
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures.


Acceptance testing 335
Access control interfaces 237
Access-controlled door 357
Access verification workstations 233–234
Acoustic detectors 316–317
Acoustic weaponry 303–304
Active infrared detectors 314–315
Administrative workstations 233
AiphoneTM 273
Alarm/access control system 268–269, 275
design elements for 49–50
interfacing to building systems 76
keypads 57, 58, 58f, 59f
magnetic stripe cards  See (Magnetic stripe cards)
multi-technology cards  See (Multi-technology cards)
photo identification elements 62
Alarm detection technologies 
audio/video verification 313
bill traps 313
dual technologies 317
duress switches 312–313
footswitches 313
magnetic switches 
balanced bias 312
simple 311–312
point detectors 311–313
pull and plunger switches 312–313
resets 313
ring-back system 313
two-finger switches 312
visual indicator 313
volumetric detectors  See (Volumetric detectors)
Alarm processors 51
Alarm reporting 51
Alarm sensor 
second alarm sensor assessment 52
types 50–51
Alarm transmission 51
Analog frequencies 251
Analog switcher interfacing 272
Analog video systems 251
and audio systems 
cost 174
functions 174
longevity 173–174
scalability 173
vs. digital video  See (Digital video systems)
quad device 79–80
videotape recorders 80–81
working of 79
Anchorage building 300, 303
gain 254–257, 259
loss 259
patterns 259
Anti-boat barriers 299
Antispyware 336
Archive server 213, 231
Artificial intelligence learning algorithms 94
Ashtray keypad 58, 59f
Asset tracking tags 340–341
Automatic device addressing 208
Automatic door operators 124–125
Automation systems 
HVAC 284
lighting 284–285
signage 285


Backhaul networks 215–216, 218f
Backup core switch 336
Backup servers 75, 337–338, 341, 351–352
Balanced doors 122
Bandwidth 257
Beam detectors 315
Berthing basin 299
B-Frame 226, 245
Bid review, construction/design project 
bid analysis form 153–154
bid documents 154
reference checking form 153
request for information form 153
Biometric readers 67
Bistatic detectors 316
Bitmap (BMP) images 225, 226
Boolean algebra logic cell, implementation 344–346
Box beam barriers 297
Box frame gates 298
Broadcast service 214
Building automation systems (BASs) 237
Building shell/core and interior architects 163
Building system interfaces 
building automation systems 284–285
control outputs 281–282
deluge fire sprinkler control 285
elevators/escalators  See (Elevators/escalators)
fire alarm systems 282
fire/life safety interfaces 282–283
fuel management systems 287
imagination 282
information inputs 281
irrigation systems 285
PABX interfaces 286
parking control systems 287
PSIM systems 287–289
public address systems 287
VoIP systems 286–287


