Managing Knowledge to Innovate: Open and Distributed Innovation Models

This chapter discusses the knowledge processes supporting the interactive approaches to innovation, all of which consider that innovation results from the capability of organizations to mobilize and exploit knowledge distributed inside and outside their boundaries. Four approaches are highlighted:

  1. 1) open innovation;
  2. 2) user innovation;
  3. 3) community innovation;
  4. 4) crowdsourcing.

From the eighties onwards, many management authors recognized the importance of knowledge in the construction of competitive advantages [WER 84, BAR 91] and innovation capabilities [COH 90, KOG 92, HAM 94]. In the decade of 2000, the advent of a knowledge economy [FOR 00], as a consequence of the development of the Internet, led to a renewed interest in the way in which we relate to knowledge, particularly with innovation.

The concept of Open Innovation, made popular by Chesbrough in 2003, [CHE 03] constitutes a federating frame for these new approaches of innovation. Indeed, behind the banal idea according to which the innovating firm resorts to external knowledge and seeks to multiply valorization channels of the produced knowledge, a multiplicity of innovating practices lies hidden. In this way, we find the concept of “coopetition”, which implies that in a logic of business ecosystems [MOO 93, MOO 96], innovation partnerships between firms that can find themselves in competition elsewhere. A group of innovation practices also relies on users (User Innovation) or on knowledge communities. Finally, Crowdsourcing is an innovation practice that, thanks to the Internet, enables access to competencies distributed within the crowd.

3.1. Open innovation

Conceptualized by Henry Chesbrough in 2003 [CHE 03], Open Innovation today provokes enthusiasm in the academic world as well as in the economic environment. Thus, in 2012, a Dutch team formed around Wim Vanhaverbeke proposed a report concerning the development of open innovation for SMEs. In 2014, with the Arthur D Little and Bluenove societies, the National Confederation of French Employers (MEDEF) published a barometer of open innovation, making an inventory of practices in the matter by the French firms.

Open innovation is today a major subject of interest for firms. In fact, it is a very generic concept, which encompasses varied modalities. For Chesbrough, open innovation is defined in opposition to the closed model, in which the innovative firm relies only on internally developed knowledge and seeks to maintain exclusive use of their research results:

Open Innovation is a paradigm that assumes that firms can and should use external ideas as well as internal ideas, and internal and external paths to market, as they look to advance their technology.” [CHE 06, p. 1]

While it has worked during the 20th century, the closed innovation model today presents two pitfalls for the firm. The first one is to overlook relevant solutions developed outside the boundaries of the firm. Thus, for Gassmann [GAS 06b], the “do it yourself” mentality which long dominated in the world of R&D has today been surpassed. The second risk is not being able to distribute or to sufficiently valorize its innovations, by lack of means.

3.1.1. The concept of open innovation

The model of open innovation relies on a funnel vision of innovation (innovation funnel), which is related to the stage-gate model (Figure 3.1) often used for the development of new products.


Figure 3.1. The stage-gate model of product development (www.stage-gate.com)

The funnel image translates the idea of progressive fine-tuning of the innovation process: in the upstream phase, the process is fed by ideas and concepts of products. After selection, some of these ideas progress to a development phase, then testing, before their market launch. The challenge is then to choose the “best” concepts, that is to say, those capable of finding a potential market.

In closed innovation, this process is performed in an impermeable manner toward the exterior (Figure 3.2): the frontiers of the firm prevent knowledge leaks to the exterior. This approach is especially translated by an intensive use of industrial secret and defensive patent [LEB 10]. Besides, in this closed model, the firm relies exclusively on solutions and knowledge developed internally. The NIH or “not invented here” syndrome [KAT 82] represents the aversion the R&D teams may have toward knowledge developed outside the organization.

Contrary to closed innovation, open innovation is characterized by the permeable frontiers of the firm (Figure 3.3). R&D teams not only try to use knowledge developed at the exterior of the firm, but also seek to have the knowledge developed internally and valued externally.


Figure 3.2. “Closed” innovation (inspired from [CHE 03])


Figure 3.3. Open innovation

(adapted from [CHE 03])

3.1.2. The two facets of open innovation

Open innovation as described by Chesbrough (see also [ISC 11, PÉN 13]) then comprises two relatively distinct facets. The outside-in dimension designates the knowledge flow from the exterior to the interior of the firm, and thus represents the use of external knowledge in the internal innovation process of the firm. This does not constitute a real novelty compared with the innovation practices developed during the 20th century. In effect, the outside-in dimension appears every time a firm imitates another or grounds its knowledge in external sources or know-how. For example, innovations based on imitation or even bypassing of patents constitute typical forms of the outside-in model.

The second dimension, called inside-out, stresses the knowledge flows going toward the exterior of the firm. The aim is to value the knowledge which was developed internally through external channels. In a world where competitive advantages are often associated with the exclusive exploitation of a technological patent, this approach is much less widespread than the farmer. Nevertheless, it frequently appears in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries [PÉN 13, PÉN 08]. In these industries, numerous firms specialize in the development of medicines. The licenses for exploitation are then yielded to big pharmaceutical firms that possess the capabilities and the means for the industrialization and commercialization phases.

While the dichotomy between the inside-out and outside-in processes is structured, these two sides are often mobilized concomitantly in collaborative innovation projects (Figure 3.4).


