A Multi‐Domain Perspective of Future Directions for VANETs for Emergency Message Dissemination

Ravneet Kaur1,2, Ramkumar Ketti Ramachandran2, Robin Doss1, and Lei Pan1

1 School of Information Technology, Deakin University, Victoria, Geelong, Australia

2 Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, Rapura, India

9.1 Introduction

The term “vehicular communication” was first coined in 1999 by Klaus Eitzenberger to attain safety, traffic control, dynamic navigation aids, and the mobile office. This invention was related to the centralized approach where computers were performing network applications, transmission, reception, recording, or processing data between vehicles, according to Sun et al. [1]. Later on, the concept of distributed message communication came into existence. According to Briesemeister and Hommel [2], radio communications effectively enable the distributed message dissemination strategy in vehicles. However, Xu et al. [3] studied the feasibility for vehicle safety messages in dedicated short range communication (DSRC) and analyzed the memory‐less channel modeling. IEEE 802.11p with DSRC followed a WAVE architecture for communication between roadside unit (RSU) and on‐board unit (OBU). The WAVE (wireless access in vehicle environment) architecture uses 27 Mbps of data rate with a 5.9 GHz frequency range. The IEEE 802.11p standard plays a vital role in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs).

Considering the safety applications, the focus of the automobile industry has been diverted to electronic technologies. The car industry has installed collision detection sensors and electronic control units (ECUs) for making transportation intelligent. Besides, the research community has provided various solutions for addressing road fatalities, communication range, message delivery, rapid topology change, and mobility pattern. Other issues such as channel modeling, bandwidth wastage, and repetitive message broadcasting to the nodes are prominent. Thus, a suitable emergency message dissemination strategy is applied to the healthcare services, police, and other related infrastructure for immediate help.

This chapter discusses emergency message dissemination in vehicular environments. We consider the multi‐domain perspective of the emergency message dissemination regarding the reactive response toward a road fatality in various traffic scenarios. This emergency notification is flagged to the nearby hospitals, pharmacies, and other infrastructure in the VANET. We chose to focus on the role of VANETs with Internet of Things (IoT), fog computing, and blockchain for the healthcare system. Thus, most recent technologies and future trends represent state‐of‐the‐art solutions and build the framework for vehicular communications to deal with emergencies.

The chapter is organized as follows:

  • We start with a general discussion on the various trends of technologies with VANETs to serve the emergency message dissemination in Section 9.2. In this part, we will provide the overview and the applications of the IoT, fog computing, and blockchain with VANETs.
  • In Section 9.3, we discuss a few questions: What is the role of VANETs in healthcare? How will these advanced technologies and trends benefit the healthcare systems with VANETs? This section explains in detail the most recently proposed solutions for the fast delivery of emergency messages and maximum coverage and includes a case study.
  • Our novel research proposal is presented in Section 9.4 by highlighting clustering in multi‐domain VANETs emergency message dissemination for the healthcare system.
  • The current facilities provided in simulators, testbeds, and interfaces are discussed in Section 9.5. Limitations of the current system and scope of emergency message dissemination in VANETs are also explained.
  • We discuss the upcoming trends and possible directions for emergency message dissemination in VANETs along with health care system.
  • Section 9.7 provides the conclusion for this chapter.

9.2 Future Directions of Multi‐Domain VANETs Emergency Message Dissemination

In VANETs, vehicles are treated as mobile nodes and are equipped with OBUs and ECUs. These resources are useful for disseminating messages during emergencies. In principle, there are three VANET dissemination strategies, namely (i) pull, (ii) push, and (iii) hybrid. The “push down” strategy is favorable for safety applications in VANETs, while the built‐in units in the vehicles monitor environmental conditions and disseminate messages. For the successful and appropriate traversing of the message, traveling path, traveling time, and traveling mode are the crucial factors. With the increase in traffic, road congestion is another issue. To solve these traffic‐related issues and saving human lives, Varun Chand and Karthikeyan [4] listed several available technologies. Figure 9.1 presents the applications of the multi‐domain behavior of VANETs.

Schematic illustration of applications are defined.

Figure 9.1 Applications are defined. There are five text documents that explain various applications of VANETs with (a) Internet of Things (IOT), (b) blockchain, (c) healthcare, (d) VANETS, and (e) fog computing.

The following subsection describes various technologies in trend with VANETs.

