Alexandru Jecan

Java 9 Modularity Revealed

Project Jigsaw and Scalable Java Applications

Alexandru Jecan

Munich, Germany

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ISBN 978-1-4842-2712-1

e-ISBN 978-1-4842-2713-8

Library of Congress Control Number: 2017954918

© Alexandru Jecan 2017

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To my wife, Diana, who sustains me and encourages me every day in all my efforts. To my parents, Alexandrina and Eugen, who provided me with a very good education since I was a young child. Thank you and I love you.


The Java programming language, introduced in 1995, has had a very successful story. It’s evolved constantly since its birth and became one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Every new release of Java has added new features—small, medium, and big.

Java 9 is finally here! It is scheduled for release in September 2017, more than three years after the release of Java 8.

Issues with the Monolithic JDK

The release of Java 8 in March 2014 brought very important features to the Java platform like Lambdas and the Stream API, which were definitely needed by developers. Nevertheless, some well-known weaknesses of the platform had still not been addressed in Java 8: the huge monolithic JDK and the class path. These problems are addressed in Java 9 by Project Jigsaw.

The most important feature of Java 9 is by far the new modular system it introduced. Other new features have been introduced in Java 9, but they’re not the focus of this book. This book covers the new modular system introduced in Java 9. The big, monolithic, and indivisible JDK has been problematic for a long time. It’s difficult to install it on small devices because many don’t have enough memory to hold it. In many cases, a large number of classes that comprise the JDK aren’t needed because the application may not require them. CORBA, for instance, is still part of the JDK, but it’s rarely used in real projects today. It makes no sense to use the entire JDK when only a part or a small part of it is needed. The Compact Profiles introduced in Java 8 recognized the problems caused by the huge JDK and attempted to solve them, but only to a low degree. The three Compact Profiles still contain a lot of libraries that a developer may not actually need. There had to be a better way to split the entire JDK and to create a much smaller custom JDK as a runtime image that contains only the libraries needed and nothing more. Project Jigsaw is that way, as we’ll see throughout this book.

Big, monolithic software applications present a series of disadvantages. Maintaining them is tough and expensive, and performing a small change can result into a great effort. In large projects, modularity is crucial because it allows easy maintenance of the source code by reducing its complexity due to the loose coupling mechanism it provides.

Issues with the Class Path

The problems related to class path have been in Java since the birth of the language. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) doesn’t know that a JAR on the class path depends on another JAR. It simply loads a group of JARs, but it doesn’t check their dependencies. When a JAR is missing, the JVM breaks the execution at runtime. The JARs can’t define concepts related to accessibility. They don’t define accessibility constraints like public or private. The entire content of all JARs on the class path is completely visible to all the other JARs from the class path. There’s no way to declare that some classes in a JAR are private. All classes and methods are public related to the class path, which leads to a problem sometimes called JAR hell . Conflicts between versions of JARs can arise, especially when two different versions of the same library are required. Loading the classes from the class path is a slow process because the JVM doesn’t know where exactly the class is located and therefore has to check all the existing files from the class path. Jigsaw addresses this pain point. By taking advantage of reliable configuration, module boundaries are enforced, and the JVM knows about the dependencies that are needed. This has a positive impact on performance. Java 9 defines the concept of module path and allows you to have a library as a JAR file on the class path or have the same library as a module on the module path. This means nobody is forced to turn all their libraries into modules when they switch to Java 9. The libraries can still be used on the class path, even in Java 9. This is a big advantage because Java 9 provides a smooth transition of libraries.

The module path introduced in Java 9 tends to solve the problems caused by the class path. It can replace the class path completely or can interact and work together with the class path.

Modularity is important because it provides a maintainable code base for the future. We should use modular programming when we want to separate the effort put into design, development, and testing. Modular programming speeds up development and makes debugging applications easier by reducing their complexity.

Overview of Chapters

The first chapter of this book describes the concepts that build the foundation of a modular application: high module cohesion, strong encapsulation, low module coupling and explicit interfaces. It also illustrates some of the most important principles of modular programming, like: continuity, understandability, reusability, combinability, and decomposability.

You may wonder why we shouldn’t use OSGi instead of Jigsaw. The reason is that OSGi can’t be used to modularize the JDK because it’s built on top of the Java Development Kit Platform. Jigsaw isn’t built on top of the platform but rather directly into the core of it . This allows Jigsaw to completely change the structure of the JDK. The main differences between Jigsaw and OSGi are described in Chapter 2 .