Cable beam barriers 296
Cable-splay room 303
Cabling 235–236
Camera 225–227
placements 245
tile 339
Cancellation losses, multipath signal 262
Capacitance detectors 320
Caption microwave tower 88, 89f
Card controls operating system 352–353
Cascade losses, multipath signal 262
Cell phones 97
Central processing unit (CPU) 232
Checklist, finalization and commissioning 335–344
alarm/access control system 339–340
field connections 337
field devices 338
“And” gate alarms 345
backup servers 341
boolean algebra logic cell implementation 344–346
connecting to power source and digital edge switch 336
digital video system 
cameras 337–338
integration 339–340
primary server, loading 337
homeland security threat level policies and rules 340
integrating system 
to building systems 343–344
to information technology system 342–343
intercoms 337–338
lighted paths 346
lights/HVAC after-hours system billing 346
loading alarm/access control system primary server 337
local alarms 345–346
organization’s system policies and rules 340–341
PSIM software implementation 339
remote monitoring 341–342
schedules and time zones 338
security system 342
master clock 336
network infrastructure 336
server and workstation operating systems, loading 336
set up access control groups 338
system maps 344
video guard tour implementations 338–339
workstation software 337
Circuiting, RF systems 258
Circuit-switched network 98
Client/server configuration 222–223
Client-to-client intrusion 351
Client-to-network intrusion 351
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) 
first generation 19–21
second generation 22
third-generation 22–23, 23f
fourth generation 24, 25
fifth generation 27–28
Codec converters 225–227
Command, control, and communications (C3) consoles 
administrative workstations 104
dispatch consoles 104
ergonomics for 103
identity verification workstation 105
lobby desk consoles 104
photo identification badges 104–105
in public agency settings 103–104
and workstations 
enterprise-class system 101
LCD monitors 101
medium-sized systems 100–101
single-site systems 100
workstation processing power 102
Common Intermediate Format (CIF) 227, 243
Common-mode wire detectors 321
Communications media 208–212
Compression ratio 244
Concealed door position switch 69, 70f
Conditioned power 330
Consolidated communications system (CCS) 99–100
Construction/design project 
bid review 
bid analysis form 153–154
bid documents 154
reference checking form 153
request for information form 153
phases 150
bidding/negotiation phase 152–154
construction review phase 154–155
contract documents phase 151
design development phase 151
predesign phase 151
schematic phase 151
Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) specification 
acceptable products 192–193
alarm/acess control system 193–194
digital video system 193
monitoring and control system 193
system infrastructure 193
voice communications system 193
acceptance testing 195
commissioning 195
control devices contract 182–183
divisions, aim of 182–183
field devices contract 183
hospital-grade grounding and powering practices 194
integrated security system 183
MasterFormat title practice 184
project completion 195
system testing 195
wire and cable installation practices 194–195
work description 
bid submittal 185, 192
integrated security system overview 190–192
interdiscipline coordination 185–186
introduction 184
precedence of documents 189
project engineering and provisioning 186–187
project planning and management 187
shop and field submittal 192
subsystem/system descriptions 189–190
system list 184
testing 188
time management 187–188
training objectives 188
warranty 189
work to be performed 194
Core switch 336
Coupling, antenna 257
Crest lines 320
Custom system reports implementation 346
exclusion reports 347
nesting reports 347
Cutting-edge system security 353


Data encryption 349
Data interfaces 78
Data security 
backups and recoveries 351–352
business continuity management servers 352
card controls operating system 352–353
cutting-edge system security 353
login/logout security 352–353
principles 351
system cutover day 353
user classes and authorities 352
Deauthentication attacks 350
Delay losses, multipath signal 261–262
Deluge fire sprinkler control 285
Deluge systems 306
Denial of service (DoS) attacks 350
Deployable barriers 
air bags 299
bollards, rising 295
box beam barriers 297
cable beams 296
inventive systems 299
net systems/grab barriers 297–298
reactive electronic automated protection systems 53
rolling doors/gates 298
semaphore parking gates 295–296
sliding gates 298
swing gates 298
vehicle barriers 294–299
wedges, rising 295
Design standards development 
dirty power conditions 330
drawing standards 332–333
environmental issues 
classes 328
divisions 328
equipment classifications 328–329
explosive environments 328–329
flammable environments 328–329
NEMA and ingress protection 327–328
temperature 327
zones 328
explosion-proof apparatus 328
intrinsically safe 
apparatus 329
circuit 329
mounting devices 
aesthetics 332
earthquake considerations 332
mechanical strength 331
physical details 332
power issues 
grounding and powering 329
ground isolation 330
hospital ground 329
panels and breakers 330
power phasing 329
UPS 330
pressurization 329
purging 329
wire dressing 331
wiring practices 330–331
Detection elements 
alarm processors 51
alarm reporting 51
alarm sensors 50–51
alarm transmission 51
description 50
follow-on action response 51–52
Deterrence technologies 293–294
Digital frequencies 251
Digital resolution 227
Digital signal processing cameras 277
Digital video recorders (DVRs) 270–271
Digital video systems 225–227 See also Video analytics
vs. analog video systems 
archiving of 82–83
capturing and displaying of 81
and audio systems 
cost 174
functions 174
longevity 173–174
scalability 173
cameras 337–338
digital transmission systems 
adroit switch programming 86–87
ARPA-NET 83–84
data switcher 85–86
hub/star networks 84–85
line communications systems 84–85
protocols 83–84
ring network 83–84
routers 86
TCP 83
integration 339–340
technologies 275–277
Direct-burial coaxial cable 319
Directional antennas 93
Directory service server 213, 231
Direct ring-down intercoms 109
Disk storage 232–233
Display parity 229–230
Distributed controller systems 23
Door and gate position switches (DPS) 69
Door closers 124
Door coordinators 124
Door hardware consultant/contractor, coordination with 163
Door operators 
electronic turnstiles 73
and gate operators 71, 72
with magnetic locks 71–72
revolving doors 72–73, 72f
Door ventilators 125
Doppler shift 316
Duress switches 71
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) 208