Figure 3.4. The facets of open innovation

3.1.3. Open innovation modalities

The development of the concept of open innovation can be explained through many factors [PÉN 13]. In the context of a globalized economy and increased competition, intensive innovation [LEM 06] becomes imperative for firms. This innovation becomes more and more technical and expensive and it becomes difficult or even impossible for a firm by itself to ensure the activities associated with innovation. The rise of the Internet and of information and communication technologies (ICT) enables easier connection of innovators: inventors, user communities, research laboratories, R&D centers, etc. This connection is not only spatial and temporal, but also cognitive. Indeed, the development of expert systems, collaborative working tools and digital simulation techniques are important levers of knowledge codification and of the sharing of this knowledge.

These tools thus contribute to reducing the cognitive distance [NOO 00, NOO 07] between innovators.

For Jullien and Pénin [JUL 14], the development of ICT has given rise to a specific form of open innovation, designated Open Innovation 2.0 (Table 3.1):

Table 3.1. Open innovation modalities [JUL 14]

Open Innovation 1.0 Open Innovation 2.0
Pure outside-in Licensing-in
Partnership (outside-in and inside-out mix) Co-conception
Research consortium
Research joint-venture
Industrial clusters
Community innovation/open source
Pure inside-out Licensing-out Spin-out Online market places/ e-Bay Ideas (ex. Yet2.com)

3.1.4. The importance of intellectual protection

Against the common belief, open innovation gives an important place to intellectual protection. Open innovation is sometimes erroneously associated with the Open Source model (see Box 3.2). In this model, the opening without restriction of the source codes of computer software aims, by a collective effort, at the improvement and sharing of software within the developer community.

Differing from Open Source, open innovation does not imply free access to knowledge and technology. Even if it induces, by its nature, a form of knowledge sharing, open innovation is largely inscribed in a classic vision in matter of intellectual property. Thus, the exploitation of licenses generally comes with royalties, and the results of collaborative work are not often openly available to the public. The literature insists on the importance of having a well-established intellectual property strategy from the beginning of the innovation partnership. This strategy is dynamic and must, at the same time, protect and manage the results issued from a collaboration process.

In the case of collaborative innovation, one of the major challenges is the definition of the rights of the different partners, depending on several parameters [SAU 12]:

  1. – contribution of each partner;
  2. – protection of previous rights;
  3. – sharing of necessary knowledge in the framework of the project;
  4. – sharing of exploitation rights issued from collaboration.

It is important for the success of a collaborative open innovation procedure that these questions be settled very early in the partnership process.

“Open” necessarily implies the sharing of tacit knowledge. In particular, innovation partnerships give place to socialization phenomena favorable to the sharing of tacit knowledge (see Chapter 2). Nevertheless, open innovation would certainly not exist in its current form without the existence of solid systems of knowledge protection. The emergence of open innovation is particularly explained by the increasing codification of knowledge and of technologies associated with the expansion of ICT, and by the reinforcement of intellectual property rights [PÉN 13].

3.1.5. Advantages and drawbacks of open innovation

Table 3.2 summarizes some of the advantages and difficulties often associated with collaborative open innovation.

Table 3.2. Advantages and difficulties of open innovation

Advantages Comments
Sharing of costs and risks Collaboration implies a sharing of means and failure risks between several partners
Acceleration of the innovation process For example, through the mobilization of competencies and the expertise of the different partners
Valorization of existing intellectual property This valorization is done from an inside-out logic, most often through licenses concerning invention patents
Access to more resources and a larger variety of competencies For example, the Joy Law attributed to Bill Joy, co-founder of Sun Microsystems, stipulates that “No matter who you are, most of the smartest people work for someone else
Synergy with regard to technical and commercial competencies Collaborators often possess complementary competencies, OI thus combines their technical and commercial expertise
Reinforcement of relations between existing partners Open innovation implies an increase in communication between partners
Difficulties Comments
Management of previous intellectual property It is necessary to protect, in a preventive way, intellectual property prior to collaboration
Management of intellectual property arising from joint work The intellectual property of products resulting from collaboration is perceived as the most critical risk in the implementation of a collaborative open innovation project
Sharing of income arising from patents Difficulty to define the contribution of each actor of collaboration
Distribution of confidential information and commercial secrets The opening of the innovation process to more partners increases the risks associated with the distribution of confidential information
“Free-rider” situations Because of opportunism, certain actors can seek to profit from joint innovation without offering a significant contribution
Risk of dependence from external partners The case often presents itself when the actors have complementary roles and their common activity cannot function beyond their partnership
Risk of internal resistance For example, the “not invented here” syndrome translates the limitations associated with the adoption of solutions developed at the exterior of the firm
Managerial difficulty associated with the diversity of actors taking part in the open innovation process This difficulty appears particularly when the size, the organizational structure and the financial and temporal constraints of the actors are too different (procedures, intellectual property and same specialized language)

3.1.6. Implementation of open innovation

The concept of open innovation is a relatively general frame of reference that in fact covers a set of relatively heterogeneous practices. In this way, the implementation of this type of procedure requires that certain questions be dealt with during the upstream phase (Table 3.3).

