
Living and working in the Middle East has taught me the value of consideration, kindness, and respect in furthering human relations between individuals, ethnic groups, political groups, and nations.

It has taught me that the secret to personal happiness is gratitude. The difference between happiness and unhappiness is the difference between gratitude and entitlement. It is impossible to be unhappy in a state of gratitude. And it is impossible to be happy in a state of entitlement.

It has also taught me that the secret to furthering the happiness of others is compassion. Everyone has a story of personal tragedy. That story is often played out in interpersonal conflict with others. By looking past the conflict and being considerate, respectful, and kind to the person, one can often have a relationship with a difficult person that others did not think possible.

May your life be filled with gratitude, kindness, and compassion.

I dedicate this book to all who try to live in this simple, humble way.

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