

Page numbers for figures are given in italics, and for tables they are given in bold.

    • 1M Price Momentum 120
    • 12M Price Momentum 120
    • 12M ROE Change 121
    • 60D Volatility 121


    • Abe, Shinzo 30, 147–148, 154
    • Abenomics 23, 27–31, 35–39
      • bull market 33
      • corporate governance 43
      • ROE rise 130
      • technical indicators 109
    • accessibility of market 133–136
    • active funds 40, 72
    • “aggressive fiscal policy” 28
    • Amplitude‐adjusted CLI time series 6
    • “announcement”, use of term 133
    • “Apple Shock” 150
    • arbitrage funds 83–84, 87
    • arbitrage opportunities 34–35, 72
    • arbitragers 72
    • Asian Financial Crisis 8, 51
    • asset allocation
    • asset under management 88
    • at‐the‐money (ATM) options 79


    • Bank of Japan (BoJ)
      • ETF purchases 46–47
      • GPIF connection 37–38
      • Kuroda Bazooka 31–35
      • NIRP introduction 49–50, 155
      • policy impact 29–30
      • QE campaign 8, 42
    • bear markets 136
    • Bernanke, Ben 33–34, 36
    • beta 121, 127
    • Black Monday 158
    • Black‐Scholes model 68
    • BoJ see Bank of Japan
    • “bold monetary policy” 28
    • Bollinger Bands 104–105, 159–161, 159
    • bond‐like equities 42
    • bonds, conversion feature 82–87
    • book value 103
    • bottom of the market 93–109
    • Buffet Indicator 100–101, 163
    • bull market
      • Abenomics 33
      • arbitrage opportunities 34–35
      • factor analysis 119
      • FX rate 57–58
      • G7 OECD CLI 29
      • GPIF 43
      • seasonality 30
      • share buybacks 130
      • volatility 41
    • “buy‐at‐RSI=20 and sell‐at‐RSI=80” strategy 104
    • “buy and hold” strategy 11
    • “buy‐low‐and‐sell‐high” strategy 118
    • “buy” market 5
    • “buy‐on‐the‐dip” strategy 96–97, 106–107
    • “buy” signal
      • Bollinger Bands 160
      • TOPIX trade 6, 8, 18–19


    • call option 83–84
    • call/put ratio 89–90
    • CAPE calculation 107–108
    • capital spending 50
    • cash equities 34–35, 72
    • cash‐rich companies 129–130
    • CBs (convertible bonds) 82–87
    • central banks 52–53, 98
    • “change in profit forecast” factor 118
    • charts 101–102
    • China
      • collapse of equity market 88–89, 148
      • G7 OECD CLI 10
      • tourist traffic 125
      • US–China trade war 148–150, 164
    • China Syndrome 139
    • CLI see composite leading indicators
    • close‐to‐close trades 161
    • commodity trading advisor (CTA) funds 96
    • composite leading indicators (CLI) 3–14
    • consumer attitude index 50–51
    • consumption tax/VAT hikes 36–38, 51–52, 61
    • convertible arbitrage funds 83–84, 87
    • convertible bonds (CBs) 82–87
    • corporate governance 43–45
    • corporate investors 113–114, 128, 129
    • corporate taxes 148
    • correlation coefficient 60, 96–97
    • country asset allocation 113–114
    • CTA (commodity trading advisor) funds 96
    • currency crises 38
    • currency–equity correlation 56–57, 59
    • currency factor 152
    • currency traders 58
    • cyclical companies 60
    • cyclical sector 124
    • cyclical stocks 62–63
    • Cyclically‐Adjusted Price‐to‐Earnings Ratio (CAPE) calculation 107–108
    • Cypriot financial crisis 31–32


    • Daiwa Securities Group example 80
    • debt 130
    • defensive factor, dividends 131
    • defensive sector 124
    • defensive stocks 92, 95
    • deflation 53, 98
    • δ‐hedge activity 78–79, 81, 83, 85–86, 88
    • Democratic Party of Japan 28–30
    • derivatives
      • definition 67
      • topics 65–92
    • deviation from average formula 5, 67–68
    • Diffusion Index (DI) 14–17
    • dividend yield, P/B ratio 118
    • dividends 131–133, 132
    • domestic corporate investors 113–114
    • downside volatility 69


