
Reverence and huge thanks to the team at Wiley Publishers for their collaboration and enthusiastic support, starting with Mike Campbell, who believed in my vision; Jessica Filippo, whose passion elevated my flame of purpose and whose capable stewardship was key to the whole book project; and Richard Narramore and Deborah Schindlar, who brought their expert guiding hand. Thank you to my insightful literary agent Jessica Faust and to Amanda Plant for her gorgeous cover art.

“Couldn't have done it without you” thanks to Emily Loose, who brought a lifetime of experience, engagement, and strategic acumen to the writing process, as well as Karen Geier and Aldo Rosas for copyedits. Personal appreciation for crucial administrative support from Lauren Taylor and Michele Ericson‐Stern, and Amy DeWolfe for beautiful work and fast turnarounds. A spirited thank you to Scott Osman and Jacquelyn Lane of 100Coaches for your caring leadership during the time of writing.

I'm honored to know giants of the MG100 who were consistently generous with their time, insights, and inspiring path as a fellow Change Agent. Warmest thanks to Ron Carucci, Anne Gotte, Charlene Li, Deborah Borg, Tricia Brouk, Beth Polish, Laine J. Cohen. A well‐deserved nod to Karlen Lyons‐Ruth, PhD, for her pioneering work to furthering our understanding of intergenerational attachment.

Deep bow to those who lent their energy, their story, and their blessing to the mission of this book: Marshall Goldsmith, Sheila Robinson, Jackie Frank, Neela Hummel, April Benetello, Tushar Nuwal, Brenda Salce‐Garcia, Jackie Frank, Melanie Lewis, Latasha Stewart, Jhaymee Tynan, Cherie Bond, Jennifer Schwitzer, Seth Greene, Sally Helgesen, Kristen Clark, Sara Vetter, and Emily Pitts.

To those I interviewed to help me understand the power we each have within us and how it can create better careers, connections, and companies, I am grateful and fortunate to have your voice within this book: Tenzin Seldon, Milagros Phillips, Jen Davis, Lauren Camper, Mita Mallick, Sharon Hecker, MaryJo Gagliardi, Whitney Johnson, Deborah Braun, Mark Goulston, Annalisa Brown, Professor Sukhvinder Obhi, Nabeela Ixtabalan, Jennifer Mccollum, Ruchika Tulshyan, Efrie Escott, Chester Elton, Tonya Hempstead, Pamay Ekpedeme, Texanna Reeves, Danielle Matts, Lisa Mcleod, Sonia Sequiera PhD, and Steven Melnick.

To my parents Susan and Neil Melnick for a lifetime of love and setting an example of resilience, and my niece Maddie for always being my “focus group.”

“Beyond words” gratitude to Dr. Joseph Michael Levry for opening the door to an endless repertoire of Naam Yoga tools so I could know the infinite creative force that is within me and available to each of us.

To my friends, I treasure you. Our connection filled me up and kept me in motion. Deep gratitude to my soul sister and disruptor Teri Cochrane; fellow explorer of all things related to power and inspiring visionary Jennifer Brown; pathbreaking innovator Dr. KellyAnn Petrucci; successful authors who were role models and personal cheerleaders Annmei Chang, Alisa Cohn, and Dorie Clark; and lifelong sharer of heart, hearth, and thoughtfulness Dr. Jennifer Hartwell. Special appreciation to Annette for our delicious love, and your generous unwavering support that set the foundation to bring this book to fruition.

Thank you to my sisterhood posse for giving me an opportunity to share myself fully with you and own my power. In the safety of our container, you inspired me, reflected me, held space for me, and gave me the gift of not feeling alone in the world. A flash to PLM sisters: Alyson Malloy, Andrea Aymer, Annika Ford, Anya Zurn, Ellen Storfer‐Rainford, Jennifer Adams, Jennifer Patterson, Julia Wells, Kimberly Agnew, Kristy Woodford, Lala Fletcher, Laurie Kowalevsky, Leslie Quigless, Liz Rafert, Mariska Nicholson, Renata Shelton, Sharon Kan, Sophie Luxton, Stacey Lewis, and Tamara Lukan; all this plus thank you to Caroline Ladzinski and Ayo Moore for dropping extra pearls. Extra shout out to my fellow Pleasure Guides Kristen Clark and Sara Vetter, for your fierce sisterhood and outrageous up‐levelling—you are amazing humans who always lifted me; and to Stephanie Redlener for holding space for me to love all of myself and embodying the lioness so I could know it; eternal thanks to Regena Thomashauer, who is to me the most original visionary creating greater consciousness in our times. Thank you for the purity of your stance, for standing for my expansion, for your blazing unapologetic courage, and for birthing a whole unimagined technology so I walk juicy in the world.

To my courageous clients who exemplified the shift from out of your power to in your power, and are creating ripple effects of good energy in your companies, families, and communities: Thank you for your trust, for allowing me to learn from and share your stories, and for the experience of total delight which I've gotten from seeing that you and every person in their power is a Change Agent.

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