Edge devices 27–28, 208, 234
Edge switches 216
Electrical consultant/contractor, coordination with 163–164
Electrified locks 
electrified cylinder locks 130–132
electrified mortise locks 128
electrified panic hardware 135–137
electrified strikes 135
fire alarm interface 133, 134f
fire authority approval 132–133
magnetic locks 128–130
man-trap door assemblies 133–135
electrified strikes 68
magnetic lock 68–69
mortise lock 68
panic hardware 69
switches 69–70
Electronic processing components 73–75
Electronic security systems  See also Enterprise-class security systems
better communications 14
budget 148–150
cost benefits 
labor efficiency 14
maintenance costs 14–15
system longevity 15
API/NPRA risk calculation 150f
effectiveness calculation 149
high-tech 147
low-tech 147
no-tech 148
phasing 150
prioritization 149
risk analysis report 148
selection 148–149
design 11–12
fifth-generation technology 26–28
first generation 
McCulloh loop telegraph-type alarm system 19–20, 20f
single-door hotel card systems 20–21, 21f
force multipliers 12
fourth generation 
4-bit microprocessor 23
8-bit microprocessor 23
CCTV and intercoms 24–25
EPROM 25–26
monitoring 13–14
multiple building 13
multiple business units 13
multiple systems 12
phases of construction project 150
bidding/negotiation phase 152–154
construction review phase 154–155
contract documents phase 151
design development phase 151
predesign phase 151
schematic phase 151
planned obsolescence 28
program objectives 147
reduced training 14
second generation 
of access control systems 21, 22f
of alarm systems 22, 22f
security policy 39–41, 148
security program 39
system performance 13
third-generation alarm/access control system 22–23, 23f
uniform application 12
unplanned obsolescence 28
Elevators/escalators 237
access control 
floor-by-floor control 283
hall call control 283
remote operation from console 283
scheduled operation 283
consultant/contractor, coordination with 
dry contact connection 165–166
elevator alarms 167–168
Ethernet interface 165
floor-by-floor access control 165
hall call button control 164
remote elevator control 168
software interface 165
video camera placement 166–167
emergency operation 284
parking system intercoms 109
Email service 214, 231
Emergency phones 98
Emerging video technologies 
capacitance detectors 320
common-mode wire detectors 321
fiber-optic detectors 321
ground and short-range radar 323
intelligent video detectors 318–319
Lidar 323
line detectors 319–323
perimeter microwave detectors 319–323
pneumatic weight detectors 322
ported/leaky coax detectors 319–320
seismic detectors 320
Sonar 323
thermal video cameras 322
triangulation detectors 319
video motion detectors 317
volumetric detectors 317–319
ENIAC computer 23, 24f
Enterprise-class security systems 
improved system performance 13
labor efficiency 14
longevity 15
lower maintenance costs 14–15
multiple sites, monitoring of 13
reduced training 14
uniform application, of security policies 12
Enterprise information technology systems 
multicast anomalies 241–242
process control networks 236–240
protocol factors 240–241
Erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) 25–26
Ethernet 27, 28, 76, 208, 209
Extreme low light cameras 277


Facial recognition systems 94
Facilities-driven projects 43
Fail-over servers 75, 352
Fence maintenance 320, 321
Fiber-optic cabling 235
Fiber-optic detector 321
Field device 335, 336
Fire alarm systems 239, 282
Fire egress plans 344
Firefighting equipment 299
Fire/life safety interfaces 282–283
Fire recall 284
Fire stairwell 282–283
Firewalls 213, 235
Fixed algorithm analytics 93–94
Four-wire intercom systems 273
Frame rates 227–229
Fresnel zone 260
Front side bus 232
FTP service 214
Fuel management systems 287
Full-duplex intercoms 171
Full-duplex wireless mesh 92–93


Glass-break detectors 316–317
Glass storefront doors 118
Government-driven projects 42–43
Grab barriers 297–298
Ground and short-range radar 323
Grounding, RF systems 263–264
Guard consoles 105–106
remote access privileges 
delivery lobby 107
finished visitor lobby 106–107
vetting alarms, for appropriate response 106
video guard tours 108
video pursuit 108
video surveillance 107–108
Guard/lobby desk workstations 233
Guard response assessment 52
Gunshot recognition software 285