Table 3.3. The questions to be dealt with before the implementation of an open innovation project [PÉN 13]

Why? Why externalize a part of our innovative activities? Why share our ideas and know-how with the partners? Why would individuals, organizations and firms share their ideas and their know-how with us?
When? When will we be able to implement open innovation? What is the ideal timing? When is it necessary to cooperate?
For which? For which type of innovation do we want to implement open innovation? What is the expected profit?
Who? Whom do we want as participants? Which service to imply? Who will choose the ideas? Who will develop the ideas? Whom to collaborate with?
Where? Where will we find good participants? Where do we have to communicate?
How? How will we know that open innovation has been a success? How to encourage our participants? How to establish mutual confidence with our participants?

In the rest of this chapter, we introduce in detail some common practices of open innovation:

  1. – user innovation;
  2. – community innovation;
  3. crowdsourcing.

3.2. User innovation

In his book published in 1962 and re-edited in 1995, Everett Rogers [ROG 95] proposes an analysis of the distribution of innovation that distinguishes various types of users (Figure 3.5). Precocious innovators and adopters, who constitute a minority of the population of potential adopters (see bell curve in Figure 3.5), have a pioneering attitude in the matter of adoption. They are at the origin of the first phase (“emergence”) in the diffusion curve (S curve).


Figure 3.5. Diffusion of innovation

(adapted from [ROG 95])

In Rogers’ approach, the diffusion of innovation is not possible with the sole mobilization of early adopters and innovators. The growth of the market share demands the mobilization of a more important part of the population of potential adopters: the early majority and the late majority. While the capability to mobilize a majority of potential buyers is essential for the diffusion of innovation, it is nonetheless uncertain. Thus, the commercial failure of innovative products is particularly explained by the incapability of firms to seduce buyers beyond a hard nucleus of pioneers and early adopters.

In his book Crossing the Chasm, Moore [MOO 91] suggests that for radical innovations, there exists a chasm between the early adopters and the early majority. Early adopters have an attitude similar to that of innovators. They are technology enthusiasts who are inclined to adopt new technologies. On the other hand, the majority is constituted of “pragmatic” adopters. They are the first and the foremost waiting for evidence concerning the relevance of the innovation. Their adoption behavior is characterized by mimesis with regard to other pragmatic adopters. According to Moore, the chasm appears when the market composed of the population of early adopters is tight, and the pragmatic adopters wait for a movement on the part of other pragmatists. This inextricable situation is described by the term Catch-22, with reference to the satirical novel published by Joseph Heller in 1961.

During the nineties, economic theory shed new light on these technology adoption behaviors, especially through the notions of increasing returns to adoption and path dependence [ART 94]. This approach explains how the succession of adoption behaviors that may seem insignificant contributes to the diffusion of radical innovations.

3.2.1. The concept of user innovation

The place of users is not limited to the act of adoption described in the previous section. In a seminal work, Eric von Hippel [VON 88] develops the idea according to which users can be at the origin of innovations. In this User Innovation approach, some users possess competencies, needs and motivations that lead them to play an active role in the production of innovation. These users have been identified in numerous domains (Table 3.4).

Table 3.4. Lead users in the literature (inspired from [VON 05])

Sector Data Reference
Software for the conception of printed circuits User firms present at the PC-CAD conference Urban & von Hippel [URB 88]
Pipe clamps Employees in 74 installation firms Herstatt & von Hippel [HER 92]
Information systems for libraries Employees in 102 Australian libraries using the computerized management system OPAC Morrison et al. [MOR 00]
Chirurgical equipment 261 surgeons working in clinics or university hospitals in Germany Lüthje [LÜT 03]
Security functionalities of the Apache software 131 advanced users of Apache software (webmasters) Franke & von Hippel [FRA 03b, VON 88]
Outdoor products 153 catalogue addressees for outdoor activity products Lüthje [LÜT 04]
Extreme sports equipment 197 members issued from 4 clubs specializing in extreme sports Franke & Shah [FRA 03a]
Mountain bike equipment 291 mountain bikers Lüthje et al. [LÜT 06]

The theory proposed by von Hippel [VON 88], later refined in his work Democratizing Innovation [VON 05], gives a central place to lead users. These users are ahead of the evolutionary tendency of technology, and they have needs that the majority of users will only express later on. Lead users also possess the motivation and often the competence to develop technical solutions that respond to their needs. The innovations that result from this procedure have strong chances of interesting a larger mass of users and of becoming commercially successful. Numerous examples illustrate this process, an emblematic case being that of the GoPro action camera (Box 3.1).

3.2.2. Lead users activities

The 20th century economy is characterized by the development of mass production as the dominant industrial model. Recent years have seen an increasing demand for differentiated and personalized products [PIL 10]. In a context where users’ needs are very heterogeneous, the “a few sizes fit all” strategy [VON 05] leaves numerous consumers or users unsatisfied by the “classic” industrial offer. The users who face problems which the majority of consumers do not have are left with no other option than to develop their own modifications to existing products, or to invent entirely new products. In other words, the users who wish for a specific product will obtain a satisfying result by innovating themselves. In fact, industrial firms are not generally designed to respond to very specific demands (Figure 3.6).


