Chapter 10

Information Technology and Knowledge Management


This chapter presents an exploration of the potential utilisation of different information and communication technologies as knowledge management solutions in libraries.


Information technology; Communication technologies; Knowledge management; Training; Libraries


There is an increasing recognition of the value of knowledge and information to individuals, organisations and communities. As knowledge has become a central productive and strategic asset, the success of all types of organisations is increasingly dependent on their ability to acquire, create, store, share and utilise knowledge. That is why developing procedures and routines to optimise the acquisition, creation, protection and sharing of knowledge and information in the organisations has become one of the most important activities. Knowledge management (KM) is viewed as ‘the creation and subsequent management of an environment which encourages knowledge to be created, shared, learnt, enhanced, organised and utilised for the benefit of the organisation and its customers’ (Abell and Oxbrow, 2001, p. 267). The overall objective of KM is to enable organisations to create value from their intellectual and knowledge-based assets, and thereby achieve organisational effectiveness (Dalkir, 2005). Creating value from such assets involves sharing and use of knowledge for solving problems. Knowledge sharing is used to transform individual knowledge into organisational knowledge (Foss et al., 2010) and is therefore recognised as one of the most important aspects of KM (Kebede, 2010). The success of KM initiatives in every organisation depends on creation, sharing and utilisation of knowledge (Gandhi, 2004), because effective transfer and use of knowledge within an organisation can reduce the chances of duplication of work, saves costs, improves innovation capacity, and therefore sustains competitive advantage, while lack of transfer and use can lead to information overload and confusion, as well as wasted manpower (Adamovic et al., 2012; Clarke, 2004).

KM has been heavily influenced by the growth and application of information and communication technologies (ICT). ICT provides organisations with a wide range of tools to support their employees in organising, searching and sharing knowledge. ICT can be used to support KM activities by allowing people to search for and identify people with expertise that they are looking for. This can be done by creating databases of expertise, searchable web portals or electronic yellow pages.

Academic libraries have been established to support teaching, learning, research activities and development of a culture of sharing and imparting knowledge to fulfil the mission and objectives of their parent institutions. Academic libraries also play a pivotal role in ensuring the success of higher degrees of research. Important activities of academic libraries include collection development, reference services, document delivery, access to organised collections held by the library and assisting users in information search and retrieval (Cholin, 2005; Malhan, 2006). With the recent developments in ICT, especially the Internet and the World Wide Web, academic libraries are expected to initiate the next level of much desired services, that is, just-in-time delivery of the most appropriate and high-quality information at a place where it is desired using state-of-the art ICT-based tools. The advantages offered by ICT have led most academic libraries to provide ICT-based information services to meet the needs of their users (Badar, 2008; Woodward, 2009). The ICT approach has been used in academic libraries to deliver numerous applications such as local/wide area network applications, online information services, online journals and databases, library databases, online access catalogues, automated circulation facilities and digital online archives (Ghuloum and Ahmed, 2011).

Recent advances in ICT have not only increased tremendously the ability to access, store and process information within an academic library, but also have brought significant changes to the concept, organisation, functioning and management of library and information systems and services. In most academic libraries in developed countries, online public access catalogues (OPACs) have largely replaced card catalogues, offering enhanced search capabilities for accessing local collections; they often include the holdings of other area or regional libraries as well. Many libraries are also providing a web interface to their library and information system, often including direct links to electronic journals, books and Internet resources (Mohsenzadeh and Isfandyari-Moghaddam, 2009). ICT can support KM in academic libraries in two ways: by providing the means to acquire, organise, store, retrieve and disseminate information (Sabashini et al., 2012); and by connecting library users with librarians and library services through the use of web-based tools to communicate with library users and share information and knowledge (Jain, 2007; Yuan et al., 2013).

The most common applications of ICT-based KM tools include:

 communication tools such as e-mail, instance messaging, telephones, teleconferencing, intranets and video-conferencing;

 long-standing tools such as databases and institutional archives;

 social media tools such as wikis, blogs, online communities and social networking sites (SNSs).

KM systems are (generally information technology (IT)-based) systems for managing knowledge in organisations, supporting the creation, capture, storage and dissemination of information (Rah et al., 2010). They are designed to facilitate the implementation of KM instruments in support of knowledge processes with the aim of increasing organisational effectiveness. Among existing technologies that are being incorporated into IT-based KM solutions are: expert systems, intelligent agents, decision-support systems, natural language processing, information retrieval, electronic document management, knowledge warehousing, KM software, learning-management platforms, learning-management systems and learning-management portals (Brogan et al., 2001).

A KM system can be any of the following:

 Document based. Any technology that permits creation/management/sharing of formatted documents such as Lotus Notes, web, distributed databases, etc.

 Ontology/taxonomy based. These are similar to document technologies in the sense that a system of terminologies (ie, ontology) is used to summarise the document, for example, author, subject, organisation, etc., as in DHTML and other XML-based ontologies.

 Based on artificial intelligence technologies. These are used as a customised representation scheme to represent the problem domain.

 Integrated digital library systems. These consist of digital resources, technological infrastructure, experience and expertise, digital library services and a KM process.

 Web-based KM systems. These support the creation, organisation, storage, dissemination and utilisation of the institution’s digital knowledge assets.

ICT-Based KM Systems

ICT-based KM systems include web-based applications (blogs, wikis, Really Simple Syndication (RSS)), Instant Messaging (IM), social networking applications (Facebook, MySpace, etc.), social media applications (YouTube, Flickr, etc.), social bookmarking (Delicious, LibraryThing) and web discovery services (WDS). They are being used by libraries and librarians all over the world to promote information services, share information, interact and communicate with users and colleagues. ICT-based KM systems are being used to deliver online library services to users wherever they desire. This chapter outlines how library professionals working in libraries of higher education institutions integrate these systems into their traditional library services.

