
Abstract Factory Patterns

GoF Definition: Provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.


In this pattern, we provide an encapsulation mechanism to a group of individual factories. These factories have a theme in common. In this process, an interface is used to create related objects. Here we do not call their implementer or concrete classes directly. We sometimes refer to this pattern as a factory of factories or a Super factory.

With this pattern, we can interchange the specific implementations without changing the user’s code. But to achieve this, we need to compensate for the complexity of the system. As a result, debugging may be difficult in many scenarios.

Real-Life Example

Suppose we are decorating our room. Now suppose we need two different types of almirah (or, say, table)—one must be made of wood and one of steel. For the wooden almirah, we need to visit a carpenter shop and for the other type, we can go to a readymade steel almirah shop. Both of these are almirah (or table) factories. Based on our demand, we decide what kind of factory we need. This scenario can be considered an example of this pattern.

Computer World Example

ADO.NET has already implemented similar concepts to establish a connection to a database.


In this example, our client is looking for movies and he/she needs to access an Abstract Factory, IMovieFactory, and Abstract Products, ITollywoodMovie and IBollywoodMovie. The client does not care which of these factories is giving the concrete object for him/her. He/she uses only the generic interfaces of their products. The naming conventions are chosen for your easy reference.

UML Class Diagram


Package Explorer view

High-level structure of the parts of the program is as follows:



    package abstractfactory.pattern.demo;
    interface ITollywoodMovie
        String MovieName();

    interface IBollywoodMovie
        String MovieName();

    interface IMovieFactory
        ITollywoodMovie GetTollywoodMovie();
        IBollywoodMovie GetBollywoodMovie();

    //Tollywood Movie collections
    class TollywoodActionMovie implements ITollywoodMovie
         public String MovieName()
            return "Kranti is a Tollywood Action Movie";


    class TollywoodComedyMovie implements ITollywoodMovie
        public String MovieName()
            return "BasantaBilap is a Tollywood Comedy Movie";

    // Bollywood Movie collections
   class BollywoodActionMovie implements IBollywoodMovie
           public String MovieName()
            return "Bang Bang is a Bollywood Action Movie";

   class BollywoodComedyMovie implements IBollywoodMovie
           public String MovieName()
            return "Munna Bhai MBBS is a Bollywood Comedy Movie";

    //Action Movie Factory
    class ActionMovieFactory implements IMovieFactory
        public ITollywoodMovie GetTollywoodMovie()
            return new TollywoodActionMovie();

        public IBollywoodMovie GetBollywoodMovie()
            return new BollywoodActionMovie();
    //Comedy Movie Factory
    class ComedyMovieFactory implements IMovieFactory
        public ITollywoodMovie GetTollywoodMovie()
            return new TollywoodComedyMovie();

        public IBollywoodMovie GetBollywoodMovie()
            return new BollywoodComedyMovie();
    class AbstractFactoryPatternEx
            public static void main(String[] args)
                System.out.println("***Abstract Factory Pattern Demo***");
                ActionMovieFactory actionMovies = new ActionMovieFactory();
            ITollywoodMovie tAction = actionMovies.GetTollywoodMovie();
            IBollywoodMovie bAction = actionMovies.GetBollywoodMovie();

            System.out.println(" Action movies  are:");

            ComedyMovieFactory comedyMovies = new ComedyMovieFactory();
            ITollywoodMovie tComedy = comedyMovies.GetTollywoodMovie();
            IBollywoodMovie bComedy = comedyMovies.GetBollywoodMovie();

            System.out.println(" Comedy movies  are:");





  1. We use this pattern when our system does not care about how its products will be created or composed.
  2. We use this pattern when we need to deal with multiple factories.
  3. This pattern separates concrete classes and makes interchanging the products easier. It can also enhance the reliabilities among products. But, at the same time, we must acknowledge the fact that creating a new product is difficult with this pattern (because we need to extend the interface and, as a result, changes will be required in all of the subclasses that already implemented the interface).
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