Eager singletons

Guice provides special syntax for making an object that has the singleton scope, and is initialized to eager mode rather than lazy mode. Following is the syntax:


Eager singletons uncover initialization issues sooner, and guarantee end users get a reliable, smart encounter. Lazy singletons empower a quicker edit-compile-run development cycle. We can utilize the stage enum to indicate which procedure ought to be utilized.

The following table defines stage-wise use of syntax of the singleton and supported object initialize mode:

@Singleton eager* lazy
.asEagerSingleton() eager eager
.in(Singleton.class) eager lazy
.in(Scopes.SINGLETON) eager lazy


Guice eagerly creates singleton instances only for the modules that are defined as singleton.

@SessionScoped  and @RequestedScoped scope functionality and behavior is the same as Spring in Guice, and it will only be applicable when used in a web application. 

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