Web-Based Applications

Web-based applications or services refer to dynamic tools that include blogs, wikis, RSS feeds and IM. With the great popularity and use of these tools, all types of libraries have explored them as a method of communication to promote their library collections and services to potential users. This new method of providing library services, according to Dickson and Holley (2010), is referred to as library 2.0.

Really Simple Syndication

RSS, also known as Rich Site Summary, is designed to feed users with regularly changing web content of news-like sites, news-oriented community sites, and even personal weblogs without requiring the users to visit multiple sites to receive these updates (Stephens, 2006). RSS allows library users to subscribe to the library’s content, so they can be automatically informed whenever a library adds new information to any section of the website. A university library may apply this technology to provide updates to library users on new items in a collection, services provided and content in subscription databases (Maness, 2006). RSS in a university library may also be used as a form of advertisement to push library information to users who would not otherwise utilise the resources provided by libraries. This service enables users to reduce any unnecessary steps it takes to access the relevant databases. Cornell University offers MyUpdates, which is a tool to help scholars stay informed of new resources provided by the library (Kim and Abbas, 2010). The library of the University of Southampton provides news feed on RSS to inform users about activities and events held in the university (Tripathi and Kumar, 2010).


Blogs offer another social platform for libraries to reach university students with new services. A blog is a type of web page, usually maintained by an individual, that contains regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events or other materials such as videos (Tripathi and Kumar, 2010; Wikipedia, 2014a). Blogs have several potential uses in university libraries. Blogs encourage user interaction through their comment feature, which allows students to provide feedback regarding information services. In one form, librarians can post news about the library as well as events occurring at the library. Blogs are also used to create subject guides, as they can be easily updated to reflect the most current sources for a particular class or department. Tripathi and Kumar (2010) suggest that academic libraries use blogs to communicate with staff and users; to facilitate academic debate; to post hourly changes, events, new resources lists, deadlines, etc.; to teach basic search tips; and to provide links to the library websites. Michigan State University Libraries exemplify a more interactive use of blogs, where librarians regularly respond to comments by its followers, even if the goal is only to market their services to students and not answer reference questions (Dickson and Holley, 2010).


A wiki is defined as ‘a collection of web pages which allows users to add and edit content collectively’ (University of Southampton, 2014). Wikis have great potential to leverage knowledge creation and sharing in the library context. According to Kim and Abbas (2010), wikis may be used in an academic library for knowledge sharing, collaborative authoring and online discussion. Although an initial survey on the use of wikis shows that academic libraries make little use of this function (Long, 2006), the overall use of this functionality in academic libraries has increased during the last few years, as reported in the findings of a recent study. Bejune (2007) observed that academic libraries mostly use wikis for collaboration between libraries. However, wikis are also used to leverage knowledge creation and sharing in a library. For example, the Ohio University Library created a Biz Wiki of business information resources for students where library users as well as librarians are allowed to create and edit content (Kim and Abbas, 2010). This Biz Wiki research portal includes embedded catalogue records for books, instructional videos by the liaison librarian and links to the liaison librarian’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, which has enhanced collaboration between librarians and users, as well as diversified its uses (Chu Kai-Wah, 2009). Another example of collaboration among users is Columbia University Library, which initiated student-developed projects on social justice movements using a wiki. This project aims to encourage students to discover knowledge on social movements and share it with the community (Kim and Abbas, 2010).

Instant Messaging

IM is defined as ‘a synchronous communication technology that allows users to send real-time messages to other users’ (Chua et al., 2008). The most striking feature of IM is the communication that takes place between users in real time. IM may be used in academic libraries to provide chat-reference services so that users can ask questions and receive responses directly from librarians during specified contact times. Foley (2002) considers IM as an alternative for librarians seeking to reshape the delivery of reference services. Using IM, it is possible for libraries to reach remote users across campuses and around the world as physical boundaries do not stand in the way of communication. Most academic libraries offer some form of digital reference service through e-mail or web formats. Now many libraries are moving towards an almost-immediate form of virtual reference through IM. For example, Texas Christian University’s Mary Couts Burnett Library started an IM reference service, allowing faculty, staff, students and guests to send questions and receive replies using six different IM protocols, including the MeeboMe widget. The MeeboMe widget is an IM box on the library’s web pages that users type questions into without the need of special software or messenger accounts, and has proven to be a very popular part of the new reference service (Texas Christian University, 2014).

Social Media

The concept of social media is defined as ‘a collection of internet websites, services and practices that support collaboration, community building, participation and sharing’ (Reynol et al., 2011). In the last few years, social media websites have appeared to encourage users to share multimedia objects from photographs to videos. As part of Web 2.0 applications, social media tools range from networking platforms such as Facebook to video-sharing sites such as YouTube (Stoeckel and Sinkinson, 2013). Most social media tools allow users to create individual profiles where team-based and collaborative learning are possible through sharing of content. The findings of a study on the use of social media in faculties across the United States conducted by Pearson Learning Solutions and the Babson Survey Research Group show that two-thirds of the 2000 faculties surveyed use social media in class contexts (Mike et al., 2011). The use of social media in academic libraries is widespread in terms of marketing and broadcasting. Libraries commonly use Facebook fan pages, Twitter accounts, YouTube channels or blogs to distribute news about events, services or resources; to alert users about new additions to collections; and to provide links to articles, videos and other web content that might be relevant for users. Libraries have also actively used these mechanisms to foster relationships with users by allowing them to ask questions and providing feedback about library services (American Library Association, 2014). Librarians can also post videos of library tours as well as bibliographic instruction for students, as described by the librarian at the University of South Florida who created a video for students demonstrating how to use a database (Ariew, 2008).