Prior to JDK 9, there was no way to manage modules. That’s where Project Jigsaw comes into action. It introduces a brand new modular system into the JDK and therefore allows applications to be built on the skeleton of a modular architecture. It brings flexibility, maintainability, security, and scalability to the Java platform. It introduces loosely coupled modules by clearly defining the dependencies between the modules.

Project Jigsaw groups the source code of the Java platform into modules and provides a new system to implement modules as part of the platform. It applies the modular system to the platform and to the JDK itself and offers programmers the possibility of writing programs using the modular system on top of the JDK.

The main goal of Project Jigsaw is to modularize the JDK and the runtime. A new component called module is introduced. Chapter 4 explains what a module is and how to define a module in Java 9. That chapter also examines how to declare a module’s dependencies, how to encapsulate, and how to hide a module’s internal implementation. You’ll learn what an unnamed module, a named module, an automatic module, and an open module are. The chapter introduces the notion of module path and shows how to build a module graph with no cycles.

Regarding modules declarations, I show practical examples using each of the five clauses introduced in Jigsaw: the requires clause, the exports clause, the uses clause, the provides clause, and the opens clause.

The objective of the Java modular system is to provide strong encapsulation and reliable configuration . Chapter 2 explains what these notions mean and how they’re achieved through the modular system in Java 9.

The class path is partially replaced by modules and the module path. The class path–specific well-known ClassNotFound exceptions are avoided on the module path because the compiler can now test, based on the modules’ definitions, whether all the modules needed to run the application are available. If they’re not found, it doesn’t compile the application.

Accessibility is an important part of the entire ecosystem and is covered throughout this book. The integral concept regarding the manner in which accessibility is achieved fundamentally changes in Java 9. The public access identifier that we all know no longer means accessible everywhere and to anyone . Supplementary accessibility levels have been added in JDK 9 that extend the existing accessibility mechanism by defining accessibility at the module level. Concepts like direct and implied readability , prerequisites for defining accessibility, are also outlined in this book. You’ll see how accessibility is imposed by the compiler, by the virtual machine, or by using core reflection.

We’ll look at the new concept of modular JAR files and the great advantage it brings: the possibility of compiling a library with JDK 9+, using it on the module path for JDK 9+, and compiling it with JDK8 or earlier and using it on the class path. Because the class path can still be used, the migration of libraries to JDK 9 is smooth. Even if the libraries contain a module descriptor and are to be treated as “modules,” they will still work on previous versions of JDK 9 because their module descriptor won’t be taken into consideration on the class path. By using modular JARs, developers have the freedom to decide whether they want to switch to the module platform or not.

We’ll highlight the distinctions between regular and modular JARs with some examples and describe the new format for files introduced in Java 9, called JMOD, which is very similar to the format of JAR files. We’ll go over the new JMOD tool and describe its use in detail.

The compilation of multiple modules using the --module-source-path option is illustrated with some explanatory examples. We’ll also describe the enhancements added to the jar tool and show how to use it to package everything as a modular JAR or as a JMOD file.

We’ll see how to run the compiled classes and the module-info.class using the java launcher. New options like --module-path and -m , introduced in JDK9, are covered thoroughly. When attempting to run an application using the -m option, which tells the launcher where the main module is, a resolution is triggered. We’ll describe in detail all the steps involved when running a Java modular application, including resolution triggering and generation of the module graph. We’ll also look at special cases like when a module is missing and the startup fails, and we’ll present some workarounds for this, such as using the newly introduced java launcher option --show-module-resolution .

We’ll also put modular JARs on the class path and see how to successfully run them. This is very important: We’ll explain how to mix the class path and the module path when running with the java launcher. For this, we’ll take advantage of the newly introduced --add-modules command-line option.

Chapter 3 describes the JEP 200, called the Modular JDK. This is the JEP that splits the JDK into a set of modules. We’ll consider the new structure of the JDK together with its modules. We’ll talk about platform modules and show the module graph that represents the new modular structure of the JDK. We’ll examine the graph, show how modules depend on each other, and learn how to list all the modules from the system using the --list-modules command-line option. We’ll also explain the notions of standard module and non-standard module.