9.2.1 Relationship of VANETs with IoT, Blockchain, and Fog Computing

Internet of Things (IoT) is a computing concept that connects the devices embedded with electronics, sensors, and actuators. It builds the network by enabling physical devices such as vehicles and homes to exchange data. Three networks are formed when IoT is combined with vehicles—inter‐vehicle network, intra‐vehicle network, and vehicular mobile Internet. These three network types support various applications, including smart cities, environment management, energy management, medical healthcare system, building automation, transportation, and social networking [4].

The limitation of IoT is the storage of electronic devices. To fulfill the emergency message dissemination requirement, vehicles require other technologies. A solution to process data is sending data through the cloud but this presents issues such as lack of mobility support and high‐end to end delay. Hence, fog computing has been proposed to overcome these shortcomings [5].

Fog computing with VANETs is a promising approach to overcome the delay in a decentralized network and optimize the bandwidth usage, thus named vehicular fog computing. Fog computing provides decentralization to all the nodes and reduces overhead on the core network layer. These nodes are distributed geographically and hence create a layer, names fog computing layer. While communicating with the fog computing layer, vehicles act as fog computing nodes and fog computing users according to the service required. When the vehicles are parked or in traffic jams, they act as fog computing nodes and have minimum storage capacity due to flooding of message communication however, posses high efficiency and low latency [5].

This approach leads to offload the RSUs tasks, autonomous driving, video crowdsourcing, content distribution, smart traffic light, and decision support system [6]. For example, during the event‐driven applications, the RSU contributes by investigating the free parking slot for the emergency vehicle. Similarly, a smart traffic light system plays a vital role by sensing the autonomous vehicle driving toward hospitals and thus supports the healthcare system.

The major drawback of fog computing with VANETs is a high end‐to‐end delay, high bandwidth usage, weak security, and poor reliability. More research is needed in this domain for applications that are more time sensitive. Though this approach is useful for quickly saving the patient records, it should be done securely.

Blockchain with VANETs is the emerging research area that provides a secure, authenticated, and trusted environment for V2X (vehicle‐to‐everything) communication. It is pertinent to facilitate recording and tracking resources with a centralized computing platform. Blockchain maintains a ledger for event message exchange to avoid collateral damage. There are various advantages of using blockchain with VANETs such as secure data, location privacy to control traffic congestion due to fake messages, non‐repudiation, transparency, and electronic payment scheme [7]. While communicating messages from one vehicle to another or to infrastructure, the data message is divided into block segments. Once the block is added to the chain, the data block cannot be modified. For any update or modification in the block, smart contracts will be used.

Blockchain with VANETs has slow data storage, long overhead, and long verification time, which affect the system’s performance, increase deployment cost, and limit scalability [8].

Table 9.1 lists the limitations of VANETs with IoT, Fog Computing, and Blockchain.

Table 9.1 Limitations of VANETs with (a) IoT being an IoV, (b) fog computing being a vehicular fog computing network, and (c) blockchain.

IoTFog computingBlockchain
low storage capacitymore end‐to‐end delaylow capacity
securityhigh bandwidth usageincreased overhead
technology over‐reliancesecurityincreased verification time
reliabilityhigh deployment cost

9.3 Role of VANETs in Healthcare Systems

The increased number of deaths due to overcrowded roads and traffic mismanagement opens various research and development opportunities in VANETs. The development in e‐health services and smart mobility ease the elder person checkups. The deployment of wireless e‐health services and on‐time delivery of reliable medication prompts the healthcare stakeholders. The growing demand of VANETs within healthcare provides various benefits and open challenges to the community that is significantly different from the random topology change or mobility patterns of VANETs [9].

Another advancement in VANETs within healthcare is telemedicine to develop smart healthcare systems in rural and urban areas. This mobile solution supports developing countries such as India, where building the physical structures is quite tricky. This consultation is more feasible and cost effective as it reduces medical costs, travel expenses, and time. Such solutions are especially useful during pandemics and for the people who live in rural areas [10].

As shown in Figure 9.2, during emergency message dissemination, any technology in IoT, fog computing, and blockchain can provide useful information to the appropriate infrastructure. However, the clustering framework improves communication by providing the opportunity for full connectivity and maximum coverage. The responsibility of data packet sharing is distributed to all other nodes and thus balances the load. This setup facilitates fast communication. The collaboration of connected vehicles helps implement real‐time applications. In particular, several routing protocols and frameworks are presented in Kaur et al. [11].