Figure 3.6. Innovation by users and by firms [VON 88]

Lead users can intervene in many different ways in the innovation process. In some cases, their role is limited to proposing ideas for product improvement [CHR 97, VON 88]. In a more radical way, the lead users can be in charge of the integrality of the innovation process in order to respond to a need which differs hugely from the existing offer. The development of the GoPro camera (Box 3.1) responds to this logic. In this context, the role of firms consists of continuing the work of the lead users during the industrialization phases when the demand for new products is sufficiently significant. Finally, the involvement of users in the innovation processes can be done through the processes of co-creation and co-development, even by the taking up of supporting activities [NAM 02]. For example, the sports equipment company Salomon (who produce skis, ski bindings, trail running equipment, including shoes, etc.) has benefited from the competence of the professional athlete Kilian Jornet for the development of the S-Lab Sense trail running shoe and the S-Lab equipment line. In this case, the users cannot only be considered as knowledge sources, and open innovation does not only imply an outside-in process type [POE 12]. In a co-creation or co-development procedure, the users actually become avenues of access to the markets (“external paths to market”, [BAL 06]). For Rayna et al. [RAY 15], co-creation with users is possible at many stages of the innovation process: co-design during the conception phase, co-production during the manufacturing phase, and distribution. Co-creation can also be done with individuals or communities [SAW 00, PIL 05].

Co-creation can be associated with the notion of mass customization, which reflects the production of personalized or customized goods at a large scale; however, these are quite distinct concepts. In fact, mass customization does not forcibly imply co-creation with users or open innovation [CHE 12]. For example, when mass customization is translated into the existence of choices among a predefined set of possibilities (color, size, etc.), we cannot define this as co-creation nor even as innovation because customization is not translated into the emergence of a novelty [PIL 10]. Thus, user innovation corresponds to a particular site at the intersection of co-creation, mass customization and open innovation (Figure 3.7).

3.2.3. Competencies of user-innovators

The user innovation paradigm relies on the hypothesis according to which certain users possess a particular competence allowing them to innovate. Thanks to their advanced use of technologies, lead users possess specific consumer knowledge. This knowledge possessed by the user enables him to face problems in use situations, for example, to choose the right product and function for the use situation [BRU 85, MIT 96]. Expert users, who possess deep consumer knowledge, will be more prone to endorsing the status of lead user. In fact, proper knowledge of a product’s characteristics and its use is often considered the prerequisite for creativity and innovation [SCH 08].


Figure 3.7. User innovation at the intersection of three models [RAY 15]

With experience, the expert users develop patterns and metacognition that enable them to acquire new knowledge faster and to possess a deeper and more comprehensive vision of the encountered problems. This expertise is the fruit of prolonged experience as well as of deliberate practice [ERI 06, ERI 07]. In fact, while it is necessary, experience alone is not sufficient to become an expert. Research on the psychology of expertise in the domains of sport, music or chess underline the importance of the individual’s engagement in a learning process through the notion of deliberate practice, which describes a permanent attitude of experimentation with the aim of learning.

Expert competence is one of the elements that determine the capability of lead users to identify new uses and technical solutions, allowing them to provide an answer to the problems encountered in practice. According to Amabile [AMA 88], individual creativity is the combination of three factors: expertise, creative thinking skills and motivation (Figure 3.8).


Figure 3.8. The three components of individual creativity [AMA 88]

The literature underlines the capability of lead users to anticipate market tendencies and to make decisions “ahead of time” by comparison with the classic R&D actors [LIL 02, MOR 04]. Thus, lead users are often at the origin of new industries. Note that the expert competencies held by users are strongly tacit. They are the fruit of experience which has been interpreted, analyzed and ranked by users throughout time and are at the origin of a fine perception of the problems encountered in the situation and the capability of providing answers. This tacit knowledge ([HIP 88] uses the term “sticky knowledge”) is contextualized and associated with individuals.

3.2.4. Implementation of user innovation

Apart from their competence, lead users benefit from important flexibility in the matter of innovation. In their activity, these actors are not constrained by the traditional stages of the stage-gate model or by the standardized procedures of project management that predominate in firms. Besides, lead users do not cover fixed costs of infrastructures. The perspective of witnessing the emergence of a solution to their problems constitutes a motivation for the necessary (time) investment. Thus, in a similar way to entrepreneurs, these actors possess an internal locus of control. While the main motivation of lead users is not commercial, the capability of users to anticipate market trends is of prime interest for the firms essentially motivated by future profit. The literature tends to show that the innovation produced by lead users carries a strong level of sophistication and that they provide high value to customers.

We note that the mobilization of lead users is very different from approaches based on listening to customers [DAN 04]. Certain authors (see, for example, [CHR 97]) have shown that excessive listening to users could lead firms into an “incremental trap” susceptible to dramatic consequences for their survival in a context of radical evolution of technologies. Lead users are not representative of the majority of users but their practice situates them in advance of the existing market. Thus, by mobilizing lead users, the firms do not risk falling into the innovator’s dilemma as described by Christensen [CHR 97].

Consequently, how is it possible to marry the “classic” model of new product development with the activity of lead users? For von Hippel, the lead user method can be decomposed into four stages (Figure 3.9).


