1. AIG, failure of
  2. Alt-A mortgages
  3. Anderson, Marilyn
  4. Angell, Cynthia
  5. Arrington, Jodey


  1. Bailouts
  2. Bair, Sheila
  3. Bank of America
    1. bailout of,
  4. Bank of New England, failure of
    1. Fleet Bank's assumption of loans,
  5. Barr, David
  6. Basel II capital framework
  7. Battey, Phil
  8. Bear Stearns failure
  9. Bell, Dan
  10. Bennett, Robert
  11. BestBank
  12. Bieker, Ron
  13. Bjorklund, Glen
  14. Bovenzi, Erica
  15. Bovenzi, Peter
  16. Brady, Nicholas
  17. Brennan, John
  18. Breslaw, April
  19. Bridge bank
  20. Brown, Rich
  21. Burns, Robert
  22. Bush, George H. W.
  23. Bush, George W.


  1. Casey, Al
  2. Century Financial
  3. Cherry, Billie Jean
  4. Church, Terry
  5. Citigroup
    1. bailout of,
    2. negotiations with FDIC to purchase Wachovia,
  6. Clinton, Bill
  7. Clinton, Hillary
  8. Cohen, William
    1. pursuit of legislative changes to D'Oench Duhme doctrine
    2. Senate hearings on foreclosures
  9. ComFed Savings Bank
  10. Community Reinvestment Act (CRA)
  11. Continental Illinois
  12. Corporate Employee Program (FDIC)
  13. Cooke, Dave
  14. Cooke, Jack Kent
  15. Countrywide


  1. D'Amato, Alfonse
  2. Debt Guarantee Program
  3. Department of Justice
  4. Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2006
  5. Dodd-Frank Act
  6. D'Oench Duhme doctrine
  7. Dole, Bob


  1. Ellis, Diane


  1. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
    1. creation of
    2. deposit insurance reform legislation, request for
    3. Division of Liquidation
    4. Division of Resolutions
    5. downsizing of
    6. allegations of improper behavior
    7. leadership
    8. Corporate Employee Program
    9. Human Resources Committee
    10. Large Bank Resolution Policy Committee
    11. National Risk Committee
    12. loan collections, controversy over
    13. meeting on bank lending (July 1991)
    14. Public-Private Investment Program
    15. removal of controls over funding flexibility
    16. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs
    17. Senate hearings on foreclosures
    18. Treasury Department, relationship with
    19. White House meeting
  2. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Improvement Act (FDICIA)
  3. Federal Home Loan Bank Board (FHLBB)
  4. Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
  5. Federal Reserve
  6. Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation (FSLIC)
  7. Fick, Bob
  8. Fiechter, Jonathan
  9. Financial crises of the 1980s
    1. agricultural banks
    2. bailouts
    3. Federal Reserve
    4. First City Bancorporation of Texas
    5. First Republic Bank Corporation
    6. Golden Pacific National Bank of New York
    7. Greenwich Savings Bank
    8. interest rate controls
    9. Penn Square National Bank
    10. savings-and-loan institutions
  10. Financial crisis of 2008
    1. AIG failure
    2. Bank of America, bailout of
    3. Bear Stearns failure
    4. Citigroup, bailout of
    5. General Motors, bailout of
    6. IndyMac failure
    7. Lehman Brothers failure
    8. Merrill Lynch
    9. Wachovia Corporation failure
    10. negotiations with Citigroup and Wells Fargo for purchase of
    11. Washington Mutual (WAMU) failure
  11. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act (FIRREA)
  12. Financial Services Modernization Act (Gramm-Leach-Bliley)
  13. First National Bank of Keystone
  14. Fitzwater, Marlin
  15. Fleet Bank
    1. Recovery and Collections (RECOLL)
  16. Frank, Barney
  17. French, George


  1. Garn, Jake
  2. Geithner, Tim
  3. Gillmor, Paul
  4. Glassman, Mitchell
  5. Glendale
  6. Golden Pacific National Bank of New York
  7. Graham, Steve
  8. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Financial Services Modernization Act)
  9. Great Depression, events leading to
  10. Greenspan, Alan
  11. Greenwich Savings Bank
  12. Gruenberg, Martin