Schematic illustration of multi-domain future perspective of emergency message dissemination in VANETs for healthcare system.

Figure 9.2 Diagrammatic representation of multi‐domain future perspective of emergency message dissemination in VANETs for healthcare system.

In Section 9.3.1, a case study is presented to show how the emergency message dissemination notification is effective in a real‐time environment.

9.3.1 Case Study

When a serious traffic accident happens, the time taken by the emergency services to arrive is crucial. Most deaths during accidents happen due to the unavailability of emergency services. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2030, road fatalities will be the seventh leading cause of death worldwide. To reduce road accidents, the knowledge of the road events such as congested roads, notification of road fatality, or other emergencies plays a crucial role. For example, the notification of road accidents will notify the associated personals such as hospitals, pharmacies, and the police so as to reduce the delay in providing emergency aid.

Perhaps that will be the automobile industry’s future, where vehicles talk to one another and with the infrastructure. Currently, the US Department of Transportation (DoT) is working on connected vehicles. Even that would greatly impact this pandemic where in developing countries such as India, people need E‐permits to enter another state.

VANETs provide an opportunity to cover large areas using clustering, in which the cluster head (CH) is selected to pass the emergency message to all the vehicles timely, as shown in Figure 9.2. They will help control the traffic flow and reduce the resulting congestion at accident sites. This arrangement will drastically reduce road fatalities, save human lives, reduce fuel consumption, and save drivers’ money, ultimately making our transportation safer and smarter.

Different techniques can be used to quickly disseminate emergency messages to support the healthcare system. Section 9.4 elaborates on various technologies.

9.4 Techniques Used for Fast Delivery of Emergency Message in VANETs to Help the Healthcare System

Launching an intelligent transportation system (ITS) is a way to provide managed and controlled traffic on the road. This will make use of smart, safe, and synchronized ways of transportation. There is a tremendous increase in the number of vehicles that leads to traffic congestion and traffic accidents. During such emergencies, there is a need to communicate the event information to the nearby vehicles, hospitals, pharmacies, police, and many more. There is a possibility that all vehicles would not receive the emergency information due to their rapid topology change or they would not lie in the communication range. Thus, there is a need to ensure the full connectivity of the network and reliable communication. It helps secure the data from intruders, spoofing, denial of service, and many more attacks. According to Kaur et al. [11], clustering is the solution for such problems. Clustering plays an instrumental role in providing the maximum coverage by selecting the most relevant CH selection parameters. When integrated with various technologies in ITS, this framework will act as a support for the healthcare system.

The following subsections describe recent technologies to facilitate emergency situations.

9.4.1 Role of Clustering in VANETs for Healthcare System

When vehicles are moving on the road, the CH is selected as the group head. The group members and their neighboring nodes’ positions can be identified by the hardware components and system controller modules. By knowing the position ID, location ID, and other parameters, a realistic setup can be established to optimize the road traffic.

Whenever there is a road accident, to avoid traffic jams, congestion on the road, and facilitate immediate first aid, a structure is needed to broadcast all the information in the vicinity. Communicating such sensitive information is a crucial task because there are chances of spoofing. Hence, an attacker may change the information. Another issue is the link breakage due to rapid topology change. The mobile nature of VANETs has different patterns of movement. Thus, there is a need for a full‐connectivity structure to disseminate emergency messages. One of the most prominent solutions is clustering [11]. Using the appropriate framework for delivering messages to the RSUs and other infrastructure, vehicles can communicate within the specified range. If the vehicles are out of range, clustering is the solution. In clustering, CH selection is based on metric selection. The selection of metrics is application‐specific. If there is an emergency event, then time is the most important parameter. If there is retrieving of patients’ data, then clustering with privacy preservation is the suitable approach.

Another critical parameter is the traffic scenario. The selection of parameters also depends on the sparse and dense traffic scenario. If there are less vehicles and are far from each other, link breakage is the problem. If jammed vehicles caused traffic congestion, bandwidth wastage and increased overhead become the challenge. Thus, various optimized clustering techniques are provided to deal with the real challenges of VANETs. However, very little work has been done on the role of clustering in VANETs with healthcare. There is a wide scope of the role of clustering in the healthcare system. Other advantages of the clustering in VANETs with healthcare are listed below.

  • Maximum coverage area;
  • Reduced bandwidth wastage;
  • Low link breakage;
  • Backup support for transmitting messages;
  • Ability of secure message dissemination;
  • Treatment started before arriving to the hospital;
  • Hospital arrangements made beforehand; and
  • Online medical consultation is provided as an alternative option for elderly and rural people.

