Other Internet Registries

With the privatization of registration services came a change in the way IP space and AS numbers are allocated. Currently, three Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) provide registration services to all regions around the globe: American Registry for Internet Numbers (ARIN), Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Center (RIPE NCC), and Asian Pacific Network Information Center (APNIC).


In late 1997, IANA transferred responsibility for IP number administration from Network Solutions, Inc. to ARIN[14]. ARIN officially opened for operation on October 22, 1997.

ARIN is responsible for the allocation of Internet Protocol (IP) numbers in the following geographical areas:

  • North America

  • South America

  • The Caribbean

  • Sub-Saharan Africa

ARIN currently manages allocation and registration services for IP numbers, AS numbers, IN-ADDR.ARPA, and IP6.INT inverse mappings. They also provide routing registry services where network operators can register, maintain, and retrieve router configuration information and WHOIS services to view specific information associated with a given allocation.

ARIN is a nonprofit organization. It recovers the costs of administration and management of IP numbers by charging fees for registration, transfer, maintenance, and membership.


Created in 1989, RIPE[15] is a collaborative organization that consists of European Internet service providers. It aims to provide the necessary administration and coordination to enable the operation of the European Internet. RIPE acts as an RIR for Europe and surrounding areas.

RIPE distributes Internet numbers, coordinates the Domain Name System (DNS), and maintains a network management database with information on IP networks, DNS and IP routing policies, and contact information. They also provide an Internet software repository, a RIPE document store, routing registry services, and interactive information services.

Like ARIN, RIPE is a nonprofit organization and obtains funding from fees associated with its services.


APNIC[16] was created in 1993 and provides registration services similar to ARIN. APNIC provides these services to the Asian Pacific region, including 62 countries/regions in South and Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Indochina, and Oceania.

APNIC is currently not involved in the administration of DNS services, although it does work with others in the region involved with these services. APNIC provides other services, including training and education, policy development, and regional networking activities. Notably, APNIC helped found APRICOT (Asian Pacific Regional Internet Conference on Operational Technologies), which is now the premier regional forum for network operators and policy makers.

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