Social Bookmarking/Cataloguing

Social bookmarking is a form of link management that allows ‘users to collect and label information resources for both their own use and for sharing with other users’ (Gilmour and Strickland, 2009). In simple terms, the process of describing public documents and web page content by assigning keywords (tags) is called social bookmarking/cataloguing. Delicious is one of the most popular social bookmarking websites. By collecting, analysing and describing web content, social bookmarking websites generate valuable metadata about public documents and resources available over the Internet. Dickson and Holley (2010) suggested that librarians could use social bookmarking to create resource lists for different departments and classes that can be viewed by students. Social bookmarking is also used to create class reading lists and bibliographies by tagging the resources with the department and class number (Kroski, 2007). A link to Delicious can also be added to the library catalogue for assigning the tags from its Delicious account to the library catalogue in order to create access points for materials that are not adequately described by the existing Library of Congress Subject Headings (Dickson and Holley, 2010).

Social bookmarking is also used to enhance the features of library catalogues. LibraryThing, ‘a social cataloguing application for book catalogue and various types of metadata’ (Wikipedia, 2014b), offers libraries a solution for the enhancement of the features of their catalogues by incorporating user-generated book reviews and recommendations, and providing a customisable mobile application called Library Anywhere (MacManus, 2012). LibraryThing was created by Tim Spalding in Portland in 2005. As of October 2014 it had more than 1,800,000 users and more than 95 million books catalogued ( The key feature of LibraryThing is the cataloguing of books by importing data from libraries through Z39.50 connections and from six stores. Library sources supply MARC and Dublin Core records to LibraryThing and users can import catalogue records from 700 libraries, including the Library of Congress, the National Library of Australia, the British Library, the Canadian National Catalogue and Yale University Library. For a nominal fee, LibraryThing allows member libraries to use its collective wisdom in local library catalogues. Libraries can also use LibraryThing tags to generate links between related books on their own collections by incorporating LibraryThing widgets into their OPACs (Wenzler, 2007).

Web Discovery Services

The term ‘web discovery’ emerged from a seminar entitled ‘Returning the researcher to the library, defining web-scale discovery: the promise of a unified search index for libraries’, sponsored by Serials Solutions and the Library Journal (Infomotions Inc., 2009). Resource discovery service (RDS) may be defined as a preharvested central index coupled with a richly featured discovery layer that provides a single search interface across a library’s local content, open access and licenced databases. In simple terms, RDS eliminates the need to search a library’s local and remote (open access and subscription) content separately. RDS, with the help of its preharvested index, gathers data from multiple sources and processes into the central index and provides a quick search of a vast range of local and remote content with relevancy ranked results. Several commercial web discovery products have recently appeared on the market. Encore from Innovative Interfaces, Primo Central from Ex Libris, Summon from Serials Solutions, EBSCO Discovery Service from EBSCO and WorldCat Local from the online computer library center (OCLC) are some of the resource discovery products used in libraries the world over.

Many studies have been published in recent years that examine the impact of RDS on usage of online databases and journals. O’Hara (2012) examines the impact of the implementation of WDS at the University of Manitoba by studying 3 years’ usage statistics of journals and found an increase in full-text journal requests. Lam and Sum (2013) also noted an increase in access to full-text content at the Open University of Hong Kong by comparing the usage of a range of databases, journals and e-books during the 12-month period before and after the implementation of RDS. However, they were uncertain whether this was due to the implementation of the RDS. Preliminary findings of a large-scale comparative study of RDS on online journal usage in the United Kingdom indicate a mixed picture of usage, where some libraries experienced increased usage while other saw a decrease (Levine-Clark et al., 2013).

Use of ICT-Based KM Systems in Libraries

ICT-based tools and applications are widely used in libraries to facilitate networking and resource sharing, eliminate duplication of efforts, improve the speed of operations, increase access to information resources and improve the quality of information services (Peyala, 2011). Use of ICT applications can also assist libraries in creating, storing, transferring and using tacit and explicit knowledge. Libraries can use numerous ICT-based tools including integrated library management systems, competency databases, decision-support systems, online retrieval and search systems, expert networks, e-mail, groupware, teleconferencing, intranets, the World Wide Web, document management systems, video-conferencing, metadata and data mining (Okumus, 2012; Peyala, 2011; Rah et al., 2010; Shanhong, 2000).

Mohsenzadeh and Isfandyari-Moghaddam (2009) performed a study to define the status of the application of ICT in academic libraries in Kerman, Iran. The results showed that the level of application of ICT in Kerman academic libraries was acceptable, but efforts should be made to improve their status to match the ever-increasing demand for better library services at universities. The most important problem and a serious difficulty was lack of educated librarians, which requires suitable investment and planning. Ramzan and Singh (2009) investigated the levels of ICT application in academic libraries across Pakistan and found a lack of ICT infrastructure, especially the absence of computers, e-mail and the Internet. It was revealed that the respondent libraries needed to be fully automated using standard library software. However, access to online resources was found to be extensive and comprehensive.

Parirokh et al. (2008), on the basis of a survey in the United States, report how sharing of knowledge through the use of ICT among librarians can improve organisational learning in academic libraries. The findings of the study show that almost all libraries use e-mail and library websites as part of their communication system. Intranets and telephone lines have also been used by most libraries. However, the traditional face-to-face communication method is also widely used. Virtual reference desks and user mailing lists, which are relatively new developments, had been used by about half of the participating libraries, and probably await a wider acceptance in the future.