Half-duplex intercoms 171
Hall effect switches 69–70
Handles 124
Hardened switches 234
Hardware configurations 232
Hardware interfaces 78
H.264 compression 227, 244
Heat signature 314
Herculite™ doors 118–119
Hinges 123–124
Hirsch™ keypad 58, 60f
Historic doors 122
Hollow metal doors 117
Homeland security, threat level 340
HTTP service 214
Hubs 212
HVAC 164, 284


Identity verification workstation 105
I-frames 244–245
IGMP snooping 336
Image density 243
Image size 243
Impedance, antenna 257
Impersonation 351
Information technology consultant/contractor, coordination with 168–169
Information technology systems infrastructure 
digital resolution 227
digital video, cameras and codecs 225–227
display issues 
display parity 229–230
storage issues 230
enterprise information technology systems 
multicast anomalies 241–242
process control networks 236–240
protocol factors 240–241
frame rates 227–229
managing data systems throughput 230
mass storage calculations 242–246
camera calculation 245
compression ratio 244
configuring multiple image streams 245
I-frames and P-frames 244–245
image size 243
resolution 243
storage frame rate 243
whole system calculation 246
network architecture  See (Network architecture)
network configurations 
client/server configuration 222–223
peer-to-peer 221
network devices  See (Network devices, infrastructure)
network efficiencies, creating 223–224
networking devices 
communications media 208–212
edge devices 208
servers  See (Servers)
system architecture  See (System architecture)
TCP/IP 203–205
UDP/RTP 207–208
Infrared REX sensors 71
Infrastructure devices 234
Insertion card reader 63
Integrated security systems 
commercial projects 43
design tools 
client management 38–39
drawings 33–34
interdiscipline coordination 35–36
project management 36–37
schedule management 37–38
specifications 34–35
facilities-driven projects 43
government-driven projects 42–43
new construction projects 42
project drivers 44–45
construction effort 44
event driven 44
hidden agendas 44–45
insurance driven 44
regulation compliance 44
renovation/retrofit projects 42
user-driven projects 43–44
Intelligent video detectors 318–319
Intercoms 293
analog communications 98
call-out stations 97
checklist 337–338
digital 98–99
direct ring-down 273–274
intercom bullhorns 97
matrix switch 275
pedestrian barriers 300
switched bus system 274–275
Interfaces 78
Interference, antenna 257
Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) 350
client-to-client 351
client-to-network 351
Intrusion detection systems (IDSs) 213
IP-based integrated security systems 
attributes 3–4
background 7–8
goals of 5–7
strategic subjects 7–8
tactical subjects 7–8
technical subjects 7–8
useful/meant for 4


JPEG compression 226–227


Landscape architect/contractor, coordination with 164
Lantronics 269
Laser transmitters and receivers 87
Latency 90, 91
Leaky/ported coax detectors 319–320
Legacy systems 
access card 268
alarm/access control system 268–269
interfacing multiple 268–269
analog switcher interfacing 272
challenges 267
digital video recorders 270–271
digital video technologies 275–277
emerging technologies 275–277
intercom systems 
direct ring-down 273–274
matrix switches 275
switched bus system 274–275
multiplexer interfacing 273
server-type configurations 
proprietary hardware-based 271
software-based 271–272
video systems 269–273
Legacy systems integration 77–78
back-focused in camera 95
and lighting 
color temperature 96
contrast 95–96
issues 96
level 95
quality of 94–95
Levers 124
Lidar 323
Light field camera 276–277
Lighting 284–285
control 294
pedestrian barriers 300
Line detectors 319–323
Line-of-sight (LOS) signal 257–258, 260
Local area network (LAN) 236
Logic-driven decision engine 289
Login/logout security 352–353
Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)™ 303–304
Luneberg lenses 254–257