However, network congestion often occurs in high‐density areas associated with issues such as flooding, broadcast storm, channel modeling, and security.

9.4.2 Role of Clustering in VANETs with IoT for Healthcare System

The development of IoT with VANETs enhances the commercial interest in healthcare management. The Internet of Vehicle (IoV) [12] is helpful in monitoring the health of patients and maintaining the records. Various architectures and communication protocols have been proposed to update the status of patients regularly. This type of solution acts as a possibility of rescue for the patients during emergencies. Another possible use case is road fatalities. If the communication quickly reaches the nearby hospital or broadcasted within the vicinity,, the injured could have been saved. The following are the advantages of IoV.

  • Providing emergency aid during peak hours;
  • Time management;
  • Prior knowledge to a nearby hospital;
  • Emergency notification to police;
  • Emergency notification to ambulance service; and
  • Traffic management.

Besides, there are various limitations such as bandwidth wastage, link breakage, intruder attack, connectivity issues, coverage area, unreliable network connectivity, resource utilization, and broadcast storm. Thus, clustering plays a vital role in IoV. From the above discussion, it can be concluded that there are various applications in IoV that need to be explored. Working with sensors and collecting information from the environment help predict the real‐time expenses of deploying the VANET systems during transportation to reduce the waste and increase efficiency [13].

9.4.3 Role of Clustering in VANETs with Fog Computing for Healthcare System

Nowadays, much interest has been driven to the VANETs and fog computing. According to Popescu et al. [14], various fog Computing architectures are proposed. Fog computing nodes act as RSUs and are responsible for group formation to ensure message dissemination to the complete network and provide secure route services. RSUs can be deployed on the fog computing nodes, and data processing is the extended feature. Fog computing nodes’ distributed control at different geographic locations is responsible for mobile communication, whereas the centralized control is for static communication. Having the group head as a fog computing node in a small area acts as a small hub of reports and online treatment directory for patients [14]. All the records with comparison metrics could be available to the healthcare workers to treat the patients. Thus, fog computing nodes will act as a repository while the patient is in an emergency. The following are the advantages of fog computing:

  • Backup storage is available;
  • Distributed structure provides fast access to patients’ data;
  • It’s cost effective;
  • Latency reduction; and
  • Enhanced compliance.

However, various issues exist in vehicular fog computing, including unpredictable trajectory, scalability, mobility of vehicles, frequent interruptions, link breakage, malicious vehicle joining, network flooded by irrelevant data, chances of data modification, reliability, and security of the network [15].

9.4.4 Role of Clustering in VANETs with Blockchain for Healthcare System

Various secure protocols have been proposed considering the trust factor. During the retrieval of distributed data from different geographic locations, locations act as unique clusters. The data can be traversed through blocks at the time of emergency. Thus, sensitive data is shared in the hospital vicinity. These records are distributed in various hospitals defined under a unique ID to retrieve the previous consultation. These records are generally called electronic medical records (EMR). For accessing these records in a secure manner, blockchain plays a crucial role [16].

With numerous applications in blockchain with VANETs, the technical implementation lacks a data‐sharing and ‐management system and thus is unable to maintain traceability [7]. When data flow happens during an emergency, there is a need for storage space. This will increase the bloating problem. The rapid topology change and mobility of nodes make proof‐of‐work (PoW) difficult by having a limited time for exchanging information blocks. This information exchange depends on the trust factor. Once the nodes are verified, the information exchange happens. The mobile nature of nodes cannot provide an accurate analysis of nodes that can participate in block propagation.

Various solutions are provided in Kim [17] such as security and credibility, real identity versus public keys, smart contracts with VANETs, and energy contributions. However, the impact of mobility on nodes and its metrics are not addressed for blockchain performance. Nevertheless, blockchain does not fully support VANETs. Thus, other challenges include the addition of blocks and exchange of blocks in mobile nodes of a blockchain system. The following are the various advantages where blockchain is used in VANETs [18]:

  • Collect sensor data;
  • Broadcast signatures to surrounding vehicles;
  • Verify incoming signatures;
  • Preventing forged data;
  • Mutual authentication with reduced dependency on certificate;
  • Authority;
  • Scalability;
  • Privacy protection;
  • Message confidentiality, integrity, and non‐repudiation; and
  • Speedy revocation without additional overhead.

