Power Is a Lifestyle

“Every moment is an organizing opportunity, every person a potential activist, every minute a chance to change the world.”

—Dolores Huerta, Co‐Founder National Farmworkers Association

You now have an overstuffed stocking of strategies to be in your power in a world that can sometimes make you feel powerless. All are available to you, you just have to access them. You can transcend the automatic factory settings we have as humans, and instead be a creative force who steers any difficult situation to stay “good in you” and serve your good intentions.

Living in your power—it's a lifestyle. You walk through the world confidently, as if you have your own version of those Wonder Woman cuffs or a Batman utility belt.

When there's a situation that's pulling you out of your power, know that 360 degrees surrounding you are the 12 Power Portals. In any direction you look you can open the door and walk through the portal to see the new vista offered. Take your attention off the power problem, and instead look within yourself to know what you are making the situation mean. And lift your sights to the bigger‐picture possibility where you lead yourself and others to the other side of the impasse.

These portals remind you to be intentional. You can always act with intention in the service of the outcome you want, and that's in the best interest of all. In the snap of a finger, you can shift your perspective and act toward your purpose. Instead of doing one of the five fight‐or‐flight spectrum behaviors, you can move your emotions through your body and reconnect to calm. You can use your know‐how. No matter how obstructive other people are, you know how to persuade, partner, and proclaim your truth with them and bring more grace into the interaction. You can be a person who creates psychological safety within yourself and for others.

The portals guide you to stay inviolable. You are now the “home” you can come home to. You know how to protect yourself from your no and speak the truth of your yes. You can catch yourself stuck in a lead story and tell an alternative one. Moving forward from the storyline you developed as an adaptation to earlier experiences, you can live into the new life story you choose to tell about yourself. You can pursue “pleasure research,” learning about what lights you up and fills you up, so you can show up with a radiant feeling from the inside‐out and attract people who will help further brighten it. Other people can act from wherever they are in their journey—you're not reacting to them, you're about furthering your own. You're free.

Even when your heart breaks from the way the world is not as it should be, you can alchemize it and use it as fodder for your growth. When you have this ability to always come back home to a you that you love, you can pursue your biggest dreams. Because if you encounter difficult people along the way, they prompt you to reclaim even more acceptance of yourself and stand even more firm in your truth. Bring 'em on.

The portals exemplify the infinite. Always remember to look beyond the finite problem to the infinite possible solutions. There is a current of divine love bigger than all of us that we can tap into when we connect with our purpose. The way your challenging situation is today is not all it could or will ever be—it will get better when you sprinkle your power dust on it. And if this situation isn't right for you, it's a big world, and there are people and opportunities waiting for someone just like you.

Are you committed to staying in your power from this day forward? I knew it! Here are practical ways you can stay in your power:

Have a go‐to prompt to get back in your power: Find a consistent prompt that sets in motion your series of in‐your‐power moves. What is a mantra that can remind you to be in your power? Maybe it's simply “Be in your power!” Or ask, “Where's my power?” Or have a phrase like the acronym Oops! (Out of power signal). Or remind yourself of your Horizon Point. Let this prompt put you in the mindset to sort through your abundant repertoire of in‐your‐power strategies.

Put together a power inventory: Review the strategies of this book by looking back through its pages and putting together your power inventory. Give a thorough answer for yourself to the question, Where's my power? (To feel proud of yourself, compare your full power inventory with the one you listed in Chapter 2 at the start of the book.)

Surround yourself with reminders: Many of my clients post the name or a symbol of their Horizon Point on their computer so they keep it in mind while having conversations they want to be intentional about. I’ve put together a cheat sheet of the best strategies from each of the 12 portals so you can keep them as reminders in plain sight. You can download it at

Have a daily ritual that keeps you in your power: Have some ritual or exercise you do every day that reminds you of the truth of who you are. As part of this ritual, upload your Horizon Point. Make it an experience that gives you pleasure and keeps you in joy (I do a dance break, and energy exercises to clear out‐of‐power emotions). Find your own version of an electric car charging station, a power pump you can pull up to and refill yourself.

Stay plugged into your posse: Allow the reflection from your posse to reinforce and amplify this new version of yourself in your power. And, borrowing from popular anti‐drunk driving phrase, think: “Friends don't let friends stay out of their power.” Read this book with those in your posse so everybody can take a stand for one another to be in their power. Remind each other of the new standard you're each setting for yourselves and one another, you'll no longer settle for things happening to you. Notice if you are commiserating in complaint with someone who's reporting about being powerless, you know too much now to stay there. Better to ask, “Where's your power?”

Grow power in others: You can read this book with your team to identify opportunities where each team member becomes even more empowered (e.g., to set boundaries) and equipped to partner with others (e.g., to resolve breakdowns in systems). Make it your mantra to have an “In Your Power culture” on the team in which every person is Impeccable for their 50% in what they contribute to the overall culture. If you are the team leader, think how you can grow power in your team members to accelerate your goals. If you are a team member, think how you can use your power to accomplish goals and make workflow and collaboration better. To get the ideas deep in your bones, teach someone else on your team or in your family the new approaches you are using today.

Be the steward: Because you are in your power you bring a different level of consciousness than others may be operating with. You're not coming from reaction, you're not defensive or trying to survive or get one up on the others. Bring others along in a way they might not have experienced before—neutral, respectful, clear, fair, full of goodwill. Make this the new standard. Create the world as you think it should be.

Be a role model: Think of someone who's your role model. I bet they are in their power! You can be that role model for your children/mentees/clients/community/team. Your corner of the world at large needs you to be in your power. Many of the pressing issues of our day have at their root an issue where participants are out of their power, but changes that have moved our world forward have been sparked by people like you who got back in their power and used it! If you've been treated with disrespect or unawareness by people in your workplace or family life, break the chain now. Don't let it perpetuate to your team members, your kids, your mentees.

If you are ready to live in your power, I'd like to give you a challenge. Will you take the pledge to be in your power from this day forward? Do you commit to enter each scenario by asking, “Where's my Power?” If so, raise your right hand and repeat: “I, _____ (fill in your name), commit to being in my power and using my power for the good of all!”

Create a ripple effect, just by showing up as who you are. Because when you are in your power, you raise everyone around you.

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