Gandhi (2004) describes the value of capturing the tacit knowledge of reference librarians and explains the early efforts of reference librarians to capture tacit knowledge through old information tools like card files of frequently asked questions (FAQs). However, with the recent developments in ICT, these practices have been replaced by the use of common knowledge databases (CKDBs) (Jantz, 2001), web-based ready-reference databases (RRDs) (Stover, 2004) and knowledge banks (Branin, 2003). Both Jantz (2001) and Stover (2004) described the introduction of a new tool that has been developed by a team of reference librarians. Jantz (2001) examined how reference librarians could become more effective with the use of ICT tools and shared his experience of the development and use of CKDB within the New Brunswick Campus Libraries of Rutgers University. Stover (2004) described the development of a web-based RRD for reference services at San Diego State University to capture and reuse the tacit and informal knowledge of reference librarians.

Some scholars suggest creating and maintaining a digital library or institutional repository as a tool for storing, retrieving and sharing all the intellectual assets of a university in a range of formats, including those that are unpublished, unstructured and unique (Ayanbode, 2011; Branin, 2003; Kao and Wu, 2012; Rah et al., 2010; Robertson and Sullivan, 2000). This is because technology in digital libraries is an enabler in the modern information supply chain (Abell, 2000; Jain, 2007; Singh, 2007) and librarians must be skilled at the technical aspects of the job.

Based on a review of the literature, Bem and Coelho (2013) identified the trends and applications of modern ICT-based tools in libraries and found that libraries often developed ICT-based applications (especially regarding the sharing of knowledge through Web 2.0 features). Modern ICT-based tools, such as blogs, wikis, shared classification systems (tagging), social networks, etc., are mostly used in libraries. Xu et al. (2009) investigated the use of Web 2.0 functionalities in academic libraries by visiting 81 academic library websites in New York. The findings reveal that 42% of libraries adopted one or more Web 2.0 functionalities such as blogs, while the implementation of these in individual libraries varies greatly. They have also proposed a conceptual model of Academic Library 2.0 in their report. Redden (2010) explored the potential utilisation of social bookmarking websites by academic libraries. He argues that these websites allow users and organisations to create accounts for bookmarking online content to facilitate academic libraries in collaboration and networking, organisation and sharing of electronic resources, and teaching information literacy. Mphidi and Snyman (2004) focused on the utilisation of intranets in academic libraries, especially in South Africa. The purpose of the study was to report the extent to which academic libraries in South Africa are utilising these intranets. The study found that there was a strong awareness of the importance of ICT as knowledge-sharing tool. Though the content and use of intranets varies from library to library, it was observed from the findings that academic libraries did not utilise the full potential of intranets. Based on a questionnaire survey of 20 library directors working in the academic libraries of the eastern United States, Kim and Abbas (2010) investigated the use of Web 2.0 tools in academic libraries. Based on 230 randomly selected academic library websites and 184 users, they investigated the adoption of Web 2.0/Library 2.0 functionalities by academic libraries and their users. It was found that RSS and blogs have been widely adopted by academic libraries, while the bookmark function was rarely used by users.

Use of ICT-Based KM Systems: A Case Study of Indian Academic Libraries1

Over the past two decades, academic libraries in India have witnessed the impact of ICT on the structure of their services. Academic libraries in India are at various stages of development regarding the applications of ICT in their day-to-day activities. Many academic libraries in India are already using computers and advanced telecommunication systems, and many more are currently implementing such systems. Libraries in India have explored ICT for computerising a wide range of administrative and technical processes, building databases, developing networks and providing innovative and intelligent information services. The widespread use of ICT in libraries has created a profound impact on library operations, information resources, information services and staff competencies, and expectations of users (Peyala, 2011). Recently, some academic libraries have also started to use Internet and Web 2.0 functionalities to communicate with users and to share knowledge within or outside libraries. Increasingly, libraries around the world are using blogs, wikis, RSS, social media and other web applications for knowledge-sharing purposes (Bejune, 2007; Chu Kai-Wah, 2009; Dickson and Holley, 2010; Kim and Abbas, 2010; Tripathi and Kumar, 2010). These tools are being used to improve the exchange and flow of information in libraries (Nelson, 2008), and meeting information needs by being useful for knowledge sharing between librarians and library users and communication with library users (Mavodza and Ngulube, 2011). However, there is uncertainty about whether and to what extent these ICT tools are being used in Indian academic libraries. Accordingly, the present study is an attempt to examine the use of different ICT-based KM tools in Indian academic libraries at various levels.

Studies on the use of ICT in India indicate that computerisation of library systems and services in India started in the mid-1970s. However, this trend has accelerated during the past two decades, especially in institutions of higher education, due to the increased number of students, greater demand for the use of library material within and outside the library, the increasing amount of materials being published and the development of new and cheaper computers. Over the past three decades, libraries in India have witnessed an impact of ICT on the structure and functioning of services. Many libraries in India are already using ICT and advanced communication systems, and many more are currently in the process of implementing such systems. The Information Library Network Centre, an interuniversity centre of the University Grants Commission, has been supporting, funding and providing the necessary assistance to university libraries as regards automation and networking for the past several years.