Figure 3.9. The stages of a lead user method [VON 88] Identification of lead users

The implementation of user innovation requires the identification of lead users. Following von Hippel [VON 88], lead users are defined by six characteristics:

  1. – located at the bleeding edge of trends;
  2. – strong motivation to innovate;
  3. – excellent knowledge of the domain of innovation;
  4. – excellent knowledge concerning the uses in the domain;
  5. – strong capability to innovate (innovativeness);
  6. – internal locus of control.

The literature highlights three approaches to identify lead users [PIL 06, VON 05]: detection (screening), pyramidal research (pyramiding) and self-selection. Detection or screening consists of identifying lead users on specialized sites or in shared interest communities by looking for specific characteristics. Pyramidal research consists of identifying people in the explored domain (for example, experts) in order to access other experts who have more knowledge, and thus climb up to lead users. This sequential method relies on the principle of the experts in the same domain having the tendency to know each other. Detection is a parallel research method limited to previously well-identified characteristics. The pyramidal method is a sequential research method revealing criteria for expertise which, a priori, had not been identified. Von Hippel et al. [VON 08] show that this method requires a less important population base than the detection approach, what makes it more efficient. Finally, self-selection consists of providing users with devices that will allow lead users to identify themselves in connection to the firms. User toolkits correspond to this category. User toolkits

The aim of user toolkits is to facilitate relations between the firm and its innovative users, by way of personalization, conception and prototyping interfaces. The principle is that the users employ the user toolkit with a precise knowledge of their needs in order to carry out one or more stages of the innovation process (production of the preliminary concept, prototyping or simulation, evaluation of its functioning and improvement). For example, these tools are largely developed in the sector of semiconductors, where they enable a significant reduction of the conception time [THO 02]. In the videogame sector, toolkits enable users to produce personalized modules and extensions [JEP 05, PAR 13].

User toolkits enable to dissemble two types of activities of the innovation process: the tasks associated with needs (identification of needs and search for solutions) are assigned to the users, whereas the tasks connected with the implementation of solutions are assigned to the firms [VON 01]. This approach deals with the management of necessary knowledge to innovate. This kind of knowledge, strongly tied to user experience, is tacit and not easily transferable (sticky knowledge). User toolkits enable mobilization of the innovation competence of users without going through the stage of codification of their knowledge.

According to von Hippel [VON 01], user toolkits must possess the following characteristics (see also [VON 02a]):

  1. – direct learning by trial and error. The toolkit must enable the user to directly conceive, test and evaluate the results of conceptions without comings and goings between the manufacturer and the user. This enables the user to enter into an iterative learning cycle until reaching a satisfying solution for his needs;
  2. – an appropriate solution space. The toolkit must propose a predetermined solution set, sufficiently large for the user to be able to find a solution adapted to his needs. This sometimes requires the re-conception of products toward greater modularity;
  3. – the availability of model libraries. The toolkit must give access to a base of ready-to-use models. The conception operated by the addition or withdrawal of elements over already conceived models results in a time gain;
  4. – ease of use. The toolkit must be able to be taken in hand in an intuitive and quick manner and the language used must be the closest possible to that of the user;
  5. – direct transfer. The toolkit must integrate all the production constraints and propose no more than what is possible to directly transfer during production. This transfer without translation or adaptation of the user conception toward the production tool is the source of efficiency (there is no re-conception before manufacturing) and allows limiting the risk of mistakes in the translation phase.

Despite the existence of toolkits, the importance of tacit knowledge in the process implemented by the lead users is a limiting factor to the transfer of their innovation capabilities toward the firms [VON 98]. In this way, for users, it will be far easier to interact in an informal way and to share knowledge within a community of users.

3.3. Innovating with communities

From the works of Lave and Wenger and of Brown and Duguid at the beginning of the nineties, numerous authors in the field of management have intended to apprehend and deepen the concept of community of practice (see, for example, [AMI 04, COH 04, COH 06, COH 10a, COH 10b, COH 10c]). In order to account for different forms of communities within one federating concept, Amin and Cohendet [AMI 04] use the term “knowing communities” (the term “knowledge communities” is also used in the literature). These communities are structured around the notion of practice. In fact, in line with Schön [SCH 95], it is generally considered that “knowing” refers to an epistemology of practice.

Knowledge communities can sometimes be assimilated to communities of practice in which the members, who share a common language, exchange knowledge around their practices in order to improve their individual competencies. These communities also have an epistemic dimension since they explicitely aim at producing knowledge and innovation and knowledge production [COH 10a, COH 10b, COH 10c, FRA 03a]. Thus, knowledge communities are at the same time centered in exploitation activities and in exploration activities, which produces social structures favorable to organizational ambidexterity [DUP 11].

Communities possess four distinct elements [MCD 10]. Their main aim is the production of knowledge, their functioning relies on a system of shared norms, they do not have any predetermined life duration, and their frontiers are not clearly defined. Thus, communities liberate themselves from the frontiers of formal organization [BRO 01] and, in particular, they distinguish themselves from project teams. Knowledge communities seek permanence, which produces memory places for the organization that takes them in [AMI 04]. Communities are not governed by contracts or other financial incentives, but by the trust and the reputation relationships associated with the respect of the community’s social norms [LER 02, VON 12].

Open source software (Box 3.2) illustrates the importance of knowledge communities in collective innovation processes.