It’s beyond the scope of this book to go through every module in detail. You can find a comprehensive list of all the existing modules on the Open JDK website at∼mr/jigsaw/ea/module-summary.html .

The JEP 260, Encapsulate most internal APIs, is also covered in this book. In order to manage incompatibilities, all non-critical internal APIs were encapsulated by default. Besides that, all critical internal APIs for which supported replacements exist in JDK 8 were encapsulated. Other critical internal APIs weren’t encapsulated. Since they were deprecated in JDK 9, a workaround via a command-line flag is provided.

A linker and a new phase called link-time were introduced in Java 9. This phase is optional and is executed after the compile-time but before the runtime. It basically assembles the modules in order to form a runtime image. Runtime images allow us to create custom JDKs that contain only the minimum number of modules necessary to run our application. The minimum possible runtime would contain a single module, the java.base module. Runtime images allow us to scale down the JDK or to scale it up based on our needs. They’re a replacement of the runtime rt.jar.

The linker represents a new phase of the development life-cycle. It improves performance by selecting only the minimum modules that it needs to successfully compile the code and provides many optimization options for the future.

Jigsaw makes it possible to install separate modules as part of the JDK platform installation. It also allows us to dynamically include other additional modules in the JDK runtime image. We’ll talk about the changes related to the binary structure of the JRE and the JDK and about the new structure of the legacy JDK image. You’ll learn more about all these new concepts in Chapters 5 and 7 .

In Chapter 6 you’ll learn what services are, and we’ll describe through examples the notions of service interface and service providers. We’ll show how to define service providers in modules and how to make them available to other modules.

In Chapter 8 you’ll see how to migrate applications and libraries to modules in a smooth way. We’ll describe how to migrate an application to Java 9 using the top-down migration strategy. For this, we’ll look at a concrete example of how to migrate an application that contains some third-party JARs to modules. We’ll see which kind of applications present the risk of breaking when switching to JDK 9. We’ll will give useful solutions to avoid this, such as searching the code for dependencies, avoiding splitting packages, and checking the usage of the internal APIs. If you’ve already switched to JDK 9, we recommend trying first to run your applications with the new JDK to see if it breaks your code. We’ll cover the JDeps tool and how to use it to audit your code and search for JDK-internal APIs. We’ll discuss the Maven JDeps plugin, which represents the integration of the JDeps tool with the build tool Maven. We’ll also talk about the impact and consequences of the removal of rt.jar and tools.jar from the JRE.

Chapter 9 covers the new API introduced in JDK 9 for working with modules. We’ll see how to perform basic operations on modules.

Chapter 10 gets into some advanced topics like layers, class loading mechanism in JDK 9, multi-release JAR files, the JMOD tool, and upgradeable modules. We’ll describe the concept of layers, which are a group of class loaders used to load classes from a module graph. We’ll look at the boot layer and the correlation to the so-called well-formed graphs.

Chapter 11 talks about how to handle different scenarios for testing modular applications. Three scenarios are covered: Junit test classes and objects under test residing in different modules, Junit test classes and objects under test residing in the same module, and only objects under test residing inside a module. We’ll show how to patch a module and how to use Maven for easing testing.

In Chapter 12 you’ll learn how Jigsaw interacts with build tools like Maven and what kind of support the most popular IDEs offer for Project Jigsaw.

As you can see, this book is structured into 12 chapters. Chapter 1 covers modular programming concepts. Chapters 29 provide you with a very strong foundation on Project Jigsaw. Chapter 10 describes some advanced features that will help you understand some complex topics on Jigsaw. Chapter 11 shows how to test modular applications using Junit. Chapter 12 teaches using Jigsaw together with build tools and integrated development environments (IDEs).

Each topic should be easy to find. We recommend reading the chapters sequentially in order to understand all the topics. Some examples build on concepts that were explained in previous chapters.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is intended for anyone who wants to get familiar with the new modularity system introduced in Java 9. It gives a strong foundation for anyone who wants to understand the core concepts as well as the advanced concepts of Java 9 modularity. The examples are designed to help you deeply understand all the notions introduced in Project Jigsaw. We’ve tried, as much as possible, to give a plenty of examples for most of the theoretical concepts discussed throughout the book.

Whether you already have experience with modular systems or not, this book is for you.

