
A&P stores 195196

action-planning 45

added value 107109

advertisements 135136, 140, 141

in changing rooms 125, 131

see also marketing

Aldi 27, 154155, 200

Alexander, Hilary 117

AllSaints window display 181 131, 138

Anthropologie 101

Apple Store 289, 161, 176177

arcades 190 139140, 158159

assistant store manager 39, 84, 210

average transaction value 107, 152

and impulse buys 185

B&Q 155, 177

balloon day 7172

banded products 129, 132

bargains 115, 116117, 131, 132

Best Buy 4243, 47

Big Idea 2526, 94, 97

case studies 2631

and discovery 152153

and team 2534

your own 3334

Blink (Gladwell) 80

Bloomingdale’s 118, 170

Bon Marché 191193

book signings 128, 132

Bookstór 116

Boots UK 155

Boucicaut, A. and M. 191

brands 135

bricks-and-mortar retailers xii-xiii, 105, 139

Brooker, Charlie 135136

browsing 152, 193

Butler, Martin 179180

buy now, pay later 130, 132

buy one, get one free 126, 132

Carphone Warehouse 13, 4748, 157

catalog-based mail-order 187

catalogs 141142

Caton, Bob 45

Center Parcs 100101

chain-stores: history 187, 189

change 1516

charity giving 129, 132

Coca-Cola and Pepsi 7779

Comet 113114, 115

community involvement 120121

events 124125, 131

competitive advantage 115, 117

competitors’ stores 17

complaints, customer 66, 81, 86

consumption, sustainable 119121

Container Store, The 96, 118, 156157

conversion rate: to buyers 152

cornerstones 4160

see also recognition; respect

cost and value 118119

Costco Wholesale 31

culture see store culture

customer experience 37, 41, 9192

case studies 97103

as central 9697

employees’ impact 39, 40, 94, 103

shared with others 38

tip sheet 108

and values 43

customer satisfaction 40, 41

measuring 7679

customer service 3738, 94

self-sustaining 9293

customer-get-customer 126, 132

customers 68, 8182, 89111

listening to 12, 81

observing 1617

talking to 1920, 81

Data Protection Act (1998) 143144

database marketing 142145

Dawson, John 190

decision-making and mistakes 5253

delayed discount 129130, 132

delegating power/responsibility 65

demonstrations 128, 132, 175177

Denny, Lyn 116

department stores 188, 190193

Diesel Store 119

disciplining staff 64, 66, 67

discount variety retailers 26

discovery 94, 151165

and Big Idea 152153

format-led 160163

product-led 157160

promotion-led 153155

service-led 155157

DIY stores 105, 109, 125

Dunkin’ Donuts 174175

e-commerce see Internet

eBay 28, 138

electrical retailers 93, 114115

email marketing 142143

employee retention 37, 38, 40

employee satisfaction 40, 94


and change 15

including partners 69

listening to 12, 13

and respect 4748

talking to 18, 20

see also recognition

everyday low prices 113114, 200

eye contact 105

Facebook 137138

feedback 6667, 82, 95

first-visit advantage 104105

flight to quality 4850

footfall 152

format-led discovery 160163

examples 161, 162, 163

toolkit 160161

Foursquare 138

fun 3839, 4546

fun day 123

Galeries Lafayette 118

Gilman, George 195196

goals 35, 83

action-planning 45

time plan 212213

greeters 201

Groceteria 193

gut instinct 7980

Habitat: product-led discovery 159

Harrods 117

Hartford, George 195196

Harvey, Hugh 114

heroes board 59

history of retail 187205

1980’s legacy 4950

department stores 188, 190193

early days 189

Industrial Revolution 189190

locations 190191

pioneers 194205

Home Depot 109

Hotel Chocolat 25, 3132, 180

ideas for improvement 75, 76

ideas program 10

ideas session 69

IKEA 13, 135

Big Idea 25, 2930

history 198200

improvement 7587

areas for 8187

