
The data elements that make up a class: inner classes, methods, and variables.


An element defined inside a class that performs a function, can accept arguments, and return a single result. A method body consists of the block of statements inside curly braces.


A keyword placed in the definition of a class, method, or variable that changes how the element acts. There are visibility modifiers (typically called access modifiers), such as public, protected, and private, and other modifiers, such as final or native.


The operator that returns the remainder of an integer division operation, represented in Java as %. For example, 5 % 2 returns 1.

multiple inheritance

Refers to the capability of a programming language to support a class extending more than one class. This is possible in C++, but not in Java. This decision was made on purpose in order to help code clarity and encourage good design.


A program that executed multiple threads concurrently.

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