The book can’t cover everything on Java 9 modularity. Java 9 modularity is a very large and complex subject, and covering every corner of it wouldn’t be possible in a book of this size. However, the book goes through all the core parts of Java 9 modularity and touches some advanced topics. By reading this book, you’ll not only understand the concepts behind Java 9 modularity, you’ll also be able to apply them on your day-by-day projects.

We advise you to try the examples from this book by yourself in order to get familiar with Project Jigsaw.

What You Will Learn

This book aims to provide comprehensive information on the new modular system introduced in Java 9. A well-structured tutorial is conducted throughout the book by combining theoretical concepts with practical examples.

Learning to use modularity with Java 9 will help you enhance your technology career and give you very precious technical skills.

Once you read this book, you’ll be able to develop scalable and modular Java 9 applications and migrate existing Java applications to Java 9.

Here are some of the most important things you’ll learn in this book:

  • What modularity is in general and what advantages it brings

  • What Java 9 modularity is and what its goals are

  • How the new layout for JDK and JRE looks

  • What strong encapsulation and reliable configuration are and how to apply and take advantage of them

  • Which JDK-internal APIs have been encapsulated in Java 9 and which have remained accessible

  • How the JDK was divided into a group of modules

  • What the new accessibility rules in JDK 9 are

  • How to define a module together with its dependencies

  • How to create a modular JAR file and a JMOD file

  • How to compile, package, and run a modular Java application using Jigsaw

  • How to use the JDeps tool to audit the code, search for dependencies between the libraries, or generate module descriptors

  • How to migrate an application to the modular system

  • How to solve migration issues like encapsulated JDK internal APIs, not resolved modules, split packages, cyclic dependencies, and more

  • How to perform top-down migration

  • How to define, configure, and use services for modules

  • How to combine the module path and the class path to provide backward compatibility

  • How to create custom modular runtime images using the Jlink linking tool

  • How to define and use a layer in Java 9

  • How to perform operations on a Module using the new Module API

  • How to use qualified exports

  • How to improve the maintainability and performance of Java applications

  • How to handle the unit testing of a modular application

  • How to patch a module

  • How to integrate Jigsaw with different build tools like Maven

  • How to check whether a Java application is compatible with JDK 9

  • How to make a Java application compatible with JDK 9

  • How to assure runtime compatibility when switching to Java 9

  • How to choose the best design patterns when modularizing a Java application


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The source code from this book can be found on GitHub. You can also download it from the book’s product page at .


I would like to thank my family and my wife, Diana, for supporting me, encouraging me, and understanding me during the long nights and weekends spent on writing on this book.

I would like to thank my parents, Alexandrina and Eugen, for providing me with a very good education since I was a young child. Thank you for investing in my education and for providing me computer science and foreign languages courses since my first years . Thank you for raising me very well.

I would like to thank the entire team at Apress for their very good and professional work. Thanks to my coordinating editor, Jill Balzano, and my acquisitions editor, Jonathan Gennick, for trusting me and guiding me with precious advice and support through the difficult journey of writing this book. I also thank you for your patience and for encouraging me throughout the entire writing process. I thank my technical reviewer, Josh Juneau, for providing me with very helpful and useful reviews. Thank you, Apress team, for the excellent work!