3.3.1. Social interactions and knowledge production within communities

The notion of a community of practice (CoP) has been popularized by Lave and Wenger [LAV 91] and Brown and Duguit [BRO 91]. It makes reference to informal groups of individuals, structured around internal rules and who are committed to producing knowledge around specific domains. CoPs are spontaneous social organizations who are built independently from the organizational structure that houses them. At first, they appear invisible to the organization. Knowledge communities possess the following characteristics [AMI 08, BRO 91]:

  1. – community members accept to participate in a voluntary and regular exchange concerning a common interest subject or a specialized knowledge domain;
  2. – through their repeated interactions and a common practice, a shared identity and social norms are progressively built, which constitute (tacit or codified) rules of coordination between individuals;
  3. – they do not possess hermetic boundaries. In this way, the entry of new members to the community is always possible;
  4. – they are not managed by a visible hierarchy. Besides, there is no explicit control through rules and procedures;
  5. – individual engagement is not regulated by contractual forms, and classical modes of incitation and control are not applied.

For Amin and Cohendet [AMI 04], knowledge communities are defined by a voluntary engagement in the construction and sharing of a common knowledge directory, by the construction of a common identity through repeated exchanges, and by the respect of the community’s social norms. They are socialization places in which codification efforts and knowledge sharing are performed, guided by adhesion to the social norms that found the community [VON 12]. Being knowledge-based communities, they are structured around the notion of practice. These practices produce tacit knowledge or knowing-in-action [SCH 95].

Concerning the production of knowledge, the literature makes a distinction between the communities oriented toward the exploration of new knowledge and the communities oriented toward the accumulation of knowledge over an already well-mastered domain [PRO 07, BOR 08, MCD 10].

The differences in the nature of knowledge explain the heterogeneity of knowledge communities, in terms of social ties and in relation to innovation and organization (Table 3.5).

Table 3.5. Knowledge community types (inspired from [AMI 08])

Activity Type of knowledge Nature of communication Innovation Organizational dynamic
Craft/task- based Tactile learning (kinesthetic and embodied knowledge) Face to face communication Customized, incremental Hierarchically managed, open to new members
Professional Specialized expert knowledge, declarative, embodied knowledge Co-location required in the development of professional status Incremental or radical but strongly bound by professional rules. Radical innovation stimulated by contact with other communities Large hierarchically managed organizations. Institutional restriction on the entry of new members
Epistemic/ creative Specialized and expert knowledge. Intends to extend knowledge base Spatial or relational proximity, combination of face-to-face and distanciated contact Radical Innovation Project managed Open to those with a reputation in the field. Management through intermediaries and boundary objects.
Virtual Importance of knowledge codification. Exploratory and exploitative Social interaction mediated through technology Incremental and radical Carefully managed by community moderators. Open, but self-regulating

3.3.2. Communities in the firm: between governance and spontaneity

Firms are becoming more and more conscious of the importance of knowledge communities as a vector of innovation and of operational performance. In a pioneering work, Gongla and Rizutto [GON 01] have sought to understand the life cycle of practice communities at IBM (Table 3.6).

Table 3.6. The different stages in the life of a community (inspired from [GON 01])

Phase Potential Construction Engagement Active Adaptative
Function Connection between individuals Memory construction Learning Collaboration Innovation
Individual behavior Contact Experience sharing. Construction of rules and of a common vocabulary. Elaboration of a shared directory Engagement, confidence, loyalty. Research of new members and knowledge enabling to feed the community Asks members to perform tasks, creation of specialized groups. Interaction with other communities Environment modification by the creation of new products and new activities. The community sustains other communities
Relationship with the organization The community is not yet visible Recognition of the community by the organization The organization interacts with the community and is conscious of its potential The organization actively sustains the community and entrusts it with certain activities The organization uses the community for the development of new activities
Support process Identifying and finding potential members, ease of contact Availability of knowledge management tools Help to the socialization of new members, management of knowledge fluxes, continued improvement and problem-solving, to ensure autonomy Problem- solving and decision-making assistance, integration of organizational processes, relations with other communities Flexibility and stability in time, mentoring of new communities, focus on innovation
Technologies support E-mail, forums intranet, intranet directories Shared directories, collaborative working environment Community portals, expert directories, surveys and feedback tools Tools for analysis and decision-making, team working spaces and collaborative working tools Pilot use of new technologies, integration of tools coming from the exterior, technology transfer

The analysis of internal communities at IBM has paved the way for literature seeking to understand the articulation between the communities and the organization, especially through the notion of CoPs management. This notion translates the idea according to which the organization looks for alignment between the activity of a community and its strategic orientations, while preserving the self-organized and spontaneous character of the community. In order to achieve these a priori contradictory aims, two mechanisms are put forward: the fixation of objectives and governance based on the roles of a coordinator and a sponsor [PRO 07, BOR 08, MCD 10]. According to McDermott and Archibald [MCD 10], the most efficient communities are those whose preoccupations have an interest for the firm. The implementation of performance indicators and of objectives enables this alignment [PRO 08]. On the other hand, the existence of the sponsor and the coordinator enables relations between the community and the formal structure of the organization:

  1. – the sponsor grants that the community possesses the necessary resources and time for functioning correctly and, as a counterpart, it makes sure that community topics converge with the preoccupations of the organization;
  2. – the coordinator plays the role of a facilitator within the community. He watches for the correct circulation of knowledge, the repartition of activities and the respect of deadlines within the community.