and colleagues 8485

and costs 8587

culture of 80

and customers 7677, 8182

gut instinct 7980

ideas 10, 69, 75, 76

measurement trap 7779

and you 8284

impulse buying 169, 185186

incentives, demotivating 68

information sharing 65

Internet xii-xiii

marketing 137140

resources 83

JCDecaux 141

JFDI management style 4950

job descriptions and fun 4546

John Lewis Partnership 157

kaizen 75

Kamprad, Ingvar 198200

KFC and recognition 57, 5859

Krispy Kreme doughnuts 174175

Kroc, Ray 53

leadership 3637

Leahy, Sir Terry 103

Leonard, Stew 163165

Les Nereides jewelry 170171

listening 66, 83

to customers 12, 1920, 81

to store staff 12, 13

Livengood, Scott 174

local press 127, 128

local radio broadcasts 129, 132

loyalty cards 104

loyalty, customer 40, 41, 104

loyalty programs 125126, 132

Lush body products 97, 118119, 170

Big Idea 29, 163

mail-order, catalog-based 187

Malmaison hotel chain 170

management by fear 48, 4950, 63

see also store managers

market traders 172, 173174, 175, 177

history 189

marketing 135147

catalogs 141142

database 142145

measuring effect of 145147

online 137140, 142143

questions chain 137

radio and TV 140

Smartphone apps 139

strapline and Big Idea 2526

Mast Brothers (NY, US) 176

Media Markt 31

Mellon Bank 102

merchandising 173174

merchant dealing 115

mission 3536, 4146

mission statements 38, 4142, 43, 75

and values 45, 46

mistakes 5253, 84

admitting 68, 95

Kamprad on 199200

motivation of team 6173

components of 61

financial reward 6263

implied sanction 6364

measuring 63

non-financial rewards 6872

and recognition 53, 72

self-respect 6468

movement and attention 168, 169170

MPREIS store 28, 149

Myer (Adelaide, Australia) 98

Natural Grocery Company 103

needs of customers 109111

glass exercise 110

my store exercise 111

shirt exercise 110

non-financial rewards 6872

balloon day 7172

team ballot 71

observable positive behaviors 56, 57, 72


customers 1617

store components 1718

one-to-ones, format of 64

online marketing 137140

see also Internet

Orange mobile network 136

passion 67, 9

Patel, Mahendra 67

Paul Smith window display 182

Pepsi and Coca-Cola 7779

perceptions, managing 173

performance improvement 7587

four rules 106107

happy teams 35

promotions and 123, 131132

PetSmart 181

Phillips, Kate 105

Phones 4U 4748

Piggly Wiggly store 193194

pioneers of retail 194205

policy, centrally-dictated 93

posters 141

power, delegating 65

Powerhouse 93

praise 5455, 67

see also recognition

premium brands and recession 4849

Pret a Manger 162

pricing 17, 113121

everyday low prices 113114, 200


merchant dealing 115

premium 118119

Wal-Mart 200201, 202

see also promotions

Primark 117

print advertising 141

problem fixing 95

product-led discovery 157160, 164

examples 158159, 160

toolkit 158

profile raising 910

profitability 40, 41

promotion-led discovery 153155, 164

promotions 17

banded products 129, 132

bargains 131, 132

book signings 128, 132

buy now, pay later 130, 132

buy one get one free 126, 132

celebrity visit 127128, 132

changing room ads 125, 131

charity giving 129, 132

children’s competitions 125, 131

community events 124125, 131

customer-get-customer 126, 132

demonstrations/seminars 128, 132

discounted future purchase 129130, 132

display in empty stores 124, 131

gift certificates 130, 132

in-store hot spots 183184

interest-free credit 130, 132

joint activity 123124, 131

local radio broadcasts 129, 132

loyalty programs 125126, 132

lunch at the store 128, 132

measuring effect 145147