    • early redemption clause 85
    • earnings forecasts 59
    • earnings momentum 121
    • earnings per share (EPS) 82–87, 121, 132, 132
    • earnings yield spread 157, 157
    • earthquake damage impact 137–143
    • ECB (European Central Bank) 38–39
    • economic data, OECD CLI 7
    • economic indicators 97–101
    • economic reality, FED policy 56
    • Economy Watchers' DI 14–17
    • election politics
    • enterprise value/earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EV/EBITDA) 102–103
    • environment, social, governance (ESG) concept 44–45
    • EPS see earnings per share
    • ESG (environment, social, governance) concept 44–45
    • ETFs see Exchange Traded Funds
    • Euro crises 31–32, 49
    • European Central Bank (ECB) 38–39
    • EV/EBITDA valuation 102–103
    • Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) 37, 46–47, 87–89
    • execution traders 76
    • export companies 58–59


    • factor analysis 116–124, 120, 129
    • factor rotations 123–124
    • fair value 102
    • far‐term volatility 71
    • Fast Retailing stock 74
    • “fear index” 90
    • “future value” 71


    • G7 economy 29–30
    • G7 OECD CLI 3
      • Chinese influence 10
      • elements of 12–13
      • foreign investors 11–12
      • peaks and troughs calculation 7
      • time series 3, 4–5, 6
      • TOPIX trade 6, 7
      • US presidential elections 63
      • VAT hike 38
      • weights 3, 4–5
      • “win ratio” 13
    • GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth 10, 61
    • global financial crisis 10, 92, 102, 109
    • Goldilocks Market 155, 158, 165–166
    • government bonds 48
    • Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF) 8, 11, 37–38, 39–43, 74
    • Great East Japan Earthquake 28, 137–143
    • Greeks sensitivities 78
    • Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth 10, 61
    • “growth policy” 28


    • Halloween effect 20, 149, 162
    • heavily weighted stocks 60
    • hedge funds 21, 58, 96, 113–115
    • hedge ratio 79
    • hedging activity/hedgers 71–72, 78–82, 83–88
    • high‐volatility stocks 41
    • historical time series 15–16
    • historical volatility 68, 70–71
    • housing markets 50


    • implied volatility 68, 70–71, 91
    • in‐the‐money (ITM) options 79
    • index constituent stocks 96
    • index funds 71, 72–77, 79
    • index rebalancing rules 74–76
    • inflation 49–50, 53, 98, 107, 156
    • Institute of Supply Management Purchasing Managers Index see ISMPMI
    • institutional investors 43, 57, 116–117
    • insurance companies 49, 143
    • interest rates
      • equity market and 155–158
      • FED policy 53, 55
      • NIRP 37–51
      • present value 71
      • spread 48–49, 54
      • US 149, 155
    • internet bubble 8, 10
    • inverse ETFs 87–89
    • ISMPMI 17–20
      • 2017‐18 153–155, 153
      • market tops/bottoms 97–98
      • US economic downturn 32, 36
    • issuance of convertible bonds 82–83
    • ITM (in‐the‐money) options 79


    • J‐Real Estate Investment Trusts (J‐REIT) 37, 46
    • Jobs Act, US 148, 154, 163
    • jumps
      • implied volatility 70, 91
      • share prices 85


    • Kakei Gakuen scandal 147
    • KAX index 49
    • “knock‐in barrier” 77, 79–81
    • “knock‐out barrier” 77, 81
    • Koizumi Bull Market 57
    • Koizumi, Junichiro 29–30, 57–58
    • Korean Peninsula 147
    • Kuroda Bazooka 23, 31–35, 37
    • Kuroda, Haruhiko 31–32


    • large‐cap stock splits 134
    • LDP see Liberal Democratic Party
    • leading indicators 3–14
    • Lehman Brothers 90–91
    • leveraged ETFs 87–89
    • Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 10, 28–30, 154, 165–166
    • life insurance 49
    • liquidity, index funds 76
    • listed options 78
    • long‐call position 79, 84
    • long‐dated interest rates 156
    • long option position, convertible bonds 87
    • “Long Return” signal 8
    • long‐term equity holders 76–77
    • long‐term interest rates 48–49
    • low‐volatility stocks 41–43
    • Lumentum Holdings 150