  1. Hamm, Don
  2. Helfer, Ricki
  3. Hindes, Gary
    1. lawsuit against the federal government
  4. Hoffman, Rick
  5. Hope, C. C. Jr.
  6. Hove, Andrew “Skip,”
  7. Human Resources Committee (FDIC)


  1. Independent regulatory agencies
  2. IndyMac, failure of
    1. closing of
    2. customer panic during
    3. depositor withdrawals
    4. new governance structure of
    5. qualified financial contracts, finding and analyzing of
    6. return to private sector
  3. Industrial loan companies (ILCs)
  4. Isaac, William
  5. Ivie, Stan


  1. Jacobsen, Mark
  2. Johnson, Ann
  3. Jones, Douglas
  4. Jorde, Terry


  1. Keating, Charles
  2. Kelleher, Herb
  3. Kelly, Colleen
  4. Kelly, Lamar
  5. Kennelly, Barbara
  6. Killinger, Kerry
  7. Knight, Peter
  8. Knoxville Liquidation Office (FDIC)
  9. Koopmans, Sherwin
  10. Kroener, Bill
  11. Kulka, Ellen


  1. Lane, John
  2. Large Bank Resolution Policy Committee (FDIC)
  3. Lehman Brothers
    1. failure
  4. Lincoln Savings & Loan fraud case
  5. Liquidation
  6. Longbrake, Bill
  7. Longworth, Bob
  8. Ludwig, Eugene


  1. Marino, Jim
  2. Mattar, Edward
  3. McConnell, Knox
  4. McCullough, Rickey
  5. Meritor Financial Group
  6. Money market mutual funds (MMMFs)
  7. Mosbacher, Robert
  8. Murphy, Jack
  9. Murton, Art


  1. National Risk Committee (FDIC)
  2. National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU)


  1. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OC)
  2. Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS)
  3. Operation Clean Sweep


  1. Paulson, Hank
  2. Peddicord, Tom
  3. Penn Square National Bank
    1. closing of
  4. Perry, Michael
  5. Philadelphia Savings Fund Society (PSFS), purchase of Western Savings Fund Society
  6. Polakoff, Scott
  7. Powell, Don
  8. Public-Private Investment Program


  1. Ramey, J. Paul
  3. Regulators
    1. checks and balances
    2. historical knowledge and perspective of career staff
    3. independent agencies
  4. Reich, John
  5. Reserve Fund
  6. Resolution Trust Corporation (RTC)
    1. competitive bidding process
    2. congressional reorganization of management structure
    3. downsizing of
    4. Lincoln Savings & Loan fraud case
    5. litigation involving
    6. Operation Clean Sweep
    7. purchase of Sweeney property in foreclosure sale
    8. securitization program
    9. Small Investor Program
    10. unconventional assets
  7. Roelle, Bill
  8. Ryan, Tim
  9. Ryu, Lisa


  1. Savings Association Insurance Fund (SAIF)
  2. Savings-and-loan institutions
  3. Schuermann, Til
  4. Schumer, Charles
    1. meeting on bank lending (July 1991)
  5. Seelig, Steve
  6. Seidman, L. William
  7. Silverberg, Stanley
  8. Spoth, Chris
  9. Statesman
  10. Subprime loans
    1. BestBank/Century Financial
    2. First National Bank of Keystone
    3. Superior National Bank
  11. Sununu, John
  12. Superior National Bank
  13. Sweeney, John and Rhetta
  14. Sweeney, Maureen


  1. Tanoue, Donna
  2. Taylor, Bill
  3. Temporary Liquidity Guarantee Program
  4. Thompson, Jane
  5. Thompson, Sandra
  6. Tobias, Bob
  7. Too big to fail,. see also Financial crisis of 2008
  8. Treasury Department
    1. relationship with FDIC
  9. Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)


  1. Volcker, Paul


  1. Wachovia Corporation failure
  2. Wall, Danny
  3. Wallison, Peter
  4. Walmart, bank application of
    1. financial products offered by
    2. hearings on
  5. Washington Mutual (WAMU), failure of
  6. Watson, Roger
  7. Welch, Jack
  8. Wells Fargo, negotiations with FDIC to purchase Wachovia
  9. Western Savings Fund Society
  10. Whitewater
  11. Wigand, Jim
  12. Williams, Norm
  13. Winstar


  1. Young, Harrison


  1. Zamorski, Mike
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