3.3.3. Innovating with external communities: the role of the middleground

The role of communities in the development of open source software (Box 3.2) highlights the innovative potential that lies in these informal organizations. Following Florida’s approach of creative cities [FLO 02], recent work has focused on the place of communities in creative processes [BUR 11a, COH 08, COH 10a, COH 10b, COH 10c, HAR 13]. These authors develop the idea that the communities create an interface between the local actors, the members of networks or collectives and the organizations who seek to pilot innovation projects. Knowledge communities here have a catalyzing role. Thanks to their way of producing knowledge, they create a relation between the relatively disorganized world of ideation and creativity, and the structured world of the organization in project mode. The authors equally use the terms underground, middleground and upperground to characterize these sets (Figure 3.10):

  1. – the underground corresponds to the hidden part of creative territories, that is to say, individuals and collectives who carry creative activities (scientific, technological, artistic and cultural) at the exterior of any institution or organization. It is about exploratory or cutting-edge activities, often exercised in a non-profit way;
  2. – the middleground comprises communities who have the mission of consolidating and distributing knowledge. In this way, they constitute an interface with the underground, characterized by an informal functioning mode, and the formal organizations of the upperground. Middleground plays a crucial role in the innovation process because it makes knowledge produced in the underground accessible to the upperground;
  3. – the upperground is composed of firms and creative institutions (artistic centers, cultural centers, etc.), which possess creativity integration and financing capabilities. These organizations put forward the notion of a project and are constrained by economic considerations. Their role consists of promoting the formalized knowledge produced in an informal way by the underground. By doing this, they generate positive knowledge externalities [ARR 62].

Figure 3.10. The grounds of a creative territory [COH 10a, COH 10b, COH 10c]

3.4. Crowdsourcing

The concept of crowdsourcing was formalized by Jeff Howe in 2006 in Wired magazine [HOW 06]. It is a contraction of the terms crowd and outsourcing and it represents the act of externalizing, via a website, an activity to a large number of individuals whose identity is a priori anonymous. This is inscribed as a direct extension of Web 2.0 and is frequently considered as a manifestation of open innovation in its outside-in dimension [PÉN 13]. Howe [HOW 08] identified four major categories on how to appeal to the crowds:

  1. – crowd wisdom is generally associated with the field of R&D. It aims at problem solving;
  2. – crowd voting relies on Internet users’ opinions, either in the form of deliberate votes or their non-conscious contribution (for example, the page rank algorithm used by the Google web search engine);
  3. – crowd funding, which designates participative financing;
  4. – finally, crowd creation, which requests the creativity of the crowd, particularly in the marketing field (trademark creation, logos, slogans, designs, etc.).

The literature concerning crowdsourcing (CS) in the domain of innovation management focuses on the crowd wisdom and crowd creation dimensions. In particular, existing typologies [EST 12, PÉN 11, REN 14, SCH 12] make it possible to understand how crowdsourcing feeds the innovation process with knowledge contributions. Indeed, CS concerns different types of tasks (simple, creative or complex tasks) and the nature of the process is equally variable (integrative process vs. selective process; collaborative process vs. competitive process)

3.4.1. A typology of crowdsourcing

The first approach consists of differentiating the types of CS according to the nature of the tasks to be performed. Thus, it is possible to distinguish CS related to simple tasks, creative productions and problem solving [SCH 11, SCH 12]. Simple task CS

Simple task CS consists of mobilizing a large number of contributors for low-intensive knowledge information elements, whose production does not take long. The contributions do not possess a significant value per se and the associated remuneration to this CS is feeble, even non-existant. The CS of simple tasks is about handling big volumes of information and its value for the firm relies on its capacity to integrate a multitude of information in order to propose an added-value service. This type of CS is at the core of well-known applications such as Mechanical Turk, reCAPTCHA and Waze. With Mechanical Turk, Amazon mobilizes contributors from around the world for the realization of “micro-tasks”, such as simple translations. With reCAPTCHA (see, for example, [SCH 12]), Google mobilizes Internet users for character recognition activities. Finally, with the Waze application, users feed a system enabling the prediction of traffic jams (see, for instance, [TUC 15]). Mechanical Turk implements a principle of micro-payments, whereas for reCAPTCHA and Waze, users are not remunerated for their contributions. Creative production CS

Internet contributors can also be called upon for their individual creativity, that is to say, for their capability to produce new ideas, which have potential value for the firm [AMA 88]. While these creative tasks, for example, the creation of a logo or a name, sometimes appeal to particular professional competencies, they are equally accessible (with very variable results!) to non-professionals, for example, to customers or users of the brand.

This form of CS enables the firm to have access to professional competencies at a lower cost [POE 12], but equally to approach their customers. In this way, CS is inscribed in the marketing approach of the firm [KOZ 08, WHI 09]. This is particularly implemented by the firm Lego (Box 3.3), or by the creation platforms Creads and eYeka.

