Chapter 2. Installation and Getting Started

Command-Line Tools Installation

In this section, we show you how to get started with Istio on Kubernetes. Istio is not tied to Kubernetes in anyway, and in fact, it’s intended to be agnostic of any deployment infrastructure. Kubernetes is a great place to run Istio with its native support of the sidecar-deployment concept. Feel free to use any distribution of Kubernetes you wish, but here we use minishift, which is a developer flavor of an enterprise distribution of Kubernetes named OpenShift.

As a developer, you might already have some of these tools, but for completeness, here are the tools you will need:

Kubernetes/OpenShift Installation

When you bootstrap minishift, you’ll need to keep in mind that you’ll be creating a lot of services. You’ll be installing the Istio control plane, some supporting metrics and visualization applications, and your sample services. To accomplish this, the virtual machine (VM) that you use to run Kubernetes will need to have enough resources. Although we recommend 8 GB of RAM and 3 CPUs for the VM, we have seen the examples contained in this book run successfully on 4 GB of RAM and 2 CPUs. (One thing to remember: on minishift, the default pod limit is set to 10 times the number of CPUs.)

After you’ve installed minishift, you can bootstrap the environment by using this script:


# add the location of minishift executable to PATH
# I also keep other handy tools like kubectl and
# in that directory

export MINISHIFT_HOME=~/minishift_1.12.0

minishift profile set tutorial
minishift config set memory 8GB
minishift config set cpus 3
minishift config set vm-driver virtualbox
minishift config set image-caching true
minishift addon enable admin-user
minishift config set openshift-version v3.7.0

minishift start

When things have launched correctly, you should be able set up your environment to have access to minishift’s included Docker daemon and also log in to the Kubernetes cluster:

eval $(minishift oc-env)
eval $(minishift docker-env)
oc login $(minishift ip):8443 -u admin -p admin

If everything is successful up to this point, you should be able to run the following command:

$ oc get node
localhost   Ready     1d       v1.7.6+a08f5eeb62

If you have errors along the way, review the current steps of the istio-tutorial and potentially file a GitHub issue.

Istio Installation

Istio distributions come bundled with the necessary binary command-line interface (CLI) tools, installation resources, and sample applications. You should download the Istio 0.5.1 release:

curl -L 
 -osx.tar.gz | tar xz
cd istio-0.5.1

Now you need to prepare your OpenShift/Kubernetes environment. OpenShift has a series of features targeted toward safe, multitenant runtimes and therefore has tight security restrictions. To install Istio, for the moment you can relax those OpenShift security constraints. The Istio community is working hard to make Istio more secure and fit better within the expectations of a modern enterprise’s security requirements, striving for “secure by default” with no developer pain.

For now, and for the purposes of understanding Istio and running these samples on OpenShift, let’s relax these security constraints. Using the oc command-line tool, run the following:

oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z istio-ingress-service-account 
 -n istio-system
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z default -n istio-system
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user anyuid -z prometheus -n istio-system

Now you can install Istio. From the Istio distribution’s root folder, run the following:

oc create -f install/kubernetes/istio.yaml
oc project istio-system

This will install all of the necessary Istio control-plane components including Istio Pilot, Mixer, and Auth. You should also install some companion services that are useful for metrics collection, distributed tracing, and overall visualization of our services. Run the following from the root folder of the Istio distribution:

oc apply -f install/kubernetes/addons/prometheus.yaml
oc apply -f install/kubernetes/addons/grafana.yaml
oc apply -f install/kubernetes/addons/servicegraph.yaml
oc process -f 
 openshift/master/all-in-one/jaeger-all-in-one-template.yml | oc create -f -

This installs Prometheus for metric collection, Grafana for metrics dashboard, Servicegraph for simple visualization of services and Jaeger for distributed-tracing support.

Finally, because we’re on OpenShift, you can expose these services directly through the OpenShift Router. This way you don’t need to mess around with node ports:

oc expose svc servicegraph
oc expose svc grafana
oc expose svc prometheus
oc expose svc istio-ingress

At this point, all of the Istio control-plane components and companion services should be up and running. You can verify this by running the following:

oc get pods
NAME                             READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
grafana-3617079618-4qs2b         1/1       Running   0          4m
istio-ca-1363003450-tfnjp        1/1       Running   0          4m
istio-ingress-1005666339-vrjln   1/1       Running   0          4m
istio-mixer-465004155-zn78n      3/3       Running   0          5m
istio-pilot-1861292947-25hnm     2/2       Running   0          4m
jaeger-210917857-2w24f           1/1       Running   0          4m
prometheus-168775884-dr5dm       1/1       Running   0          4m
servicegraph-1100735962-tdh78    1/1       Running   0          4m

Installing Istio Command-Line Tooling

The last thing that you need to do is make istioctl available on the command line. istioctl is the Istio command-line tool that you can use to manually inject the istio-proxy sidecar as well as create, update, and delete Istio resources files. When you unzip the Istio distribution, you’ll have a folder named /bin that has the istioctl binary. You can add that to your path like this:

export ISTIO_HOME=~/istio-0.5.1

Now, from your command line you should be able to type the following and see a valid response:

istioctl version
Version: 0.5.1
GitRevision: c9debceacb63a14a9ae24df433e2ec3ce1f16fc7
User: root@211b132eb7f1
GolangVersion: go1.9
BuildStatus: Clean

At this point, you’re ready to move on to installing the sample services.

