Praise for Inside the Mind of the Shopper

“Read it, do it, and you will sell more!”

—Hermann W. Braun, Director of Category Management and Shopper Marketing, Ferrero Germany

“This is a unique book that examines and explains the need for the measurement of actual shopper behavior in retail environments. Based on real shopper studies, this takes analysis beyond POS data. Herb Sorensen pays particular attention to precise measurement of nonintuitive aspects of shopper interaction with the shelf.”

—Franz A. Dill, Former Manager and Founder of Procter & Gamble’s Retail Innovation Center

“Herb Sorensen’s ideas and observations about in-store shopper behavior have been instrumental in shaping my recent research. He has an uncanny ability to see beyond surface details and detect meaningful patterns of genuine interest to front-line managers and senior executives. It’s great that so much of his wisdom—and that of other researchers he has influenced—is collected together here.”

—Peter Fader, Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania

“Every year retailers disrupt their customers by spending time, money, and resources remodeling stores. Before remodeling one more store, read what Herb Sorensen has learned about how customers shop and how you can use it to improve your customer’s shopping performance and your earnings.

One hundred years ago retailers ran their stores by watching their customers closely. Somewhere during the last hundred years, spread sheets, slotting allowances, and quarterly performance replaced the basic principles of the business. Sorensen’s book puts you back on the floor of the store and allows you to see how the customer sees your store. What Sorensen shows you will make your stores better and more efficient for the customer and will maximize the money you are investing in design and remodels.”

—Norm Myhr, Group Vice President Sales Promotion and Marketing, Fred Meyer

“This book is priceless for anyone in retailing. It is based on 40 years of retail experience, and Herb Sorensen opens the doors to a new world. He serves us with masses of empirical data and examples, but also with new metrics and a new theory of shopper behavior. I am certain that he will challenge most retailers as well as researchers and force them to check if what he states can really be so. He challenged me, I had to check, and he was right!”

—Jens Nordfaült, Assistant Professor, Stockholm School of Economics; Dean, Nordic School of Retail Management; CEO, Hakon Swenson Research Foundation

Inside the Mind of the Shopper is the preeminent handbook for any marketer or retailer seeking to understand why people do what they do when they shop. Armed with the knowledge in this book, marketers and retailers can work together to predict how shoppers will respond (or not!) to package and label design, selling messages, shelf plans, and the entire retail space.”

—Matt Ohligschlager, Senior Manager, Consumer and Market Knowledge, Procter & Gamble

“A must read for anyone who is passionate about understanding shopping.”

—Joe Radabaugh, Director, Shopper Marketing, Nestlé USA

“From his 40 years of observing shoppers, Herb Sorensen has given us the gift of understanding shoppers. Now, we clearly see that the store layouts merchants want are not what shoppers want. On the ground, managers THINK they know their shoppers, but anyone who follows Herb’s handbook on shopper insights will know them a lot better.”

—Joel Rubinson, Chief Research Officer, The Advertising Research Foundation

“Herb Sorensen is the dean of behaviorally responsive shopper marketing. Crammed with stats and crisp insights, his book guides retail professionals through the maze of motivations that lead shoppers to locate, stop, and buy.”

—James Tenser, Principal, VSN Strategies

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