Dmitry Anoshin, Dmitry Shirokov and Donna Strok

Jumpstart Snowflake

A Step-by-Step Guide to Modern Cloud Analytics

Dmitry Anoshin
British Columbia, Canada
Dmitry Shirokov
Burnaby, BC, Canada
Donna Strok
Seattle, WA, USA
ISBN 978-1-4842-5327-4e-ISBN 978-1-4842-5328-1
© Dmitry Anoshin, Dmitry Shirokov, Donna Strok 2020
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To my wife Lana and my kids, Vasily, Anna, and Michael. Without your strong support and love, this book would not exist.

—Dmitry Anoshin


I would like to thank the Apress team for the opportunity to deliver this book. Specifically, thank you to Susan McDermott, Laura Berendson, Rita Fernando, and Jessica Vakili for your support, editing, and guidance. We couldn’t have done it without you.

A big thank-you to Kent Graziano who reviewed our book and added a lot of value to it as well as helped us edit and fine-tune the Snowflake information.

—Dmitry Anoshin, Dmitry Shirokov, and Donna Strok

Table of Contents

Index 261

About the Authors

Dmitry Anoshin

is a data-centric technologist and recognized expert in building and implementing cloud analytics solutions. He has more than ten years of experience with data engineering and analytics and has worked across different industries in Europe and North America delivering end-to-end analytics solutions in a wide range of industries. His main interest now is cloud analytics with AWS, Azure, and GCP. He helps companies to modernize analytics solutions with cloud technologies and migrate legacy solutions to the cloud.

Moreover, he is the author of five books about various BI tools with PacktPub (SAP Lumira Essentials, Learning Hunk (Splunk), Mastering BI with Microstrategy 10, Tableau Cookbook 2019, and Tableau Desktop Certitfication Guide ). He often presents at Tableau user groups, AWS and Azure user groups, and huge data conferences like Enterprise Data World and Data Summit. He leads the Tableau user group in Victoria, BC, and the Snowflake user groups in Vancouver and Toronto. In addition, he contributes to the leading Canadian analytics firm Rock Your Data ( ) and writes blog posts at .

Finally, he mentors students in the data analytics program at the University of Victoria and shares cloud analytics knowledge, best practices, and real-world use cases.

Dmitrii Shirokov

is a Data Architect & Cloud Analytics Consultant at Rock Your Data, focused on digital transformation, design analytics solutions, data integration and migration, data governance, and cloud/in-house infrastructure. With over 10 years of experience in data analytics and big data, he has the breadth and depth of experience needed to build mature analytical solutions. Before joining Rock Your Data in early 2018, he worked in different companies in tech consulting and banking sectors. Previously, he held various data-engineering positions focusing on data-driven business transformation.

Donna Strok

loves all things data and for over 10 years has worked in the field with companies such as Expedia Group, JPMorgan Chase and most recently Amazon. She earned her Bachelors degree in Computer Science and her Masters in Computer Information Systems.

She resides in beautiful Seattle, WA with her cat Dwayne Johnson and in her free time enjoys the wanderlust of world travel. She’s always on the on the hunt for exploring unique grocery stores and amazing hole-in the-wall restaurants, where some of her most memorable meals have been had.

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