In any case, it is a question of soliciting the crowd in the context of creativity contests and choosing the best production. The selected productions sometimes constitute content within a more global offer. Burger-Helmchen and Pénin [BUR 11b] thus use the term “content CS”. Problem-solving CS

In this type of CS, the firm appeals to the crowd to solve scientific or technical problems that appear during the innovation process [BRA 08, JEP 10]. Problem solving has a strong cognitive dimension and crowdsourcing then aims to access distributed expert competencies. The required experts are outside the firm’s boundaries [PÉN 12], even outside its domain of activity [BOU 11, BOU 13]. CS here serves the purpose of exploring new knowledge and Afuah and Tucci [AFU 12] refer to distant search.

Since 2001, the InnoCentive platform (Box 3.4) has become essential for the implementation of this type of CS. This platform connects organizations that face a problem and contributors distributed around the world.

3.4.2. The relevance of crowdsourcing for innovation

CS serves the purpose of innovation in many ways. With creative crowdsourcing, firms benefit from the ideation capability of Internet users. This presents interest during the upstream phase of the innovation process, called the fuzzy front end (see, for example, [GAS 13]), where the firm does not still know what it is looking for. This type of CS is equally a co-creation tool together with users [PILL 06]. The challenges are the capability to mobilize the crowd to take part in the process, and the selection of the winning contributions. These processes are potentially time consuming (see, for example, [SCH 16]).

With problem-solving-oriented crowdsourcing, the firms benefit from competences which are distributed and, a priori, non-accessible. This CS raises questions related to intellectual property and to the knowledge absorptive capacities, but above all, it relies on the capability of the seeker to formulate the encountered problem in a sufficiently precise manner. In a reference work, Afuah and Tucci [AFU 12] identify the factors that condition the performance of crowdsourcing for the distant research of solutions to innovation problems (Table 3.7).

Table 3.7. Influencing factors of CS

(adapted from [AFU 12], [SCH 15])

Conditions surrounding… Impact on crowdsourcing
the problem
Simple or decomposable in simple sub-problems (modules) Facilitates labor division and individual contributions
Easy to specify and to distribute to the crowd Minimizes transactional costs
the solution
Easy to transfer, protect and evaluate Minimizes transactional costs and facilitates intellectual protection
the knowledge required to solve the problem
Distributed Makes knowledge management complex for a central authority
Tacit Makes the acquisition of this knowledge difficult, long and expensive
the seeker
Absorptive capacity Facilitates the exploitation of solutions contributed by the crowd
the crowd
Large and heterogeneous Maximizes the probability of finding a solution
Motivation Facilitates the production of original solutions

3.4.3. Crowdsourcing platforms

In some cases, the firms choose to control their crowdsourcing platform themselves. That is, for example, the case of Lego (Lego Ideas) and Procter & Gamble (Connect & Develop). Other firms choose to resort to an intermediary platform open to other firms, as for example, Atizo, InnoCentive oreYeka.

The choice of resorting to one’s own external or open platform is not insignificant. The development of one’s own platform is a considerable investment that allows for exclusive control of the platform and the establishment of a privileged relation with the crowd (Figure 3.11).


Figure 3.11. Proprietary platform versus open platform [SCH 15]

The decision to resort to an external platform can be analyzed by means of three theories, which are well-known in industrial economy and management [SCH 15]:

  1. – transactional costs theory: resorting to an external and open platform enables the reduction of transactional costs inherent to the practice of CS. Indeed, the presence of an intermediary features the limitation of opportunistic behaviors;
  2. – network effects (or network externalities): the recourse to an external and open platform offers a broader readability and enables access to a larger number of solvers, particularly in the case where the notoriety of the firm, which makes appeal to CS, is weak. Nevertheless, the resort to a proprietary platform allows for the establishment of closer relations with the crowd;
  3. – resource-based view: by appealing to an external and open platform, the firm benefits from the resource portfolio and the competencies of the platform in terms of management of the crowdsourcing process (problem formalization, drafting of contractual clauses, etc.). On the other hand, the resort to a proprietary platform is better indicated if the firm seeks to transform the crowd into a community (see section 3) in order to benefit from a durable competitive advantage.

This analysis explains why the firms which possess internal competencies and the ability to attract a large number of contributors are more likely to build a community relationship with the crowd, using a proprietary platform. The case of Lego (Box 3.3) corresponds to this situation. On the other hand, resorting to an external and open platform (as in the case of InnoCentive, Box 3.4) facilitates access to the crowds and makes it possible to benefit from platform competencies especially designed for a crowdsourcing process. In other terms, choosing to work with a proprietary platform may become risky if the capacity to attract crowds is uncertain or if the firm lacks sufficient internal resources [SCH 15].

3.4.4. Crowdsourcing and other open innovation models

There exist evident similarities between CS and other open innovation models introduced on this chapter:

  1. – user innovation and community innovation are types of open innovation (of the outside-in type), but open innovation can equally be implemented by co-development partnerships and by inside-out approaches. Moreover, when applied to innovation, CS is an open innovation modality. However, certain CS forms do not concern the innovation process technically speaking (for example, CS applied to simple task);
  2. – CS is a modality to implement user innovation, but other approaches are also possible (identification of lead users, user toolkits, etc.). In the same way, community innovation can be performed by CS [DUP 15], but other approaches are also possible, especially through the middleground. Besides, with CS, the firm seeks the competencies distributed well beyond its user network;
  3. – user innovation and community innovation possess an intersection in the case of user communities.

The positioning of these different approaches is represented by Figure 3.12.


Figure 3.12. Positioning of the different types of open innovation

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