offering meeting space 128129, 132

percentage off 127, 132

performance improvement 123, 131132

planner 132133

sampler clubs 126127, 132

special nights 127, 132

sponsorship 124125, 131

store card 130, 132

surveys 127, 132

time-limited 131, 132

tip sheets 125, 131

Raddice, Vittorio 202, 204

Radio Advertising Bureau 140

radio marketing 129, 132, 140

reading stores 1621

recession xiii, 4849

recognition 3536, 41, 5360

20-second ceremony 5759

bad habits 55

benefits of 53, 5960

heroes board 59

and motivation 53, 72

positive behaviors 56, 57, 72

in team culture 5659

recommendations, customer 126

respect 3536, 41, 4653

benefits of 96

and employees 4748

self-respect 6468

responsibility, delegating 65

retail chains 187, 189190

retail, history of see history

retail theater 167177

demonstrations 175177

fundamentals of 171

merchandising 173174

visual interest 167168, 170

vocal promotion 171172

reward program 156

Richer, Julian 39, 75

sales commissions 9596

sampler clubs 126127, 132

Saunders, Clarence 193194

See, Feel, Think, Do (Milligan and Smith) 80

Segel, Rick 124

self-respect 6468

self-service stores 188, 193194

Selfridge, H. Gordon 202205

Selfridges & Co. 118, 202205

Service Profit Chain 3941

service-led discovery 155157, 164

examples 156157

toolkit 156

Shepherdson, Jane 51, 52

Ship & Pilot (Ilfracombe) 102

shoplifting 85, 186, 202

shopping channels 175

shopping malls 190

simplicity 1113, 94

Smart Retail

and central functions 211

consultancy 207208

and managers 209, 210211

personal exercise 212

seminars 207

and store owners 209210

and team members 210

time plan 212213

Smartphone apps 139

smiling 96, 105

social networking sites 83, 137138, 139140

Space.NK: Big Idea 27

Specsavers 99

sponsorship 124125, 131

spreadsheets 146

staff see employees

store 150186

back wall 184185

baskets 183

cash register 184, 185

competitors’ 17

culture 36, 3840

observing 1718

physical aspect 179180

promotional hot spots 183184

retail theater 167177

sight-lines 186

signage 186

transition zone 17, 182183

window displays 180181

store assessment 1621

store managers xiv, 209

ASMs 39, 84, 210

and store culture 38, 39

store cards 130, 132

Stout, Roy 78

Street Time 2021, 46

exercise 214215

Subway: Big Idea 30

success 10, 6768

surveys 127, 132

sustainability 119121


to customers 1920, 81

to staff 18, 20

Target 26, 162

team 6, 23, 3560, 210

and Big Idea 2534

and fun 3839

happy 35, 38

motivating 6173

performance improvement 7587

team ballot 71

team meetings 66, 72

television advertising 140

Tesco 13, 103, 154

“thank you” 55, 56, 57

notes 5758, 59

team ballot 71

theft 85, 186, 202

Thorntons 25, 3132

tip sheets 125, 131

Top Shop 5152, 160

trade press 83

training opportunities 65

transition zone 17, 182183

20-second ceremony 5759

Twitter 83, 138, 139140

Uncommon Practice (Milligan & Smith) 104

Underhill, Paco 105, 183

Up Against the Wal-Marts (Taylor & Archer) 75

Urban Outfitters 163

Vadodaria, Umesh 64

values 38, 4346

case study 4445

fun as value 45

visioning 45

visual interest 167168, 170

vocal promotion 171172

Wal-Mart 13, 113, 162

Big Idea 25, 2627

history 200202

Walton, Sam 25, 113, 200202

Warehouse, The 100

websites 139

Wells Fargo bank 102103

Whole Foods Market 120121

WHSmith High Street/Travel 33

Wilkinsons 1213

window displays 17, 180181

Wiseman, Richard 5

Woolworth, F.W. 196198

Woolworths 1113, 16, 196198

YouTube/Vimeo 139

Zara: product-led discovery 159

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