9.4.5 Implications of Multi‐Domain Perspective of VANETs for Emergency Message Dissemination

In this chapter, we have discussed various technologies, including IoT, Fog Computing, and Blockchain with respect to VANETs and the role of emergency message dissemination using those technologies in the healthcare system. However, we concluded that a particular combined structure needs to be proposed for benefiting the healthcare community and the public. Figure 9.3 shows the diagrammatic representation of the multi‐domain future perspective of VANETs. This figure explains the two following aspects:

  • The rectangular shape blocks are defining the individual contribution of their technology in VANETs. For example, vehicles are embedded with IoT devices and perform operations after sensing the environment as needed. Similarly, fog computing helps provide storage capacity in geographical locations and within the vicinity thus providing fast and timely delivery of messages.
  • The second way of proposing the structure is application‐specific. For example, if there is a road accident, IoT devices sense the environment such as number of vehicles, infrastructure, speed of vehicle, directions etc to perform clustering and hence sends the emergency notification. This notification can be sent to the nearby crowd to check the availability of a doctor or the pharmacy; thus, it could provide immediate first aid.
  • The hospital would have time to collect the treatment data of the patient beforehand. Fog computing plays a crucial role to transfer the data securely, and blockchain comes into the picture.
Schematic illustration of multi-domain future perspective of emergency message dissemination in VANETs.

Figure 9.3 Diagrammatic representation of multi‐domain future perspective of emergency message dissemination in VANETs.

From the above discussion, it can be concluded that various research domains are open for research.

9.5 Current Facilities and Limitations for Implementing the Real‐Time Environment

VANET is the most promising research area and offers various safety applications. Because of vehicles’ unpredictable movement and rapid topology change, the automobile industry is working in the direction of smart transportation. In 2006, the US DoT had identified eight warning notifications in which vehicles were communicating with roadside equipment (RSE). To evaluate the proposed work and predict the VANET system’s performance, it is costly to establish a new setup or work in a real‐time environment. Thus, network simulators, traffic simulators, and testbeds are used to analyze the proposed work before market launch [19]. The following is the discussion on this testing content.

  • There are four models: (i) traffic model, which defines the mobility pattern in three classes: microscopic, macroscopic, and mesoscopic; (ii) driver and vehicle model, in which the driver’s behavior (how the driver responds during an emergency or after receiving the emergency notification) is important; (iii) communication model, which defines the different routing strategies and communication environment; and (iv) the application model, which is the scenario and application‐specific model.
  • Simulators: There are two types of simulators required to implement any scenario: (i) traffic simulator, and (ii) network simulator. The traffic simulators include Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) and VISSIM (Verker In Stadten Simulation Model).
  • These traffic simulators possess various features that can be modeled as needed. However, the network simulators such as NS2, NS3, OMNET++ (Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++), and VEINS (Vehicles in Network Simulation) possess comprehensive network routing protocols. These simulators are useful in implementing and then verifying the results according to the proposed ideas to solve the designated issue [20].
  • Testbeds: They are also known as field operating testing. Although VANETs can be implemented in various simulators, realistic field operations are lacking. Due to the high cost of establishing such an environment, the US DoT and Florida DoT provide testbeds. One needs to book the slot and test the proposed algorithm to obtain the actual results [21].

9.6 Discussion on Upcoming Trends and Possibilities with Future Readings

Upcoming ITS integrated with multi‐domain technologies will offer a revolution toward global automation, the response to emergency situations, and human safety. Different techniques have been explored in this chapter. The IEEE, Florida DoT, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) which is part of the US DoT are the leading bodies for providing funds for innovations in ITS. As shown in Figure 9.4, various research challenges are identified to support VANETs with the healthcare system. These research directions need further research and investigation. The open research areas are listed below.

  • The scope of VANETs with blockchain is the most prominent research area. Researchers can explore this combination and benefit the research community in terms of publications, future directions, security, and many more [8].
  • For dissertations, VANETs with IoT will be helpful. One can embed the electronic devices and check the real‐time applications. This domain provides good opportunities for start‐ups [15].
  • Network congestion control is the research area where overloading and bandwidth wastage is the major issue. Thus, data congestion during emergency message dissemination is a prominent domain [22].
  • Realistic channel modeling is another challenging metric that needs further attention and is open for research [11].
  • For providing the multi‐channel data flow in terms of patient records during an emergency, fog computing with blockchain is an emerging trend. This combination will provide the secured record ledger for traveling of information [6].
Schematic illustration of emerging research directions in VANETs with multi-domain perspective for emergency message dissemination.