Kumar (1987) was the first to survey the status of ICT applications in university libraries in India and found that Delhi University Library conducted stocktaking using computers in 1970, Andhra University Library produced a list of new additions in the 1970s, SNDT University Library obtained computers in 1985, and Marathwada University Library acquired minicomputers for library operations in 1985. Raman and Rao (2003) made a useful study on the use of ICT in central university libraries in India. Their survey provided a useful summary of the current state of the art of ICT in libraries in India. The survey confirmed that ICT has become deeply embedded in the management of information in university libraries. It has become a powerful tool in the handling of routine library operations and services. The analysis shows that the use of ICT in libraries is increasing steadily and significantly, and university libraries have developed an infrastructure for the use of ICT for housekeeping operations and online services for users. Moreover, the study revealed an awareness of current developments concerned with end-users. Vyas (2003) conducted a survey of 12 university libraries in Rajasthan and Indian Institutes of Technology, and found that most of these libraries have implemented ICT in their in-house activities and services, to automate and digitise resources and to share resources at local and national levels.

Haneefa (2007) carried out a study to examine the application of ICT in special libraries in Kerala, India. The results indicate that library automation in special libraries in Kerala largely commenced during 1990–2000. Computerized documentation system-integrated set for information system (CDS-ISIS) was used more in libraries than any other software. The library catalogue was found to be the most popular area for automation. Most of these libraries were hampered by lack of funds, lack of infrastructure and lack of skilled professionals to embark on automation of all library management activities and applications of ICT. Raza and Nath (2007) measured the use of ICT in the university libraries of Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Chandigarh (India), with an ulterior objective to establish some co-relation between quality in libraries and the use of ICT. They have also highlighted the access of networks, information services and barriers in ICT applications. Ultimately, it was emphasised that although quality depends on merging print culture with digital culture, the results confirm that print culture is still dominant in university libraries in this region. The central library of Jammu was the first university library in India to implement modern ICT, including radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology (Malhan, 2006). Tiwari and Sahoo (2013) conducted a survey of the university libraries of Rajasthan to explore the availability of ICT infrastructure, applications of ICT in housekeeping operations and user services, requirements of training and problems encountered during the implementation of ICT. The findings revealed that ICT activities are in the development stage in the university libraries of Rajasthan. The lack of basic management and proper planning and frequent changes in ICT are the basic hurdles to overcome for successful implementation and development of ICT.

Madhusudhan and Nagabhushanam (2013) examined how some university libraries in India provide web access to their collections and user support for that access, and the problems faced by users in accessing web-based library services. The findings show that a few surveyed university libraries offer innovative web-based library services in different sections and many are yet to exploit the full potential of the web forms, and are lagging behind in the effective use of a library website. Preedip and Kumar (2011) found that web information services are not widespread and have yet to take off widely in academic libraries in India; the diffusion rate of Web 2.0 information services is relatively low. Tyagi (2012) observed that a large number of respondents had knowledge about Web 2.0 tools and were more inclined to adopt the Web 2.0 technologies in their personal lives. However, libraries are lagging behind in using social networking technologies. Bhardwaj (2014) investigated how library and information science (LIS) professionals working in higher education institutions in India integrate SNS into their routine work. The findings revealed that information professionals use SNS to socialise, keep themselves up to date, find jobs and acquire information about conferences and seminars in their respective fields.

Need and Objectives of Study

Academic libraries contribute to educational and research activities in many ways through exploiting ICT and electronic information resources, such as e-books, online journals/databases and web-based information services. Over the years, several ICT-based applications and services have evolved which are being used in libraries to support the process of knowledge capture, storing and sharing. Modern ICT-based tools such as the Internet, Web 2.0 and social media are increasingly used in libraries as information-sharing tools. They are also used in libraries to connect library users with libraries and to establish relationships between librarians and library users. Many studies have been done in developed countries to investigate the impact of these ICT-based tools on libraries and library services, but no research has been conducted on the use of different types of ICT-based tools in academic libraries in India. According to Haneefa (2007), libraries procure expensive ICT equipment, but this may not be utilised in an optimal way. This is a major concern for libraries around the world. There may be several reasons for this state of affairs, such as a lack of qualified and trained library staff. In view of these facts, an attempt has been made to study the use of ICT-based tools and services in academic libraries in India.

The purpose of the study was to examine the use of different ICT-based tools in Indian academic libraries. However, the more specific objectives of the study are to

 explore the implementation of ICT in housekeeping operations and services;

 identify the use of different ICT-based tools for knowledge sharing; and

 to examine the librarians’ perceived challenges of ICT application.


We conducted a survey of academic libraries in India to address these objectives. The survey method defined by Powell and Connaway (2004) was used as a research strategy that encompasses any measurement procedures that involve asking questions from the respondents concerning the current status of the subject under study. The survey method helps to collect primary data to describe a population too large to observe directly. Academic institutions and their libraries in India are too numerous to consider in total as a sample for any research. Therefore only the libraries of the central universities were included in this study, keeping in mind that these are funded by the central government of India and may have advanced library infrastructure and facilities. Of the total of 42 central universities in India, 12 have been established since 2009 and are in the process of developing an infrastructure, academic programmes and libraries. Therefore 30 central universities, established before 2009, were selected on the basis of collections, infrastructure and services at various locations within India. A purposive sampling method was used to explore the use of different ICT-based tools in academic libraries in India. The university librarians of these universities were selected as respondents. However, in the absence of the university librarian, any official up to the level of assistant librarian was allowed to participate in the survey.

A questionnaire that included closed-ended questions was used as the data collection instrument. The questions in the questionnaire were grouped into five sections. The first section aimed at gaining basic information such as the name of the library, year of establishment, total collections, number of sanctioned posts and number of staff currently working, etc. The second section explored the implementation of ICT in various library operations and services. The third section was to examine the use of ICT-based interactive tools used for sharing knowledge in the respondents’ library. The fourth section aimed to find the requirements of training for library staff in handling ICT-based systems. The fifth section examined the barriers related to the use of ICT-based applications.

