
Concurrency Utilities and Executors

The previous four chapters focused on Java’s low-level support for threads. This chapter switches that focus to Java’s high-level thread support, which is known as the concurrency utilities. Think of the concurrency utilities as being analogous to writing applications in a high-level language and its low-level thread support as being analogous to writing applications in assembly language. After briefly introducing you to these utilities, I take you on a tour of executors. The next three chapters will cover other subsets of the various concurrency utilities.

Introducing the Concurrency Utilities

Java’s low-level threads support lets you create multithreaded applications that offer better performance and responsiveness over their single-threaded counterparts. However, there are problems:

  • Low-level concurrency primitives such as synchronized and wait()/notify() are often hard to use correctly. Incorrect use of these primitives can result in race conditions, thread starvation, deadlock, and other hazards, which can be hard to detect and debug.
  • Too much reliance on the synchronized primitive can lead to performance issues, which affect an application’s scalability. This is a significant problem for highly-threaded applications such as web servers.
  • Developers often need higher-level constructs such as thread pools and semaphores. Because these constructs aren’t included with Java’s low-level thread support, developers have been forced to build their own, which is a time-consuming and error-prone activity.

To address these problems, Java 5 introduced the concurrency utilities, a powerful and extensible framework of high-performance threading utilities such as thread pools and blocking queues. This framework consists of various types in the following packages:

  • java.util.concurrent: Utility types that are often used in concurrent programming, for example, executors.
  • java.util.concurrent.atomic: Utility classes that support lock-free thread-safe programming on single variables.
  • java.util.concurrent.locks: Utility types that lock and wait on conditions (objects that let threads suspend execution [wait] until notified by other threads that some boolean state may now be true). Locking and waiting via these types is more performant and flexible than doing so via Java’s monitor-based synchronization and wait/notification mechanisms.

This framework also introduces a long nanoTime() method to the java.lang.System class, which lets you access a nanosecond-granularity time source for making relative time measurements.

The concurrency utilities can be classified as executors, synchronizers, a locking framework, and more. I explore executors in the next section and these other categories in subsequent chapters.

Exploring Executors

The Threads API lets you execute runnable tasks via expressions such as new java.lang.Thread(new RunnableTask()).start();. These expressions tightly couple task submission with the task’s execution mechanics (run on the current thread, a new thread, or a thread arbitrarily chosen from a pool [group] of threads).

Image Note  A task is an object whose class implements the java.lang.Runnable interface (a runnable task) or the java.util.concurrent.Callable interface (a callable task). I’ll say more about Callable later in this chapter.

The concurrency utilities include executors as a high-level alternative to low-level thread expressions for executing runnable tasks. An executor is an object whose class directly or indirectly implements the java.util.concurrent.Executor interface, which decouples task submission from task-execution mechanics.

Image Note  The Executor Framework’s use of interfaces to decouple task submission from task-execution is analogous to the Collections Framework’s use of core interfaces to decouple lists, sets, queues, and maps from their implementations. Decoupling results in flexible code that’s easier to maintain.

Executor declares a solitary void execute(Runnable runnable) method that executes the runnable task named runnable at some point in the future. execute() throws java.lang.NullPointerException when runnable is null and java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException when it cannot execute runnable.

Image Note  RejectedExecutionException can be thrown when an executor is shutting down and doesn’t want to accept new tasks. Also, this exception can be thrown when the executor doesn’t have enough room to store the task (perhaps the executor uses a bounded blocking queue to store tasks and the queue is full—I discuss blocking queues in Chapter 8).

The following example presents the Executor equivalent of the aforementioned new Thread(new RunnableTask()).start(); expression:

Executor executor = ...; //  ... represents some executor creation
executor.execute(new RunnableTask());

Although Executor is easy to use, this interface is limited in various ways:

  • Executor focuses exclusively on Runnable. Because Runnable’s run() method doesn’t return a value, there’s no easy way for a runnable task to return a value to its caller.
  • Executor doesn’t provide a way to track the progress of runnable tasks that are executing, cancel an executing runnable task, or determine when the runnable task finishes execution.
  • Executor cannot execute a collection of runnable tasks.
  • Executor doesn’t provide a way for an application to shut down an executor (much less properly shut down an executor).

These limitations are addressed by the java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService interface, which extends Executor and whose implementation is typically a thread pool. Table 5-1 describes ExecutorService’s methods.

Table 5-1. ExecutorService’s Methods



boolean awaitTermination(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Block (wait) until all tasks have finished after a shutdown request, the timeout (measured in unit time units) expires, or the current thread is interrupted, whichever happens first. Return true when this executor has terminated and false when the timeout elapses before termination. This method throws java.lang.InterruptedException when interrupted.