    • macro indicators 1–23
    • management entities' purchases 46
    • mandatory conversion clause 86
    • manufacturing data 14, 16, 18, 150–151
    • market bottoms 93–109
    • market capitalization 121, 130, 136
    • market crashes, volatility 70
    • market movers 111–143
    • market sentiment 123–124
    • market tops 93–109
    • Markit US data release 150–151
    • mass mentality effect 20–21
    • maturity, convertible bonds 84–85
    • media reports 41, 43, 139
    • momentum factors 117, 119–122
    • monetary base growth 57
    • monetary/quantitative easing 8, 32–39, 42, 52, 163
      • Bank of Japan 32–34, 46
      • tapering policy 33, 35–36
    • Morgan Stanley Capital International indices see MSCI indices
    • Moritomo scandal 147
    • MSCI indices 41–45, 44, 55–56, 73
    • MSCI Japan ESG Leaders Index 43–45, 44
    • MSCI Japan Index 44, 73
    • MSCI Japan Minimum Volatility Index 41–42
    • MSCIUSA ESG Index 45


    • natural disasters 136–143
    • near‐term volatility forecasting 70–71
    • negative interest rate policy (NIRP) 47–51, 155
    • Nikkei 225
      • 60‐day Bollinger Bands 159–160, 159
      • 2004‐2006 57
      • 2005 rise 29
      • 2012‐2013 performance 32, 33, 35
      • average volatility 68–69
      • correlation spikes 97
      • election effects 154
      • factor analysis 117
      • movement due to natural disasters 140, 140
      • percentage decline 106–107
      • S&P 500 comparison 151–154, 152
      • seasonality 21, 22, 162
      • tracking error 73–74
      • trading by OECD CLI 6
      • treasury yield 156–158, 156
      • underlying assets 88
      • see also TOPIX index
    • Nikkei put/call ratio 89
    • NIRP see negative interest rate policy
    • Nixon, Richard 64, 147
    • Noda, Yoshihiko 29


    • OECD CLI 3–14
      • economic reality measure 56
      • Economy Watchers' DI contrast 17
      • factor analysis 121–122
      • foreign investment effects 115
      • ISMPMI comparison 19
      • market tops/bottoms 97–98
      • seasonality 162–164, 163
      • “threshold value” 16
      • time series 15, 18
      • US presidential elections 63, 64
      • see also G7 OECD CLI
    • oil crises 64
    • oil price 12, 38
    • option‐imbedded instruments 77–79
    • option skew 90
    • options
      • call option 83–84
      • market volatility 68
      • terminology 77
    • Organization of Economic Co‐operation and Development Composite Leading Indicators see OECD CLI
    • out‐of‐the‐money (OTM) options 79
    • over‐the‐counter market 78, 89
    • overseas companies 59–60
    • “oversold” market 155


    • “Period” signal 8
    • policy impact 25–64
    • policy indicators 97–101
    • policy rates 52
    • portfolio management 41
    • portfolio review 39
    • positive surprises 19–20
    • power companies 143
    • “present value” 71
    • presidential elections, US 60–64, 69
    • price momentum factors 120–121
    • price‐to‐book ratio (P/B) 102–103, 107–109, 117–118
    • price‐to‐cash flow ratio (PCF) 121
    • price‐to‐earnings ratio (P/E) 102–103, 107–108, 118, 121
    • profit, market bottoms 95
    • put‐imbedded instruments 77–78, 79
    • put/call ratio 89–90



    • railway companies 127
    • real estate investment trusts (REITs) 37, 46
    • real estate sector 143
    • “real‐time” data points 7–8