A total of 30 questionnaires were delivered by post. Two months after sending the questionnaires, 12 completed questionnaires were received. After that, the first follow-up letter was sent as a reminder to the librarians who were yet to return the questionnaires. Then three more duly filled questionnaires were received. A second follow-up letter was sent as a reminder to the librarians who had not yet returned the questionnaires. But there were no more responses. The number of returned questionnaires was 15, with a response rate of 50%. The libraries that participated in the study were from nine different states of the country: four from Uttar Pradesh, four from Delhi, and one each from Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Manipur, Mizoram and Meghalaya. These libraries were spread over an area of 4000 km and represented an extended community of users. They are very different libraries in terms of staff and users. As there was not a large amount of data, data analysis was done by a simple frequency count and is presented in tables. The details of libraries participating in the study are shown in Table 10.1. Column A denotes the serial number. Column B identifies the name of the university. Column C provides the year each university and its library were established. Column D provides an indication of the relative size of each library based on total collections. Column E indicates the total number of sanctioned posts and the number of staff currently working in the participating libraries.

Table 10.1

Profile of the participating libraries

Serial no.Name of the university libraryYear of establishmentTotal collectionLibrary staff
 1Aligarh Muslim University (AMU), Aligarh192019601,186,139121100
 2Allahabad University (ALU), Allahabad18371913653,1648844
 3Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU), Lucknow1996199613,00097
 4Banaras Hindu University (BHU), Varanasi191619171,061,378159122
 5Guru Ghasidas University (GGS),19831984110,0002219
 6Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU), New Delhi19851986130,0001717
 7Jamia Millia Islamia University (JMIU), New Delhi19201920340,0005950
 8Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi19681969560,0009978
 9Manipur University (MPU), Imphal19801980160,0002518
10Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU), Hyderabad1998199832,4982222
11Mizoram University (MU), Mizoram2001200187,4312620
12North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong19731973250,0007363
13Pondicherry University (PU), Pondicherry19851986251,0005336
14University of Delhi (UOD), Delhi192219221,475,729416126
15Visva Bharati (VB), Shanti Niketan, West Bengal19211925376,5114228


a Number of posts sanctioned.

b Number of staff working.

This research is limited as regards to the generalisation of the findings. Although the intention of researchers was to cover different types of academic libraries in India, the investigation succeeded mainly in obtaining responses from the librarians of the central universities due to time and financial constraints. Thus the results of this study are not representative of all types of academic libraries and therefore cannot be generalised to other libraries. Moreover, despite the questionnaires being distributed to 30 librarians, the sample size is still relatively small. Thus both the quantity and variety of responses may be too small in some instances for meaningful comparisons and conclusions.


Library Collection

Library collection forms a sound foundation for efficient services. The details of the total collections of the responded libraries are presented in Table 10.1. As may be observed from Table 10.1, Delhi University Library System (DULS) has the largest collection with more than 1.47 million books, including back volumes of periodicals, followed by Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) with about 1.18 million and Banaras Hindu University (BHU) with over 1.06 million. On the other hand, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University and Mizoram University have the smallest collections of books and other reading materials (0.01 and 0.08 million respectively).

Library Staff

Human resources play a prominent role in the successful management of any library. The details of human resources available in academic libraries are presented in Table 10.1. The table, as per the study, demonstrates that there are 1122 sanctioned posts in 15 academic libraries (15 central university libraries). It is surprising to note that of the 1122 sanctioned posts, 422 posts were vacant and 700 staff members were currently working in these libraries. Of the 15 libraries, DULS has the largest number of sanctioned posts and staff presently working (416 sanctioned, 126 working), followed by BHU (159 sanctioned, 122 working) and AMU (121 sanctioned, 100 working).

Computerised Library Operations and Services

The availability of ICT or software in a library alone is not sufficient unless these technologies or systems are put to use solving problems in the working environment. The respondents were asked to indicate the functions and services of their library which are based on ICT applications. To obtain a benchmark on the progress of implementing integrated library management systems for housekeeping operations, the survey offered a list of functions and asked the respondents to mark the computerised operations in their libraries. Although the question asked for a list of operations currently in use, responses appear to include planned and current operations. As Table 10.2 shows, automation of library catalogues has been implemented in almost all libraries, followed by circulation systems (85%), serial control (85%) and acquisitions and budget (75%). Other applications were management information (45%) and RFID (20%). Three libraries indicated that RFID systems for theft control in their libraries are in development. The data analysis reveals that the majority of libraries surveyed have various operations automated.

Table 10.2

Automated library functions/activities

Serial no.Library functions/activitiesYes (%)No (%)
1Acquisitions and budget15 (75%) 5 (25%)
2Circulation17 (85%) 3 (15%)
3Serial control17 (85%) 3 (85%)
4Library catalogues (OPAC)20 (100%) 0 (0%)
5Management information 9 (45%)11 (55%)
6Security system (RFID, etc.) 4 (20%)16 (80%0


Further, respondents were asked to indicate the use of ICT-based services provided by the libraries to their users. As shown in Table 10.3, 80% of libraries provide access to in-house-developed library databases, 75% provide access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, e-databases, etc.) and 55% provide web-based reference or other information services. However, as shown in Table 10.3, other technology-based services such as online tutorials (40%), subject gateways/web portals (35%), automatic (electronic) mailing alert systems (10%) and FAQ databases (15%) are among the least used ICT-based methods for sharing knowledge between librarians and users. It seems that participating libraries have not used ICT effectively for this activity.