<T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks)

Execute each callable task in the tasks collection and return a java.util.List of java.util.concurrent.Future instances (discussed later in this chapter) that hold task statuses and results when all tasks complete—a task completes through normal termination or by throwing an exception. The List of Futures is in the same sequential order as the sequence of tasks returned by tasks’ iterator. This method throws InterruptedException when it’s interrupted while waiting, in which case unfinished tasks are canceled; NullPointerException when tasks or any of its elements is null; and RejectedExecutionException when any one of tasks’ tasks cannot be scheduled for execution.

<T> List<Future<T>> invokeAll(Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Execute each callable task in the tasks collection and return a List of Future instances that hold task statuses and results when all tasks complete—a task completes through normal termination or by throwing an exception—or the timeout (measured in unit time units) expires. Tasks that are not completed at expiry are canceled. The List of Futures is in the same sequential order as the sequence of tasks returned by tasks’ iterator. This method throws InterruptedException when it’s interrupted while waiting (unfinished tasks are canceled). It also throws NullPointerException when tasks, any of its elements, or unit is null; and throws RejectedExecutionException when any one of tasks’ tasks cannot be scheduled for execution.

<T> T invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks)

Execute the given tasks, returning the result of an arbitrary task that’s completed successfully (in other words, without throwing an exception), if any does. On normal or exceptional return, tasks that haven’t completed are canceled. This method throws InterruptedException when it’s interrupted while waiting, NullPointerException when tasks or any of its elements is null, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException when tasks is empty, java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException when no task completes successfully, and RejectedExecutionException when none of the tasks can be scheduled for execution.

<T> T invokeAny(Collection<? extends Callable<T>> tasks, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Execute the given tasks, returning the result of an arbitrary task that’s completed successfully (no exception was thrown), if any does before the timeout (measured in unit time units) expires—tasks that are not completed at expiry are canceled. On normal or exceptional return, tasks that have not completed are canceled. This method throws InterruptedException when it’s interrupted while waiting; NullPointerException when tasks, any of its elements, or unit is null; IllegalArgumentException when tasks is empty; java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException when the timeout elapses before any task successfully completes; ExecutionException when no task completes successfully; and RejectedExecutionException when none of the tasks can be scheduled for execution.

boolean isShutdown()

Return true when this executor has been shut down; otherwise, return false.

boolean isTerminated()

Return true when all tasks have completed following shutdown; otherwise, return false. This method will never return true prior to shutdown() or shutdownNow() being called.

void shutdown()

Initiate an orderly shutdown in which previously submitted tasks are executed, but no new tasks will be accepted. Calling this method has no effect after the executor has shut down. This method doesn’t wait for previously submitted tasks to complete execution. Use awaitTermination() when waiting is necessary.

List<Runnable> shutdownNow()

Attempt to stop all actively executing tasks, halt the processing of waiting tasks, and return a list of the tasks that were awaiting execution. There are no guarantees beyond best-effort attempts to stop processing actively executing tasks. For example, typical implementations will cancel via Thread.interrupt(), so any task that fails to respond to interrupts may never terminate.

<T> Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task)

Submit a callable task for execution and return a Future instance representing task’s pending results. The Future instance’s get() method returns task’s result on successful completion. This method throws RejectedExecutionException when task cannot be scheduled for execution and NullPointerException when task is null. If you would like to immediately block while waiting for a task to complete, you can use constructions of the form result = exec.submit(aCallable).get();.

Future<?> submit(Runnable task)

Submit a runnable task for execution and return a Future instance representing task’s pending results. The Future instance’s get() method returns task’s result on successful completion. This method throws RejectedExecutionException when task cannot be scheduled for execution and NullPointerException when task is null.

<T> Future<T> submit(Runnable task, T result)

Submit a runnable task for execution and return a Future instance whose get() method returns result’s value on successful completion. This method throws RejectedExecutionException when task cannot be scheduled for execution and NullPointerException when task is null.

Table 5-1 refers to java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit, an enum that represents time durations at given units of granularity: DAYS, HOURS, MICROSECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MINUTES, NANOSECONDS, and SECONDS. Furthermore, TimeUnit declares methods for converting across units (such as long toHours(long duration)), and for performing timing and delay operations (such as void sleep(long timeout)) in these units.

Table 5-1 also refers to callable tasks. Unlike Runnable, whose void run() method cannot return a value and throw checked exceptions, Callable<V>’s V call() method returns a value and can throw checked exceptions because it’s declared with a throws Exception clause.