Macro-level design 
CSI specification 
acceptable products 192–194
acceptance testing 195
commissioning 195
control devices contract 182–183
description of work 184–190
divisions, aim of 182–183
field devices contract 183
hospital-grade grounding and powering practices 194
integrated security system 183
MasterFormat title practice 184
project completion 195
system testing 195
wire and cable installation practices 194–195
work to be performed 194
conduit types 178–179
floor plans 177–178
RevitT projects 178
radio frequency communications paths 180
riser diagram 179–180
single-line diagrams 180
title block 181
title sheet 181
Magnetic holders 283
Magnetic stripe cards 61f
barcode cards 61
barium ferrite cards 61–62
high and low coercivity 60
Hollerith cards 62
rare-earth magnets 62
Wiegand cards 61
Manual device addressing 208
Marine vessel barriers 
anti-boat barriers 299
water monitors 299
Mass storage 214–215, 242–246
camera calculation 245
compression ratio 244
configuring multiple image streams 245
I-frames and P-frames 244–245
image size 243
resolution 243
storage frame rate 243
whole system calculation 246
Matrix switches 275
McCulloh loop telegraph-type alarm system 19–20, 20f
Mega-pixel cameras 275–276
Memory hardware configurations 232
Mercury switches 69–70
Microlens array 276–277
Microlevel design 195–196
construction drawings 
alarm/access control system 196
cables 197
complete specification 198
conduit and fill schedules 197
configuration schedules 198
control and monitoring system 196
device wiring schedule 198
digital/analog video system 196
final corrections 199
interdiscipline coordination review 198
network device configurations 197
physical details 198
power schedules 197
revised construction budget 198
security intercom system 196
shop and field drawings 197
system infrastructure schedule 196
system interfaces 197, 198
Microwave detectors 315–316
Microwave wireless systems 88
Mirrored backup servers 75
MJPEG compression 227
Monostatic detectors 315–316
MPEG compression 226, 227
Multicast anomalies 241–242
Multicast protocols 240, 241
Multi-mode fiber 236
Multipath signals 93, 257–258, 260–261
Multi-phased omnidirectional antenna 93
Multiple image streams, configuring 245
Multiplexer interfacing 273
Multi-polarized omnidirectional antenna 257–258
Multi-technology cards 
card readers 63–65
TWIC cards 66–67


National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) 327–328
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Section 101 143
National Television Standards Committee (NTSC) 88
Network architecture 
advanced network architecture 215–221
simple networks 215
to limit network traffic 219
to segregate network traffic 219–220
VLANS 220–221
Network attached storage (NAS) 232
Network communications speeds 235
Network configurations 
client/server configuration 221, 222–223
peer-to-peer 221
Network devices 
communications media 208–212
edge devices 208
firewalls 213
hubs 212
IDSs 213
routers 212–213
servers 213
switches 212
multi-mode fiber 209–210, 211–212
single-mode fiber 209–210, 211–212
New construction projects 42


Omni antennas 254
Omnidirectional antenna 93
Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) 
architectural security 348–349
TCP/IP operates on 204–205
Operating systems and programs 232