—Alexandru Jecan


  1. Chapter 1:​ Modular Programming Concepts
    1. General Aspects of Modularity
      1. Maintainability
    2. Reusability
    3. Module Definition
    4. Strong Encapsulation
    5. Explicit Interfaces
    6. High Module Cohesion
    7. Low Module Coupling
    8. Tight Coupling vs.​ Loose Coupling
    9. Modular Programming
    10. Principles of Modular Programming
    11. Benefits of Modular Programming
    12. Modular Programming vs.​ Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    13. Monolithic Application vs.​ Modular Application
    14. Summary
  2. Chapter 2:​ Project Jigsaw
    1. Weaknesses in Java Prior to JDK 9
    2. Weak Encapsulation
    3. JAR Hell Problem
    4. What Is Project Jigsaw?​
    5. Downloading and Installing
    6. Documentation
    7. Goals of Project Jigsaw
    8. New Concepts Introduced in Jigsaw
    9. Strong Encapsulation
    10. Reliable Configuration
    11. Enhancements Provided by Jigsaw
    12. Security
    13. Scalability and Performance
    14. Other Generalities
    15. New Keywords in Java 9
    16. No Versioning in Jigsaw
    17. Backward Compatibility
    18. Platform Modularization
    19. New Structure of the JRE and JDK
    20. How to Prepare for Jigsaw
    21. Differences Between OSGi and Jigsaw
    22. Summary
  3. Chapter 3:​ Modular JDK and Source Code
    1. Modular JDK
    2. Platform Modules
    3. Standard Modules
    4. Non-standard Modules
    5. The JDK Module Graph
    6. More on Modules
    7. Read the Description of a Module
    8. Module java.​base
    9. Modular Source Code
    10. New Scheme for the Source Code
    11. Comparison Source Code Structure
    12. Build Process Adjustments
    13. Summary
  4. Chapter 4:​ Defining and Using Modules
    1. The Concept of Module
    2. Module Declaration
    3. Compiling and Running Modules
    4. Compile a Single Module
    5. Run an Application Containing a Single Module
    6. Compile Multiple Modules
    7. Run an Application Containing Multiple Modules
    8. Private vs.​ Public Methods
    9. Modular JARs
    10. Structure of a Modular JAR
    11. Packaging
    12. Package as a Modular JAR Using the jar Tool
    13. The Module Path
    14. Application Module Path
    15. Compilation Module Path
    16. Upgrade Module Path
    17. Module Resolution
    18. Root Module
    19. Accessibility
    20. Readability vs.​ Implied Readability
    21. Qualified Exports
    22. Types of Modules
    23. Named Modules
    24. Normal Modules
    25. Automatic Modules
    26. Basic Modules
    27. Open Modules
    28. The Unnamed Module
    29. Observable Modules
    30. Summary
  5. Chapter 5:​ Modular Runtime Images
    1. Modular Runtime Images
    2. The Runtime Image Prior to Java 9
    3. Why a New Format for the Runtime Images?​
    4. The Runtime Image in Java 9
    5. Removed Files
    6. New URI Scheme
    7. Compatibility
    8. Summary
  6. Chapter 6:​ Services
    1. Strong Coupling Between Modules
    2. Using Services in JDK 9
    3. Providing and Consuming Services
    4. Summary
  7. Chapter 7:​ Jlink:​ The Java Linker
    1. The Java Linker
    2. Jlink Images
    3. Jlink Command Syntax
    4. Jlink Command Options
    5. Link Phase
    6. The jdk.​jlink Module
    7. Example:​ Create a Runtime Image Using Jlink
    8. Running the Runtime Image
    9. Modular JAR Files as Input for the Jlink Tool
    10. Structure of the Generated Runtime Image
    11. No Support for Linking Automatic Modules
    12. Jlink Plugins
    13. The compress Plugin
    14. The release-info Plugin
    15. The excludes-files plugin
    16. Summary
  8. Chapter 8:​ Migration
    1. Automatic Modules
    2. Computing the Name of the Automatic Module
    3. Describing a JAR File
    4. No Support for Automatic Modules at Link-time
    5. The JDeps Tool
    6. Find Dependencies of Unsupported JDK Internal APIs
    7. Generate Module Descriptors with JDeps
    8. Encapsulation in Java 9
    9. Exporting a Package at Compile-time and Runtime
    10. Opening Packages for Deep Reflection
    11. Providing Readability Between Modules
    12. Adding Modules to the Root Set
    13. The --illegal-access Option
    14. Migration Issues
    15. Encapsulated JDK Internal APIs
    16. Not Resolved Modules
    17. Split Packages
    18. Cyclic Dependencies
    19. New Versioning Scheme
    20. Removed Methods in JDK 9
    21. Removal of rt.​jar, tools.​jar, and dt.​jar
    22. Migrating an Application to Java 9
    23. Top-down Migration
    24. Summary
  9. Chapter 9:​ The New Module API
    1. The Module Class
    2. Attributes
    3. Constructors
    4. Methods
    5. Changes in java.​lang.​Class
    6. The ModuleDescriptor​ class
    7. ModuleDescriptor​ Attributes
    8. ModuleDescriptor​ Methods
    9. The ModuleDescriptor​.​Requires Class
    10. The ModuleDescriptor​.​Exports Class
    11. The ModuleDescriptor​.​Opens Class
    12. The ModuleDescriptor​.​Provides Class
    13. The ModuleDescriptor​.​Version Class
    14. The ModuleFinder Interface
    15. The ModuleReader Interface
    16. Performing Operations on Modules
    17. Getting the Module of a Class
    18. Accessing Resources of a Module
    19. Searching for all Modules in the Module Path
    20. Getting Module Information
    21. Summary
  10. Chapter 10:​ Advanced Topics
    1. JMOD Files
    2. The JMOD Tool
    3. Multi-release JAR files
    4. Build a Multi-release JAR File
    5. Update Multi-release JAR Files
    6. Class Loading Mechanism in JDK 9
    7. New Methods in the ClassLoader Class
    8. Layers
    9. The Boot Layer
    10. Configuration
    11. Creating Layers
    12. Get the Loaded Modules from a Layer
    13. Describe Layers at Runtime
    14. Upgradeable Modules
    15. Features Coming in the Next Releases
    16. Summary
  11. Chapter 11:​ Testing Modular Applications
    1. Scenarios for Unit Testing in Java 9
    2. Scenario 1:​ Junit Test Classes and Types Under Test Are in Different Modules
    3. Scenario 2:​ Only the Types Under Test Reside Inside a Module
    4. Scenario 3:​ Both Junit Test Classes and Test Under Test Reside in the Same Module
    5. The -Xmodule Option
    6. The --patch-module Option
    7. Patching a Module
    8. Running a Junit Test Where the Junit Test Class and the Types Under Test Reside in Separate Modules
    9. Running a Junit Test Where the Junit Test Class Doesn’t Reside Inside a Module
    10. Testing with Maven
    11. Summary
  12. Chapter 12:​ Integration with Tools
    1. Integration with IDEs
    2. Integration with Intellij IDEA
    3. Integration with Eclipse
    4. Integration with NetBeans
    5. Integration with Build Tools
    6. Integration with Apache Maven
    7. Summary
  13. Index