Finally, Table 5-1 refers to the Future interface, which represents the result of an asynchronous computation. The result is known as a future because it typically will not be available until some moment in the future. Future, whose generic type is Future<V>, provides methods for canceling a task, for returning a task’s value, and for determining whether or not the task has finished. Table 5-2 describes Future’s methods.

Table 5-2. Future’s Methods



boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning)

Attempt to cancel execution of this task and return true when the task is canceled; otherwise, return false (the task may have completed normally before cancel() was called). Cancellation fails when the task is done, canceled, or couldn’t be canceled for another reason. If successful and this task hadn’t yet started, the task should never run. If the task has started, mayInterruptIfRunning determines whether (true) or not (false) the thread running this task should be interrupted in an attempt to stop the task. After returning, subsequent calls to isDone() always return true; isCancelled() always return true when cancel() returns true.

V get()

Wait if necessary for the task to complete and then return the result. This method throws java.util.concurrent.CancellationException when the task was canceled prior to this method being called, ExecutionException when the task threw an exception, and InterruptedException when the current thread was interrupted while waiting.

V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)

Wait at most timeout units (as specified by unit) for the task to complete and then return the result (if available). This method throws CancellationException when the task was canceled prior to this method being called, ExecutionException when the task threw an exception, InterruptedException when the current thread was interrupted while waiting, and TimeoutException when this method’s timeout value expires (the wait times out).

boolean isCancelled()

Return true when this task was canceled before it completed normally; otherwise, return false.

boolean isDone()

Return true when this task completed; otherwise, return false. Completion may be due to normal termination, an exception, or cancellation—this method returns true in all of these cases.

Suppose you intend to write an application whose graphical user interface lets the user enter a word. After the user enters the word, the application presents this word to several online dictionaries and obtains each dictionary’s entry. These entries are subsequently displayed to the user.

Because online access can be slow, and because the user interface should remain responsive (perhaps the user might want to end the application), you offload the “obtain word entries” task to an executor that runs this task on a separate thread. The following example uses ExecutorService, Callable, and Future to accomplish this objective:

ExecutorService executor = ...; // ... represents some executor creation
Future<String[]> taskFuture =
   executor.submit(new Callable<String[]>()
                      public String[] call()
                         String[] entries = ...;
                         // Access online dictionaries
                         // with search word and populate
                         // entries with their resulting
                         // entries.
                         return entries;
// Do stuff.
String entries = taskFuture.get();

After obtaining an executor in some manner (you will learn how shortly), the example’s thread submits a callable task to the executor. The submit() method immediately returns with a reference to a Future object for controlling task execution and accessing results. The thread ultimately calls this object’s get() method to get these results.

Image Note  The java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService interface extends ExecutorService and describes an executor that lets you schedule tasks to run once or to execute periodically after a given delay.

Although you could create your own Executor, ExecutorService, and ScheduledExecutorService implementations (such as class DirectExecutor implements Executor { @Override public void execute(Runnable r) {; } }—run executor directly on the calling thread), there’s a simpler alternative: java.util.concurrent.Executors.

Image Tip  If you intend to create your own ExecutorService implementations, you will find it helpful to work with the java.util.concurrent.AbstractExecutorService and java.util.concurrent.FutureTask classes.

The Executors utility class declares several class methods that return instances of various ExecutorService and ScheduledExecutorService implementations (and other kinds of instances). This class’s static methods accomplish the following tasks:

  • Create and return an ExecutorService instance that’s configured with commonly used configuration settings.
  • Create and return a ScheduledExecutorService instance that’s configured with commonly used configuration settings.
  • Create and return a “wrapped” ExecutorService or ScheduledExecutorService instance that disables reconfiguration of the executor service by making implementation-specific methods inaccessible.
  • Create and return a java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory instance (that is, an instance of a class that implements the ThreadFactory interface) for creating new Thread objects.
  • Create and return a Callable instance out of other closure-like forms so that it can be used in execution methods that require Callable arguments (such as ExecutorService’s submit(Callable) method). Wikipedia’s “Closure (computer science)” entry at introduces the topic of closures.

For example, static ExecutorService newFixedThreadPool(int nThreads) creates a thread pool that reuses a fixed number of threads operating off of a shared unbounded queue. At most, nThreads threads are actively processing tasks. If additional tasks are submitted when all threads are active, they wait in the queue for an available thread.

If any thread terminates because of a failure during execution before the executor shuts down, a new thread will take its place when needed to execute subsequent tasks. The threads in the pool will exist until the executor is explicitly shut down. This method throws IllegalArgumentException when you pass zero or a negative value to nThreads.