Pager notification service 231
Paging systems 98
Parking consultant/contractor, coordination with 164
Parking control systems 239–240, 287
Passive infrared (PIR) field detectors 314
Pedestrian barriers 
deployable doors 300
fog barriers 302
intercoms 300
irrigation systems 301
lighting 300
revolving doors 301
rolling grilles and operable walls 300
Peer-to-peer network 221
Perimeter microwave detectors 319–323
P-frames 244–245
Phase-alternating line (PAL) 88
Phased arrays 254–257
Phase-shift keying (PSK) 253
Photo ID workstations 233
Physical security 
architectural occupancy ratings 127
door frames 
blast frames 126
extruded aluminum frames 126
formed aluminum frames 125–126
frameless glass opening 126
high-security frame 126
hollow metal frames 125
soundproof frames 126
wood frames 126
door types 
automatic door operators 124–125
balanced doors 122
door closers 124
door coordinators 124
door ventilators 125
glass storefront doors 118
handles 124
Herculite™ doors 118–119
hinges 123–124
historic doors 122
hollow metal doors 117
levers 124
pivots 123–124
push bars and paddles 124
revolving doors 119–120
security doors 122–123
selection of 116–117
solid core doors 117–118
Total Doors™ 121
electrified cylinder locks 142
electrified locks  See (Electrified locks)
and electronic security 115
lightweight strikes 142–143
pedestrian gates 126
chain-link gate 127
estate-type gates 127
reinforced frame gates 127
physical architecture and landscaping, of facility 115
specialty door hardware 
Blumcraft hardware 139
electrified deadbolts 140–141, 142f
high-abuse tolerant locks 140
high-security locks 140
Hi-Tower locks 140
monitor strike 137–138
multi-point locks 141, 143f
Physical Security Information Management (PSIM) systems 13–14, 287–289, 339
Pivots 123–124
Planned obsolescence 28
Plunger switch 69–70
Pneumatic weight detectors 322
Point-to-multipoint connections 92
Point-to-point wireless networks 91
Policy enforcement 53
Powering 263–264
Power injector 252
Power stability and reliability 262–263
Prejudiced barriers 302–306
acoustic weaponry 303–304
aggressive systems 303
deluge systems 306
drop chains 303–306
high-voltage weaponry 305
remotely operated weaponry 305–306
setup foam barriers 302–303
usable acoustic security devices 304–305
Preliminary design steps 
analog vs. digital video systems 
cost 174
functions 174
longevity 173–174
scalability 173
basis for design 157
coordinating interfaces to other systems 162
building shell/core and interiors architects 163
door hardware consultant/contractor 163
electrical consultant/contractor 163–164
elevator consultant/contractor 164–168
HVAC/building automation consultant/contractor 164
information technology consultant/contractor 168–169
landscape architect/contractor 164
parking consultant/contractor 164
specifications consultant 163
telecommunications consultant/contractor 168
drawing and specification resources 
access beyond public lobby 159
camera placements and fields of view 158
codes and regulations 162
door survey 161
emergency egress 160
high-security area acess 160
operational environment 161
physical environment 161
positive access control 160
power locations 162
public access to buildings 159
safety 162
security environment 161
semipublic space access 159–160
vehicular access control 158
functional and environmental needs 162
laying out devices 
access control system placements 169–170
camera placements 170–171
intercom field station placements 171
means of communication 172
research 157–158
Printers 214
Private automatic branch exchange (PABX) systems 237–238, 286
Probing/network discovery 350
Process control networks 236–240
Project drivers 44–45
Project management 
design 36, 37
phases 36
Project Management Professional (PMP) process 36–37
Proprietary hardware-based server-type configurations 271
Proximity card reader 64f
long-range proximity reader 63, 67f
Mullion proximity reader 63, 66f
one-gang proximity reader 63, 65f
smart-card technology 65
working of 64–65
Public address systems 239, 287
Push bars/paddles 124
Push REX sensors 71


Quad device 79–80


Radio frequency (RF) systems 251, 350–351
components 252–258
differ from cabled systems 258
frequencies 251
jamming 350
range 251
spread spectrum systems 252
transmission physics  See (Transmission physics)
transmission schemes 251–252
wireless security 252
Reactive electronic automated protection systems (REAPS) 
aggressive systems 302–306
attack disruption 53
communications elements 52
deployable barriers  See (Deployable barriers)
deterrence technologies 293–294
integrating elements 
appropriateness 306
electronic safety systems 307
mechanical safety systems 307
operation 306–307
procedural safety systems 308
safety systems 307–308
marine vessel barriers  See (Marine vessel barriers)
pedestrian barriers  See (Pedestrian barriers)
prejudiced barriers  See (Prejudiced barriers)
Real-Time Protocol (RTP) 207–208
Reflected ceiling plan 177
Reflection detector 314–315
Remote access services 231
Remote monitoring 223–224, 341–342
Renovation projects 42
Request-to-exit (REX) sensors 71, 119
Resolution 243
Revit™ projects 178
Revolving doors 119–120
Ring architecture 216–218
Routers 212–213, 235