Table 10.3

ICT-based information services

Serial no.ServicesFrequency%
1Access to in-house developed library databases/OPACs/web OPACs1680.0
2Online tutorials on how to use information resources/services 840.0
3Access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, e-databases, etc.)1575.0
4Access to open-access information sources through in-house-developed subject gateways/web portals 735.0
5Web-based reference or other information services1155.0
6FAQ database 315.0
7Automatic (electronic) mailing alert system 210.0


Use of ICT-Based Tools for Communication and Knowledge Sharing in Academic Libraries

Various ICT-based tools that are currently used by librarians for communication with their staff, library users or other libraries are shown in Table 10.4. These technologies correspond to the communication channels, repositories, databases and the new generation of interactive social media that enable a pair of roles to collaborate in performing their collaborative tasks. As shown in Table 10.4, almost all libraries use e-mail and telephone calls as part of their communication system. However, video-conferencing, which is an effective interactive communication method, has been used by some of the participating libraries (15%). Intranets (80%) and institutional repositories/digital libraries (65%) have also been used by the majority of libraries. However, resource discovery tools, which are relatively new techniques for searching massive metadata for easier navigation and retrieval, are used by some libraries (20%).

Table 10.4

ICT-based tools for sharing knowledge

Serial no.ICT-based KM toolsFrequency%
2Phone calls/teleconferencing20100
3Intranets16 10
4Video-conferencing 3 15
5Data mining/resource discovery tools 4 20
6Institutional repositories/digital libraries13 65
7Wikis 7 35
8RSS 6 30
9Blogs 2 10
10Social networking sites 5 25
11Bookmarking 2 10


With the emergence of Web 2.0 and social media tools, the relationship between a library and its users has changed dramatically. These tools may be used by libraries to personalise outreach services. The application of these technologies may help libraries offer their resources and services to users in a proactive manner. With the use of these tools, users can also participate in activities that were once the sole purview of the library, such as cataloguing via folksonomy or providing comments on books via blogging (Casey and Savastinuk, 2006). The use of blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social networking and social bookmarking in academic libraries in India is uncommon, as indicated by the respondents (Table 10.4).

Availability of Trained Staff for Handling ICT-Based Systems and Services in Libraries

As examined in an earlier study by Nazim and Mukherjee (2013), ICT is perceived as the most required competency among LIS professionals for involvement in KM practice. Therefore respondents in the present study were asked to indicate whether staff in their libraries were adequately trained or require training in various ICT-based applications. The results are presented in Table 10.5. It may be observed from the table that all the respondents indicated that trained staff are not available in their libraries for handling ICT-based systems and services, and that they required training. Areas where respondents indicated a requirement for training were computer programming (80%), website or portal development (75%), hardware maintenance (65%), metadata or e-resource management and content management (50%). Database creation and management is the only area where the majority of respondents indicated that trained staff are available. However, 35% of respondents indicated that training is needed in this area too.

Table 10.5

Need for training in ICT-based information management systems

Serial no.ICT-based information/knowledge management systemNeed training (%)Trained staff available (%)
1Database creation and management 6 (30%)14 (70%)
2Content management12 (60%) 8 (40%)
3Metadata/e-resource management13 (65%) 7 (35%)
4Web/portal development15 (75%) 5 (20%)
5Hardware maintenance14 (70%) 6 (30%)
6Computer programming17 (85%) 3 (15%)


Librarians’ Perceived Challenges of ICT-Based Systems and Services

Table 10.6 indicates the ranked order of the number of constraints faced by librarians in the use of ICT-based systems and services. The highly ranked constraints were lack of trained staff in ICT, low levels of ICT skills among library users, lack of awareness of the potential benefits of ICT and inadequate ICT infrastructure. Similar constraints have been identified in earlier studies by Raman and Rao (2003) and Cholin (2005). Inadequate funding for ICT infrastructure development was identified as the major problem by these researchers. However, in the present study, it was ranked fifth by the respondents. This may be due to an overemphasis on the development of ICT infrastructure by universities during the past 10 years. The lowest ranked constraints were resistance of library staff to use ICT and lack of updated ICT policy and strategy.

Table 10.6

Barriers related to the use of ICT in academic libraries

Challenges in ICT applicationRank%
Lack of trained staff in IT185.0
Low levels of IT skills among library users275.0
Lack of awareness of the potential benefits of IT375.0
Lack of funding for IT470.0
Inadequate IT infrastructure555.0
Resistance of library staff to use IT645.0
Lack of updated IT policy or strategy735.0

Major Outcomes

 The majority of the libraries of the central universities in India have implemented ICT in housekeeping operations such as library catalogues, circulation systems, serial control and acquisitions and budget. However, libraries lack ICT implementation in the areas of management information systems and RFID.

 ICT-based information services such as access to in-house-developed library databases, access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, e-databases, etc.), and web-based reference services are offered by the majority of the libraries of the central universities. However, other ICT-based services such as online tutorials, subject gateways/web portals, automatic (electronic) mailing alert systems, and FAQ databases are among the least used methods for delivery of information services to users.

 Among the communication tools, e-mail, telephone calls and intranets are being used as part of their communication system by most libraries. However, video-conferencing, which is an effective communication system, has been little used in libraries.

 The majority of academic libraries in India have either created an institutional repository or maintain a digital library for providing online access to a variety of information resources. However, resource discovery tools, which are used for searching and locating a library’s local and remote content at a single search interface, have not gained momentum in Indian academic libraries.

 The use of social media tools such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social networking and social bookmarking in academic libraries in India is also uncommon, as seen from the results of the present study.