Image Note  Thread pools are used to eliminate the overhead from having to create a new thread for each submitted task. Thread creation isn’t cheap, and having to create many threads could severely impact an application’s performance.

You would commonly use executors, runnables, callables, and futures in file and network input/output contexts. Performing a lengthy calculation offers another scenario where you could use these types. For example, Listing 5-1 uses an executor, a callable, and a future in a calculation context of Euler’s number e (2.71828...).

The default main thread that executes main() first obtains an executor by calling ExecutorsnewFixedThreadPool() method. It then instantiates an anonymous class that implements the Callable interface and submits this task to the executor, receiving a Future instance in response.

After submitting a task, a thread typically does some other work until it requires the task’s result. I simulate this work by having the main thread repeatedly output a waiting message until the Future instance’s isDone() method returns true. (In a realistic application, I would avoid this looping.) At this point, the main thread calls the instance’s get() method to obtain the result, which is then output. The main thread then shuts down the executor.

Image Caution  It’s important to shut down an executor after it completes; otherwise, the application might not end. The previous executor accomplishes this task by calling shutdownNow(). (You could also use the shutdown() method.)

The callable’s call() method calculates e by evaluating the mathematical power series e = 1 / 0! + 1 / 1! + 1 / 2! + . . . . This series can be evaluated by summing 1 / n!, where n ranges from 0 to infinity (and ! stands for factorial).

call() first instantiates java.math.MathContext to encapsulate a precision (number of digits) and a rounding mode. I chose 100 as an upper limit on e’s precision, and I also chose HALF_UP as the rounding mode.

Image Tip  Increase the precision as well as the value of LASTITER to converge the series to a lengthier and more accurate approximation of e.

call() next initializes a java.math.BigDecimal local variable named result to BigDecimal.ZERO. It then enters a loop that calculates a factorial, divides BigDecimal.ONE by the factorial, and adds the division result to result.

The divide() method takes the MathContext instance as its second argument to provide rounding information. (If I specified 0 as the precision for the math context and a nonterminating decimal expansion [the quotient result of the division cannot be represented exactly—0.3333333..., for example] occurred, java.lang.ArithmeticException would be thrown to alert the caller to the fact that the quotient cannot be represented exactly. The executor would rethrow this exception as ExecutionException.)

Compile Listing 5-1 as follows:


Run the resulting application as follows:

java CalculateE

You should observe output that’s similar to the following (you’ll probably observe more waiting messages):



The following exercises are designed to test your understanding of Chapter 5’s content:

  1. What are the concurrency utilities?
  2. Identify the packages in which the concurrency utilities types are stored.
  3. Define task.
  4. Define executor.
  5. Identify the Executor interface’s limitations.
  6. How are Executor’s limitations overcome?
  7. What differences exist between Runnable’s run( ) method and Callable’s call( ) method?
  8. True or false: You can throw checked and unchecked exceptions from Runnable’s run( ) method but can only throw unchecked exceptions from Callable’s call( ) method.
  9. Define future.
  10. Describe the Executors class’s newFixedThreadPool( ) method.
  11. Refactor the following CountingThreads application to work with Executors and ExecutorService:
    public class CountingThreads
       public static void main(String[] args)
          Runnable r = new Runnable()
                          public void run()
                             String name = Thread.currentThread().getName();
                             int count = 0;
                             while (true)
                                System.out.println(name + ": " + count++);
          Thread thdA = new Thread(r);
          Thread thdB = new Thread(r);
  12. When you execute the previous exercise’s CountingThreads application, you’ll observe output that identifies the threads via names such as pool-1-thread-1. Modify CountingThreads so that you observe names A and B. Hint: You’ll need to use ThreadFactory.


Java’s low-level thread capabilities let you create multithreaded applications that offer better performance and responsiveness over their single-threaded counterparts. However, performance issues that affect an application’s scalability and other problems resulted in Java 5’s introduction of the concurrency utilities.

The concurrency utilities organize various types into three packages: java.util.concurrent, java.util.concurrent.atomic, and java.util.concurrent.locks. Basic types for executors, thread pools, concurrent hashmaps, and other high-level concurrency constructs are stored in java.util.concurrent; classes that support lock-free, thread-safe programming on single variables are stored in java.util.concurrent.atomic; and types for locking and waiting on conditions are stored in java.util.concurrent.locks.

An executor decouples task submission from task-execution mechanics and is described by the Executor, ExecutorService, and ScheduledExecutorService interfaces. You obtain an executor by calling one of the utility methods in the Executors class. Executors are associated with callables and futures.

Chapter 6 presents synchronizers.

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