Thank you to Jim McCormick for giving me loving support, despite my ridiculous schedule, and for providing keen insights along the way. As always, I want to thank my mother and brother, Karl, for being ready with encouraging words. I am also grateful for the enthusiasm and support we have received from the Career Press team, specifically, Ron Fry, Michael Pye, Kristen Parkes, Laurie Kelly-Pye, Gina Talucci and Linda Rienecker. Also, my dear friends whose good thinking and professions enable them to offer me practical guidance, especially Patti Mengers and David Kozinski. Thank you, too, Scott and Eliza Ferzeley, for allowing us to use a picture of your smiling son, Caden, in the book. And to our talented model, Kurtis Kelly. I also want to acknowledge the experts whose research and writings helped provide deeper understanding of some of the key issues covered in the book, particularly Candace Gordon and Dr. Louann Brizendine. And thank you, Greg, for being such a fun and enlightening partner!

—Maryann Karinch

First and foremost, thanks to the volunteers who defend our country in time of war for too little pay and uncertain futures. May we tread carefully when criticizing national policy lest we injure one of these heroes.

This book would not exist if not for Michael Dobson, who encouraged me to share my thoughts with you and introduced me to Maryann. This book could not happen without all the support Dina gives me. Jeffrey has changed the way I see the world and myself and for that I am grateful. Rick Croley expands my mind by challenging me to think in new ways about old topics through wonderful conversation. Thank you to Jim McCormick for insight, camaraderie, and support. Maryann, this book has been a pleasure to create thanks to you.

—Greg Hartley

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