 Almost all the respondents indicated a need for trained staff in various areas of ICT applications, including computer programming, website or portal development, hardware maintenance, metadata or e-resource management and content management.

 Lack of trained staff in ICT, low levels of ICT skills among library users, lack of awareness of the potential benefits of ICT and inadequate ICT infrastructure are observed to be the major constraints in the application of ICT in academic libraries in India.


People are still using libraries, but the ways in which they are interacting with libraries is changing. While many library users are still visiting library buildings to borrow materials and use resources, there are a growing number of library users who prefer to use library services online on their personal devices. In order to successfully reach and interact with library users and provide library services online, librarians must be willing to adapt new and innovative technologies. The use of web-based tools and services such as blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, IM (online chat services), social media and social bookmarking combined with web discovery tools may help academic libraries to reach out to their users with next-generation library services. These technologies provide a new platform for reaching library users beyond the traditional library buildings and website by allowing students to access librarians and the library’s resources and services without leaving the comfort of the websites they use the most. The ultimate goal of librarians is to make library resources available to library users. Some of the roles of librarians in a web environment include: understanding and articulating the nature of SNSs, creating web pages and content, establishing a friendly user interface over the network, creating online database management, evaluating and applying information, and assisting users with skill acquisition. But librarians need the training and skills to search and navigate the web, create social network space, teach and provide quality online library services.

It is important to mention here that libraries spend a huge amount of money on the subscription of print and online resources, but it is obvious that users are not aware of the availability of resources and services which are available in the library, as well as how to search for the required information with the available resources. A web discovery tool/service must be implemented by libraries to provide access to both libraries’ local and remote content on a single search platform.

The findings of the study indicate that academic libraries in India have mostly been involved in applying ICT-based solutions for the management of various library functions and services, including computerisation of library catalogues, circulation systems, serial control, acquisitions and budget, access to in-house-developed library databases, access to electronic resources (e-books, e-journals, e-databases, etc.) and web-based reference services. Generally, most academic libraries in India are using ICT-based applications to organise and retrieve information. As the need for the delivery of information services within or outside a campus emerged, their involvement towards the development of intranets and institutional archives or digital libraries increased. Additionally, librarians are using traditional tools of knowledge transfer and sharing such as e-mail and teleconferencing. The reason for the extensive use of telephone calls may be due to the fact that these technologies have been available for decades and librarians are familiar with them. Use of these tools is often the employees’ first and instinctive reaction when looking for help or advice. However, video-conferencing, which is an effective interactive communication method, was not used much in practice, probably due to lack of sufficient funding. Modern ICT-based tools of knowledge creation, identification and sharing like web discovery tools, blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social networking and social bookmarking are being used very commonly by libraries in developed countries (Tripathi and Kumar, 2010). It may be observed from a review of the literature that LIS professionals in India are aware of Web 2.0 and SNS and are active on SNS to socialise and keep themselves up to date, find jobs and acquire information about conferences and seminars in their respective fields (Bhardwaj, 2014; Tyagi, 2012), but their involvement at institutional level for promoting library services and communication with users is rare, as seen from the findings of the present study.

Although there is an indication of the use of various ICT-based communication and knowledge-sharing tools (such as intranets and institutional repositories, content management, etc.), academic libraries in India are still in the early stages of the implementation of these technologies. Some of the roles of librarians in an ICT environment include understanding and articulating the nature of social media, creating websites or blogs, establishing a friendly user interface over the network, and content management. Most academic libraries in India are struggling to incorporate modern ICT-based tools, resources and services due to inadequate skills and expertise of library staff. There is a need for the authorities to recruit multiskilled library staff familiar with the implementation of ICT-based tools, resources and services. As the development of ICT infrastructure depends on the availability of funds, lack of ICT infrastructure and lack of funds were identified as the major challenges of implementing ICT-based resources and services in an earlier study of academic libraries in Kerala (India) by Haneefa (2007). But during the past 10 years, libraries, particularly central university libraries in India, have received sufficient funds and assistance for the development of ICT infrastructure. That is why, although a lack of funding and lack of ICT infrastructure were still perceived as barriers to ICT use by the majority of the respondents, they have ranked them fourth and fifth respectively in the order of priority (Table 10.6).

It may be concluded that the level of application of ICT in Indian academic libraries is acceptable, but they should improve their status to match the ever-increasing demand for better library and information services by utilising the full potential of their knowledge resources. Academic libraries should renovate their existing library environments and develop knowledge and skills among their staff in the fields of computer programming, website or portal development, hardware maintenance, and metadata or e-resource management for handling ICT-based information systems and providing quality information services to their respected user community. They also need to develop skills of searching and navigating the web, creating social network space, teaching and providing quality online library services.

The posts which are lying vacant should be filled on an urgent basis. Librarians must recruit adequately trained staff to work with modern ICT-based information systems. It is essential for academic libraries to initiate training programmes in collaboration with the computer centres of the university, departments of LIS and library associations.

The present research is significant because it sheds light on the current level of adoption and use of modern ICT-based tools in library functions and services in the selected university libraries. Thus the findings of the study will help practicing librarians, policymakers, management, and the University Grants Commission of India to promote the use of different ICT-based information systems in academic libraries, to design courses of ICT, and to introduce training programmes for working staff. This research also has some limitations. As it surveyed only 15 university libraries, the sample may not accurately represent the whole population. For future research, a broad study should include more university libraries, as well as expanding the study to other types of libraries, to gain a broader perspective on the implementation of ICT.


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Further Reading

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1 This section of the chapter is based on an article by Husain and Nazim (2015).

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