Satellite dish transmission 91
Satellite phones 91
Scaling designs 236
Schedule management 37–38
Second generation electronic security systems 
access control systems 21, 22f
alarm systems 22, 22f
Security design process  See Electronic security system
Security doors 122–123
Security monitoring/command workstations 233
Security program 
access control systems 49–50
assessment and verification elements 52
audio assessment 52
detection elements 50–52
evidence gathering 53
functions 49
policy enforcement 53
reaction elements 52–53
video assessment 52
Security systems 342
categories of 96
cell phones 97
direct ring-down intercoms 109
elevator and parking system intercoms 109
emergency call stations 109
emergency phones 98
intercoms 97
paging systems 98, 110
security intercoms 108–109
two-way radios 96–97, 110
wireless headsets 110
master clock 336
network infrastructure 336
securing 347–351
architectural security 348–349
countermeasures 350–351
data encryption 349
device and transmission security 348–349
Internet Protocol Security 350
radio frequency security 350–351
Seismic detectors 320
Servers 231
archive server 213
broadcast service 214
directory service server 213
email service 214
FTP/HTTP service 214
mass storage 214–215
printers 214
program service 214
workstations 214
Signage 285
Single-door hotel card systems 20–21, 21f
Single-mode fiber 236
Situational awareness software (SAS) 339
Software-based server-type configurations 271–272
Solid core doors 117–118
Sonar 323
Specifications consultant, coordination with 163
Spread spectrum systems 252
Standing wave ratio (SWR) 257
Storage area network (SAN) 232–233
Storage frame rate 243
Storefront doors 118
to limit network traffic 219
to segregate network traffic 219–220
Surface-mounted door position switch 69, 70f
Swipe card reader 63, 64f
Switches 212, 234
System architecture 
archiving data 231
cabling 235–236
directory service 231
disk storage 232–233
edge devices 234
firewalls 235
hardware configurations 232
infrastructure devices 234
network communications speeds 235
remote access services 231
routers 235
scaling designs 236
servers 231
switches 234
wireless nodes 235
workstation 233–234
System implementation 
C-level executive 361
dealing with offenders 363
hybrid systems 360
lessons learned session 362
maintenance 357–358
management 358–359
measuring success 362
operational implementations 360–362
output control point 357
redundant monitoring console 359
command center manager 361–362
management team skills 361–362
safety policy compliance 361
shift supervisors 362
staffing requirements 360–361
supervision 361
for surveillance 363
system monitoring 
full-time 359
part-time 359
unmonitored systems 360
using archive video system 363
System monitoring 359
System resets and restores 264


Tagged image file format (TIFF) 225
Tape/disk, disk storage 232
Telecommunications consultant/contractor, coordination with 168
Thermal video cameras 322
Third-generation alarm/access control system 22–23, 23f
Total DoorTM system 121
Transmission losses 260
Transmission physics 258–265
antenna loss/gain 259
cancellation losses 262
cascade losses 262
delay losses 261–262
grounding and powering 263–264
losses 260
multipath 260–261
power problems 264–265
power stability and reliability 262–263
system resets and restores 264
transmitter power 258–259
Transmitter power 258–259
Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) cards 66–67
Transport control protocol (TCP) 83, 203–204, 206
address schemes 207–208
IPv4 and IPv6 207, 208
MAC address 207
operates on OSI levels 3 (IP) and 4 (TCP) 204–205
protocol 240
vs. UDP 90
Triangulation detectors 319
Two-way radios 96–97, 110
Two-wire intercom systems 273


Ultrasonic detectors 316
U-Matic tape recorder 80
Uninterruptible power supply (UPS) 330
Unplanned obsolescence 28
User Datagram Protocol (UDP) 207–208
User-driven projects 43–44


Vending access management systems 240
Veri-Chip implantable access control credential 65, 67f
Video analytics 
artificial intelligence learning algorithms 94
description of 93
facial recognition systems 94
fixed algorithm analytics 93–94
Video guard tour implementations 338–339
Video motion detectors 317
Virtual local area networks (VLANS) 220–221
Virtual private network (VPN) 224
Voice over IP (VoIP) systems 238–239, 286–287
Volumetric detectors 317–319
acoustic/glass-break detectors 316–317
active infrared detectors 314–315
beam detectors 315
bistatic detectors 316
microwave detectors 315–316
monostatic detectors 315–316
PIR field detectors 314
reflection detector 314–315
ultrasonic detectors 316


Water monitors 299
Weather factors 258
Web access 231
Wide area network (WAN) 236
Wiegand effect 61
Wiegand wiring scheme, for card readers 61
Wired cabling 235
Wireless digital communication 99
Wireless digital video 
analog transmitter/receiver 88
approaches and frequencies 
laser transmitters and receivers 87
microwave wireless systems 88
radio waves 88
digital radio frequency system 89
latency problems 90
TCP vs. UDP 90
transmission through satellite 90–91
wireless architectures 
point-to-multipoint connections 92
point-to-point wireless networks 91
wireless mesh systems 92–93
Wireless mesh systems 92
Wireless nodes 235
Wireless security 252
Workstations 214, 233–234
administrative workstations 104
and C3 consoles 
enterprise-class system 101
LCD monitors 101
medium-sized systems 100–101
single-site systems 100
workstation processing power 102
data infrastructure 76
functions of 75
identity verification workstation 105
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