

Teach for America 35


building 21, 47, 48, 4955, 219, 261

delegation 70, 192

firing people 26970

goals 142

hiring people 4955

investing time 69, 84, 192

partnership mindset 24750

people 143

performance, coaching 8591

shielding 192

skills 501

staff problems 214

style 513

support 192

trusting 70

see also motivation

technology, as distraction 157

terms and conditions, as motivation 61, 63

Tesco 11

Tesla xxviii, 231

Thatcher, Margaret 5

time management 1538

time tactics 1557

distractions 157

multi-tasking 1578

procrastination 157

Timpson, John 223, 76, 253

to-do lists 155, 157

Toffler, Alvin 266

trade-offs 52

training 239

transition dip 51

trust xix

autonomy 243

building 1978, 2038

and credibility 197, 198, 204, 2067

and intimacy 1978, 204, 2056

and motivation 70, 745

partnership mindset 249, 250

and performance management 96

popularity 208

and respect 74

and risk 197, 198, 2045

two-factor theory of motivation 61

uncertainty 115


difficult conversations 106

poor performance 1013

unfair competition 3940

Universal 35

unreasonableness, selective 2334

valley of death 118, 119

values xxv, 50, 535, 269

venture capitalists 44, 184

video meetings 1703

Vietnam War 258

vision xxv, xxx, 70, 75, 115

communicating 203

see also ideas

vocational careers 62

voluntary sector xx

Waitrose 11

Watson, Thomas 32

weaknesses xxxiv

what went well (WWW) tool 265, 266

WhatsApp 149

Wilson, Harold 4, 5

work 218

work environment, managing 156

working from home (WFH) xixxx, 29

collaboration 248

communications 149

meetings 1703

motivation 71

performance management 93

see also hybrid working

working hours, and motivation 72

write effectively 1758

WWW (what went well) tool 265, 266

Wyman, Bill 34

X and Y motivation theory 5861

Yahoo! 36

YTB meeting 14950

Zest (toilet soap) 42

Zoom 148, 170

Zuckerberg, Mark 35

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