
“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”
Arthur C. Clarke

I became a Facebook user back when it was still exclusive to college students, before it became a platform for third-party applications. Not long after I graduated, I also became an early adopter of Twitter. This was in the days before OAuth, when the API used Basic HTTP authentication and many users would provide their username and password to third parties to try out the latest new app or client. Those were simpler times with a naïve and yet blissful ignorance about them.

I still remember using dial-up internet for the first time and being amazed at the possibilities of a world-wide network when I’d only ever seen a few machines wired together to play games over a local area network. The Internet has grown up a great deal since then, and we’ve had to grow with it. Once we got over the excitement of our new found ability to share information and the vast possibilities that lay therein, a critical realization followed: we also needed the ability to protect our information from those who would use it for less than noble purposes.

This grew ever more important as applications continued to evolve and increase in complexity, to the point where they would be used to identify us to third parties and share our information with them. At that point, we needed the ability to selectively grant those third parties access to our information without giving up the proverbial keys to the kingdom: our account credentials.

All it took was one nefarious or even innocently misbehaving app to wreak havoc with your account. You could reset your password, of course, but that would revoke access to your account for all other apps you used. HTTP authentication was no longer sufficient for the purposes of applications in this situation. A better solution was needed, and Twitter led the charge with OAuth 1 when it became a published standard in 2010.

While it paved the way forward for a standard to solve this class of problem, OAuth 1 had its drawbacks. The signature process it used in lieu of SSL was complex and made writing clients cumbersome. It lacked workflows for applications beyond those involving communication between two web applications, such as desktop and mobile. OAuth 2 would succeed it only two years later after the issues with it became apparent.

In the midst of all these technological developments, I had the good fortune to become acquainted with Matt Frost through the PHP community and the PHP Mentoring program. We began our relationship as mentor and apprentice, but became friends and even co-workers at one point.

I’ve believed for some time that everyone is in a position to be both a student and a teacher to others. Matt has proven that by writing this book and reversing the nature of our original relationship to make me the student, as the book’s subject has been one that I’ve personally struggled with since OAuth first became a standard.

I hope you’ll follow me in allowing the words that Matt has written to dispel the magic that may surround OAuth for you as it has for me. While you continue to witness the evolution of the internet and all its technological wonders, I hope you will also be mindful of how it can best benefit humankind.

Matthew Turland
New Orleans, LA
June 24, 2014

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