Example Java Microservices Installation

To effectively demonstrate the capabilities of Istio, you’ll need to use a set of services that interact and communicate with one another. The services we have you work with in this section are a fictitious and simplistic re-creation of a customer portal for a website (think retail, finance, insurance, and so forth). In these scenarios, a customer service would allow customers to set preferences for certain aspects of the website. Those preferences will have the opportunity to take recommendations from a recommendation engine that offers up suggestions. The flow of communication looks like this:

Customer > Preference > Recommendation

From this point forward, it would be best for you to have the source code that accompanies the book. You can checkout the source code from and switch to the branch book, as demonstrated here:

git clone
cd istio-tutorial
git checkout book

Building and Deploying the Customer Service

Now, let’s build and deploy the customer service. Make sure you’re logged in to minishift which you installed earlier, in the section Istio Installation. You can verify your status by using the following command:

oc status

Navigate to the customer directory and build the source just as you would any Maven Java project:

cd customer
mvn clean package

Now you have built your project. Next, you will package your application as a Docker image so that you can run it on Kubernetes:

docker build -t example/customer .

This will build your customer service into a docker image. You can see the results of the Docker build command by using the following:

docker images | grep example

In the customer/src/main/kubernetes directory, there are two Kubernetes resource files named Deployment.yml and Service.yml. Deploy the service and also deploy your application with the Istio sidecar proxy injected into it. Try running the following command to see what the injected sidecar looks like with your deployment:

istioctl kube-inject -f src/main/kubernetes/Deployment.yml

Examine this output and compare it to the unchanged Deployment.yml. You should see the sidecar that has been injected that looks like this:

      - args:
        - proxy
        - sidecar
        - --configPath
        - /etc/istio/proxy
        - --binaryPath
        - /usr/local/bin/envoy
        - --serviceCluster
        - customer
        - --drainDuration
        - 2s
        - --parentShutdownDuration
        - 3s
        - --discoveryAddress
        - istio-pilot.istio-system:15003
        - --discoveryRefreshDelay
        - 1s
        - --zipkinAddress
        - zipkin.istio-system:9411
        - --connectTimeout
        - 1s
        - --statsdUdpAddress
        - istio-mixer.istio-system:9125
        - --proxyAdminPort
        - "15000"
        - --controlPlaneAuthPolicy
        - NONE
        - name: POD_NAME
        - name: POD_NAMESPACE
              fieldPath: metadata.namespace
        - name: INSTANCE_IP
              fieldPath: status.podIP
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
        name: istio-proxy
        resources: {}
          privileged: false
          readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
          runAsUser: 1337
        - mountPath: /etc/istio/proxy
          name: istio-envoy
        - mountPath: /etc/certs/
          name: istio-certs
          readOnly: true

You will see a second container injected into your deployment with configurations for finding the Istio control plane, volume mounts which mount in any additional secrets, and you should see the name of this container is istio-proxy.

Now you can create the Kubernetes service and inject the sidecar into your deployment:

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f 
src/main/kubernetes/Deployment.yml)  -n tutorial

oc create -f src/main/kubernetes/Service.yml -n tutorial

Because customer is the forwardmost microservice (customer > preference > recommendation), you should add an OpenShift Route that exposes that endpoint:

oc expose service customer
curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

Note we’re using the service which is basically a wildcard DNS system that returns the IP address that you specify in the URL.

You should see the following error because preference and recommendation are not yet deployed:

customer => I/O error on GET request for "http://preference:8080":
preference; nested exception is preference

Now you can deploy the rest of the services in this example.

Building and Deploying the Preference Service

Just like you did for the customer service, in this section you will build, package, and deploy your preference service:

cd preference

mvn clean package

docker build -t example/preference .

You can also inject the Istio sidecar proxy into your deployment for the preference service as you did previously for the customer service:

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f 
src/main/kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial

oc create -f src/main/kubernetes/Service.yml

Finally, try to curl your customer service once more:

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

The response still fails, but a little bit differently this time:

customer => 503 preference => I/O error on GET request for
"http://recommendation:8080": recommendation; nested exception is recommendation

This time the failure is because the preference service cannot reach the recommendation service. As such, you will build and deploy the recommendation service next.

Building and Deploying the Recommendation Service

The last step to get the full cooperation of our services working nicely is to deploy the recommendation service. Just like in the previous services, you will build, package, and deploy onto Kubernetes by using a couple of steps:

cd recommendation

mvn clean package

docker build -t example/recommendation:v1 .

oc apply -f <(istioctl kube-inject -f 
src/main/kubernetes/Deployment.yml) -n tutorial

oc create -f src/main/kubernetes/Service.yml

oc get pods -w

Look for “2/2” under the Ready column. Ctrl-C to break out of the wait, and now when you do the curl, you should see a better response:

curl customer-tutorial.$(minishift ip)

customer => preference => recommendation v1 from '99634814-sf4cl': 1

Success! The chain of calls between the three services works as expected. Now that you have your services calling one another, we move on to discussing some of the core capabilities of Istio and the power it brings for solving the problems that arise between services.

Building and Deploying to Kubernetes

Kubernetes deploys and manages applications that have been built as Docker containers. In the preceding examples, you built and packaged the applications into Docker containers at each step. There are alternatives to the fully manual deployment process of docker build and oc create -f someyaml.yml. These alternatives include oc new-app and a capability known as source-to-image (S2I). S2I is an OpenShift-only feature that is not compatible with vanilla Kubernetes. There is also the fabric8-maven-plugin, which is a maven plug-in for Java applications. fabric8-maven-plugin allows you to live comfortably in your existing Java tooling and still build Docker images and interact with Kubernetes without having to know about Dockerfiles or Kubernetes resource files. The maven plug-in automatically builds the Kubernetes resource files and you can also use it to quickly deploy, undeploy, and debug your Java application running in Kubernetes.

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