
The computing world is changing fast. In this fast-moving world, the only way to survive is to deliver data quickly. We are moving towards a world in which even a second counts and can affect user behavior drastically. That is why the whole NoSQL movement started. NoSQL data stores were able to provide faster access by sacrificing some of the advantages that traditional databases offer. Redis is one of the fastest data stores in the market and is being used by many giants in the web industry.

It is important for software professionals to keep up-to-date with the latest technology offerings and tools in the market, which is critical to gain advantage in business. The main goal of this book is to introduce you to Redis. The book helps you to understand the various configurations and options available in Redis, which could ease your efforts of adding Redis to your application stack.

What this book covers

Choosing your data store (Simple) shows what data store to select from top names like Cassandra, MongoDB, Riak, CouchBase, MemCached, and others, based on your application requirements.

Installing Redis (Simple) focuses on a step-by-step installation procedure of Redis in Linux systems, with commands to test the installation.

Configuring and tuning Redis (Intermediate) helps you understand all configurations available in Redis and how to effectively configure the server to make the most out of it.

Implementing persistence in Redis (Intermediate) defines all the options available in Redis to enable data persistence. You can choose the options based on the data durability you prefer.

Detecting performance bottlenecks (Intermediate) helps you understand the various bottlenecks in Redis and how effectively you can mitigate them to make the most out of your installation.

Performing high-volume writes (Advanced) tells you about high-volume writes into Redis. It helps you to load a large amount of data in very little time, either through pipelining or using the Redis protocol.

Leveraging data types (Simple) helps you understand the most important feature in Redis—data types. This recipe helps you understand the data types and how to use them to create even more complex data types.

Optimizing memory (Intermediate) helps you reach the goal of optimizing the memory usage of this in-memory data store. It explains presharding and how to use the auto-expiry feature in Redis with a real-life example.

Using transactions and Pub/Sub (Advanced) covers one of the advanced features in Redis, which makes it an ideal broadcast for servers. This also helps you understand transactions and how to use Publish/Subscribe in Redis with a real-life example of a messaging system.

Troubleshooting and monitoring (Intermediate) tells you about debugging and monitoring the installation using the Slow log or monitor command in Redis. This recipe also explains how to use the Redis watchdog to diagnose software bugs.

Using languages and drivers (Simple) helps you choose a driver library to communicate with Redis using your favorite language.

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