
You know that a diverse workforce leads to better decisions and solutions—it has been proven to grow business and profits.

But when the person in the next cube or office is different from you, friction can arise. It's not easy working with people who are not like you. And if you're the leader of a diverse team, the challenges are unquestionably multiplied.

But it's worth it. And you know this because you picked up this book and invested the time to read it. Diversity isn't going away. It's not a fad. You will continue to work alongside people who are not like you for the rest of your career. In fact, the workplace will become even more diverse in the future as technology brings more and more people together across the globe and across every industry.

When others are struggling to understand different coworkers, different viewpoints, and different cultural norms and backgrounds, you'll know what to do. You'll be ahead of so many others. You're already ahead. You can follow the steps to “meet and greet” and how to break the ice. You'll know to look for and find common ground.

You'll know what to say, and what not to. You'll know how to work more effectively with people who don't speak English.

If you're a leader, you now know that your first action is to educate your team about differences and set the example. Find your pilot fish—the people who can tell you what you need to know—good or bad—so that you can lead most effectively. Don't shy away from constructive conflict—it's often when the most incredible breakthroughs occur. Don't let naysayers and derailers make you question your path—you know that learning to work with people not like you isn't just the right thing, it's essential for your business.

Expand the pool of talent you recruit from so that you have more diverse candidates at the beginning of—and throughout—the hiring process, and you'll end up with a better team, not just a more diverse one.

You're ahead. You're out in front of this new world we live and work in. You're ahead of your competitors and you're likely ahead of most of the people you work with. You can show them the way and be the example for how to effectively work with all kinds of people, even those you don't like much. Business isn't about dealing with the world the way you want the world to be—it's about dealing with the world the way the world is. Ready or not, the world—and the workplace—are changing quickly. But you read this book. You're ready.

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