    • S&P 500 Index 54
      • 2017‐18 155
      • earnings yield spread 157, 157
      • Nikkei 225 comparison 151–154, 152
      • volatility 90
    • seasonality 20–23
      • adjustments 15–18
      • bull markets 30
      • Economy Watchers' DI 15–16
      • factor returns 118, 120, 122–125, 127
      • ISMPMI 17–18
      • OECD CLI 162–164, 163
      • share buybacks 129
    • sector bias 136
    • sector‐neutral approach 117
    • sector‐relative P/E 121
    • sector rotation 124–127, 126
    • securities firms 78, 80
    • “sell” market 5
    • “Sell in May” 20, 21, 23
    • “sell” signal
      • Bollinger Bands 160
      • correlation coefficient 97
      • TOPIX trade 6, 18–19
    • selling momentum 122
    • sensitivity, options value 78
    • share buybacks 127–130
    • share prices
      • convertible bonds 83, 85–86
      • free float factors 135
      • oil price correlation 38
      • stock splits 133, 134, 135
      • valuation 103
    • shares–CBs relationship 82
    • short‐dated interest rates 156
    • short position, convertible bonds 83, 86–87
    • “Short Return” 8
    • short‐term equity holders 76–77
    • short‐term interest rates 48–49
    • σ standard deviation 105
    • single‐stock options 84
    • skew, put/call ratio 90
    • small‐cap stock splits 134
    • “smart beta” indices 41
    • “social” concept, ESG 44
    • speculators' trade 71
    • spikes 70, 91–92, 96
    • spread, interest rates 48–49, 54, 157–158
    • Standard & Poor's 500 Index see S&P 500 Index
    • standard deviation 67–68, 105
    • stock movements 96
    • stock performance, seasonality 127
    • stock splits 133–136
    • “strike” 77, 79
    • structured products 77–82
    • suckerfish investors 75, 77
    • supply‐demand imbalance 70–71
    • surprises 19–20, 69


    • tapering monetary easing 33, 35–36
    • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, US 148, 154, 163
    • tax hikes 36–38, 51–52, 61
    • technical factors 117
    • technical indicators 34, 101–109, 159–162
    • Three Mile Island accident 139, 141
    • “threshold value” 16
    • Tokyo Price Index see TOPIX index/futures
    • top‐down investment style 113
    • top of the market 93–109
    • topical performers 127
    • TOPIX index/futures
      • 7‐year Average P/B 109
      • 2011 sector performance 142, 143
      • 2018 onwards 164
      • backtest 12
      • capital spending 50
      • consumption tax hike 36
      • deviation from moving average formula 5
      • ETF purchases 46–47
      • G7 OECD CLI trade 6, 7
      • GPIF management 40
      • inverse/leveraged ETFs 88
      • ISMPMI trade 18, 19
      • “Long/Short Return” 8
      • OECD CLI trade 6, 7, 9
      • P/E and P/B ratios 107, 108
      • passive funds tracking 73
      • peaks and troughs calculation 7
      • seasonality adjustment 16
      • “Sell in May” 20, 21
      • see also Nikkei 225
    • Toraku ratio 105–106, 106, 160–161
    • Toshiba 44–45
    • tourist traffic 125
    • TPP (Trans‐Pacific Partnership) 62–63
    • tracking error, index funds 73–74, 76
    • Trans‐Pacific Partnership (TPP) 62–63
    • treasury yield 156–158, 156–157
    • Trump, Donald/”Trump factor” 62–64, 69, 147–148, 150, 163, 166


    • underlying asset price 78–81, 84, 87–88
    • unemployment rate 99
    • United States see US…
    • upside volatility 69
    • US 10‐year treasury yield 156–158, 156–157
    • US–China trade war 148–150, 164
    • US economy
      • deceleration 2013 34
      • FED interest rates 55
      • FFR 53, 54
      • interest rates 55, 149, 155
      • ISMPMI indicator 19, 32, 36
    • US equity market
      • “bubbles” 165
      • “buy and hold” strategy 11
      • OECD CLI signal 8, 10
      • oil crises 64
      • seasonality 162–164
      • Tax Cuts and Jobs Act effects 154
    • US FX rate–Japan links 28
    • US presidential elections 60–64, 69
    • US security threats 147, 154
    • USDJPY–Nikkei correlation 152



    • Wanzhou, Meng 150
    • Watergate scandal 64, 147


    • y effect 84–86, 88
    • Yellen, Janet 36
    • yen carry trades 54
    • yield spreads 157–158
    • yields, long‐term 49
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