
The overall cost and concern for information security is immense. Incident response teams are sprouting up in greater number within organizations and as specialty service divisions of information security companies. So far, the tools of incident response have been technical. Human- and behavior-based solutions and tools must be integrated into the technical models to combat the spectrum of threats facing individuals and organizations today.

Cybercrime profiling and other behavioral assessment techniques can be used in conjunction with technical tools to prevent, predict, and mitigate incidents. Profiling can be utilized throughout the incident response process and can supplement each of the six stages of response: preparation, detection, containment, eradication, recovery, and follow-up. Although the methodologies of cybercrime profiling have been integrated with incident response, social scientific tools applied to the issues of computer crime have not been fully tapped. Within the disciplines of criminology, behavioral science, psychology, and anthropology, more research needs to be conducted to enhance our knowledge about changing world cultures and communication, changes in technology and how that changes human behavior, how technology effects society, and how organizations are impacted by the transformations stemming from a rapidly changing and advancing technological world.

The combination of technical science and social science is a powerful one, and it can be applied and utilized within the field of incident response. Over the years, the synthesis of technical science and social science has provided a significant boost to conventional criminal investigation, interview and interrogation techniques, and even crime prevention. The same fusion can provide technical specialists and incident response teams with an added perspective and thus perhaps an additional solution. The fields of information technology and behavioral science rarely meet, and when they do, their perspectives, methodologies, and paradigms are very different. However, it is when these differences blend and begin to complement one another that more comprehensive solutions and advancements are made.

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