Russ Ferguson and Keith Cirkel
JavaScript RecipesA Problem-Solution Approach
Russ Ferguson
Ocean, New Jersey, USA
Keith Cirkel
London, UK
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ISBN 978-1-4302-6106-3e-ISBN 978-1-4302-6107-0
DOI 10.1007/978-1-4302-6107-0
Library of Congress Control Number: 2016960744
© Russ Ferguson and Keith Cirkel 2017
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This space is always reserved for my brother Rodd and my Dad. You guys are severely missed.
There are always a lot of people to thank. Thanks to Keith for letting me help with this project. Thanks to the nice people at Apress, Nancy Chen and Louise Corrigan, who showed a great amount of patience and understanding while this was being made.
Thanks to Luca Mezzalira and James Markham, for looking this over and giving good advice.
I really do appreciate it.
About the Authors and About the Technical Reviewer
About the Authors
Russ Ferguson
is a freelance developer and instructor in the New York City area. His interest in computers goes back to Atari Basic, CompuServe, and BBS systems in the mid-1980s. For over 10 years, he has been fortunate to teach at Pratt Institute, where the subjects have been as diverse as the student body. Working in New York has given him the opportunity to work with a diverse group of companies whose projects ranged from developing real-time chat/video applications for startups to developing and managing content management systems for established Media and Advertising agencies like MTV and DC Comics.
Keith Cirkel
is a JavaScript Consultant from London, United Kingdom, specializing in writing open source JavaScript libraries and literature. To find out more about his work, visit , reach him via GitHub at , or via Twitter at .
About the Technical Reviewer
Luca Mezzalira
is an Italian solutions architect with 13 years of experience, a Google developer expert on web technologies, and the manager of London JavaScript community ( ). He has worked on cutting-edge projects for mobile (iOS, Android, and Blackberry), desktop, web, TVs, set-top boxes, and embedded devices.
He believes the best way to use any programming language is to master its models. He spends much of his time studying and researching topics like OOP, functional programming, and reactive programming. With these skills, he's able to swap easily between different programming languages, applying the best practices learned and driving any team to success.
In his spare time, he writes for national and international technical magazines. He has also tech reviewed for Packt Publishing, Pragmatic Bookshelf, and O'Reilly.
He was a speaker at O'Reilly media webinars, O'Reilly Solutions Architect (San Francisco), O'Reilly Oscon (London), Voxxed Days (Belgrad), JSDay (Verona), CybercomDev (Łódź), Jazoon Conference (Bern), JDays (Göteborg), Codemotion (Milan), FullStack Conference (London), React London UG (London), Node London UG (London), Scrum Gathering (Prague), Agile Cymru (Cardiff), Scotch on the rocks (Edinburgh and London), 360Max (San Francisco), PyCon (Florence), Lean Kanban Conference (London), Flash Camp (Milan), Adobe Creative Suite CS 5.5 - Launch event (Milan), HFWAA (Milan, Turin, Padua, Bari, and Florence), and Mobile World Congress (Barcelona).
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