Figure 9.4 Emerging research directions in VANETs with multi‐domain perspective for emergency message dissemination.

International workshops, summits, industrial events, testbeds, and conferences are provided for delivering transportation solutions. We have divided this discussion into four aspects: (i) industrial events, (ii) testbeds, (iii) conferences, and (iv) summits.

  • Industrial workshops: MOVE: Mobility Re‐imagined is the world’s most important mobility event, which provides an opportunity to collaborate and bring the needed change. This event is in its third year and is focused on companies’ CEOs and founders. This is a platform for start‐ups, innovative solutions, and partnerships that are dedicated to tech and transportation.
  • Testbeds: Connecting vehicles in a real‐time environment promotes the development and deployment of networked transportation in the automobile industry. The connected vehicles testbed by the US DoT is available for developers to test the technology in a real‐time environment through a wireless connection. This testbed provides 5.9 GHz of DSRC to communicate where RSE is embedded. This is the surface where users can test advancements in software and hardware of connected vehicles.
  • Conferences: There are various conferences and journals to start reading. The best way to understand any research domain is to identify the difference between surveys, reviews, journals, transactions, and conferences. The upcoming IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference is a highly cited conference whereas IEEE Transactions on ITS is a highly recommended journal to read and publish work. This is a flagship conference hosted by IEEE Vehicular Technology Society under the supervision of J.R. Cruz, Vice President of Conferences.
  • Summits: In the year 2021, various summits are lined up. Voice of Car is the Silicon Valley summit to focus on the intersection of voice technology in cars. The vision of the summit is to have a look at the future connected cars and incorporating voice communication by leading automobile manufacturers.

Considering the research community, in continuation with international workshops on OMNET++, the 7th OMNET++ Community Summit was organized in 2020. This summit provided lively discussions, keynotes, tutorials, and ongoing demonstrations to the researchers and helped them to sort various implementation‐related issues that occurred during their research. The focus is to bring all the OMNET++ developers and tools together with novel ideas in network simulators.

9.7 Conclusion

In this chapter, we provide the role of VANETs in healthcare from a multi‐domain perspective. The effectiveness and need of IoT, fog computing, and blockchain with VANETs give the upcoming researchers a new direction. Overseeing the traditional VANET structure, we observe the emerging trend and the broad scope of VANETs in healthcare systems. Beyond various safety and non‐safety applications in VANETs, we present a case study and its implications in multiple crucial factors, including full connectivity, maximum coverage area, and scalability. We argue that clustering is a promising approach for achieving excellent results for emergency message dissemination. The future trends include readings, summits, workshops, and conferences in VANETs.

Author Biography

A photograph of Ravneet Kaur.
Ravneet Kaur is a student of higher degree by research at Deakin University, Geelong, Australia, with the Research Partner Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India, under Deakin India Research Initiative (DIRI) programme.

A photograph of K.R. Ramkumar.
Dr. K.R. Ramkumar is PhD in computer science and engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India, having 17 years of teaching and research experience. He is currently working as an associate professor, Chitkara University Institute of Engineering and Technology, Chitkara University, Punjab, India. His areas of expertise are network security, key management, and relational database management systems in advancement. His research includes solving the routing issues, dealing with security and node failure apprehensions of wireless sensor networks. Much of his work has been on improving the understanding, design and performance analysis of different routing and security algorithms of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). He is also working with the Extensible Markup Language (XML) and resolving the data integrity and consistency issues on web communications.

A photograph of Robin Doss.
Prof. Robin Doss is a professor of information technology and the Deputy Head of the School of Information Technology. Robin leads the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) security program at the Deakin Centre for Cyber Security Research and Innovation (CSRI) and is the Co‐Director of the IoT research cluster at Deakin. He is a senior member of the IEEE.

A photograph of Lei Pan.
Dr. Lei Pan received his PhD in computer forensics from Deakin University, Australia, in 2008. He is currently a senior lecturer with the School of Information Technology, Deakin University. His research interests are cyber security and IoT. He has authored 50+ research papers in refereed international journals and conferences.


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  2. https://www.its.dot.gov/research_archives/connected_vehicle/dot_cvbrochure.htm
  3. https://events.vtsociety.org/vtc2021‐spring/about
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  5. https://summit.omnetpp.org/2020/index.html
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