Data mining in direct marketing (Simple)

In this recipe, we will implement decision making to guide direct marketing in a company. We will use data from a real-world business problem that contains information on customers of an insurance company supplied by the Dutch data-mining company Sentient Machine Research. It consists of 86 variables and includes product usage data and socio-demographic data derived from zip area codes. All customers living in areas with the same zip code have the same socio-demographic attributes. The training set contains over 5000 descriptions of customers, while a test set contains 4000 customers. The goal is to predict which of the customers in the train set will buy a caravan insurance policy.

Here is the reference to the TIC Benchmark / CoiL Challenge 2000 data (

P. van der Putten and M. van Someren (eds). CoIL Challenge 2000: The Insurance Company Case. Published by Sentient Machine Research, Amsterdam. Also a Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science Technical Report 2000-09. June 22, 2000.

Getting ready

The dataset is available at the UCI Machine Learning Repository (

The attributes and their values are described in the TicDataDescr.txt file. The dataset consists of several separated files with one instance per line with tab delimited fields:

  • TICDATA2000.txt: Dataset to train and validate prediction models (5822 customer records). Attribute 86, CARAVAN: Number of mobile home policies, is the target variable.
  • TICEVAL2000.txt: Dataset for predictions (4000 customer records). It has the same format as TICDATA2000.txt, only the target is missing.
  • TICTGTS2000.txt: Targets for the evaluation set.

How to do it...

The plan is as follows. First, we will load the coil-train.arff dataset into Weka, which was preprocessed from TICDATA.txt to start with the recipe immediately.. Then, we will build some prediction models and perform 10-fold-cross validation to obtain preliminary performance. We will select the best one and use it to predict the target value using 10-fold cross-validation. Finally, for the sake of completeness, we will use the best classifier to predict the actual values in the coil-test.arff file, although this won't be possible in the real world:

import java.util.Random;

import weka.core.converters.ArffLoader;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.Evaluation;
import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes;
import weka.classifiers.trees.J48;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;

public class DirectMarketing {

  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
    Instances trainData = new Instances(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("dataset/coil-train.arff")));
    trainData.setClassIndex(trainData.numAttributes() - 1);

    J48 j48 = new J48();
    j48.setOptions(new String[]{
      "-C", "0.25",  //set confidence factor
      "-M", "2"    //set min num of instances in leaf nodes
    double precision = crossValidation(j48, trainData);
    NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes();
    precision = crossValidation(nb, trainData);
    ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader();
    loader.setFile(new File("dataset/coil-test.arff"));
    Instances testData = loader.getStructure();
    testData.setClassIndex(trainData.numAttributes() - 1);
    Instance current;
    while ((current = loader.getNextInstance(testData)) != null){
       double cls = nb.classifyInstance(current);
  public static double crossValidation(Classifier cls, Instances data) throws Exception{
    Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data);
    eval.crossValidateModel(cls, data, 10, new Random(1));
    return eval.precision(1);


And that's it.

How it works...

Now, let's take a closer look at the code. First, make the following imports:

import java.util.Random;

import weka.core.converters.ArffLoader;
import weka.classifiers.Classifier;
import weka.classifiers.Evaluation;
import weka.classifiers.bayes.NaiveBayes;
import weka.classifiers.trees.J48;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;

public class DirectMarketing {

  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

Next, load the train data:

    Instances trainData = new Instances(new BufferedReader(new FileReader("dataset/coil-train.arff")));
    trainData.setClassIndex(trainData.numAttributes() - 1);

Build the decision tree and the Naive Bayes classifier, and evaluate them on the train data with 10-fold-cross validation:

    J48 j48 = new J48();
    j48.setOptions(new String[]{
      "-C", "0.25",	//set confidence factor
      "-M", "2"		//set min num of instances in leaf nodes
    double precision = crossValidation(j48, trainData);
    NaiveBayes nb = new NaiveBayes();
    precision = crossValidation(nb, trainData);

Naive Bayes achieves better performance, so we will use it to classify real data:


Load the test data:

    ArffLoader loader = new ArffLoader();
    loader.setFile(new File("dataset/coil-test.arff"));
    Instances testData = loader.getStructure();
    testData.setClassIndex(trainData.numAttributes() - 1);

Classify each instance and output results:

    Instance current;
    while ((current = loader.getNextInstance(testData)) != null){
       double cls = nb.classifyInstance(current);

The helper method that performs 10-fold-cross validation:

  public static double crossValidation(Classifier cls, Instances data) throws Exception{

Initialize new evaluation objects:

    Evaluation eval = new Evaluation(data);
    eval.crossValidateModel(cls, data, 10, new Random(1));

Since the dataset is very unbalanced, use precision for target class yes as an evaluation measure:

    return eval.precision(1);


The output precision shows how accurately the model predicts who will respond to the campaign.

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