
Part II

Marketing Yourself with a Personal Brand


pt_webextra_bw.TIF Read more about the illusion between the personal and professional divide at www.dummies.com/extras/jobsearchingsocialmedia.

In this part . . .

check.png Brand yourself or be branded: Grasp the real meaning of personal brands and understand why you need to start thinking about building one of your own.

check.png Discover how to write about yourself for an online audience in a way that gets employers (and robots) excited about you. Remember that nouns are the new verbs when writing online.

check.png Separate yourself from the crowd by building a better blog to demonstrate your thought leadership, your voice, and your unique hireability.

check.png Ensure the most positive experience of you when employers Google your name — your first impression may well be an online, rather than in-person, one.

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