Praise for The Art of Asking

“Terry’s insights on this essential subject are brilliant and practical at the same time. His stories are wonderful and drive his points home with both humor and stark clarity. He provides questions and approaches that one can implement immediately. Required reading for every leader who wishes to see his or her organization flourish and career progress.”

—Garry A. Neil, MD, Corporate Vice President, Johnson & Johnson

“Terry has done it. Asking, listening, understanding the real meaning of the answers, and taking actions based on facts are really the essence of managing a process, an organization, or a corporation. This book has helped me in connecting the dots in my understanding (and lack thereof) of why things really did not work the way I expected them to work. The Art of Asking is really a practical guide for everyday management. This book should be a part of any core curriculum for management training, irrespective of the managers’ areas of focus.”

—Pradip Banerjee, PhD, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Xybion; retired partner, Accenture

“This is a unique and valuable guide to asking the right question at the right time. It is also about using insightful questions to exercise leadership. As Peter Drucker once observed, ‘The leader of the past knew how to tell. The leader of the future will know how to ask.’”

—George Day, Geoffrey T. Bosi Professor of Marketing, Wharton Business School

“The framework and techniques provide outstanding ideas for executives to both gain better information and develop the analytical skills of their teams through Socratic learning.”

—Terry Hisey, Vice Chairman and U.S. Life Sciences Leader, Deloitte

“An easy read! Terry shares his past corporate experiences and explains in simple terms how to improve your chances of success through better questioning. Right on the money!”

—Mark Hopkins, entrepreneur and small business owner

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