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author


Alexandru Jecan is a senior software engineer, consultant, author, trainer, speaker and tech entrepreneur currently residing in Munich, Germany. He earned a degree in computer science from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Alexandru provides professional in-house trainings on various software technologies across Germany. His areas of specialization are: big data, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, back-end software development, front-end software development, database development, microservices and devops.

He speaks at tech conferences and user groups, both in Europe and the United States, on different topics related to software development and software technologies.

In his free time, Alexandru likes to read a lot and to spend time with his family. Alexandru is an avid reader, reading lots of books and magazines in the fields of information technology, economy, business and stock markets. He also reads Hacker News frequently and is delighted with how many extraordinary, outstanding and very smart people are on this planet. You can follow Alexandru on Twitter at @alexandrujecan, read his tech blog at , or email him at [email protected].

About the Technical Reviewer


Josh Juneau has been developing software and enterprise applications since the early days of Java EE. Application and database development have been his focus since the start of his career. He became an Oracle database administrator and adopted the PL/SQL language for performing administrative tasks and developing applications for the Oracle database. In an effort to build more complex solutions, he began to incorporate Java into his PL/SQL applications and later developed standalone and web applications with Java. Josh wrote his early Java web applications utilizing JDBC and servlets or JSP to work with backend databases. Later, he began to incorporate frameworks into his enterprise solutions, such as Java EE and JBoss Seam. Today, he primarily develops enterprise web solutions utilizing Java EE and other technologies. He also includes the use of alternative languages, such as Jython and Groovy, in some of his projects.

Over the years, Josh has dabbled in many different programming languages, including alternative languages for the JVM, in particular. In 2006, Josh began devoting time to the Jython Project as editor and publisher of the Jython Monthly newsletter. In late 2008, he began a podcast dedicated to the Jython programming language. Josh was the lead author for The Definitive Guide to Jython , Oracle PL/SQL Recipes , and Java 7 Recipes , and a solo author of Java EE 7 Recipes and Introducing Java EE 7 —all published by Apress. He works as an application developer and system analyst at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory and writes technical articles for Oracle and OTN. He was a member of the JSR 372 and JSR 378 expert groups and is an active member of the Java community, helping to lead the Chicago Java User Group’s Adopt-a-JSR effort.

When not coding or writing, Josh enjoys spending time with his wonderful wife and five children, especially swimming, fishing, playing ball, and watching movies. To hear more from Josh, follow his blog at . You can also follow him on Twitter at @javajuneau.

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